今週のGrails 2016-42,43

この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら @tyama宛てに(DMで)優しく報告ください。
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 42-43


Grailsチームがこのたび、Grails 3.2.1、3.2.2、3.1.13えおリリース。 3.2.1では、GORM 6.0.2、組込CORS、Angular2プロファイル、プラグインによるJava8日付型対応。では多くのバグフィックスがおこなわれています。


Daniel Sun氏が新たなGroovyパーサーへのJavaラムダ対応へ貢献。 詳細はGroovyメーリングリストを参照。 do-whileループやアイデンティカルエクスプレッションなどに対応。 Groovy 2.4.8は少量のバグフィックスで閉じられていて、2.5.0のベータもなので、これがいつ実装されるかはメーリングリストで議論されています。

Gradleチームは、GradleのGitHub Issuesを使用してもっとコミュニティフレンドリーでオープンなワークフローに移行しようとしています。 GradleチームのEric Wendelinの記事で詳細が解説されています。
さらに、Gradleチームは、3.2.0-RC13.2.0-RC2もリリースしています。 ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=3.2-rc-2とする事でサクッと使えるとか。 詳細は、リリースノートを参照!

ほかにもGradleのリソースとしては、Andres Almiray氏がイリノイJavaユーザグループでのスライド:Making the Most of Your Gradle Build を公開。 Andres氏がGradleの便利なプラグインリストをコチラのリポジトリで公開: Awesome Gradle Plugins そして、Schalk W. Cronjé氏は、Devoxx MaにてGradleワークショップをおこないました。ワークショップで使用した内容のコードは、コチラ:DevoxxMA 2016 Gradle Workshopで、公開されています。


Katrina Owen氏による、 Exercism problems in Groovy

SdkManのJDKサポートはまもなくベータチャンネルで公開されるよていです。 ベータチャンネルの参加方法はコチラ。単純に設定ファイルを変更するだけのようです。

今週のGrailsでも紹介した、Jaxenterによる"Which JVM languages ??do you use?"がまだ進行中のようです。


アゼルバイジャンで開催されたgrails-conferenceにて行われたセッションで、インスタグラムを60分で作る!ってのがありましたが、結果がコチラ:instagramdemo.info/、そしてコードはコチラ:Github 。Grailsのバージョン古くね?


GR8Conf IndiaとGR8Conf EUGreachのコールフォアペーパー募集中です。公演したい方は是非! GR8Conf IndiaGreach の参加チケットも購入可能です!




