毎日一貫して興味深い有用なGrails TipsがDailyGrailsTip
、その内容が魅力的とTomás Lin氏が言及してます。 – 無料オプションも有り。内容的にはGrailsに最適に見えます。しかも24/7サポート付きです。
最近の”今週の”は少し遅い最新情報になってますが、来週はGR8Conf US
この“This Week in Grails”をマメにチェックするには、カテゴリリンクをチェックするか、RSSリーダーにフィードを登録しましょう!
@wangjammer5: Are you an experienced Grails developer looking for work? If so get in touch. Clients are often asking…
@_benek: Interesados en desarrollar un proyecto en Groovy & Grails de 4 meses, escríbanme a aramirez@sintelti.com.mx
@cupto: 1) Comprobar 2 años de experiencia con groovy+Grails 2)CV Actualizado 3)Disponibilidad de tiempo. Listo, respuestas a jl@vincoorbis.com
@Tara_Boston: Seeking Senior Java/Groovy/Grails Developer who wants 18-24+ month contract in Southern CA. We need someone at our client site and it is an…
Java Developer with Grails experience needed in Bedford, MA
Software Engineer at Bloom Health in Minneapolis, MN
Grupo Cincoveinticinco busca desarrollador – Bogotá Colombia
@JamesLambert_RT: *Job Posting*
REMOTE Web Developer w/ Groovy on Grails, HTML5, Java and API experience.
feel free to send me your resumes + we pay $500…
@csterwa: Our team is growing! We are looking for developers with Scrum/XP practices & Java experience with a plus having experience in Groovy/Grails…
Frontend Developer (m/w) – Berlin
Senior Software Engineer- Grails in Woodinville, WA
@dwisniewski: Great Java/Grails development opportunity – reach out to me – danw@datacomconsulting.com
Senior Analyst Programmer in Glasgow
Sviluppatore grails / java se a Roma
@ViralGains: Seeking developers with experience in Groovy, Java, Grails, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
Java/Grails Web Developer in Omaha, NE
Software Developer – Java/J2EE/Grails in Montreal
Software Engineer at Herd Wisdom in Montreal
Groovy & Grails developers (contract) in Venice Area, Italy
Grails Groovy Developer in Denver, CO
Grails developers in Chennai, India