今週のGrails 2016-31,32

この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら @tyama宛てに(DMで)優しく報告ください。
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 31,32


GrailsチームはGrails 3.2 M2をリリースしました。このリリースでは、GORM最大のリリースとなるGORM6を含みます。 Grame氏が 今回のリリースのまとめをブログに書いています。 RxGORM, AngularJS 1.0 scaffolding, JSON Views 1.1などが紹介されています。

Ratpack 1.4.0がリリースとなりました。 多くのPromiseメソッド追加、依存関係の更新、バッチメソッドやRatpack HTTP クライアントのコネクションプールサポートなど!

Gradleのバージョン3がリリース。 詳しくはリリースノートを参照しましょう!

  • Gradleデーモンはデフォルトで有効となり安定しています
  • 最新のJava 9 EAPビルドに対応。いくつかの制限が有るが利用可能
  • JAVA 5または6はサポートしません
  • 並行処理実行の向上
  • 依存解決速度向上
アナウンスの短いバージョンは"Gradle 3.0 announcement"を参照。

Guillaume Laforge氏が、7月末時点でのGroovyのダウンロード数を確認したようです。 MavenとBintrayから12M()ダウンロード昨年の総数12.7Mに迫る勢いです。

Adam Davis氏が、"新たな言語を作成しないLESSのような物。フルスタックGroovyに欠けていた物"として、CSSのプリプロセスを行う新たなライブラリを開発しました。 ドキュメントはコチラgroocss.org。ダウンロードはコチラ:Bintray

Ken Kousen氏の著書"Gradle Recipes for Android"がGradle Webサイトにて無料ダウンロード可能です!

Sergio del Amo氏の"Groovy Calamari Newsletter"!まだ登録してない人は是非登録しましょう!

GR8Conf USが、講演のスライドを共有しました。 コチラのGithubリポジトリから。 Also Ryan Wanderverf氏がGR8Conf US 2016のまとめブログ"GR8Conf US 2016 Wrap-Up!"を公開、そして、Roberto Perez氏も"GR8Conf US Recap 2016"




Grails 3プラグイン更新情報

  • sass-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance..
  • less-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) LESS Compiler for the Asset-Pipeline.
  • handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Provides native Handlebars file support in the asset-pipeline. Easily convert .hbs or .handlebars files into javascript template caches for use with the handlebars runtime..
  • ember-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Compiles hbs or handlebars files for the asset-pipeline into the Ember.TEMPLATES cache.
  • compass-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Provides Compass/SCSS Build support using the jruby runtime. Any compass project can be adjusted to be built by the asset-pipeline and used in applications..
  • coffee-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Easily process coffee-script files with the asset-pipeline plugin. Package includes both jvm coffee runtime as well as the ability to use the coffeescript npm module if detected..
  • asset-pipeline-grails (2.11.0) The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript..
  • grails-twilio (0.1.4) Provides SMS sending capabilities to a Grails application..
  • jaxrs-restlet (3.0.3) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-restlet plugin implements the Restlet JAX-RS implementation..
  • jaxrs-jersey1 (3.0.3) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-jersey1 plugin implements the Jersey 1.x JAX-RS implementation..
  • jaxrs-integration-test (3.0.3) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-integration-test plugin provides classes to help with integration testing..
  • jaxrs-core (3.0.3) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-core plugin provides the main functionality of the plugin. This plugin does not include an implementing JAX-RS servlet provider, however, so one of the implementation plugins should be included in projects instead..
  • selfie (1.0.2) Selfie is a Grails Image / File Upload Plugin. Use Selfie to attach files to your domain models, upload to a CDN, validate content, produce thumbnails..
  • org.grails.plugins:iCalendar (0.6.0) Grails iCalendar plugin.
  • remotessh (3.0.5) Grails RemoteSSH Plugin.
  • force-ssl (3.0.3) Creates a simple annotation to mark controller/actions as SSL restricted and performs the appropriate redirect..
  • console (2.0.8) A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging..
  • rabbitmq-native (3.3.1) A messaging plugin for Grails 3 using RabbitMQ. This plugin gives application authors a powerful framework to quickly get a scalable messaging solution running quickly..
  • karman-grails (0.9.23) Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local, S3, and Openstack..
  • asynchronous-mail (2.0.0.RC4) The plugin realises asynchronous mail sending. It stores messages in a DB and sends them asynchronously by a quartz job..
  • karman-grails (0.9.23) Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local, S3, and Openstack.
  • console (2.0.8) A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging.
  • coffee-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Easily process coffee-script files with the asset-pipeline plugin. Package includes both jvm coffee runtime as well as the ability to use the coffeescript npm module if detected.
  • sass-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance.
  • handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.11.0) Provides native Handlebars file support in the asset-pipeline. Easily convert .hbs or .handlebars files into javascript template caches for use with the handlebars runtime.

