今週のGrails 2017 11-17
ワークショップでは、Vladimir Orany氏の"Excel in Groovy"、Schalk Cronjé氏の"Gradle Plugin writing Workshop"が、帰ってから実践したくなるほど良かったようです。(来年はスペイン行きたい!)。
そしてワークショップで最もベストだったのが、GroovyコアコミッターでもあるSergei Egorov氏の"Your Very First Macro Method"。Sergei氏による即興でASTを記述しそしてそれをMacro Groovyで記述するという内容。
2日目、3日目に行われたカンファレンスでは、Marcin Erdmann氏による"Geb Best Practices"、
Danny Hyun氏にの"Mastering Async in Ratpack"、そして、Kevin Wittek氏の"Groovy Integration Testing with Spock and Docker"が良かったそうです。動画がアップされている物は必見ですね。
このカンファレンスが良いイベントになったのもを統括してくれたIván López氏とAlberto Vilches氏のおかげです。そして、jmiguel rodriguez氏がカンファレンスの写真を共有してくれています。(※写真みると来年は参加したくなります!)
そして、Macro Groovyに対応し、大量の細かな新機能やバグフィックスを含む、Groovy 2.5 最初のα版もリリースされています。
John Wagenleitner氏がGroovy PMCに参加です。おめでとうございます。
Business Insider(businessinsider.com)が仕事を得るために学ぶべき16のプラグラミング言語のひとつにGroovyをあげています。
Learn any of these 16 programming languages and you'll always have a job
そして興味深いリリースとしては、GORM 6.1(0,1と2)のリリース!
最新のGrailsではGORMのバージョン変更を容易に行えるように改良され、gradle.propertiesに"gormVersion=6.1.2"と記述するだけになっています。(※ただそれのせいでプロファイルから生成されるいくつかのプロジェクトで変更が必要になりますが。コチラを参考に! )
Grailsの最新情報に関してはGreachでのGrame Rochers氏のKeynoteを視ると良いです。
コチラ:Grails Keynote。Keynote内でのGORM 6.1のサンプルコードはコチラ
とSpring Security Coreプラグインでカスタム認証を作成辺りですかね。
ガイド繋がりでAlberto De Ávila氏のGreachで行われたワークショップ Testing in Grails もオススメです。
Alberto De Ávila has shared スライドとコードはコチラ
GrailsとGoogle App Engine (GAE)が統合!
GrailsアプリケーションをGoogle Cloud PlatformのGAEで起動できます。
そして、Jon Bevan氏の記事「Practical Ratpack Promises 」もオススメです。
Mario Garcia氏が、GraphQLのGroovyライブラリ「GQL」をリリース。
GreachでのMario氏の動画はコチラ:GraphQL development with Groovy
Codenarc projectがJenn Strater氏からの要望で新たなルールを追加。0.27.0がリリースされました。
そして、Gradle 3.5リリース。
Gradleガイドから。GradleプラグインのサンプルGradle Site Pluginもオススメ。
Exceptionハンドリングの改良、Generic Multipart requestエンコーダ、ガイドがリニューアル、そして、cookieを使う場合のパフォーマンスが向上!
テスト用モックサーバーErsatz Serverのバージョン 1.2.0がリリース。深いcookieマッチング対応。
GR8Conf EUが後数週間で開催!チケットまだの方!急いでチケットゲット!今年は行きます!何年かぶりのコペンハーゲン!コペンハーゲンで合いましょう!
@grailsframework Monday Guide: Learn how to change the default language used in your application, switch between languages… http://guides.grails.org/grails_i18n/guide/index.html #grailsfw
@dfw2gug If you missed Dave's talk about moving to Groovy last month, you have another chance to catch it at this week's @JavaMUG on Wednesday.
@Gr8Ladies We're really excited to announce we've confirmed @olga_maciaszek and @kraulain as the recipients of our travel grants to @gr8conf in CPH!
@puneetbhl 15 new #grails developers joining slack today @TOTHENEW
@GR8ConfUS Graeme Rocher, @graemerocher, will be speaking at GR8Conf US this year http://gr8conf.us/speakers/54
@grailsframework Do you want to learn more about Grails with @googlecloud Checkout the app https://grails-samples.github.io/google-bookshelf/ Translation API, Vision API … #grailsfw
@sbglasius Going to the final @gr8conf planing meeting before the conference. Also, today is when we bottle the #gr8beer! #groovylang #grailsfw
@aalmiray slides for "Testing Java Code Effectively" available at https://www.slideshare.net/aalmiray/testing-java-code-effectively +@jugka
@epragt Another language comparison of JVM languages on #Stackoverflow based on number of questions per month #kotlin… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/857126249524846593
@jeffscottbrown We are trying to identify organizations for which this feature set would be valuable. Let me know. #grailsfw https://twitter.com/objectcomputing/status/856556974636453888
@NoamTenne Great work on the improved documentation, @HttpBuilderNG ! /cc: @kenkousen @jbaruch
@gr8conf GR8Conf EU is truly international! Attendees from 17 countries so far @ApacheGroovy @grailsframework #devops Reg No… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/856473550471016448
@GebFramework 90s called and said they wanted their site back so @antony kindly refreshed http://gebish.org for us. Thanks @antony!
