今週のGrails 2016-10 and 11
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 10 and 11。
OCI GrailsチームがバグフィックスリリースとなるGrails 3.1.4をリリースしました。create-appのバグがありましたね。その他の情報はchangelogを確認してください!それと新機能!ad-hoc constraints for validationが追加されました。@nobeans氏による提案プルリクです!
Matt Sheehan, Eric Helgeson, Bobby Warnerの三名により実装された、Grails3プラグインポータルが公式サイトに追加されました!
コチラから: grails.org/plugins.html
Gradle 2.12の最終版がリリースされました。詳細はリリースノートを参照してください。
Rene Groeschke氏によると、Gradleでは、この2月はコントリビューター が29人だったようです。
Betamax 2.0のアルファ版がリリースされています!Groovy 2.4.xで動作します。
Jenn Strater氏がRatpackでSpring REST docを使用してみたそうです。サンプルはコチラ。
A Test Driven Approach to Documenting RESTful APIs with Spring REST Docs
is also available.
GR8Conf EUの参加登録が始まっています。doorbusterチケットは完売です!アーリーバードチケットはまだまだ発売中です。急ぎましょう!
コチラのGR8Conf Europe ニュースレターえ詳細を確認してください!
AgendaアプリもSergio del Amo氏とCedric Champeau氏によって更新されています!
新規Grails 3プラグイン
Grails 3プラグイン更新情報
Grails 2プラグイン更新情報
GrailsFlow is an open source Workflow and Process Engine.
Mailing List Plugin
Schedule emails to a mailing group or to a person using dynamic quartz scheduling. Schedules stored within DB and upon application restart incomplete or future schedules are re-added to quartz queue.
Websocket Chat Plugin
Default WebSocket Multi-chat room plugin, supports Admin privilages, kicking banning users. Webcam support for chrome/firefox. WebRTC (audio/video & screen) support 0.24+
Handlebars Asset-Pipeline Plugin
Provides Handlebars precompiler support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
SASS/SCSS Asset-Pipeline Plugin
Provides SASS/SCSS Compass support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
CoffeeScript Asset-Pipeline Plugin
Provides coffee-script support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
LESS Asset-Pipeline Plugin
Provides LESS support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
Asset Pipeline Plugin
The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript.
Browser Detection Plugin
This plugin helps you detect browsers, versions, language and operating systems from the request headers.
Thank you #gr8daywaw people. Was good to talk #groovylang in Warsaw this weekend. Met some new open-source contributors too.
Are you migrating a build from Maven to Gradle? Read this page: http://buff.ly/1SRrwx9
Down to documentation tasks. https://github.com/groovy/groovy-android-gradle-plugin/issues Feel like writing some markdown today? Contributions would be much appreciated.
Had a blast at #gr8daywaw - loads of good content and you got in by donating to a charity. GR8 job @MGrzejszczak, @szimano, @jnabrdalik.
Got nice ideas from #gr8daywaw for developing #sshoogr further: support for telnet, interactive cli (e.g. mysql), verification methods
really impressed by @sshoogr's features. @codingandrey and team have done a great job over the last 5 years. Groovy FTW!
Need sshoogr for Windows? Try groowin. (Via @codingandrey) #gr8daywaw
"Sshoogr is @ansible for #groovylang" -- @codingandrey at #gr8daywaw https://github.com/aestasit/sshoogr
JochensBackdoorToGoodness? Just seen such named private variable in @aalmiray demo of Basilisk #Gr8DayWaw
#groovy pro tip: apply stripIndent() or stripMargin() when testing multi-line strings. You'll thank me later ;-)
GroovyEmbeddedApp from #ratpackfw can be used to mock out external http services - @marcinerdmann #Gr8DayWaw
No, Seriously, It's Naming: A great blog post about naming conventions and code complexity https://camdez.com/blog/2016/03/17/no-seriously-its-naming/
@slashdashpipe @glaforge @ApacheGroovy @ApacheGroovy @groovylang @StackOverflow you read wrong! 4th popular in "!!Others!! tech"...
