今週のGrails 2014-49
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 49。
そろそろGroovy Grails Exchangeのためにロンドンに移動ですが、その前に”今週のGrails”の時間ですよー。 (訳者も原文も)
今週はRatpackのバージョン0.9.11がリリースされています。そして、WebアプリをJettyやTomcatで実行するGradleプラグイン:Gretty 1.1.8もリリースとなっています。
Asciidoctor Gradleプラグイン 1.5.2がリリースされました。
Grooscript 0.6.3がリリース!
1.0のリリースが少しずつ近づいていますね。 あと、GroovyからJavascriptへの変換がオンラインで行えるようになりました。
Peter Ledbrook氏が始めたTwitterでの質問がおもしろいですよと。 " Anyone know why Date d = [] works in #groovylang? 何故 Date d = []がgroovyで動作するか誰か知ってる?"。 この理由は"map style constructor"だからと言う事です。
Guillaume氏がこちらにまとめを ココ、
MrHaki氏によるブログでの説明はこちら Groovy Godness
GR8Conf EU と USのcall for papersはまだ募集中です。そして、GreachのCFPも募集中です。
Slides from my #TDD with Groovy session at #gr8workshop this weekend https://github.com/craigatk/tdd-spock-slides/raw/master/tdd-spock-slides.pdf #groovylang #spockfw
Groovy Style and language feature guidelines for Java developers now in new Groovy manual - http://beta.groovy-lang.org/style-guide.html
Glad to announce that the registrations for the biggest Grails Conference #GrailsConf is open now!! http://goo.gl/Mj2o7d
Reserve you seat!
It's very clear to me that Groovy is trying hard (& succeeding) at making you a happy, efficient programmer. Java...it's assembly code.
A lot of Groovy based frameworks have migrated to #asciidoc. Nice! #griffon #groovyfx #groovylang
Looking forward to seeing @CedricChampeau expose the internals of the #groovylang website. #GGX
Little GORM #grailsfw gotta … don’t do this : http://snippet.properties += params.snippet … use bindData(snippet,params.snippet) for sanity
“If you were forced to choose another language that makes you happy, what would it be?” If not #Java? Maybe #groovylang
Switching #groovyvfs over to TravisCI. BuildHive simply is not up to what I need.
I'm thinking of working on JDK8 branch of #GPars during hackergarten at Groovy and Grails eXchange, any interest? @Skillsmatter #GGX
#groovylang, #gradle, #grailsfw people take note: @greachconf C4P closes 31 Dec and @gr8conf C4P has just opened.
Finished clearing out some old outstanding issues for asset-pipeline. All tests passing for #grailsfw !
#Asciidoctor chrome extension released with Asciidoctor 1.5.2, offline mode, .txt files, max-width attribute... https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/asciidoctorjs-live-previe/iaalpfgpbocpdfblpnhhgllgbdbchmia
I'm really starting to like typing 'gw' instead of './gradlew'. gdub is pretty cool.
@mojavelinux this is what I meant by #groovylang command expressions http://glaforge.appspot.com/article/nicer-dsls-in-groovy-1-8-thanks-to-extended-command-expressions
Not so much Groovy & Grails eXchange, more #Groovy, #GPars, #Spock, #Gradle, #Grails and stuff eXchange @skillsmatter http://ow.ly/FhL2Q
AsciidoctorJ is now built with Gradle. Good riddance, Maven! https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctorj#build-the-project
Happy first pull request merged :) Give me more!
The Asset Pipeline 2.0+ versions of my #grailsfw #angularjs plugins are out!
Asset-Pipeline for Grails is now on the 2.0 libraries! Enjoy!
Did you know… Although Groovy is a Dynamic language, it also supports static type checking and static compilation http://virtualjug.com
Comp. perf of Groovy for Fibonacci benchmark (courtesy of @jponge). Both @golo_lang and Nashorn perform very well! http://bit.ly/1HV5hPd
Anyone know why Date d = [] works in #groovylang?
STS & GGTS 3.6.3 released, incl. tc Server 3.0.2 and build-in support for Cloud Foundry: https://spring.io/blog/2014/12/02/spring-tool-suite-and-groovy-grails-tool-suite-3-6-3-released #spring #springide #sts
Why you should check out the new JVM Asset-Pipeline http://davydotcom.com/blog/2014-12-01-asset-pipeline-2-0
And of course thank you to @glaforge for the 'Groovy Weekly' series; always lots of cool stuff there I'd have otherwise missed
Thank you to @JacobAae for the consistently excellent 'Grails Diary' series; it's a lot of work but a great resource and worth it #grailsfw
Created a prototype asset-pipeline spring-boot plugin to add spring boot support. Its still a big work in progress. https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline-core/tree/master/asset-pipeline-spring-boot
- Gr8Ladies Gr8Workshop 2 , Minneapolis, MN, December 5th - 6th, 2014
Groovy Grails Exchange, ロンドン - イギリス, 2014/12/12-13
Grails Conf, ニューデリー- インド, 2015/1/10 (CFP)
- Functional Programming with Groovy - Bangalore Groovy Grails Meetup, Bangalore- India, December 20th, 2014
Greach, マドリッド - スペイン, 2015/3/28-29(仮)
GR8confヨーロッパ, コペンハーゲン - デンマーク, 2015/6/2-4
- GR8conf US, ミネアポリス - USA, 2015-7.
Gradle Summit 2015, サンタクララ, 2015/6/11-12
SpringOne 2GX 2015, Washington - USA, 2015/9/14-17.