Grails 3プラグイン更新情報

  • karman-grails (0.10.6) Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local, S3, and Openstack..
  • org.grails.plugins:postgresql-extensions (4.6.7) This plugin provides hibernate user types to support for Postgresql Native Types like Array, HStore, JSON,… as well as new criterias to query this native types..
  • sentry ( Grails Sentry plugin.
  • sass-asset-pipeline (2.11.6) Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance..
  • less-asset-pipeline (2.11.6) LESS Compiler for the Asset-Pipeline.
  • handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.11.6) Provides native Handlebars file support in the asset-pipeline. Easily convert .hbs or .handlebars files into javascript template caches for use with the handlebars runtime..
  • ember-asset-pipeline (2.11.6) Compiles hbs or handlebars files for the asset-pipeline into the Ember.TEMPLATES cache.
  • compass-asset-pipeline (2.11.6) Provides Compass/SCSS Build support using the jruby runtime. Any compass project can be adjusted to be built by the asset-pipeline and used in applications..
  • coffee-asset-pipeline (2.11.6) Easily process coffee-script files with the asset-pipeline plugin. Package includes both jvm coffee runtime as well as the ability to use the coffeescript npm module if detected..
  • asset-pipeline-grails (2.11.6) The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript..
  • database-migration (3.0.0) Grails database-migration plugin.
  • jaxrs-swagger-ui (3.0.4) Integrates the Swagger UI with applications using JAX-RS resources..
  • jaxrs-jersey1 (3.0.4) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-jersey1 plugin implements the Jersey 1.x JAX-RS implementation..
  • jaxrs-restlet (3.0.4) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-restlet plugin implements the Restlet JAX-RS implementation..
  • jaxrs-integration-test (3.0.4) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-integration-test plugin provides classes to help with integration testing..
  • jaxrs-core (3.0.4) The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services. The jaxrs-core plugin provides the main functionality of the plugin. This plugin does not include an implementing JAX-RS servlet provider, however, so one of the implementation plugins should be included in projects instead..
  • selfie (1.1.0) Selfie is a Grails Image / File Upload Plugin. Use Selfie to attach files to your domain models, upload to a CDN, validate content, produce thumbnails..
  • grails3-cors-interceptor (v1.2.1) Add Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers for Grails 3 applications..
  • jesque-admin (0.5.0) Admin UI for the Grails Jesque Plugin.
  • grails-java8 (1.1.0) Provides support for Java 8 specific features in Grails.
  • rx-gorm-rest-client (1.0.2.RELEASE) Provides a RxGORM Object Mapping implementation for communication with REST web services.
  • cassandra (6.0.3) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
  • neo4j (6.0.3) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
  • rx-mongodb (6.0.3) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
  • mongodb (6.0.3) GORM for MongoDB.
  • grails-views (1.1.2) Grails Views.
  • views-json-templates (1.1.2) Grails views-json-templates plugin.
  • views-gradle (1.1.2) Grails views-gradle plugin.
  • hibernate4 (6.0.3) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
  • hibernate5 (6.0.3) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
  • distributed-lock (3.0.7) This plugin provides a framework and interface for a synchronization mechanism distributed to multiple server instances. In today's world of horizontal computational scale and massive concurrency, it becomes increasingly difficult to synchronize operations outside the context of a single computational space (server/process). This plugin aims to make that easier by providing a simple service to facilitate this, as well as defining an interface for adding low level providers..
  • view-tools (0.4) ViewResourceLocator for locating views in grails-app/views.
  • queuekit (1.9) Queuekit is a plugin for grails which uses TaskExecutor with Spring Events for grails 2 and for grails 3 using default `Reactor` events to manage concurrent submitted reports..
  • facebook-sdk (2.7.1) Grails Facebook SDK plugin.
  • aws-sdk-kinesis (2.0.5) Grails AWS SDK Kinesis plugin.
  • aws-sdk-sns (2.0.3) Grails AWS SDK SNS plugin.
  • aws-sdk-ses (2.0.2) Grails AWS SDK SES plugin.
  • aws-sdk-s3 (2.0.3) Grails AWS SDK S3 plugin.
  • aws-sdk-dynamodb (2.0.2) Grails AWS SDK DynamoDB plugin.
  • aws-sdk-sqs (2.0.7) Grails AWS SDK SQS plugin.
  • org.grails.plugins:grails-aws (2.0.4) Grails AWS Plugin.
  • hibernate-search (2.0.3) This plugin aims to integrate Hibernate Search features to Grails in very few steps..

Grails 2プラグイン更新情報

  • CodeNarc plugin Runs CodeNarc static analysis rules for Groovy source.
  • View Tools Plugin ViewResourceLocator for locating views in grails-app/views, plugins, and custom external paths. Also GrailsWebEnvironment for binding a mock request is one doesn't exist so that services can operate without a controller.
  • queuekit plugin Queuekit plugin provides you with various ways of calling on TaskExecutor and specifically it's underlying queuing mechanism to control the creation of reports on your grails application. Queuekit can help whether you are using the existing grails export plugin or you manually produce csv,tsv or maybe even rely on apache-poi or it's likes to produce xls files as per user request. With this plugin you can change the process of files produces as requested to files produced when there is an availab...
  • Karman Plugin Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local and S3.
  • BoSelecta: websocket multi-select/autoComplete domainClasses Default WebSocket used to query given domain classes with Unlimited depth of relationship + unlimited direct relationships. Either as dependent multi-select or autoComplete or maybe combination.




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