今週のGrails 2015-31
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 31。
予言通り今回の"今週のGrails"は、GR8conf USからのニュース満載でお送りします。 Craig Atkinson氏がGr8Conf US 2015 Conference Recap(カンファレンスまとめ)を書きました。そして既に多くのカンファレンス動画が公開されています。
Grails バージョン 2.5.1 and バージョン 3.0.4がリリースされました。
Spring Security Coreプラグイン利用者に【朗報】です。Burt氏がColin Harrington氏とチームを組んで3週間ほどでGrails3向けのRCをリリース予定!
GR8conf USにてライブ配信されたGroovy Podcastにて、Jeff氏が更なるGrailsのプロファイルを明らかにしました。Grailsのロードマップにシングルページアプリケーションがあるようです。そしてカスタムプロファイルリポジトリにも対応するそうです。
KenとBaruchが行った、GR8conf US Groovy Podcastライブ配信では、多くのゲストが登場しました。
Gradleは超速でお仕事をしているようです。Gradle 2.6 の最初のRCがテスト可能になりました。
Gradle 2.5で実装された継続的ビルド機能良いですよね!asciidoctorでドキュメントを書くとき便利!継続的ビルドを使用するには-tを使用します。
Marco Vermuelen氏がGroovy Scala Extension Moduleの開発を始めました。Scalaの型との互換性やtoScalaList(), toScalaSet(), toScalaSeq()などCollectionメソッドの取込などが目的です。
Gr8conf USで行われた彼のセッション"Groovy and Scala: Friends or Foes"でも確認できます。
Grailsconf IndiaのCFPがオープンしました。開催は2016/1/9か10です。
GR8conf USのスライドリスト
新規Grails 3プラグイン
Grails 3 プラグイン更新情報
新規Grails 2プラグイン
Grails 2 プラグイン更新情報
@DailyGrailsTip tons of videos are becoming available on the Gr8Conf US youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7wUp2KIa1hoMNn0r7JUVEg
@ilopmar First snapshot-ish version of the #grailsfw postgresql-extensions plugin for Grails 3 is available in bintray. Info: https://github.com/kaleidos/grails-postgresql-extensions/pull/70#issuecomment-127016350
@mojavelinux Asciidoctor does e-mail too! Sweet trick @rahulsom! https://twitter.com/rahulsom/status/627718665903812608
@vaclav_pech Wagons counted (a solution to the last week's teaser + a groovy implementation) http://www.jroller.com/vaclav/entry/wagons_counted
@JennStrater I remembered to take a few pictures at the Gr8Ladies Happy Hour. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1632952296946964.1073741832.1426741030901426&type=1&l=6ae065a41a If there are other pics, please share on fb.
@jeffscottbrown Big thanks to @sjurgemeyer @bobbywarner and the rest of the @GR8ConfUS team. Another fantastic conference in the books. Well done! #grailsfw
@ErinWith2Ls All the best nights of drinking end with Lego... Thanks #Gr8Conf for a spectacular showing at the official @Gr8Ladies meetup
@craigburke1 Great stuff in @rfletcherEW’s Spock talk. A lot of really awesome tips! #gr8conf #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
@jeffscottbrown Was asked at @gr8confus for a feature in Grails 3 Clojure plugin. Done! http://grails-plugins.github.io/clojure/2.0.0.RC2/guide/definingSpringBeans.html Simple: https://github.com/grails-plugins/clojure/commit/352dcde916942aa0f2cfa24b853c648bf026759b #grailsfw
@RyanVanderwerf Latest Android Wear Lazy bones template(grooid-templates) now live https://bintray.com/rvanderwerf/grooid-templates/grooid-wear-new-project-template/0.7/view! full wear app now! #gr8conf
@aaronzirbes #Scala getting some love @GR8ConfUS from @marc0der building Scala with Gradle and testing with Spock. Cool! http://t.co/rxrMic6k9y
@ObjectComputing #OpenSource software is the only way to keep up. We couldn't agree more! http://buff.ly/1IxRjEj
@javazquez Thank you @marc0der for all you have contributed to the community! The reduction in the amount of friction to get started is huge! #gr8conf
@ColinHarrington Continuous Deployment with Gradle and Docker with #gr8conf #gradle # Docker http://t.co/ujV3IaQnD4
@rob_winch Spring Framework 4.2 goes GA CORS MockMvc & Html Unit support JSR354 JSR223 Hibernate 5... https://spring.io/blog/2015/07/31/spring-framework-4-2-goes-ga #java #springframework
@headius Hooray! JRuby/Gradle is at 1.0, now based on JRuby 9000! Check it out at http://jruby-gradle.org!
