(Quick Reference)

4 設定 - Reference Documentation

Authors: Graeme Rocher, Peter Ledbrook, Marc Palmer, Jeff Brown, Luke Daley, Burt Beckwith

Version: 2.4.0.M1

Translated by: T.Yamamoto, Japanese Grails Doc Translating Team. Special thanks to NTT Software.

4 設定

It may seem odd that in a framework that embraces "convention-over-configuration" that we tackle this topic now. With Grails' default settings you can actually develop an application without doing any configuration whatsoever, as the quick start demonstrates, but it's important to learn where and how to override the conventions when you need to. Later sections of the user guide will mention what configuration settings you can use, but not how to set them. The assumption is that you have at least read the first section of this chapter!
設定より規約(convention-over-configuration)を採用したフレームワークにおいて設定の説明をするのは、なんだかおかしく思えるかもしれません。 クイックスタートにあるように、Grailsのデフォルト設定を使用すると、実際には一切設定をすることなくアプリケーション開発を始めることができますが、必要な時に規約をどこでどのようにオーバーライドするのか学んでおくことは重要です。 これ以降のセクションでは、どんな設定が利用できるかについては言及しますが、どのように設定するかは言及しません。 というのは、少なくともこの章の最初のセクションは読むだろうと仮定しているからです!

4.1 基本設定

For general configuration Grails provides two files:
  • grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
  • grails-app/conf/Config.groovy

Both of them use Groovy's ConfigSlurper syntax. The first, BuildConfig.groovy, is for settings that are used when running Grails commands, such as compile, doc, etc. The second file, Config.groovy, is for settings that are used when your application is running. This means that Config.groovy is packaged with your application, but BuildConfig.groovy is not. Don't worry if you're not clear on the distinction: the guide will tell you which file to put a particular setting in.
両方ともGroovyのConfigSlurperの構文を使用しています。 1つめのBuildConfig.groovycompiledoc等のようなGrailsコマンドを実行するときに使われる設定です。 2つめのConfig.groovyはアプリケーションを実行するときに使われる設定です。 つまり、Config.groovyはアプリケーションにパッケージされますが、BuildConfig.groovyはされません。 違いがよく分からなくても心配する必要はありません。 どの設定をどのファイルに書くべきかはこのガイドで示していきます。

The most basic syntax is similar to that of Java properties files with dot notation on the left-hand side:

foo.bar.hello = "world"

Note that the value is a Groovy string literal! Those quotes around 'world' are important. In fact, this highlights one of the advantages of the ConfigSlurper syntax over properties files: the property values can be any valid Groovy type, such as strings, integers, or arbitrary objects!
この値がGroovyの文字列リテラルであることに注意してください! 'world'を囲んでいる引用符が重要です。 実際に、これがプロパティファイルに対するConfigSlurperのシンタックスの有利な点の1つを際立たせています。 プロパティの値は文字列や整数、任意のオブジェクトのような、Groovyとして有効な型を取ることができるのです!

Things become more interesting when you have multiple settings with the same base. For example, you could have the two settings
同じベースで複数の設定をすると、もっとおもしろいことになります。 例えば、2つの設定を持つことができます。

foo.bar.hello = "world"
foo.bar.good = "bye"

both of which have the same base: foo.bar. The above syntax works but it's quite repetitive and verbose. You can remove some of that verbosity by nesting properties at the dots:
両方ともfoo.barという同じベースを持っています。 上記の構文は動作しますが、繰り返しがかなり冗長です。 プロパティのドットの箇所でネストして、冗長さを無くすことができます:

foo {
    bar {
        hello = "world"
        good = "bye"

or by only partially nesting them:

foo {
    bar.hello = "world"
    bar.good = "bye"

However, you can't nest after using the dot notation. In other words, this won't work:
しかしながら、ドット区切りの後にネストを使うことはできません。 つまり、これは動作しません:

// Won't work!
foo.bar {
    hello = "world"
    good = "bye"

Within both BuildConfig.groovy and Config.groovy you can access several implicit variables from configuration values:

userHomeLocation of the home directory for the account that is running the Grails application.
grailsHomeLocation of the directory where you installed Grails. If the GRAILS_HOME environment variable is set, it is used.
appNameThe application name as it appears in application.properties.
appVersionThe application version as it appears in application.properties.

For example:

my.tmp.dir = "${userHome}/.grails/tmp"

In addition, BuildConfig.groovy has

grailsVersionThe version of Grails used to build the project.
grailsSettingsAn object containing various build related settings, such as baseDir. It's of type api:grails.util.BuildSettings.

and Config.groovy has

grailsApplicationThe api:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication instance.

Those are the basics of adding settings to the configuration file, but how do you access those settings from your own application? That depends on which config you want to read.
ここまでは設定ファイルに設定を追加するための基本についてでしたが、アプリケーション自身からどのようにそれらの設定にアクセスするのでしょうか? それはどの設定を読みたいかによります。

The settings in BuildConfig.groovy are only available from command scripts and can be accessed via the grailsSettings.config property like so:
BuildConfig.groovy内の設定はコマンドスクリプトからしか取得できません。 以下のようにgrailsSettings.configプロパティを経由してアクセスできます:

target(default: "Example command") {
    def maxIterations = grailsSettings.config.myapp.iterations.max

If you want to read runtime configuration settings, i.e. those defined in Config.groovy, use the api:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication object, which is available as a variable in controllers and tag libraries:

class MyController {
    def hello() {
        def recipient = grailsApplication.config.foo.bar.hello

render "Hello ${recipient}" } }

and can be easily injected into services and other Grails artifacts:

class MyService {
    def grailsApplication

String greeting() { def recipient = grailsApplication.config.foo.bar.hello return "Hello ${recipient}" } }

As you can see, when accessing configuration settings you use the same dot notation as when you define them.

