今週のGrails 2014-10
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 10。
先週Grailsは、バグフィックス版の2.3.7と2.2.5をリリースしました。そして、Groovy 2.2、Springフレームワーク4をバンドルした、2.4系最初のマイルストーン、Grails 2.4.0 M1もリリースされました。
2.3.7ではリリース後に、Hibernateプラグイン内部で問題があったため、直後にHibernateプラグインのバージョン ":hibernate:"に更新しましょう。
Cédric Champeau氏がGroovy用のTraitsに取り組んでいます。こちらのプルリクエスト内容からレビューできます。
Peter Ledbrook氏がHTTPステータスコードの正しい使い方についてメーリングリストにて議論しています: http://grails.1312388.n4.nabble.com/REST-status-codes-td4654080.html
Spockテスト内のブロックはインデントされるべきか? Zan Trash氏が興味深い議論をTwitterで展開しています。
ほかのTwitterでの話題。Ted Naleid氏が、asset-pipelineプラグインでjsファイルコンパイル時に変数などを使用してプリビルドする方法に着手したとあります。Ted Naleid氏は以前groovy-template-grails-asset-pipelineプラグインをリリースしています。
@bsideup @CedricChampeau Hi! Please, have a look at my #Groovy AstBuilder extension. I call him MacroGroovy: http://goo.gl/jtOKMV :) Thanks!
@mojavelinux "Use AsciiDoc for document markup. Really. It's actually *readable* by humans, easier to parse, way more flexible than XML" - Linus Torvalds
@danveloper Code from my talk, “Practical REST in Grails 2.3” - https://github.com/danveloper/practical-rest/commits/master /cc: @ronotica
@DailyGrailsTip Plugin for webjars in #grailsfw - http://grails.org/plugin/modules-manager
@lucacanducci Terrible font, amazing content for this article on #TDD: http://stevenjackson.github.io/2014/01/26/tdd-is-a-path/
@marcoVermeulen Trying to get my head around scala implicits. Must say that groovy metaprogramming is way simpler.
@tim_yates Added some stuff to let you use groovy-stream from Java https://gist.github.com/timyates/9401832 just a first pass, so everything may change ;-)
@abookapart Now you can watch the inimitable @monteiro’s @aneventapart talk, "What Clients Don’t Know (and Why It’s Your Fault).” http://aneventapart.com/news/post/what-clients-dont-know-and-why-its-your-fault-mike-monteiro-an-event-apart/
@CedricChampeau Past 10pm, I feel less guilty to implement traits for #groovylang than writing documentation...
@kyleboon has anyone coined ADD - Accident Driven Development or can I be the first one?
@CedricChampeau New #groovylang template engine, user guide: http://bit.ly/1dvSULe Let me know if it requires refinements.
@crazy4groovy AWSOME #groovylang overview for Groovy noobies: http://vimeo.com/channels/539240/67708967
@tednaleid released grails build-test-data 2.1.2 with an enhancement from @sbglasius to allow alternative TestDataConfig names https://github.com/tednaleid/build-test-data/wiki/ReleaseNotes
@tim_yates Oooh.. beginnings of groovy-stream and Java 8 ;-) Stream.from(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4)).map( e -> "Item "+e ).forEach( System.out::println ) ;
@aalmiray Version 0.4.0 of gipsy has been released! Grab it now from #bintray https://bintray.com/aalmiray/kordamp/gipsy/0.4.0/view!
@gopivotal New tech blog on the @Netflix Dynamic Scripting Platform, powered by @groovylang http://ow.ly/ucjus #java
@benorama Just released CDN Asset Pipeline Grails Plugin. Feedbacks welcome! http://grails.org/plugin/cdn-asset-pipeline #grailsfw
@CedricChampeau Got the #groovylang MarkupTemplateEngine running with #SpringBoot http://bit.ly/1lwlpNq
@CedricChampeau Many thanks to @asteingr for his PR review of the #groovylang markup template engine (http://bit.ly/1mS23UH)
@guspower liking the new spock documentation http://docs.spockframework.org/en/latest/introduction.html
@grailsinfo New Blog: Why doesn’t Eclipse community stand-up more to IntelliJ? http://bit.ly/NqwkdA #groovy #grails
@intellijidea Postfix Code Completion in IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 EAP! http://ow.ly/udah1
@gopivotal ICYMI: Spring Tool Suite and #Groovy / #Grails Tool Suite 3.5.0.M2 released http://ow.ly/tueTX
@AlBaker_Dev Version 0.7.2 of GroovySparql published, added SPARQL Update support, tested with #Stardog 2.x https://gist.github.com/AlBaker/9331434 #groovylang #semweb
@aalmiray the #gradle plugin portal has double in size https://aalmiray.github.io/gradle-plugins/all.html more plugins coming soon!
@daniel_jacobson The Netflix Dynamic Scripting Platform: The Engine that powers the Netflix API - http://techblog.netflix.com/2014/03/the-netflix-dynamic-scripting-platform.html
@kdabir Released Gstorm v0.6. With this release #gstorm becomes easier to use https://github.com/kdabir/gstorm#v06 #groovylang
@ratpackweb Another example reactive Ratpack app from @smaldini - https://github.com/smaldini/ratpack-reactor-gh-sample
@marcoVermeulen Cudos to @aalmiray for taking initiative in start a #gradle plugin portal. A hole that needed plugging! http://aalmiray.github.io/gradle-plugins/
Greach, マドリッド - スペイン, 2014/3/28-29