Grails 2プラグイン更新情報

  • Ember.js Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides Ember.js integration with asset-pipeline. Allows for handlebars precompilation as well as scaffolding for building an emberjs application.
  • SASS/SCSS Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides SASS/SCSS Compass support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • CoffeeScript Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides coffee-script support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • Handlebars Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides Handlebars precompiler support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • LESS Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides LESS support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • GR8 CRM Campaign Management User Interface This plugin is a companion plugin to crm-campaign, a plugin part of the GR8 CRM plugin suite. It contains a Twitter Bootstrap based user interface for campaign management.
  • Asset Pipeline Plugin The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript.
  • GR8 CRM Campaign Services This plugin provide storage and services for managing campaigns in GR8 CRM based applications. A campaign is something that has a message and a target group, for example an email campaign, a product discount or a web site banner. Custom plugins can provide other campaign types with Grails artifacts.
  • GR8 CRM Blog Authoring Plugin This plugin is a companion plugin to crm-blog, a plugin part of the GR8 CRM plugin suite. It contains a Twitter Bootstrap based user interface for creating, editing and publishing blog posts.
  • Blog Services for GR8 CRM This plugin provide storage and services for managing blogs or other public content in GR8 CRM based applications.
  • Content Management User Interface for GR8 CRM This plugin provide user interface for administration of content in GR8 CRM.Content can be any type of media like plain text, Microsoft Word, PDF, and images.Content can be stored in folders or attached to any type of domain instance.This plugin depends on the base plugin crm-content that provide low level content services.
  • Content Management Services for GR8 CRM This plugin provide storage and services for managing content in GR8 CRM applications.Content can be any type of media like plain text, Microsoft Word, PDF, and images.Content can be stored in folders or attached to domain instances.Content can be shared with users of the application or shared publicly to the world.
  • GR8 CRM Product Management UI Provides (admin) user interface for product/item management in GR8 CRM applications.
  • GR8 CRM Product Services A GR8 CRM plugin that provides product/item management for orders and sales projects, etc. This is a "headless" plugin. Use interface for product management is provided by the crm-product-ui plugin.
  • Task Management User Interface for GR8 CRM Provides task management user interface for GR8 CRM applications
  • Task Management Services for GR8 CRM Provides task management services and domain classes for GR8 CRM applications
  • GR8 CRM Contact Management UI This plugin extends crm-contact and provides contact management user interface for GR8 CRM applications.
  • GR8 CRM Contact Management Services Provides "headless" Contact Management features for GR8 CRM applications.This plugin provides no user interface, just domain classes and services for Contact Management.For user interface see the crm-contact-ui plugin which provides a Twitter Bootstrap user interface.
  • Twitter Bootstrap UI for GR8 CRM This plugin provides Twitter Bootstrap layout for GR8 CRM applications.
  • Quick Notes for GR8 CRM Let users add notes to domain instances in GR8 CRM applications
  • Basic Security Features for GR8 CRM This plugin provides basic security feature for GR8 CRM. Specific security implementations exists for Apache Shiro (crm-security-shiro).
  • Manage installed features in GR8 CRM applications This plugin manages installed "features" in GR8 CRM. A feature is a unit of functionality that can be enabled or disabled per user role.
  • GR8 CRM Tagging Support Provides tagging support for GR8 CRM applications
  • GR8 CRM Core Plugin GR8 CRM Core Functionality. See http://gr8crm.github.io for more information.
  • Console Plugin A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging




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