4.1.1 組込オプション

Grails has a set of core settings that are worth knowing about. Their defaults are suitable for most projects, but it's important to understand what they do because you may need one or more of them later.
Grailsには知っておくべき基本設定の一式があります。 それらのデフォルトは多くのプロジェクトに適していますが、後で設定が必要になった時のために、それが何の設定であるか理解しておくことが重要です。

Build settings


Let's start with some important build settings. Although Grails requires JDK 6 when developing your applications, it is possible to deploy those applications to JDK 5 containers. Simply set the following in BuildConfig.groovy:
いくつかの重要なビルド設定から始めましょう。 アプリケーションを開発するとき、GrailsはJDK 6を必要としますが、それらのアプリケーションをJDK 5で動作しているコンテナへデプロイすることが可能です。 単純にBuildConfig.groovy内で次のように設定します:

grails.project.source.level = "1.5"
grails.project.target.level = "1.5"

Note that source and target levels are different to the standard public version of JDKs, so JDK 5 -> 1.5, JDK 6 -> 1.6, and JDK 7 -> 1.7.
ただし、ソースとターゲットレベルはJDKの標準公開バージョンと異なり、JDK 5は1.5、JDK 6は1.6、そしてJDK 7は1.7となるようにしてください。

In addition, Grails supports Servlet versions 2.5 and above but defaults to 2.5. If you wish to use newer features of the Servlet API (such as 3.0 async support) you should configure the grails.servlet.version setting appropriately:
加えて、Grailsはサーブレットバージョン2.5以上をサポートし、デフォルトは2.5です。 もし(3.0の非同期サポートのような)サーブレットAPIの新しい機能を使いたければ、grails.servlet.versionを適切に設定します:

grails.servlet.version = "3.0"

Runtime settings


On the runtime front, i.e. Config.groovy, there are quite a few more core settings:

  • grails.config.locations - The location of properties files or addition Grails Config files that should be merged with main configuration. See the section on externalised config.
  • grails.enable.native2ascii - Set this to false if you do not require native2ascii conversion of Grails i18n properties files (default: true).
  • grails.views.default.codec - Sets the default encoding regime for GSPs - can be one of 'none', 'html', or 'base64' (default: 'none'). To reduce risk of XSS attacks, set this to 'html'.
  • grails.views.gsp.encoding - The file encoding used for GSP source files (default: 'utf-8').
  • grails.mime.file.extensions - Whether to use the file extension to dictate the mime type in Content Negotiation (default: true).
  • grails.mime.types - A map of supported mime types used for Content Negotiation.
  • grails.serverURL - A string specifying the server URL portion of absolute links, including server name e.g. grails.serverURL="http://my.yourportal.com". See createLink. Also used by redirects.
  • grails.views.gsp.sitemesh.preprocess - Determines whether SiteMesh preprocessing happens. Disabling this slows down page rendering, but if you need SiteMesh to parse the generated HTML from a GSP view then disabling it is the right option. Don't worry if you don't understand this advanced property: leave it set to true.
  • grails.reload.excludes and grails.reload.includes - Configuring these directives determines the reload behavior for project specific source files. Each directive takes a list of strings that are the class names for project source files that should be excluded from reloading behavior or included accordingly when running the application in development with the run-app command. If the grails.reload.includes directive is configured, then only the classes in that list will be reloaded.

  • grails.config.locations - メイン設定にマージされるべきプロパティファイルや追加のGrails設定ファイルの場所です。設定の外部化セクションを参照してください。
  • grails.enable.native2ascii - Grailsのi18nプロパティファイルのnative2ascii変換が必要ない場合はこれをfalseに設定します(デフォルト: true)。
  • grails.views.default.codec - GSPのデフォルトエンコーディング形式を設定します。'none'、'html'、または'base64'のいずれかを設定できます(デフォルト: none)。XSS攻撃によるリスクを減らすためには、これを'html'に設定します。
  • grails.views.gsp.encoding - GSPのソースファイルに使用するファイルエンコーディングです(デフォルト: 'utf-8')。
  • grails.mime.file.extensions - コンテントネゴシエーションにおいてmime typeの判定にファイルの拡張子を使うかどうかです。(デフォルト: true)
  • grails.mime.types - コンテントネゴシエーションで使う、サポートするMIMEタイプのマップです。
  • grails.serverURL - 絶対リンクのサーバURLの部分を指定する文字列です。grails.serverURL="http://my.yourportal.com"のようにサーバ名を含みます。createLinkを参照してください。この設定はリダイレクトにも使われます。
  • grails.views.gsp.sitemesh.preprocess - SiteMeshプリプロセッシングさせるかどうかを決めます。これを無効にするとページのレンダリングが遅くなりますが、GSPビューから生成されたHTMLをパースするためにSiteMeshが必要であれば、無効にすることは正しい選択です。この上級者向けのプロパティを理解していなくても気にする必要はありません。trueのままにしておきましょう。
  • grails.reload.excludesgrails.reload.includes - このディレクティブの設定は、プロジェクト固有のソースファイルに対するリロードの挙動を決めます。それぞれのディレクティブは文字列のリストを取ります。この文字列はrun-appコマンドを使って開発時にアプリケーションを動作させる際、リロード対象から除外または含めるべきプロジェクトのソースファイルのクラス名です。grails.reload.includesディレクティブが設定されている場合、リストにあるクラスだけがリロードされます。

War generation


  • grails.project.war.file - Sets the name and location of the WAR file generated by the war command
  • grails.war.dependencies - A closure containing Ant builder syntax or a list of JAR filenames. Lets you customise what libaries are included in the WAR file.
  • grails.war.copyToWebApp - A closure containing Ant builder syntax that is legal inside an Ant copy, for example "fileset()". Lets you control what gets included in the WAR file from the "web-app" directory.
  • grails.war.resources - A closure containing Ant builder syntax. Allows the application to do any other work before building the final WAR file

  • grails.project.war.file - warコマンドによって生成されるWARファイルの名前と場所を設定します。
  • grails.war.dependencies - Antビルダシンタックスを含むクロージャ、またはJARファイル名のリストです。WARファイルに含まれるライブラリをカスタマイズできます。
  • grails.war.copyToWebApp - "fileset()"等のAntコピーで定義されているAntビルダシンタックスを含むクロージャです。WARファイルに含めるために、"web-app"ディレクトリから何を取得するかを制御できます。
  • grails.war.resources - Antビルダシンタックスを含むクロージャです。最終的にWARファイルをビルドする前に、その他の作業を行うことをアプリケーションに許可します。

For more information on using these options, see the section on deployment

4.1.2 ロギング

The Basics


Grails uses its common configuration mechanism to provide the settings for the underlying Log4j log system, so all you have to do is add a log4j setting to the file grails-app/conf/Config.groovy.
GrailsはGrails自身の共通設定の仕組みを使って、裏にあるLog4jログシステムの設定を提供しています。 なので、log4j設定をgrails-app/conf/Config.groovyファイルに追加するだけです。