@rfletcherEW (non-canonical) solutions for the fizz-buzz and diamond katas from @GR8ConfUS are on a branch of my repo now https://github.com/robfletcher/spock-katas
@rfletcherEW "The difference with the Groovy community is we're not nasty people… except for @danveloper" – @kenkousen on the Groovy Podcast
@mrhaki @marc0der A Gradle Asciidoctor live reload sample: http://asciidoctor.github.io/asciidoctor-gradle-examples/#_livereload_html_example #gr8conf #gradle
@burtbeckwith How to pronounce HATEOAS #gr8conf #unfollowdanveloper http://blog.ambroselittle.com/how-to-pronounce-hateoas/
@gradleplugins Version 0.2.3 of clirr-gradle-plugin has been released! Grab it now from #bintray https://bintray.com/aalmiray/kordamp/clirr-gradle-plugin/0.2.3!
@ColinHarrington TestKit coming in Gradle 2.6 functional testing your build scripts and plugins! #gr8conf #gradle http://t.co/CDi4qG2AXI
@ColinHarrington Free Online course on Gradle & Android https://www.udacity.com/course/gradle-for-android-and-java--ud867 #gradle #gr8conf
@grooscript Tomorrow, first grooscript talk in US @jondejong @GR8ConfUS, looking forward for slides and video.
@jeffscottbrown Just spoke with @burtbeckwith and he assures me that he will have a Grails 3 spring security plugin milestone in 2 or 3 weeks. #grailsfw
@Hackergarten we've got a new logo!!
@marc0der Need to have a play with @craigburke1's #groovylang document builder. #gr8confus http://www.craigburke.com/document-builder
@ColinHarrington Awesome Sauce: 1) SwissKnife 2) Android Spock 3) Grooid Tools #groovylang #android #gr8conf
@ColinHarrington Showing a demo app circle-stacker https://github.com/pieces029/circle-stacker #groovylang on #android #gr8conf
@Lspacewalker #ratpackweb important for mobile as observed by @kenkousen @ratpackweb https://instagram.com/p/5w8zVbpchv/
@danveloper "State of Groovy and Grails" @jeffscottbrown @GR8ConfUS - "Groovy and Grails are stronger than ever!" http://t.co/Px4bIs0zrU
@rfletcherEW The @ratpackweb team drinking Sinatra's favorite http://t.co/Z5mJBdtyV5
@tim_yates @pureAtoB Yeah… Couldn't go to sleep without correcting my omission Happy now? ;-) #groovylang (cc @netzwerg999) http://t.co/p8UzZnYnbh
@svpember shame.gradle should be a part of every #gradle project: https://github.com/robfletcher/spock-katas #gr8confus
@JennStrater My day is done. I made the lego robot move! :) #gr8confus
@ysb33r New #gradle releases are coming so fast, I have to re-think my recommendation for plugin authors to target 2.0 as minimum version.
@mittie @jacobaae here is a #Grails app https://github.com/Dierk/fregePluginApp/blob/game_only/grails-app/controllers/fregepluginapp/FooController.groovy calling #Frege as a service https://github.com/Dierk/fregePluginApp/blob/game_only/src/frege/fregepluginapp/Minimax.fr Blog: http://www.canoo.com/blog/fp1
@mittie For me, the combo of #groovylang & #Frege is just like milk&cookies, beer&chips, cream&sugar, whiskey&chocolate, vacation&sunshine
@ErinWith2Ls 105 slides complete... Ready for #Gr8Conf Java to Groovy! 8am Wednesday Workshop at the Law School
@kenkousen The new jokes for my @GR8ConfUS keynote are ready. Now updating actual content...
Gr8Ladies Monthly Meetup: Spring Gets A Groovy Snack, Minneapolis - USA, August 17th, 2015.
SpringOne 2GX 2015, ワシントン - USA, 2014/9/14-17.
Groovy Grails Exchange, ロンドン - イギリス, 2015/12/14-15
- Grailsconfインド, ニューデリー - インド, 2016/1/9-10
- Spring I/O, バルセロナ - スペイン, 2016/5/19-20
- GR8conf Europe, コペンハーゲン - デンマーク, 2016/6/7-9