今週のGrails 2014-48
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 48。
今週のビッグニュースはGroovy 2.3.8と2.4.0-beta-4のリリースです。
両者ともバグフィックスです。2.4.0 betaに関しては注意すべき大きな変更がありようです。内容に関してはリリースノートとコチラを確認してください。
Grails 3情報: Grameがscaffoldingプラグインの対応を進めています。
David Estes氏がGrailsではもうお馴染みのAsset-Pipeline 2.0 Gradle版をリリースしました。
Dan Woods氏が、最初のRatpack framework.本を書くと宣言しました。
この行動が、長らく時間がかかっているRob Fletcher氏のSpock本の早いリリースを促すとよいですね。
cool clock demo.
stylish Bootstrap portfolio one page theme
内容はGroovy for Java Developersです。
@russmiles I announced at #ljcconf, that #GPars now supports pico-services, aka remote active objects, actors and dataflow operators.
Love #spockfw, love @intellijidea format http://twitter.com/Lspacewalker/status/539075325700087808/photo/1
On my way to #linuxhotel. After 10 years of delivering #groovylang trainings every single one is still exciting.
I just migrated the AsciidoctorJ build to Gradle with the help of @ysb33r & @aalmiray. It's a great first step!
Nice - "Learning Spring Boot" has a #groovy chapter - https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/learning-spring-boot
I can say for sure that Asciidoctor PDF will be available as part of AsciidoctorJ 1.5.2 (separate jar). Just gotta get it wrapped up.
1 Install gdub
2 alias gradle=gw
3 use the same command for projects with/without gradle wrapper
4 win
2 things programmers tend to underestimate:
1. How long things take
2. How long our code will be around
3. How many things we underestimate
Curious how #groovylang uses #asciidoctor, #gradle, #teamcity and eats own dogfood for its new site? Attend #ggx ! http://bit.ly/14VqWrm
Version 1.1.0 of asciidoctor-gradle-template has been released! Grab it now from #bintray https://bintray.com/aalmiray/kordamp/asciidoctor-gradle-template/1.1.0!
And here is my Dockerfile for #groovylang http://bit.ly/1vRHagA
All the #GeekOut_ee 2014 videos at one page: http://2014.geekout.ee/presentations/
Now we just need gdub for GVM and the circle of build life will be complete! cc: @marc0der
gdub is to Gradle what grunt-cli is to Grunt. https://github.com/dougborg/gdub
Planning to have #groovyvfs 1.0 (!) ready before #GGX. Will include SMB support, cmdline utility and (hopefully) S3 support as well.
As my way of saying thanks to all who use, contribute to & support #Asciidoctor, I present you the 1.5.2 release! https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/releases/tag/v1.5.2
Playing with Firebase example https://gist.github.com/chiquitinxx/5192ff81d3b3351e3f1d, better in #groovylang running in your pages
Continuing writing up some of my experiences on teaching a recent Git course -- On GUIs and team workflows.. http://blogs.bytecode.com.au/glen/2014/11/27/teaching-git-retro-2-gui-and-team-context.html
#AndroidWear app written with #groovylang running on #smartwatch http://t.co/AULokOpTHJ
#gorm in the #grailsfw kicks ass. #playfw has #anorm which is not nearly as good.
Please welcome @autentia as a Gold Sponsor. Thank you very much!
#greach #grailsfw #groovylang
Absolutely mind-blowing explanation of Reactive Programming. Everything is a stream! http://buff.ly/1xzBJym
#gradle #BusterJS plugin version released. Now also available through the gradle plugin portal http://bit.ly/1pi96I3!
The @aalmiray shows how to get funky with #groovylang http://www.slideshare.net/mobile/aalmiray/javaone-getting-funky-with-groovy
#FP #streams #lazy #monadic #composition
"The Largest API Directory In The Galaxy" http://www.publicapis.com/
- Gr8Ladies Gr8Workshop 2 , Minneapolis, MN, December 5th - 6th, 2014
Groovy Grails Exchange, ロンドン - イギリス, 2014/12/12-13
Grails Conf, ニューデリー- インド, 2015/1/10 (CFP)
Greach, マドリッド - スペイン, 2015/3/28-29(仮)
GR8confヨーロッパ, コペンハーゲン - デンマーク, 2015/6/2-4
- GR8conf US, ミネアポリス - USA, 2015-7.
Gradle Summit 2015, サンタクララ, 2015/6/11-12
SpringOne 2GX 2015, Washington - USA, 2015/9/14-17.