So what does this log4j setting look like? Here's a basic example:
では、このlog4jの設定はどのように見えるでしょうか? 基本的な例を示します:

log4j = {
    error  'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet',  //  controllers
           'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages' //  GSP

warn 'org.apache.catalina' }

This says that for loggers whose name starts with 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet' or 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages', only messages logged at 'error' level and above will be shown. Loggers with names starting with 'org.apache.catalina' logger only show messages at the 'warn' level and above. What does that mean? First of all, you have to understand how levels work.
このようにすると、名前が「org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet」または「org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages」で始まるロガーについて、「error」レベル以上で記録されたメッセージのみが見えるようになります。 名前が「org.apache.catalina」で始まるロガーは「warn」レベル以上のメッセージのみが見えます。 どういう意味でしょうか? まず、レベルがどのように動作するか理解しなければなりません。

Logging levels


There are several standard logging levels, which are listed here in order of descending priority:
  1. off
  2. fatal
  3. error
  4. warn
  5. info
  6. debug
  7. trace
  8. all

When you log a message, you implicitly give that message a level. For example, the method log.error(msg) will log a message at the 'error' level. Likewise, log.debug(msg) will log it at 'debug'. Each of the above levels apart from 'off' and 'all' have a corresponding log method of the same name.
メッセージを記録する時、そのメッセージにレベルを暗黙的に与えています。 例えば、log.error(msg)メソッドは「error」レベルでメッセージを記録します。 同様に、log.debug(msg)は「debug」で記録します。 「off」と「all」を除いた上記のレベルには、それぞれに対応する同名のログメソッドがあります。

The logging system uses that message level combined with the configuration for the logger (see next section) to determine whether the message gets written out. For example, if you have an 'org.example.domain' logger configured like so:
メッセージを出力するかどうかを決めるために、ログシステムはロガー(次のセクションを参照)の設定と併せて メッセージ レベルを使います。 例えば、「org.example.domain」ロガーはこのように設定されます:

warn 'org.example.domain'

then messages with a level of 'warn', 'error', or 'fatal' will be written out. Messages at other levels will be ignored.
そうすると、「warn」または「error」、「fatal」レベルのメッセージが出力されるようになります。 その他のレベルのメッセージは無視されます。

Before we go on to loggers, a quick note about those 'off' and 'all' levels. These are special in that they can only be used in the configuration; you can't log messages at these levels. So if you configure a logger with a level of 'off', then no messages will be written out. A level of 'all' means that you will see all messages. Simple.
ロガーに進む前に、「off」と「all」レベルについて簡単に説明します。 これらは設定の中でだけ使うことができ、これらのレベルでメッセージを記録することはできません。 そして、「off」レベルにロガーを設定すると、メッセージが全く出力されなくなります。 「all」レベルは全てのメッセージが見られるようになります。 単純ですね。



Loggers are fundamental to the logging system, but they are a source of some confusion. For a start, what are they? Are they shared? How do you configure them?
ロガーはログシステムにとって必須ですが、混乱のもとです。 まず、ロガーとは何でしょうか?共有されるものでしょうか?どのように設定するのでしょうか?

A logger is the object you log messages to, so in the call log.debug(msg), log is a logger instance (of type Log). These loggers are cached and uniquely identified by name, so if two separate classes use loggers with the same name, those loggers are actually the same instance.
ロガーはメッセージを出力するオブジェクトで、log.debug(msg)という呼び出しにおいては、logが(Log型の)ロガーインスタンスです。 これらのロガーはキャッシュされ、名前によって一意に識別されます。 2つの別々のクラスが同じ名前のロガーを使う場合、そのロガーは実際に同一のインスタンスとなります。

There are two main ways to get hold of a logger:

  1. use the log instance injected into artifacts such as domain classes, controllers and services;
  2. use the Commons Logging API directly.

  1. ドメインクラスやコントローラ、サービスのようなアーティファクトに注入されるlogインスタンスを使う
  2. Commons Logging APIを直接使う

If you use the dynamic log property, then the name of the logger is 'grails.app.<type>.<className>', where type is the type of the artifact, for example 'controllers' or 'services', and className is the fully qualified name of the artifact. For example, if you have this service:
動的なlogプロパティを使う場合、ロガーの名前は「grails.app.<type>.<className>」になります。 このtypeはアーティファクトの種類で、例えば「controllers」や「services」が入ります。 そして、classNameにはそのアーティファクトの完全修飾名が入ります。 例えば、このサービスの場合:

package org.example

class MyService { … }

then the name of the logger will be 'grails.app.services.org.example.MyService'.

For other classes, the typical approach is to store a logger based on the class name in a constant static field:

package org.other

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory

class MyClass { private static final log = LogFactory.getLog(this) … }

This will create a logger with the name 'org.other.MyClass' - note the lack of a 'grails.app.' prefix since the class isn't an artifact. You can also pass a name to the getLog() method, such as "myLogger", but this is less common because the logging system treats names with dots ('.') in a special way.
これは「org.other.MyClass」という名前のロガーが生成されます。 アーティファクトではないクラスには「grails.app.」という接頭辞が付かないことに注意してください。 『myLogger』のような名前をgetLog()メソッドに渡すこともできます。 しかし、ロギングシステムがドット(.)付きの名前を特別な方法で扱うため、これはあまり一般的ではありません。

Configuring loggers


You have already seen how to configure loggers in Grails:

log4j = {
    error  'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet'

This example configures loggers with names starting with 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet' to ignore any messages sent to them at a level of 'warn' or lower. But is there a logger with this name in the application? No. So why have a configuration for it? Because the above rule applies to any logger whose name begins with 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.' as well. For example, the rule applies to both the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsDispatcherServlet class and the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequest one.
この例では、「org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet」で始まる名前のロガーに送られてくる、「warn」レベル以下のメッセージは無視するように設定しています。 しかし、アプリケーション上にこの名前のロガーは存在しているのでしょうか?答えはNoです。 ではなぜこんな設定をしているのでしょうか? 上記のルールは、「org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.」で 始まる 名前のすべてのロガーにも適用されるからです。 例えば、このルールはorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsDispatcherServletクラスとorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequestクラスの両方に適用されます。

In other words, loggers are hierarchical. This makes configuring them by package much simpler than it would otherwise be.
言い換えると、ロガーは階層的です。 これはパッケージ毎に設定することを、他の設定に比べて非常にシンプルにします。