@DailyGradle Get started writing custom plugins for your project and place them in buildSrc: https://guides.gradle.org/writing-gradle-plugins #gradleTip
@aalmiray minimum effort to get started with Open Source development: Encountered a bug? File an issue and let the team know! https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PIVOT-993
@olivierleplus Fun facts on what we can learn about developers using #Groovy and #Gradle with #bigquery . Thanks @glaforge at… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/854706294586048512
@ratpackweb Ratpack 1.5.0 adds support for rendering Rocker templates. Use this plugin if you're building with @gradle. https://twitter.com/etiennestuder/status/854569288660901888
@dfw2gug We need a group logo... anybody have any graphic design skills?
@DailyGradle Help your friends migrate from #maven to #gradle with this guide https://guides.gradle.org/migrating-from-maven #gradleTip
@chrisstehno It's an odd feeling when you hear your name mentioned in a podcast. ?? https://twitter.com/groovypodcast/status/851850261106765825
@CedricChampeau Pro tip. When writing concurrent algorithms, do peer reviews, multiple reviewers at the same time. First review wins.
@gr8conf Again from India, @puneetbhl is speaking at #gr8conf eu. http://bit.ly/2p8qi4S #grailsfw #devops @TOTHENEW Register for Early Bird
@craigburke1 Nice! Looks like they're open-sourcing clover. I'll need to give that another look: https://www.atlassian.com/blog/announcements/atlassian-clover-open-source
@DailyGradle When using #groovylang with TestKit, redirecting output is easy. #gradleTip https://t.co/B1eDdEYxRW
@wmacgyver @graemerocher grovvy users don’t make a lot of noise, get things done etc.
@baeldung The results of the "Java in 2017" Survey are out: http://www.baeldung.com/java-in-2017 - quite some interesting numbers this year
@daniel_sun The new annotation Groovydoc has been added for #groovylang 3. You find its example at http://bit.ly/2oflGvi @ApacheGroovy
@epragt Google Trends: Kotlin (blue) vs Groovy (red). #kotlin #groovylang https://trends.google.com.au/trends/explore?q=%2Fm%2F0_lcrx4,%2Fm%2F02js86 https://t.co/UdTCpwnQCG
@testcontainers Testcontainers 1.2.1 is out! This is a small bugfix release. CHANGELOG here: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-java/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
@HttpBuilderNG Are there any plugins or components using the old HttpBuilder that would like an update to NG? #groovylang
@sdkman_ Java 9ea+163 for Mac, Windows and Linux 64 released on SDKMAN! #java
@kszdev Parrot Parser is gonna be a big thing for @ApacheGroovy https://github.com/apache/groovy/tree/parrot/subprojects/groovy-parser-antlr4 #groovylang
@TheASF If Apache software has helped you, please consider making a donation, no matter the size. Every dollar counts. http://apache.org/foundation/contributing.html
@Lspacewalker Notes from @melbjvm presentation https://danhyun.github.io/rapid-ratpack-groovy/ Showcasing ratpack, groovy, jooq, heroku
@carlosqt Apache Groovy 2.5.0 Alpha 1 released! download from: http://groovy-lang.org/download.html programming #groovylang #java #grails @ApacheGroovy
@greachconf Special thanks to @jbaruch and @jfrog because without them the @groovypuzzlers wouldn't be possible. Thanks for make it happen another year!
@grails3book Practical Grails 3 - 0.6 update live - release notes here https://erichelgeson.github.io/blog/2017/04/03/grails-book-06/ Email to purchased list tomorrow. #grailsfw
@grailsframework New Guide! How to test Domain class constraints? Master Grails 3 unit testing! http://guides.grails.org/grails-test-domain-class-constraints/guide/index.html #grailsfw
@daniel_sun The new parser(Parrot) for #groovylang supports expression spanning rows, e.g. def a = true || false http://bit.ly/2nTw0Jh @ApacheGroovy
@RalfDMueller Big THANX to @benmanes for the gradle-versions-plugin! https://rdmueller.github.io/dependency-update/
@sdelamo Do you want to develop for Apple TV with #grailsfw after #greach ? Do you need custom security core authentication? http://groovycalamari.com/issues/74
@RalfDMueller can't wait to test this spock-reports feature created by hexmind and @renatoathaydes : https://github.com/renatoathaydes/spock-reports/issues/96
@ysb33r After #greach its sweetz https://t.co/CgZ2XV27vU
@marioggar Ok @greachconf it was a blast! see u in 2018!!!
