今週のGrails 2016 46-47
この記事の内容は、Jacob氏による"Grails Diary"を、意訳した内容です。誤訳等有りましたら
元記事:Grails Diary - Week 46-47。
G3サミットが開催中ですが、サミットの内容は次号で紹介します!G3サミット参加していませんが、風邪祭りに参加して体調が悪いです!今号もMr. Haki氏のブログ情報が多数届いております!
Daniel Sun氏、新Groovyパーサーの進捗は順調なようです。そしてTwitterスレッドでGroovy3で何がほしいがなど質問しています。
新世代Groovy HTTPBuilder: http-builder-ngの中の人である、David Clark氏曰く、いくつか旧HTTPBuilderの下位互換は無くなるとか。
Mr Haki氏のebook、Groovy Goodness Notebook, Grails Goodness Notebook そして Gradle Goodness Notebookが更新されました。
SDKmanのベータチャンネルでJavaのバージョン切替とインストールが可能になりました。ベータチャンネルに参加するには、"~/.sdkman/etc/config"に"sdkman_beta_channel=true"を追記して、"sdk selfupdate force"を実行。"sdk install java 8u111"が使えるようになります。
次期バージョンのGrailsで静的型付けと静的コンパイルに対応したGSPが可能になるようです!Lari Hotari氏がコミットコメントで解説しています。
Graeme Rocher氏が、Hibarnate 5.2に対応さえるための、JavassistでJavassistプロキシーを生成するクラスを生成をコミットしています。
:gorm-hibernate5 repo.
Gradle 3.2.1がリリース。ラッパー問題などを解決。
GroovyコミュニティのSlackはそこそこアクティブです。参加はコチラから: groovycommunity.com/
Paul King氏がApacheConに参加。スライドはこちら:
Sergio del Amo氏も別のカンファレンスですが、Gebの内容のスライドを公開しています: Arañas, Webbots y Scrapers con Web
Groovy Podcastを視てる人はKenとBaruchに励ましのメッセージを!G3サミット版を待ってます!
コチラは最新の配信: Groovy Podcast Ep 37
Grails 3プラグイン更新情報
aws-sdk-kinesis (2.0.7) Grails AWS SDK Kinesis plugin.
excel-export (2.0.2) This plugin helps you export data in Excel (xlsx) format, using Apache POI..
sass-asset-pipeline (2.12.0) Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance..
less-asset-pipeline (2.12.0) LESS Compiler for the Asset-Pipeline.
handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.12.0) Provides native Handlebars file support in the asset-pipeline. Easily convert .hbs or .handlebars files into javascript template caches for use with the handlebars runtime..
ember-asset-pipeline (2.12.0) Compiles hbs or handlebars files for the asset-pipeline into the Ember.TEMPLATES cache.
compass-asset-pipeline (2.12.0) Provides Compass/SCSS Build support using the jruby runtime. Any compass project can be adjusted to be built by the asset-pipeline and used in applications..
coffee-asset-pipeline (2.12.0) Easily process coffee-script files with the asset-pipeline plugin. Package includes both jvm coffee runtime as well as the ability to use the coffeescript npm module if detected..
asset-pipeline-grails (2.12.0) The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript..
sentry ( Grails Sentry plugin.
karman-grails (0.10.7) Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local, S3, and Openstack..
rabbitmq-native (3.3.2) A messaging plugin for Grails 3 using RabbitMQ. This plugin gives application authors a powerful framework to quickly get a scalable messaging solution running quickly..
alexa-skills (0.1.2) This is a Grails 3.x plugin to help make Amazon Alexa Skills / Speechlets.
cxf (3.1.0) Grails CXF Plugin.
views-json-templates (1.2.0.M2) Grails views-json-templates plugin.
grails-views (1.2.0.M2) Grails Views.
views-gradle (1.2.0.M2) Grails views-gradle plugin.
jesque (1.2.0) Grails Jesque Plugin.
Grails 2プラグイン更新情報
@alvaro_sanchez The #g3summit shower has more commits than you https://t.co/mdhtObXb4c
@pledbrook I’m delivering a 1-week free trial of the @Adaptos #Gradle course starting 23 Jan: https://www.adaptos.net/effective-technology/courses/gradle/ - why not give it a try?