The most common things that you will want to capture log output from are your controllers, services, and other artifacts. Use the convention mentioned earlier to do that: grails.app.<artifactType>.<className> . In particular the class name must be fully qualifed, i.e. with the package if there is one:
最も多いケースとして、ログ出力を取得したくなるのはコントローラやサービス、その他のアーティファクトです。 先述した「grails.app.<artifactType>.<className>」の規約を使いましょう。 特に、クラス名は完全修飾名にしなければなりません。 すなわち、パッケージが存在していれば含めるようにします:

log4j = {
    // Set level for all application artifacts
    info "grails.app"

// Set for a specific controller in the default package debug "grails.app.controllers.YourController"

// Set for a specific domain class debug "grails.app.domain.org.example.Book"

// Set for all taglibs info "grails.app.taglib" }

The standard artifact names used in the logging configuration are:

  • conf - For anything under grails-app/conf such as BootStrap.groovy (but excluding filters)
  • filters - For filters
  • taglib - For tag libraries
  • services - For service classes
  • controllers - For controllers
  • domain - For domain entities

  • conf - BootStrap.groovyのようなgrails-app/conf配下にあるもの (フィルタは除く)
  • filters - フィルタ
  • taglib - タグライブラリ
  • services - サービスクラス
  • controllers - コントローラ
  • domain - ドメインエンティティ

Grails itself generates plenty of logging information and it can sometimes be helpful to see that. Here are some useful loggers from Grails internals that you can use, especially when tracking down problems with your application:
Grails自身がたくさんのロギング情報を生成しており、ときどき役立つことがあります。 特にアプリケーションの問題を追跡するときに利用可能な、Grails内部の便利なロガーを示します:

  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons - Core artifact information such as class loading etc.
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web - Grails web request processing
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping - URL mapping debugging
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins - Log plugin activity
  • grails.spring - See what Spring beans Grails and plugins are defining
  • org.springframework - See what Spring is doing
  • org.hibernate - See what Hibernate is doing

  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons - クラスローディング等のようなコアとなるアーティファクト情報
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web - GrailsのWebリクエスト処理
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping - URLマッピングのデバッグ
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins - プラグインの動作ログ
  • grails.spring - GrailsとプラグインがどんなSpringビーンを定義しているか
  • org.springframework - Springが何をするのか
  • org.hibernate - Hibernateが何をするのか

So far, we've only looked at explicit configuration of loggers. But what about all those loggers that don't have an explicit configuration? Are they simply ignored? The answer lies with the root logger.
ここまで、明示的なロガー設定についてだけ見てきました。 しかし、明示的な設定を 持たない すべてのロガーについてはどうでしょうか? 単純に無視されるのでしょうか? その答えはルートロガーにあります。

The Root Logger


All logger objects inherit their configuration from the root logger, so if no explicit configuration is provided for a given logger, then any messages that go to that logger are subject to the rules defined for the root logger. In other words, the root logger provides the default configuration for the logging system.
すべてのロガーオブジェクトは設定をルートロガーから継承しています。 よって、指定されたロガーに明示的な設定が与えられない場合、そのロガーへのメッセージはルートロガーで定義されたルールに従います。 言い換えると、ルートロガーはロギングシステムのデフォルト設定を提供します。

Grails automatically configures the root logger to only handle messages at 'error' level and above, and all the messages are directed to the console (stdout for those with a C background). You can customise this behaviour by specifying a 'root' section in your logging configuration like so:
Grailsは「error」レベル以上のメッセージだけを扱うように、ルートロガーを自動的に設定します。 そして、すべてのメッセージはコンソール(C言語的に言うと標準出力)に向けられます。 次のようにロギング設定に「root」セクションを定義することによって、挙動をカスタマイズできます:

log4j = {
    root {

The above example configures the root logger to log messages at 'info' level and above to the default console appender. You can also configure the root logger to log to one or more named appenders (which we'll talk more about shortly):
上記の例は「info」レベル以上のメッセージをデフォルトのコンソールアペンダに記録するよう、ルートロガーを設定します。 1つ以上の名前の付いたアペンダに対してロギングするように、ルートロガーを設定することもできます。(アペンダについてはすぐ後で詳しく説明します):

log4j = {
    appenders {
        file name:'file', file:'/var/logs/mylog.log'
    root {
        debug 'stdout', 'file'

In the above example, the root logger will log to two appenders - the default 'stdout' (console) appender and a custom 'file' appender.

For power users there is an alternative syntax for configuring the root logger: the root org.apache.log4j.Logger instance is passed as an argument to the log4j closure. This lets you work with the logger directly:
パワーユーザ向けに、ルートロガーを設定するための別の構文があります。 log4jクロージャの引数としてルートorg.apache.log4j.Loggerインスタンスが渡されます。 これでロガーを直接操作できます:

log4j = { root ->
    root.level = org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG

For more information on what you can do with this Logger instance, refer to the Log4j API documentation.

Those are the basics of logging pretty well covered and they are sufficient if you're happy to only send log messages to the console. But what if you want to send them to a file? How do you make sure that messages from a particular logger go to a file but not the console? These questions and more will be answered as we look into appenders.
ここまででロギングの基本をほぼカバーしています。 ログメッセージをコンソールに出力するだけでよいのであれば、これで十分でしょう。 しかし、ファイルに送りたい場合はどうでしょうか? どのようにして、特定のロガーからのメッセージをコンソールではなくファイルに対して送るように設定するのでしょうか? これらの疑問、またはそれ以上についても、アペンダを調べることで、答えが得られるでしょう。



Loggers are a useful mechanism for filtering messages, but they don't physically write the messages anywhere. That's the job of the appender, of which there are various types. For example, there is the default one that writes messages to the console, another that writes them to a file, and several others. You can even create your own appender implementations!
ロガーはメッセージをフィルタリングするために役立つ仕組みです。 しかし、どこにもメッセージを物理的に出力できません。 それはアペンダの役割であり、アペンダには様々な種類があります。 例えば、メッセージをコンソールに出力するデフォルトアペンダや、ファイルに出力するアペンダなど色々あります。 自分でアペンダを実装することすらできます!

