今週のGrails 2017 6-8
今回は昨年夏に行われたGR8Conf USの動画を大放出!
Grails 3.2.6リリース!バグフィックスなどです。
GORM次期メジャー版。GORM 6.1マイルストーン2がリリース。
Groovyのインターフェイスを使用した実装補完(例:"Book find(Serializable id)")や、新たなデータサービス機能を含みます。
データサービス機能、マルチテナント変換、改善されたMapping DSLなどについては、マニュアルの"What’s New in GORM 6.1"を参照してください。
Christopher J. Stehno氏が開発を進める、HTTPクライアントテストを行うためのHTTPサーバモック"Ersatz Server"。
Ratpack 1.4.5がリリースしました。
内容はヘルスチェック廻りのバグフィックス、RxRatpackエラーハンドラー追加、Netty 4.1.6へ更新などです。Ratpack 1.4系を使用しているユーザは1.4.5への更新推奨です。
Gradle 3.4がリリース。リリースノートによると、パフォーマンス改善、コアプラグインJacocoとCheckstyleの更新などです。
3月末までGreachのチケットは入手可能です。GR8Conf EUのチケットは5月末です。
今年のGR8Conf EUは、DevOpsにフォーカスしてます!近々スピーカーとセッションが公開されます!
GR8Conf USとGradle Summitはスピーカー公募中ですよ!
Grails 3プラグイン更新情報
- asynchronous-mail (2.0.0.RC7) The plugin realises asynchronous mail sending. It stores messages in a DB and sends them asynchronously by a quartz job..
- org.grails.plugins:iCalendar (0.6.2) Grails iCalendar plugin.
- aws-sdk-s3 (2.1.15) Grails AWS SDK S3 plugin.
- aws-sdk-ses (2.1.15) Grails AWS SDK SES plugin.
- aws-sdk-sns (2.1.15) Grails AWS SDK SNS plugin.
- aws-sdk-sqs (2.1.15) Grails AWS SDK SQS plugin.
- aws-sdk-dynamodb (2.1.15) Grails AWS SDK DynamoDB plugin.
- aws-sdk-kinesis (2.1.15) Grails AWS SDK Kinesis plugin.
- embedded-mongodb (1.0.2) Executes an embedded mongo database for integration or functional testing.
- mailinglist (3.0.4) mailinglist is a Grails plugin which makes use of quartz to dynamically schedule either group or specific email address contact. You create html email templates with images etc, then define time and date for this to be sent. The job is then added to quartz and set to email at given time. The queue can easily be controlled via bootstrap so that nothing is ever lost. Do you want to email a person at 11:41 pm or maybe a group of people at 2.15am? then look no further. You can schedule an email to be scheduled and to run on a set date and time. Supports HTML emails with inline images as well as attachments has been tested on outlook and result appears to load fine..
- neo4j (6.1.0.M2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- rx-mongodb (6.1.0.M2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- mongodb (6.1.0.M2) GORM for MongoDB.
- hibernate4 (6.1.0.M2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- hibernate5 (6.1.0.M2) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- recaptcha (3.1.0) Grails 3 ReCaptcha and MailHide plugin.
- grails-java8 (1.1.1) Provides support for Java 8 specific features in Grails.
- cassandra (6.0.7) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- grails-gscripting (1.0.7) Run Groovy scripts in Grails.
Grails 2プラグイン更新情報
Recaptcha Spring Security Plugin
Using recaptcha with spring security core for brute force defender
Mailing List Plugin
Schedule emails to a mailing group or to a person using dynamic quartz scheduling. Schedules stored within DB and upon application restart incomplete or future schedules are re-added to quartz queue.
Bower Asset-Pipeline Plugin
Provides bower support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
Store detailed log of controller actions in database including controller name, action name, start-end time, total time (seconds), exceptions, custom messages and more.
Gitcheck Plugin
Provides the ability to check Git respository status, e.g. uncommited files, missing updates, etc. while creating a war file.
A day that's been a long time coming… Just finished the draft of my Spock book! Now to get on with 1.1 of Spock itself
Attention All JVM Developers! #grailsfw #groovylang #java #jvm https://twitter.com/objectcomputing/status/835165103108521984
Full room at #groovylang talk by @kenkousen at #devnexus
Fun, fast paced with jokes and lots of hands-on examples ??????
