Cedric Champeau氏のまとめた、「Groovyでのinvokedynamicの使い方
この“This Week in Grails”をマメにチェックするには、カテゴリリンクをチェックするか、RSSリーダーにフィードを登録しましょう!(本家用)
@keenmshaw: #Java Developers – Perm. opportunity in downtown #Toronto. Core Java, #Spring, #Groovy, #Grails, #SQL. Contact me: mshaw@keenconsulting.ca
Desenvolvedor Grails – Metrô Anhangabaú
Contract Java/Groovy Grails Programmer in The Colony, TX (Dallas/Fort Worth Area)
Grails Developer – Grails, Java, eCommerce in London
Gezocht Grails Developer – Gelderland
Développeur grails – Paris
@MarcosCarceles: Looking for #groovy #grails devs for a contract in London. If you want to know more, contact me on marcos.carceles at http://t.co/QArjqiiG
Groovy/Grails Developer in San Diego, CA
Sr. Java Developer in Atlanta, GA
Grails Lead Developer/Architect in the greater Boston area
Sr. Groovy/Grails Software Developer in Sacramento, CA
Intermediate Java Developer in Vancouver
Grails Developer in Portland, OR
Grails Web Developer in London
@martinTercero: Se solicita #WebDeveloper experiencia en Java, deseable Grails,(MVC),interesados enviar CV martin.martinez@obx.mx #Oaxaca #TwitterOax #fb
Strong Java Developer with mobile and Ecommerce in the North Boston area
Senior Java/Grails Webentwickler in Leipzig
Sr. Mobile Developer Analyst with Java/Grails in Columbus, OH