This diagram shows how they fit into the logging pipeline:

As you can see, a single logger may have several appenders attached to it. In a standard Grails configuration, the console appender named 'stdout' is attached to all loggers through the default root logger configuration. But that's the only one. Adding more appenders can be done within an 'appenders' block:
見ての通り、1つのロガーに色々なアペンダが繋がっています。 Grailsの標準の設定では、stdoutという名前のコンソールアペンダが、ルートロガーの設定を通じて全てのロガーに繋がっています。 しかし、それ以外のアペンダはありません。 appendersブロックで、さらにアペンダを追加することができます:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        rollingFile name: "myAppender",
                    maxFileSize: 1024,
                    file: "/tmp/logs/myApp.log"

The following appenders are available by default:

jdbcJDBCAppenderLogs to a JDBC connection.
consoleConsoleAppenderLogs to the console.
fileFileAppenderLogs to a single file.
rollingFileRollingFileAppenderLogs to rolling files, for example a new file each day.

Each named argument passed to an appender maps to a property of the underlying Appender implementation. So the previous example sets the name, maxFileSize and file properties of the RollingFileAppender instance.
アペンダに渡されるそれぞれの名前付き引数は、Appender実装の下にあるプロパティに対応しています。 つまり、前の例はRollingFileAppenderのインスタンスのnamemaxFileSizefileプロパティを設定しています。

You can have as many appenders as you like - just make sure that they all have unique names. You can even have multiple instances of the same appender type, for example several file appenders that log to different files.
好きなだけ多くのアペンダを持つことができます。 ただし、アペンダはすべてユニークな名前になるようにしてください。 例えば、異なるファイルに出力する複数のファイルアペンダのように、同じアペンダ型の複数のインスタンスを持つこともできます。

If you prefer to create the appender programmatically or if you want to use an appender implementation that's not available in the above syntax, simply declare an appender entry with an instance of the appender you want:

import org.apache.log4j.*

log4j = { appenders { appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "myAppender", maxFileSize: 1024, file: "/tmp/logs/myApp.log") } }

This approach can be used to configure JMSAppender, SocketAppender, SMTPAppender, and more.

Once you have declared your extra appenders, you can attach them to specific loggers by passing the name as a key to one of the log level methods from the previous section:

error myAppender: "grails.app.controllers.BookController"

This will ensure that the 'grails.app.controllers.BookController' logger sends log messages to 'myAppender' as well as any appenders configured for the root logger. To add more than one appender to the logger, then add them to the same level declaration:
この設定は、grails.app.controllers.BookControllerのロガーが、ルートロガーによって設定されたアペンダだけでなく、myAppenderにもログメッセージを送るようにします。 1つ以上のアペンダをロガーに追加するには、同じレベルの宣言に追加します:

error myAppender:      "grails.app.controllers.BookController",
      myFileAppender:  ["grails.app.controllers.BookController",
      rollingFile:     "grails.app.controllers.BookController"

The above example also shows how you can configure more than one logger at a time for a given appender (myFileAppender) by using a list.

Be aware that you can only configure a single level for a logger, so if you tried this code:
ロガーにはひとつのレベルしか設定できないことに注意してください。 なので、次のコードを試すと:

error myAppender:      "grails.app.controllers.BookController"
debug myFileAppender:  "grails.app.controllers.BookController"
fatal rollingFile:     "grails.app.controllers.BookController"

you'd find that only 'fatal' level messages get logged for 'grails.app.controllers.BookController'. That's because the last level declared for a given logger wins. What you probably want to do is limit what level of messages an appender writes.
grails.app.controllers.BookControllerのために「fatal」レベルのメッセージだけを記録するというのがわかるでしょう。 特定のロガーに対して宣言した最後のレベルが勝つためです。 おそらく行いたいことは、アペンダが書き込むメッセージのレベルを制限することです。

An appender that is attached to a logger configured with the 'all' level will generate a lot of logging information. That may be fine in a file, but it makes working at the console difficult. So we configure the console appender to only write out messages at 'info' level or above:
「all」レベルで設定されたロガーに繋がれたアペンダは、多くのロギング情報を生成するでしょう。 ファイルに出力する分には良いのですが、コンソール上での作業が難しくなってしまいます。 そのため、「info」レベル以上のメッセージだけ出力するようにコンソールアペンダを設定します:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "stdout", threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO

The key here is the threshold argument which determines the cut-off for log messages. This argument is available for all appenders, but do note that you currently have to specify a Level instance - a string such as "info" will not work.
ここでのポイントはthreshold引数でログメッセージを遮断するか決めることです。 この引数は全てのアペンダで利用可能ですが、Levelインスタンスを指定する必要があることに注意してください。 infoのような文字列では動作しません。

Custom Layouts


By default the Log4j DSL assumes that you want to use a PatternLayout. However, there are other layouts available including:
デフォルトでLog4jのDSLは、PatternLayoutを使うことを前提としています。 しかし、以下のような他のレイアウトも利用可能です:

  • xml - Create an XML log file
  • html - Creates an HTML log file
  • simple - A simple textual log
  • pattern - A Pattern layout

  • xml - XMLログファイルを作成
  • html - HTMLログファイルを作成
  • simple - シンプルなテキストログ
  • pattern - パターンレイアウト

You can specify custom patterns to an appender using the layout setting:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "customAppender",
                layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%c{2} %m%n")

This also works for the built-in appender "stdout", which logs to the console:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "stdout",
                layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%c{2} %m%n")

Environment-specific configuration


Since the logging configuration is inside Config.groovy, you can put it inside an environment-specific block. However, there is a problem with this approach: you have to provide the full logging configuration each time you define the log4j setting. In other words, you cannot selectively override parts of the configuration - it's all or nothing.
ロギングの設定はConfig.groovy内にあるため、環境ごとのブロックの内側にその設定一式を記述できます。 しかし、この方法には問題があります。 環境ごとにlog4jの完全なロギング設定を記述しなければならないのです。 言い換えると、設定の特定の部分だけ都合良く上書きすることができません。 全部書くか、まったく書かないかのどちらかしかありません。

To get around this, the logging DSL provides its own environment blocks that you can put anywhere in the configuration:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "stdout",
                layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%c{2} %m%n")

environments { production { rollingFile name: "myAppender", maxFileSize: 1024, file: "/tmp/logs/myApp.log" } } }

root { //… }

// other shared config info "grails.app.controller"

environments { production { // Override previous setting for 'grails.app.controller' error "grails.app.controllers" } } }