Bookmark #grailsfw Quickcasts Youtube playlist! More @grailsframework content is coming soon.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/829003480652189697
"#Java libraries you cannot miss" includes @spockframework http://blog.jevsejev.io/2017/02/19/java-libraries-you-cannot-miss-in-2017/
Sadly I moved CI from Snap to @semaphoreci. Thanks @snap_ci for support grooscript continuous integration, good luck to the team.
Pre-Greach #Grailsfw Training is gearing up! We've got the instructor, topic, & venue -- all we're missing is you!… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/834454127459565568
I guess, I'm going to learn myself some #groovylang
Today, together with @RalfDMueller first presentation in English on #geb and #Spock https://t.co/d6f6dstuG7
"Groovy remains very popular"
/cc @ApacheGroovy https://twitter.com/myfear/status/833708549058478080
New #GrailsGuide! Integrate #grailsfw with the existing #AngularJS app, developed during @treehouse course http://bit.ly/2leSnYf
Gradle 3.4 released on SDKMAN! #gradle
If you want to follow this year amazing speakers, subscribe to this list: https://twitter.com/greachconf/lists/speakers2017
This is a language-agnostic program for the summer. Let us know if we can help you find a team or coaches in the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/833669214644887552
If you have transportation questions about Madrid, you can use Citymapper to get different options. Subway is good!
How to use @grailsframework rest-api profile with the #AngularJS app developed during @treehouse course http://guides.grails.org/grails-restapi-angularjs/guide/index.html #grailsfw
@grailsframework is number five Java framework among the top ten! https://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/java-web-frameworks-index-by-rebellabs/
Very interesting read https://twitter.com/jboner/status/832665497480998914
@grailsframework Well now I'm spoiled -- why am I still writing controllers and UI code? Is that slated for auto-gen in Grails 3.3? :-D
Looks like last years GR8ConfUS videos got posted. This is a good one to start with probably:
Is there a rule of thumb when deciding to test at the GUI level or API level?
https://dzone.com/articles/should-i-test-at-the-gui-level-or-the-api-level https://t.co/mgI9RySddk
GORM is on a roll #grailsfw #GORM https://twitter.com/grailsframework/status/832620957269233667
GORM keeps getting better and better. #grailsfw https://twitter.com/grailsframework/status/832620957269233667
Structurizr now supports the @arc42Tipps documentation template; example -> https://structurizr.com/share/27791/documentation & code ->… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/832599822972620800
Woohoo! @testcontainers reached 300 ?? on GitHub! Next target is 500 :)
Didn't star it yet? Do it now :)… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/832501080034574336
#grailsfw ranks 5th https://twitter.com/playframework/status/832211466669453312
@glaforge so where is the lazybones template to get started?
Where there is Java, where #groovylang can do better.
With my #java and #groovylang hats on, I like to see that #tensorflow 1.0 has an experimental Java API :-)
I am very proud of what @ObjectComputing has been able to do with Grails. We Have An Awesome Awesome Team! #grailsfw
The revised http://guides.grails.org site looks great and has a lot of info. Should be a great help, especially to beginners #grailsfw
ASMifier will be added to AST Browser to help developers study how to generate bytecodes for #groovylang with ASM. https://t.co/wpQJDEUqd0
Do you want 2 days #Grailsfw training with @grailsframework co-founder @jeffscottbrown in Madrid before #Greach? --> https://www.ociweb.com/training/next-level-grails-in-two-days
Only 45 days to next #Greach edition. Do you have your ticket?
#groovylang #grailsfw #gradle #java
One thing I keep thinking about after yesterday’s #groovyLang podcast interview to @bsideup by @jbaruch @kenkousen… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/830388656607227904
Speaking at JFokus and getting to chat with amazing devs was a fun experience. Too bad I can't make going to conferences a full-time job.
OH: A spring in the boot is worth two rats in the pack. @Lspacewalker @craigburke1 @danveloper
Simplifies usage of #Docker Compose for integration testing in #gradle environment with this plugin:
I'm glad to see Gradle finally has sensible install instructions. https://gradle.org/install Might seem obvious, but I call that progress.
He: "Really wish SpringMVC had conventions like here's controllers, views, etc."
Me: "You would *love* @grailsframework"
Slides for my presentation on Visualizing Code Bases @jfokus #jfokus 2017 http://www.slideshare.net/aestasit/visualizing-java-code-bases-for-jfokus-2017