@aalmiray closing 2016 with 3 #hackergarten events: Luzern Dec 1st. Bern Dec 6th. Basel Dec 8th. Join us for some coding fun! http://hackergarten.net/
@ilopmar #G3Summit starts for me with @danveloper 's @ratpackweb workshop! https://t.co/DGbXItd9xb
@oldpa_ Meet me at #g3summit! #Groovy #groovylang #jetbrains
@davydotcom asset-pipeline 2.12.0 released with native ES6 module loading support using `.es6` file suffix as well s improved commonJs support Enjoy!
@daniel_sun Tale of a Groovy Spark in the Cloud posted by @glaforge http://glaforge.appspot.com/article/tale-of-a-groovy-spark-in-the-cloud
@paulk_asert Sitepoint's featuring open source topics on their Java channel this week. Here's my #groovylang article: https://www.sitepoint.com/groovy-open-source-success-story/
@CedricChampeau #groovylang has Spock, #kotlin could have Kirk, but they chose Spek. Too bad :)
@sdelamo are a #groovylang junkie?Checkout this, slightly dated, Podcast: Exploring Groovy, Grails3 and more with @kenkousen http://blog.nofluffjuststuff.com/2016/01/11/podcast-exploring-groovy-grails3-and-more-with-ken-kousen/
@GDBolinger wrote a #groovylang script to download #WordPress post images, upload to #AmazonS3, and spit out useful link for custom #Hugo shortcode.
@mittie Göttingen is Groovy https://t.co/9gzrSVE0zj
@greachconf Please welcome @autentia as a Gold sponsor! Thank you for your support. https://www.autentia.com/ #greach
@mojavelinux Here's how easy it will be to define a new source highlighting theme in Asciidoctor PDF (after next release). https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/blob/master/docs/theming-guide.adoc#source-highlighting-theme
@daniel_sun That's great! https://twitter.com/samharwell/status/801268208619503616
@CedricChampeau I'm actually surprised no developer called their children Foo, Bar and Baz yet.
@RyanVanderwerf The Groovy Podcast skill is live! deets here http://amzn.to/2gdst1R Thanks @kenkousen for helping w/legal stuff + @FoxInATX for dev #alexa
@gradle Here's @mockitoguy, @hans_d, @etiennestuder and @ldaley at last week's Bay Area Gradle Users meetup—enjoy! https://blog.gradle.org/november-bay-area-meetup-recap
@B2GSMeetup @glaforge @virtualdogbert aka Tucker will be going to G3Summit, taking some 360 video, and posting to the B2GSMeetup YouTube channel.
@RyanVanderwerf Version 0.9 of grooid-wear-new-project-template has been released! Grab it now from #bintray https://bintray.com/rvanderwerf/grooid-templates/grooid-wear-new-project-template/0.9! adds compileSdkVersion
@sdkman_ Stay tuned for news about Java on OSX and Cygwin. Remember to switch to the beta channel to be ready for action! http://sdkman.io/install.html
@marc0der Released Gradle Spawn Plugin 0.8.2: exits gracefully on kill if server is down. https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/com.wiredforcode.spawn
@aalmiray YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! *breathes into paper bag* *passes out* ... YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! https://twitter.com/sdkman_/status/800812562409463808
@sdkman_ This just happened on our beta channel of SDKMAN! #java #linux https://asciinema.org/a/93687
@DailyGradle Task methods that affect execution order: - dependsOn - finalizedBy - mustRunAfter - shouldRunAfter #gradleTip
@Lspacewalker Good news everyone, @beckje01 and I will be presenting @ratpackweb hands on lab at @DevoxxUS !