The one place you can't put an environment block is inside the root definition, but you can put the root definition inside an environment block.
唯一root定義 では環境ブロックが使用できませんが、代わりに環境ブロック内へroot定義を配置してください。

Full stacktraces


When exceptions occur, there can be an awful lot of noise in the stacktrace from Java and Groovy internals. Grails filters these typically irrelevant details and restricts traces to non-core Grails/Groovy class packages.
例外が発生した場合、スタックトレース内にはJavaとGroovy内部から恐しいほどたくさんのノイズが発生しています。 Grailsはそれら一般的に重要でない詳細なスタックトレースをフィルタし、主要なGrails/Groovyクラスのパッケージでないスタックトレースを制限します。

When this happens, the full trace is always logged to the StackTrace logger, which by default writes its output to a file called stacktrace.log. As with other loggers though, you can change its behaviour in the configuration. For example if you prefer full stack traces to go to the console, add this entry:
この時、フルスタックトレースは常にStackTraceロガーへ出力されます。 デフォルトはstacktrace.logと呼ばれるファイルへの出力です。 他のロガーと同じように、設定でこの振る舞いを変更できます。 例えば、フルスタックトレースをコンソールに出力したい場合、次の設定を追加します:

error stdout: "StackTrace"

This won't stop Grails from attempting to create the stacktrace.log file - it just redirects where stack traces are written to. An alternative approach is to change the location of the 'stacktrace' appender's file:
これによって、Grailsがstacktrace.logファイルを作成しなくなるわけではありません。 単にスタックトレースが書かれるべき場所を変更するだけです。 別の方法はstacktraceアペンダのファイル場所を変更することです:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        rollingFile name: "stacktrace", maxFileSize: 1024,
                    file: "/var/tmp/logs/myApp-stacktrace.log"

or, if you don't want to the 'stacktrace' appender at all, configure it as a 'null' appender:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        'null' name: "stacktrace"

You can of course combine this with attaching the 'stdout' appender to the 'StackTrace' logger if you want all the output in the console.

Finally, you can completely disable stacktrace filtering by setting the grails.full.stacktrace VM property to true:

grails -Dgrails.full.stacktrace=true run-app

Masking Request Parameters From Stacktrace Logs


When Grails logs a stacktrace, the log message may include the names and values of all of the request parameters for the current request. To mask out the values of secure request parameters, specify the parameter names in the grails.exceptionresolver.params.exclude config property:
Grailsでスタックトレースのログを出力する場合、ログメッセージには現在のリクエストに対するリクエストパラメータのすべての名前と値が含まれるかもしれません。 セキュアなリクエストパラメータの値をマスクするには、grails.exceptionresolver.params.excludeの設定値にパラメータ名を指定します。

grails.exceptionresolver.params.exclude = ['password', 'creditCard']

Request parameter logging may be turned off altogether by setting the grails.exceptionresolver.logRequestParameters config property to false. The default value is true when the application is running in DEVELOPMENT mode and false for all other modes.
grails.exceptionresolver.logRequestParametersの設定値にfalseを設定すると、リクエストパラメータのロギングが完全に停止します。 デフォルト値は、DEVELOPMENTモードでアプリケーションを起動している場合はtrue、それ以外のモードではfalseになります。


Logger inheritance


Earlier, we mentioned that all loggers inherit from the root logger and that loggers are hierarchical based on '.'-separated terms. What this means is that unless you override a parent setting, a logger retains the level and the appenders configured for that parent. So with this configuration:
以前に、全てのロガーはルートロガーを継承し、そしてロガーは「.」を区切りとした階層構造を持っていることを説明しました。 これは親の設定を上書きする場合を除き、ロガーは親のログレベルとアペンダの設定を保持することを意味します。 次の設定では:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        file name:'file', file:'/var/logs/mylog.log'
    root {
        debug 'stdout', 'file'

all loggers in the application will have a level of 'debug' and will log to both the 'stdout' and 'file' appenders. What if you only want to log to 'stdout' for a particular logger? Change the 'additivity' for a logger in that case.
アプリケーション内のすべてのロガーが「debug」レベルに設定され、そしてstdoutアペンダとfileアペンダの両方にログが出力されます。 もし特定のロガーに対してのみstdoutにログを出力したい場合はどうすればよいでしょう?このような場合は、ロガーに対してadditivityを変更してください。

Additivity simply determines whether a logger inherits the configuration from its parent. If additivity is false, then its not inherited. The default for all loggers is true, i.e. they inherit the configuration. So how do you change this setting? Here's an example:
この追加設定はロガーが親から設定を継承するかを決めます。 もしこの設定がfalseの場合、親から設定を継承しません。 すべてのロガーのデフォルトはtrueで親の設定を継承します。 この設定をどのように変更するのでしょうか? 以下に例を示します:

log4j = {
    appenders {
    root {

info additivity: false stdout: ["grails.app.controllers.BookController", "grails.app.services.BookService"] }

So when you specify a log level, add an 'additivity' named argument. Note that you when you specify the additivity, you must configure the loggers for a named appender. The following syntax will not work:
このように、ログレベルを指定する際にadditivityという名前の引数を追加します。 additivityを指定するときは、名前付きのアペンダに対してロガーの設定をしなければなりません。 例えば以下の構文では正しく動作 しません :

info additivity: false, ["grails.app.controllers.BookController",

Customizing stack trace printing and filtering


Stacktraces in general and those generated when using Groovy in particular are quite verbose and contain many stack frames that aren't interesting when diagnosing problems. So Grails uses a implementation of the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTraceFilterer interface to filter out irrelevant stack frames. To customize the approach used for filtering, implement that interface in a class in src/groovy or src/java and register it in Config.groovy:
Groovyを個別で使用した場合に生成されるスタックトレースは、とても冗長で問題解析に関係のないたくさんのスタックフレームが含まれています。 Grailsは無関係なスタックフレームを取り除くためにorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTraceFiltererインタフェースの実装を使用しています。このフィルタリング方法をカスタマイズするには、src/groovyまたはsrc/javaにインタフェースの実装クラスを配置し、そのクラスをConfig.groovyで登録します:

grails.logging.stackTraceFiltererClass =

In addition, Grails customizes the display of the filtered stacktrace to make the information more readable. To customize this, implement the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTracePrinter interface in a class in src/groovy or src/java and register it in Config.groovy:
さらに、Grailsはより情報が読みやすくなるようフィルタしたスタックトレースの表示を変更しています。 これをカスタマイズするには、src/groovyまたはsrc/javaorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTracePrinterインタフェースの実装クラスを配置し、そのクラスをConfig.groovyで登録します:

