今週のGrails 2017 9-10
今週のGrails141号!今号ではMr Haki氏のRatpackブログやリリース情報デス!
Groovy 2.4.9がリリース!チェンジログによると、
Alpine Linuxベースの物やいくつかのJavaバージョンでの構成で提供されています。
ドキュメントはコチラ: grooviter.github.io/asteroid
Grails 3.2.7がリリース!バグフィックスといくつかの改善です。
変更点の詳細は: Githubで確認しましょう!
オフィシャルガイドを紹介してますが、Groovy/Grailsのブログを書いてるDidin Jamaludin氏の記事も紹介しておきます:
GORM 6.1の最初のリリース候補版がリリースされました!
ドキュメントでHibernate、MongoDB、Neo4j向けの新機能を確認しましょう!: gorm.grails.org/6.1.x
次世代HTTPビルダーの0.14.0がリリース。新たな機能としてテストキットリファクタリング、BASIC/DIGEST対応など。ドキュメントはコチラ: http-builder-ng.github.io/http-builder-ng
Christopher J. Stehno氏がErsatz Serverのバージョン1.0.0をリリース。BASIC/DIGEST対応の再構築とドキュメント更新など。プロジェクトサイトはコチラ: stehno.com/ersatz
Griffon 2.10.0がリリース!
Dockerイメージを使用してテストを行っている場合、Testcontainers projectを見つけるかと思いますが、この度、Testcontainersはバージョン1.2.0をリリースしました。詳細はコチラ: CHANGELOG
このプロジェクトの一部に、Spock SpecsをDockerコンテナで起動という物もあります。コチラをチェック!testcontainers-spockプロジェクト
Gradleのバグフィックス版: 3.4.1がリリース。
そして、Gradleのオフィシャルとして、 bash、zshでタブ補完:gradle-completionプロジェクトが公開。
3月末に開催されるGreachのチケットはまだ購入できます。GR8Conf EUは5月末迄です。
Grails 3プラグイン更新情報
- grails-views (1.2.0.RC1) Grails Views.
- views-json-templates (1.2.0.RC1) Grails views-json-templates plugin.
- views-gradle (1.2.0.RC1) Grails views-gradle plugin.
- cassandra (6.1.0.RC1) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- spring-security-jaxrs (3.0.1) A plugin that allows the use of Spring Security features with JAX-RS resources..
- rx-gorm-rest-client (1.1.0.RC1) Provides a RxGORM Object Mapping implementation for communication with REST web services.
- neo4j (6.1.0.RC1) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- rx-mongodb (6.1.0.RC1) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- mongodb (6.1.0.RC1) GORM for MongoDB.
- hibernate4 (6.1.0.RC1) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- hibernate5 (6.1.0.RC1) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework.
- cxf (3.1.1) Grails CXF Plugin.
- grails-x-frame-options-plugin (1.1.0) Servlet filter that adds a X-FRAME-OPTIONS response header.
- karman-grails (0.11.0) Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local, S3, and Openstack..
- scaffolding (3.3.1) Grails scaffolding plugin.
- distributed-lock (3.1.7) This plugin provides a framework and interface for a synchronization mechanism distributed to multiple server instances. In today's world of horizontal computational scale and massive concurrency, it becomes increasingly difficult to synchronize operations outside the context of a single computational space (server/process). This plugin aims to make that easier by providing a simple service to facilitate this, as well as defining an interface for adding low level providers..
- rxjava (1.1.0) A plugin that integrates Grails with RxJava.
- sass-asset-pipeline (2.13.2) Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance..
- less-asset-pipeline (2.13.2) LESS Compiler for the Asset-Pipeline.
- handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.13.2) Provides native Handlebars file support in the asset-pipeline. Easily convert .hbs or .handlebars files into javascript template caches for use with the handlebars runtime..
- ember-asset-pipeline (2.13.2) Compiles hbs or handlebars files for the asset-pipeline into the Ember.TEMPLATES cache.
- compass-asset-pipeline (2.13.2) Provides Compass/SCSS Build support using the jruby runtime. Any compass project can be adjusted to be built by the asset-pipeline and used in applications..
- coffee-asset-pipeline (2.13.2) Easily process coffee-script files with the asset-pipeline plugin. Package includes both jvm coffee runtime as well as the ability to use the coffeescript npm module if detected..
- asset-pipeline-grails (2.13.2) The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript..
Grails 2プラグイン更新情報
This year t-shirts are black but it was necessary and we think you're gonna love them. If not, it's @albertovilches' fault ;-)
Super Mario strikes again!
Asteroid: Groovy helpers for #groovylang AST transformations. https://twitter.com/marioggar/status/840985420888436736
I invented the web. Here are three things we need to change to save it | Tim Berners-Lee https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/mar/11/tim-berners-lee-web-inventor-save-internet
You missed our post on how to empower #Jenkins with #Gradle ? Here's another chance: http://buff.ly/2maPPtl cc… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/840641734304489472
Create a DOT file of a #gradle task execution graph using this plugin:
#gradleTip (via @mmalohlava)
Any #groovylang or #javalang projects need some site or documentation love?
