今週のGrails 2016 40-41
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 40-41。
Groovyコミュニティ用のSlackチャンネルが開設されました: groovycommunity.com
Dan Woods氏が開設した意気込みを彼のブログ"Announcing the Groovy Community Slack"で説明しています。
Geb 1.0がリリースされました!Marcin Erdmann氏がメーリングリストでアナウンスしました。
そして0.13.1からの削除されたメソッド情報の変更などを含むドキュメント"The Book of Geb"が公開されています。
このバージョンからGroovy Markup Template Engineに対応しています。
Ken氏とBaruch氏がGroovy Podcastエピソード35を配信。
過去にScalaがあったらGroovy作らなかったよツイートで騒ぎになったJames Strachan氏、今はGroovyラブなようで:
The famous tweet from James Strachan about not creating Groovy if he had seen Scala now have a real great counterpart:
Greach 2017は2017年の3/30から4/1にスペインのマドリッドで開催されます。
Grails 3プラグイン更新情報
- grails-java8 (1.0.0) Provides support for Java 8 specific features in Grails.
- build-test-data (3.0.1) Grails build-test-data plugin.
- jesque-admin (0.1.9) Admin UI for the Grails Jesque Plugin.
- neo4j (6.0.2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- rx-gorm-rest-client (1.0.1) Provides a RxGORM Object Mapping implementation for communication with REST web services.
- redis-gorm (6.0.2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- cassandra (6.0.2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- grails-views (1.1.1) Grails Views.
- views-json-templates (1.1.1) Grails views-json-templates plugin.
- views-gradle (1.1.1) Grails views-gradle plugin.
- rx-mongodb (6.0.2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- mongodb (6.0.2) GORM for MongoDB.
- hibernate4 (6.0.2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- hibernate5 (6.0.2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- aws-sdk-sqs (2.0.5) Grails AWS SDK SQS plugin.
- http-requests-grails (1.0.2) The HTTP Requests Plugin provides the http-requests library and artefacts for filters and converters..
- sentry (7.7.1) Grails Sentry plugin.
- aws-sdk-sns (2.0.2) Grails AWS SDK SNS plugin.
- aws-sdk-ses (2.0.1) Grails AWS SDK SES plugin.
- aws-sdk-s3 (2.0.2) Grails AWS SDK S3 plugin.
- aws-sdk-kinesis (2.0.3) Grails AWS SDK Kinesis plugin.
- aws-sdk-dynamodb (2.0.1) Grails AWS SDK DynamoDB plugin.
- grails-melody-plugin (1.62.0) Integrate JavaMelody monitoring into Grails application..
- org.grails.plugins:enforcer (1.3.2) A plugin for enforcing business rules/permissions, that works with Spring Security Core, is easier to implement, and extend. It can also be used as an alternative to Spring Security ACL.
- babel-asset-pipeline (2.1.0) Babel.js transformation for Asset-pipeline.
- sass-asset-pipeline (2.11.3) Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance..
- less-asset-pipeline (2.11.3) LESS Compiler for the Asset-Pipeline.
- handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.11.3) Provides native Handlebars file support in the asset-pipeline. Easily convert .hbs or .handlebars files into javascript template caches for use with the handlebars runtime..
- ember-asset-pipeline (2.11.3) Compiles hbs or handlebars files for the asset-pipeline into the Ember.TEMPLATES cache.
- compass-asset-pipeline (2.11.3) Provides Compass/SCSS Build support using the jruby runtime. Any compass project can be adjusted to be built by the asset-pipeline and used in applications..
- coffee-asset-pipeline (2.11.3) Easily process coffee-script files with the asset-pipeline plugin. Package includes both jvm coffee runtime as well as the ability to use the coffeescript npm module if detected..
- asset-pipeline-grails (2.11.3) The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript..
- view-tools (0.3) ViewResourceLocator for locating views in grails-app/views.
- karman-grails (0.10.2) Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local, S3, and Openstack..
Grails 2プラグイン更新情報
Html Cleaner
whitelist based html cleaner based on jsoup
Clover Code Coverage for Grails
A plugin that integrates Clover into GRAILS projects. Clover is a Code Coverage tool that produces beautiful reports which are highly configurable and extensible. Clover not only reports which lines of code were executed during a test run, it also reports which tests hit which lines of code. Clover's reports include: Tag Clouds of your entire project that compare Complexity with Coverage A TreeMap to visualise the most complex, uncovered areas of your project Fully Cross Referenced HTML view...
The Enforcer Plugin
A plugin for enforcing business rules/permissions, that works with Spring Security Core, is easier to implement, and extend. It can also be used as an alternative to Spring Security ACL
Geb integration for Grails
Integrates the geb functional testing framework
Conferences and meetups
- Boston Groovy Grails & Spring: Geb to Grid : Geb+Spock to a Selenium Grid on Docker: Build it and Use it, Boston - MA, October 20th, 2016.
- G3 Summit , フォートローダーデール,フロリダ - USA, 2016/11/27-12/1CFP is open!
GR8Conf India, ニューデリー - インド, 2017/1/7-8
Call For Papers
- Greach, マドリッド - スペイン,2017/3/30-4/1. Call For Papers
GR8conf Europe, コペンハーゲン - デンマーク, 2017/5/31-6/2
Call For Papers