grails.logging.stackTracePrinterClass =

Finally, to render error information in the error GSP, an HTML-generating printer implementation is needed. The default implementation is org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.errors.ErrorsViewStackTracePrinter and it's registered as a Spring bean. To use your own implementation, either implement the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTraceFilterer directly or subclass ErrorsViewStackTracePrinter and register it in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy as:
最後に、エラーGSP内にエラー情報をレンダリングするために、HTMLを生成し出力する実装が必要です。 デフォルト実装はorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.errors.ErrorsViewStackTracePrinterで、これはSpringビーンとして登録されています。 独自の実装を使うには、org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTraceFiltererを直接実装するか、ErrorsViewStackTracePrinterのサブクラスとして実装し、grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovyでそれを登録します:

import com.yourcompany.yourapp.MyErrorsViewStackTracePrinter

beans = {

errorsViewStackTracePrinter(MyErrorsViewStackTracePrinter, ref('grailsResourceLocator')) }

Alternative logging libraries


By default, Grails uses Log4J to do its logging. For most people this is absolutely fine, and many users don't even care what logging library is used. But if you're not one of those and want to use an alternative, such as the JDK logging package or logback, you can do so by simply excluding a couple of dependencies from the global set and adding your own:
デフォルトでは、GrailsはロギングにLog4Jを使用します。 大抵のユーザにとってはLog4Jで十分で、ロギングライブラリに何が使われているかを気にしません。 しかし、もしそうではなくJDKのロギングパッケージlogbackといった異なるロギングライブラリが使いたい場合、グローバルな設定からいくつかの依存関係を単に取り除き、必要な依存関係を追加します:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    inherits("global") {
        excludes "grails-plugin-logging", "log4j"
    dependencies {
        runtime "ch.qos.logback:logback-core:0.9.29"

If you do this, you will get unfiltered, standard Java stacktraces in your log files and you won't be able to use the logging configuration DSL that's just been described. Instead, you will have to use the standard configuration mechanism for the library you choose.
もしこの設定をした場合、ログファイル内ではフィルタされてない通常のJavaスタックトレースが出力され、そしてDSLで書かれたロギング設定が使用できなくなります。 代わりに、選択したライブラリで用意されている標準的な設定方法を使わなければなりません。

4.1.3 GORM

Grails provides the following GORM configuration options:

* grails.gorm.failOnError - If set to true, causes the save() method on domain classes to throw a grails.validation.ValidationException if validation fails during a save. This option may also be assigned a list of Strings representing package names. If the value is a list of Strings then the failOnError behavior will only be applied to domain classes in those packages (including sub-packages). See the save method docs for more information.
  • grails.gorm.failOnError = trueに設定すると、保存中にバリデーションが失敗した場合、ドメインクラスのsave()メソッドはgrails.validation.ValidationExceptionをスローするようになります。

このオプションには、パッケージ名のリストを指定することもできます。 値が文字列のリストである場合、failOnErrorの挙動は指定されたパッケージの(サブパッケージを含む)ドメインクラスのみに適用されます。 詳細については、saveメソッドのドキュメントを参照してください。

For example, to enable failOnError for all domain classes:


and to enable failOnError for domain classes by package:

grails.gorm.failOnError = ['com.companyname.somepackage',

* grails.gorm.autoFlush = If set to true, causes the merge, save and delete methods to flush the session, replacing the need to explicitly flush using save(flush: true).
  • grails.gorm.autoFlush = trueにセットすると、save(flush: true)を使用して明示的にフラッシュする必要がなくなり、mergesavedeleteメソッドはセッションをフラッシュするようになります。

4.2 環境

h4. Per Environment Configuration


Grails supports the concept of per environment configuration. The Config.groovy, DataSource.groovy, and BootStrap.groovy files in the grails-app/conf directory can use per-environment configuration using the syntax provided by ConfigSlurper. As an example consider the following default DataSource definition provided by Grails:
Grailsは環境ごとで設定値を変更する概念をサポートしています。grails-app/confディレクトリ内のConfig.groovy, DataSource.groovy,BootStrap.groovyファイルはConfigSlurperによって提供される構文を使用して、環境ごとの設定を行うことができます。次の例では、Grailsによって与えられるデフォルトのDataSource定義について記述しています。

dataSource {
    pooled = false
    driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
    username = "sa"
    password = ""
environments {
    development {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "create-drop"
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb"
    test {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb"
    production {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb"

Notice how the common configuration is provided at the top level and then an environments block specifies per environment settings for the dbCreate and url properties of the DataSource.

h4. Packaging and Running for Different Environments


Grails' command line has built in capabilities to execute any command within the context of a specific environment. The format is:

grails [environment] [command name]

In addition, there are 3 preset environments known to Grails: dev, prod, and test for development, production and test. For example to create a WAR for the test environment you wound run:

grails test war

To target other environments you can pass a grails.env variable to any command:

grails -Dgrails.env=UAT run-app

h4. Programmatic Environment Detection


Within your code, such as in a Gant script or a bootstrap class you can detect the environment using the api:grails.util.Environment class:

import grails.util.Environment


switch (Environment.current) { case Environment.DEVELOPMENT: configureForDevelopment() break case Environment.PRODUCTION: configureForProduction() break }

h4. Per Environment Bootstrapping


It's often desirable to run code when your application starts up on a per-environment basis. To do so you can use the grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy file's support for per-environment execution:

def init = { ServletContext ctx ->
    environments {
        production {
            ctx.setAttribute("env", "prod")
        development {
            ctx.setAttribute("env", "dev")
    ctx.setAttribute("foo", "bar")

h4. Generic Per Environment Execution

The previous BootStrap example uses the grails.util.Environment class internally to execute. You can also use this class yourself to execute your own environment specific logic:

Environment.executeForCurrentEnvironment {
    production {
        // do something in production
    development {
        // do something only in development

4.3 データソース

Since Grails is built on Java technology setting up a data source requires some knowledge of JDBC (the technology that doesn't stand for Java Database Connectivity).
Grailsはデータソースの設定がJava技術で構築されているため、ある程度JDBC(Java DataBase Connectivityの略ではない)の知識が必要になります。

If you use a database other than H2 you need a JDBC driver. For example for MySQL you would need Connector/J
もしH2以外のデータベースを使うなら、JDBCドライバが必要になります。例えばMySQLであればConnector/J が必要になります。

Drivers typically come in the form of a JAR archive. It's best to use Ivy to resolve the jar if it's available in a Maven repository, for example you could add a dependency for the MySQL driver like this:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    log "warn"
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16'

Note that the built-in mavenCentral() repository is included here since that's a reliable location for this library.