Thank you @marc0der for the awesome @sdkmanager. Technology agnostic, super useful! Great work. #ThankAnOpenSourceContributorFriday
I've been at Greach's venue & finally 4 hours later I'm at home. Usually people don't know how many hours u need to spend to organize a conf
Use finalizedBy to have a cleanup task run after another task has failed.
myTaskThatMightFail.finalizedBy myCleanupTask
Integrate a Chart.js graph in a #grailsfw 3 application using dynamic JSON data (e.g. JSON view). https://bitbucket.org/bgoetzmann/odelia-grails-chart
https://github.com/ratpack/example-books just got some love
thx 2 @JennStrater for adding rest docs
@ratpackweb https://t.co/1372oAUaLQ
Grails 3.1.4 has been released. Thank you @grailsframework for this one. #unittesting #grails #grailsfw
Check how #Grails is breaking the convention alongwith the importance of #testing - #GR8Conf http://bit.ly/1PbgDhT https://t.co/GZAf26Twqv
Update of our #grailsfw toy example : Grails 3.1.3 and Spring Security Plugin 3.0.3 https://github.com/rmondejar/grails3-library-example Thanks @abrsanchez for this PR!
Thanks to @sheehan00 and @bobbywarner for the fantastic new Grails 3 plugin portal! https://grails.org/plugins.html #grailsw #grails #groovylang
@danveloper Forget unicode, the real next level is GIFs as method names.
This is some next level idiomatic Groovy #groovylang https://t.co/s3sdDMHglQ
Less than a month for @greachconf Enjoy Madrid and #groovylang in the same weekend!
Need a tech reviewer for your book? I highly recommend @Lspacewalker! He's thoughtful, thorough, and thinks of stuff you won't.
Build your project with a #Gradle wrapper. Read more here: http://buff.ly/1KViqwz
OMG they finally fixed it! https://twitter.com/halyph/status/708589704690737152
So I finally decided to go with @travisci for my @sdkmanager builds. They really seem the best at supporting FOSS projects.
Check out our #GradlePlugins: http://buff.ly/1KVipIK
Corrected the record on compilation in my post, “Why Maven?”. http://monospacedmonologues.com/post/140790377516/why-maven Thanks, @CedricChampeau. :-) https://twitter.com/CedricChampeau/status/708689457654972416
have you noticed that there is no ugly pink on #gradle site? https://gradle.org/
Big thanks to @ldaley for all your work on @ratpackweb and @gradle. I've learned a lot from your code. #ThankAnOpenSourceContributorFriday
Took the new alpha version of @betamaxtest out for a spin. Found 1 bug, but happily works alongside #groovylang 2.4.x now.
Thanks to my friend @glaforge for all his efforts on #groovylang #ThankAnOpenSourceContributorFriday
behold the power of #asciidoctor extensions: @GebFramework driven screenshots embedded in a document https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sclassen/asciidoctorj-screenshot-example/master/src/asciidoc/index.adoc
#Spock is so powerful, and when needed, it can easily be combined with #Geb and #Asciidoctor :-) https://twitter.com/manningbooks/status/706949301310791682
Saying you don’t want Gradle to build your project becuz it’s Groovy is like saying you don’t want tires on your Tesla because they’re oil.
@ObjectComputing @graemerocher @jeffscottbrown so when are going to be able to buy some bootiful #grailsfw swag ?
My Fulbright grant proposal to study #groovylang in Denmark @DTU_Compute https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cJxY9wQzeZYFrabJWL2gdk0i9dnN5KUXTtsnc7QDErI has been selected! cc: @HamiltonCollege
Is Gradle the build tool of the future? Here is one look at it http://www.google.com/trends/explore#cat=0-5-31-730&q=Apache%20Maven%2C%20gradle&cmpt=q
If you want to sponsor a GR8 show, please get in touch with me. sponsors@gr8conf.org https://twitter.com/gr8conf/status/707473129296285696
My @gr8conf EU 16 talk was accepted :D... Really looking forward to speak about @CubaPlatform (and|or|xor) #grailsfw http://gr8conf.eu/#/talk/323
Looking forward to having some #gr8beer this year
Webcast: Seriously, Use Groovy NOW, Online, March 29th, 2016
Greach, マドリッド - スペイン, 2016/4/8-9
- Spring I/O, バルセロナ - スペイン, 2016/5/19-20
- GR8conf Europe, コペンハーゲン - デンマーク, 2016/6/1-3 CFP is open!
- Gradle Summit, パロアルト,CA - USA, 2016/6/23-24.
- GR8conf US, ミネアポリス,ミネソタ - USA, 2016/7/27-29 CFP is open!
- G3 Summit , フォートローダーデール,フロリダ - USA, 2016/11/27-12/1CFP is open!