@greachconf Some of out AMAZING speakers #Greach https://t.co/plKhuPAWO0
@greachconf This is how the interviews are done this year by @autentia #Greach https://t.co/gEdd4UjcDv
@bsideup Compile-time, fast JSON as a macro method in @ApacheGroovy? Sure, why not! Took ~25 mins during @greachconf The res… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/848115390219784192
@RyanVanderwerf New Grails event bus coming with multiple async library support! @graemerocher #greach #grailsfw https://t.co/npIvlcG5oM
@autentia Crowded house for @graemerocher at @greachconf https://t.co/wPjDlbFoqC
@RyanVanderwerf @graemerocher giving keynote on new grails goodness #greach https://t.co/iQ4Y5rg9hm
@marioggar BTW guess who won a @jfrog t-shirt during #groovypuzzlers @greachconf yesterday https://t.co/ARdex3DqHn
@RafSegGir Yesterday was a great day in #greach, speakers were amazing and we learned new things! @greachconf https://t.co/U21JNWebCb
@Alba_Roza Couldn't be happier!! @greachconf super T-shirt ?????? #mrrobot #fsociety #ecorp https://t.co/lLs3xL0mvo
@alotor My mind has been blown by GORM 6 SOOOO cool stuff. @graemerocher #Greach https://t.co/Ws1eJcqzHt
@NoamTenne @jbaruch Donate docs!
@musketyr @burtbeckwith So every item in the collection is validated before the object is saved.
@musketyr @burtbeckwith if you want to scare people more of using hasMany, you can also mention that Grails domain classes validates deeply by default
@codeJENNerator TIL that @nulleric has provided a great tool for checking the diff between #grails versions. #greach https://t.co/YHMaQZwsVd
@ysb33r Just learnt about GrailsConfigurationAware from @sdelamo. Great design feature. #greach
@emfanitek Thanks for your talk on Test Driven REST API documentation @codeJENNerator at @greachconf . Very informative.
@marc0der Goodbye Postman, hello Advanced REST Client. It's simple, and it works! https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/advanced-rest-client/hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo
@greachconf Now it's time to create #gradle plugins. @ysb33r #Greach https://t.co/UMLaI6VcZD
@Kiview Workshop about Groovy Macro Methods by @bsideup @greachconf . Endless possibilities for AST transformation fun ?? https://t.co/4mllXroFPb
@marioggar Very inspiring workshop lead by @bsideup about #macro-methods #groovylang @greachconf
@gr8conf Checkout the awesome list of talks http://bit.ly/2ngpk5m - and yet more to come! #groovylang #grailsfw #devops #gradle #ratpackweb
@gr8conf Here is a short recap of GR8Conf 2016, just so you know what to expect from GR8Conf 2017! Register now! http://bit.ly/2o3Idfx #grailsfw
@DailyGradle You can do plugins { id ‘groovy’ } instead of apply plugin : ‘groovy’ #gradleTip
@grailsframework GORM 6.1 GA released with great new features for @Hibernate @MongoDB and @neo4j! http://grailsblog.objectcomputing.com/posts/2017/03/27/gorm-6.1-released.html #grailsfw #groovylang #grails
@NoamTenne Some super-sweet new @groovypuzzlers this year! I think I've even got a new favorite. You should definitely attend @greachconf or @gr8conf
@Kiview Let's get Groovy using @testcontainers @spockframework and @GebFramework @DevOpsGathering @GDataSoftwareAG #dog2017 https://twitter.com/DevOpsGathering/status/845615467658186752
@gr8conf Gr8 beer in the making https://t.co/9QIDqgkOEW
@eriwen Better console output in #Gradle 3.5 a first step toward better CLI. Next: logging, build summary, plugin hooks. https://github.com/gradle/gradle/releases/tag/v3.5.0-RC1
@jstrachan yay its me ;) https://twitter.com/jaxentercom/status/844881039084474368
@NoamTenne It's an honor to be speaking at @gr8conf for the 5th consecutive year https://twitter.com/gr8conf/status/844892280683147264
@glaforge Woo-hoo, in the big ballroom for my @googlecloud #BigQuery / @github / @ApacheGroovy talk at #devoxxus! https://t.co/g74iKeu1nx
@musketyr knowing that you need to delete .slcache folder when your @grailsframework app stops to compile is worth a fortune :-)
@gr8conf Please welcome @sdelamo and the Groovy Calamari as MEDIA sponsor of GR8Conf! http://bit.ly/2nFaau3 Great to have… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/844458769388109824
@goeh I just registered for @gr8conf EU. I missed last year so it feels great to be back on track.
@gr8conf Happy to support @Gr8Ladies in their effort to bring more diversity into #womenintech https://twitter.com/Gr8Ladies/status/841679083280965633
@Lspacewalker Hanging with @ratpackweb in sf https://t.co/LW3YEfWdhm