今週のGrails 2015-12
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 12。
今週のニュース!Grails 3の、2番目のリリース候補版 Grails 3.0.0.RC2がリリースされました。
Groovyチームはちょっと忙しい週でした。まず最初に、2.4.2 と 2.3.11をリリース。
そして、"2015 JAX Innovation Awards!"。こちらからGroovyに投票しましょう!Most Innovative Open Technology
Donal Murtagh氏がGrails2のアプリやプラグインをGrails3への更新を補佐するGrails2プラグインmigrate-2-grails3を公開しました。
Gradle AndroidプラグインへGroovyを対応させるGradleプラグイン、バージョン0.3.6がリリースされました。Androidプラグイン1.1.0に対応しています。
Gradleのサイトがリニューアルされました: http://www.gradle.org/
GR8conf EUへの参加登録がオープンしました。

@Gradleware Archive addition Android artifacts with Gradle. by @welsinga http://wiebe-elsinga.com/blog/archive-addition-android-artifacts-with-gradle/
@SonarSource SonarQube Groovy 1.1 supports the import of JaCoCo coverage reports, embeds latest CodeNarc 0.23 and tags rules. http://www.sonarsource.com/2015/03/22/sonarqube-groovy-1-1-released/
@ben_t_mcguire At #nfjs and it sounds like everyone is using #groovylang in some capacity. Good to hear, the community is growing still.
@mittie Your brain needs some heating? Watch the algebra of types http://youtu.be/YScIPA8RbVE
@mraible My current thoughts on Play (@playframework) vs. Grails (@grailsframework) http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/comparing_jvm_web_frameworks_at#comment-1426956721000
@glaforge What happened this week in #api land? http://restlet.com/blog/2015/03/20/this-week-in-api-land/ (inspired by my #groovylang weekly column)
@madridgug Three of our members will speak at the next @gr8conf in Copenhagen. Congrats to @alvaro_sanchez, @jfrancoleza and @ilopmar #groovylang
@deanriverson Ratpack is playing a major role in my current project. Really impressed with it. Looking forward to @danveloper's book, too.
@danveloper Using Ratpack to call Github to get Github details about Ratpack … How fucking meta-awesome. http://t.co/7Zvuqs18F9
@svpember Thanks to everyone who came out to my talk at #oreillysacon ! If interested, you can find my slides here: http://www.slideshare.net/StevePember/richer-datahistoryeventsourcing
@grooscript Grails 3 plugin available in public repository https://bintray.com/grails/plugins
@AustinGGUG Come see Eric Kelm and Eric MacAdie talk about Grails 3+Spring Sec. and Shiro, 2 good talks #groovylang #grailsfw http://www.meetup.com/Austin-Groovy-and-Grails-Users/events/221188044/
@Jonnytron To be clear, all of those things (delegation, groovy, and grails) are awesome. The combination just has a gotcha or two to be wary of.
@ilopmar I'm one of the speakers! RT @gr8conf: The #gr8conf EU agenda is now live: http://bit.ly/1nVZXzG. Not fully complete yet, but almost!
@gr8conf The #gr8conf EU agenda is now live: http://bit.ly/1nVZXzG. Not fully complete yet, but almost! #groovylang #grailsfw #gradle #gebish
@aalmiray "in engineering we don't care about perfect, we care about what works" - @ysb33r http://delivervalue.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/so-what-about-this-halting-problem-in.html #gradle
@ilopmar The slides http://www.slideshare.net/ilopmar/jdays-2015-grails-and-the-realtime-world and the code https://github.com/lmivan/jdays2015 of my @jdays2015 "Grails and the real-time world" talk #jDays2015
@gr8crm Most GR8 CRM plugins are now upgraded to Grails 2.4.4 support. See http://gr8crm.github.io for a list of plugins. #grailsfw #gr8crm
@kenkousen Showed GPars parallel collections to some C++ developers and they were appropriately dazzled #groovylang
@olivergierke Support for #Groovy based POMs shipping in #Maven 3.3.1 looking nice… http://bit.ly/1ABCuJA
@Gradleware Would you like help onboarding your team to Gradle? This workshop April 7-8 has you covered: http://www2.gradleware.com/l/68052/2015-03-16/9btp
@ManningBooks Making Java Groovy: the Quest for the Holy Grail's demo app http://www.manning.com/kousen/ @JavaOneConf http://t.co/Q8GIUEeX1v
Greach, マドリッド - スペイン, 2015/4/10-11
- Spring I/O, バルセロナ - スペイン, 2015/4/29-30
GR8confヨーロッパ, コペンハーゲン - デンマーク, 2015/6/2-4
GR8conf US, ミネアポリス - USA, 2015/7
Gradleサミット2015, サンタクララ, カリフォルニア, 2015/6/11-12.
SpringOne 2GX 2015, ワシントン - USA, 2014/9/14-17.
Groovy Grails Exchange, ロンドン - イギリス, 2015/12/14-15