Visiting #Greach and in for a Groovy battle? Join our coding contest with @koenusTweets http://buff.ly/2lS97Sl… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/840173396122038272
Did you know that #groovylang had type-safe, statically compiled templates? http://bit.ly/1tQ61fj
2017 JDK.IO Call For Speakers in the ecosystem surrounding #Java for more info see http://bit.ly/2mBElkV #Payara #SpringBoot #WildflySwarm
Check out this year amazing speakers: http://2017.greachconf.com/speakers/
#greach #groovylang #grailsfw
all the source code for https://www.infoq.com/articles/Testing-RxJava2 can be found at https://github.com/aalmiray/testing-rxjava2
.@kyleboon @tim_yates @Lspacewalker @NoamTenne @aalmiray you say that like you're joking, but I do that for real
I hereby confirm that @tim_yates is the fastest member of the #groovy community at SO
Remember that the agenda with all the talks and workshops is available: http://2017.greachconf.com/agenda/
#greach #groovylang #grailsfw
This month at @madridgug we are talking about creating Apple TV apps with @grailsframework by @sdelamo #cool https://t.co/wvJBgzVB4Y
A few months ago, I missed celebrating 1 million downloads of Asciidoctor (gem). Now, 1.5M. Growth is skyrocketing. http://bestgems.org/gems/asciidoctor
The list of speakers at #gr8conf EU 2017 is growing day by day: http://bit.ly/OOWPdd @ApacheGroovy @grailsframework @gradle #devops
#GrooCSS - Code your #CSS in #GroovyLang, using a natural Groovy #DSL / @adamldavis
Totally flabbergasted when people criticise and complain about OSS that they receive for free and have contributed nothing towards.
@sdkman_ it happened… 1st source reading about a new #gradle release is @sdkman_ :P (to my defense: I was on vacation)
@rob_winch there is also this - https://github.com/palantir/gradle-docker-test-runner which looks very close to what you’re asking for
Spring REST docs is awesome!! Thanks @codeJENNerator for providing such a great example of how to use it: https://github.com/jlstrater/groovy-spring-boot-restdocs-example
@rob_winch @bsideup @kyleboon @starbuxman works great with Couchbase too. https://blog.couchbase.com/testing-spring-data-couchbase-applications-with-testcontainers/
@rob_winch @kyleboon @starbuxman don't forget to join our Slack :) http://slack.testcontainers.org
We're very active community and happy to help :)
Great compilation boost with #gradle ! 10 times faster.Incremental Compilation - gradle3.4
#maven #java #programming
Submitted a couple of talks for @GR8ConfUS! Wish me luck ??#groovylang
distributed-lock 3.1.7 released: http://plugins.grails.org/plugin/bertramlabs/distributed-lock
Dear Lazy Web, What is the best #Gradle setup for running tests against some sort of container (i.e. the tests require Redis)? Samples?
I also submitted talk for @GR8ConfUS to talk about @ratpackweb and devops with #groovylang! Really looking forward to it!
Just submitted for @GR8ConfUS. Very excited to (hopefully) give this talk! #java #cloud https://t.co/HHyCavexsA
New Blog: TDD Harms Architecture: http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2017/03/03/TDD-Harms-Architecture.html
That's the best explanation of Java 8 streams you'll ever see. https://twitter.com/tagir_valeev/status/837668960426418177
Release 2.0.4 of the gradle-jooq-plugin is now available with better configuration error reporting. #gradle #jooq https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/nu.studer.jooq/2.0.4
Very excited (and nervous) to speak about @ApacheGroovy, #DSL and many cool tools as @gradle or @spockframework in… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/837388216986648576
.@codeJENNerator I think we learned some things, but most importantly #groovylang is awesome, and we should encourage others to join us!
The http://stehno.com/ersatz Twitter account is alive! #groovylang
On behalf of the community, I’m pleased to announce #SpringSecurity 4.2.2 has been released
@craigatk1 lmao, great idea! https://t.co/emMw8Oan6F
I need to write a tricky GEB test. I'll just Google @craigatk1 and keep the tab open. https://t.co/bokJf9iXoU
Official @ApacheGroovy #docker images available, thanks to @keeganwitt
GR8Conf EU is proud to support the @Gr8Ladies offering an underrepresented group or students a way to go to… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/836542673427255297
We are pleased to announce we are giving away two tickets to #gr8conf 2017 in Copenhagen. Apply before April 1. https://goo.gl/forms/Rn6SzMKgJrGiAdIn2
I will be speaking at #gids17 #grailsfw #groovylang http://www.developermarch.com/developersummit/session.html?insert=Naresha
Why isn't #groovylang's Gorm an official part of #SpringBoot?
It there something equal in #SpringBoot?
An introductory book on programming, in French, using #groovylang. https://twitter.com/glaforge/status/836183966252158976
Artifactory by @jfrog now supports Chef cookbooks as a native artifact format! https://cards.twitter.com/cards/18ce53uppha/3iffh