@jstrachan I got interviewed at #DevOxx on going faster with microservices, kubernetes, jenkins and fabric8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F5e8Tq9qUs
@glaforge Create Google Slides decks from #markdown docs: https://github.com/googlesamples/md2googleslides
@sdelamo @groovypodcast @jbaruch @kenkousen loved the #groovylang calamari’s new logo trolling. Keep doing the podcast and bring @pledbrook back
@gr8conf GR8Conf 2017 kickoff. Another year, another fantastic conference https://t.co/01K0WPDB0w
@OkieOth Play w/ @ApacheGroovy to replace some old #bash scripts - I <3 the execute() func of arrays and checking output w/ closures.
@daniel_sun The PPT is old but still useful. In the Groovy 2.5, we can use macro to constrct the target AST easily. http://www.slideshare.net/hendersk/groovy-ast-transformations
@tweetsoutloud I give up, we’ve reach peak engineering: http://imgur.com/4W3v12V https://t.co/EiivSjXcPO
@daniel_sun @marcinerdmann According to the past discussion, the new parser will be included in #groovylang 3 at latest.
@sdelamo Checkout latest #groovylang calamari.Links via @fcnorman @BenRipkens & usual suspects @ilopmar @paulk_asert @mrhaki… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/799935251208208384
@RalfDMueller Yeah! I love !in - with the right font it looks cool... u!in would even be cooler ?? https://twitter.com/marcinerdmann/status/799913379028725760
@danveloper The next version of #groovylang is gonna be a whole new beast. Follow @daniel_sun if you care what’s coming.
@daniel_sun The new parser(Parrot) for #groovylang supports !in and !instanceof operators now, e.g. 1 !in [2, 3], 1 !instanceof String. @ApacheGroovy
@bsideup @davidthecoder @ApacheGroovy there is a change for the macro system as well: http://github.com/bsideup/groovy-macro-methods-proposal
@davidthecoder Very impressed with the progress made on @ApacheGroovy moving towards v3 release. New parser, language features, compatibility with lambda
@greachconf Hurry up! Less than 10 doorbuster tickets left. Don't wait until is too late. https://2017.greachconf.com/#tickets
@OkieOth play with #groovylang to manage #docker container - works fine but needs a lot of integration test code
@DailyGradle When using TestKit for plugin testing, the GradleRunner.buildAndFail() method can be used for negative testing. #gradleTip
@daniel_sun @rokflow @ApacheGroovy lambda expression, method reference, constructor reference and try-with-resources have been added to #groovylang 3
@paulk_asert @tyvole @CloudBees Jesse Glick showing off the cool #groovylang continuations in #JenkinsPipeline https://t.co/hrWPd99CtF
@alexblanquart Lots of good points and similarities with @grailsframework ! #grailsfw #groovylang https://twitter.com/jessepollak/status/798245202242588673
@tojarrett Extensible type checking in Groovy allows hiding complexity from business analysts- @paulk_asert #ApacheCon https://t.co/cSdLQ6KMU6
@mojavelinux Here are the slides & script of my "Documentation as Code" talk from @DevoxxMA. (The talk is still evolving). https://github.com/opendevise/presentation-documentation-as-code/tree/devoxxma-2016
@RyanVanderwerf New Alexa Grails plugin released! https://bintray.com/rvanderwerf/alexa-skills/alexa-skills/0.1.2 Adds AudioPlayer support for playing audio streams like Podcasts #grailsfw
@ilopmar . @marioggar will talk about what's coming in Groovy 2.5 with Macro-groovy next @madridgug. https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/235569125/?eventId=235569125 @ApacheGroovy @bsideup
@TOTHENEW Organizations that use #Grails for #ApplicationDevelopment have witnessed immediate gains in #Developer productivit… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/798684523747753984
@MGrzejszczak @alvaro_sanchez @starbuxman @craigburke1 you troll :D
@aalmiray productive #hackergarten evening: griffon, basilisk, naum, groovy, gluon maps, sportchef, needle4j, jdeferred
@ZacharyAKlein Check out the React profile for Grails - it’s never been easier to get started using these two frameworks. http://grailsblog.objectcomputing.com/posts/2016/11/14/introducing-the-react-profile-for-grails.html #grailsfw
@alexblanquart Functional programming using #groovylang : http://automateddeveloper.blogspot.fr/2015/01/tech-functional-programming-in-groovy.html