今週のGrails 2014-39
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 39。
今週、Groovyチームが、Groovy 2.3.7をリリースしました。 今回のリリースでは、ASTとTraitsハンドリングのバグ修正ほか、JsonBuilder実装を書き直したそうです。リリースノートはこちら。
サンフランシスコではJavaOneが開催されています。Cédric Champeau氏のスライドが既に公開されています。"Rethinking API design with traits in Groovy"
Guillaume氏がパリで行われてDroidConにて発表した"Groovy on Android"のスライドを公開しました。
Jorge Franco氏がreact.jsをGrooscriptを使用してGroovyで記述する例を公開しました。 "Reacting with grooscript"
@craigburke1 So what’s the rule of thumb? If a Spring Boot app doesn’t fit in a single tweet then refactor?
@glaforge .@CedricChampeau is my hero: he will replace me for my first #javaone #groovylang talk! See you all tomorrow evening!
@davydotcom Minifying your JavaScript has more benefits than just transfer size... Reduces parsing time and in many cases improves runtime performance
@ysb33r @pledbrook any support in #spockfw for data-driven testing using CSV files?
@connolly_s If you use regex and you have not read http://ocpsoft.org/regex/how-to-interrupt-a-long-running-infinite-java-regular-expression/ I suggest you may want to (not just for JVM regex either BTW)
@ysb33r Awesome news. One of the banking teams I am about to engage with in SA, are switching their builds over to #gradle.
@mrhaki Gradle Goodness: Running Groovy Scripts as Application http://ift.tt/1DQ1lgE #gradle
@BeJUG Have you seen the #JavaOne opening keynote video yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg79C7XM1Xs #Community
@ajoberstar Quick Gradle tip: automate the "gradle-plugin" attribute as part of your bintrayUpload: https://andrew-oberstar.squarespace.com/blog/2014/9/28/quick-gradle-tip-setting-bintray-attributes-for-gradle-plugins
@CedricChampeau Preparing myself for tomorrow's #JavaOne session "Rethinking API design with #groovylang traits". http://bit.ly/1Bbapud
@java Yes, the #JavaOne keynotes are being streamed http://www.oracle.com/javaone/live/index.html
@jbravo The magic of Gradle: create Windows installers, Debian packages, manage a PPA, and optional sub-proj... | @scoopit http://sco.lt/8pold3
@craigburke1 I’m curious has anyone built a #lazybones template that had sub-templates? #groovylang
@Gr8Ladies Google hangout invites are available for @Gr8Ladies meetups! The first one is October 6th. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gr8ladies-monthly-meetup-registration-12785972187?ref=estw
@charlesarthur The Bourne Shell - fifth film in the trilogy. Jason Bourne tries to patch servers against obscure bug. No fights or car chases. Avoid.
@java Friday Funny: Firefox crashes, Chrome displays a blank page, and Internet Explorer works. Go home web, you're drunk. Thanks,...
@jondejong I make #groovylang strongly typed by hitting the keys harder while coding.
@gvmtool Groovy 2.3.7 has been released on GVM. #groovylang
@ofTallDaveFame The Hibernate Metrics #grailsfw plugin is finally released. Thx to @burtbeckwith for the assist. http://grails.org/plugin/hibernate-metrics
[3.14, 1.42, 2.0].collect{ it * 3 }
Array( 3.14, 1.42, 2.0).map((x: Double) = > 3 * x)
@danveloper lmao at compiles failing for missing “return” statements in java. thanks #groovylang
@groovyio Anyone out there launch a startup using @groovylang or #grailsfw lately?
@techsal_es Hey @groovyio. Don't forget about us. We're a @groovylang #grailsfw startup :-)
@burtbeckwith Hey #grailsfw plugin devs - if you're using Holders, you're likely doing it wrong. Look for the obvious way to inject that you're missing
@ysb33r About writing #gradle #plugins: If you cannot solve the implementation problem, you can always cheat with a metaClass