If you can't use Ivy then just put the JAR in your project's lib directory.

Once you have the JAR resolved you need to get familiar Grails' DataSource descriptor file located at grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy. This file contains the dataSource definition which includes the following settings:

* driverClassName - The class name of the JDBC driver
  • username - The username used to establish a JDBC connection
  • password - The password used to establish a JDBC connection
  • url - The JDBC URL of the database
  • dbCreate - Whether to auto-generate the database from the domain model - one of 'create-drop', 'create', 'update' or 'validate'
  • pooled - Whether to use a pool of connections (defaults to true)
  • logSql - Enable SQL logging to stdout
  • formatSql - Format logged SQL
  • dialect - A String or Class that represents the Hibernate dialect used to communicate with the database. See the org.hibernate.dialect package for available dialects.
  • readOnly - If true makes the DataSource read-only, which results in the connection pool calling setReadOnly(true) on each Connection
  • persistenceInterceptor - The default datasource is automatically wired up to the persistence interceptor, other datasources are not wired up automatically unless this is set to true
  • properties - Extra properties to set on the DataSource bean. See the Commons DBCP BasicDataSource documentation.
  • driverClassName - JDBCドライバのクラス名
  • username - JDBCコネクションの接続に使用するユーザ名
  • password - JDBCコネクションの接続に使用するパスワード
  • url - データベースのJDBC URL
  • dbCreate - ドメインモデルからデータベースを自動で生成するか。'create-drop'、'create'、'update'、もしくは'validate'の中から1つ指定
  • pooled - コネクションプールを使うか(デフォルトではtrue)
  • logSql - 標準出力へのSQLロギングを有効にするか
  • formatSql - SQLログをフォーマットするか
  • dialect - データベースの通信に使用されるHibernateの方言を表す文字型かクラス。利用できる方言はorg.hibernate.dialectパッケージを参照
  • readOnly - trueにした場合は読み取り専用のデータソースとなり、各ConnectionsetReadOnly(true)がコネクションプールより呼ばれる
  • persistenceInterceptor - The default datasource is automatically wired up to the persistence interceptor, other datasources are not wired up automatically unless this is set to true
  • properties - DataSourceビーンを設定するための追加プロパティ。Commons DBCP BasicDataSourceドキュメント参照
  • A typical configuration for MySQL may be something like:

    dataSource {
        pooled = true
        dbCreate = "update"
        url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDB"
        driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
        dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
        username = "yourUser"
        password = "yourPassword"

    When configuring the DataSource do not include the type or the def keyword before any of the configuration settings as Groovy will treat these as local variable definitions and they will not be processed. For example the following is invalid:

    dataSource {
        boolean pooled = true // type declaration results in ignored local variable

    Example of advanced configuration using extra properties:
    dataSource {
        pooled = true
        dbCreate = "update"
        url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDB"
        driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
        dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
        username = "yourUser"
        password = "yourPassword"
        properties {
            maxActive = 50
            maxIdle = 25
            minIdle = 5
            initialSize = 5
            minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000
            timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000
            maxWait = 10000
            validationQuery = "/* ping */"

    h4. More on dbCreate


    Hibernate can automatically create the database tables required for your domain model. You have some control over when and how it does this through the dbCreate property, which can take these values:

    create* - Drops the existing schemaCreates the schema on startup, dropping existing tables, indexes, etc. first.
    • create-drop - Same as create, but also drops the tables when the application shuts down cleanly.
    • update - Creates missing tables and indexes, and updates the current schema without dropping any tables or data. Note that this can't properly handle many schema changes like column renames (you're left with the old column containing the existing data).
    • validate - Makes no changes to your database. Compares the configuration with the existing database schema and reports warnings.
    • any other value - does nothing
  • create - 起動時に既存のテーブルやインデックスなどを削除することで、既存のスキーマを削除する
  • create-drop - createと同じだが、アプリケーションを停止させた時にテーブルを削除する
  • update - テーブルやデータなどを削除することなく、現在のスキーマを更新する形で存在しないテーブルやインデックスを作成する。これはカラムのリネームのような多くのスキーマ変更を正確に処理できないことに注意してください(既存のデータを含む、古い列が残ってしまう)
  • validate - データベースは変更されません。既存のデータベースとスキーマを比較し、警告を出します
  • any other value - 何もしません
  • You can also remove the dbCreate setting completely, which is recommended once your schema is relatively stable and definitely when your application and database are deployed in production. Database changes are then managed through proper migrations, either with SQL scripts or a migration tool like Liquibase (the Database Migration plugin uses Liquibase and is tightly integrated with Grails and GORM).
    dbCreate設定を完全に削除することもできます。それは、アプリケーションとデータベースが本番環境にデプロイされている場合、スキーマが比較的安定してきた段階で推奨されています。データベースの変更は、SQLスクリプトやLiquibaseのようなマイグレーションツールのどちらかで、適切にマイグレーションを管理してください。(Database Migration プラグインはLiquibaseを使用し、GrailsやGORMと統合されます。)

    4.3.1 データソースと環境

    The previous example configuration assumes you want the same config for all environments: production, test, development etc.
    これまでの例ではすべての環境(production, test, developmentなど)で同じ設定を行うことを想定していました。

    Grails' DataSource definition is "environment aware", however, so you can do:

    dataSource {
        pooled = true
        driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
        dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
        // other common settings here

    environments { production { dataSource { url = "jdbc:mysql://liveip.com/liveDb" // other environment-specific settings here } } }

    4.3.2 JNDI データソース

    h4. Referring to a JNDI DataSource


    Most Java EE containers supply DataSource instances via Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). Grails supports the definition of JNDI data sources as follows:
    ほとんどのJavaEEコンテナはJava Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)を通して、DataSourceインスタンスを提供しています。Grailsでは次のようにJNDIデータソースの定義をサポートしています。

    dataSource {
        jndiName = "java:comp/env/myDataSource"

    The format on the JNDI name may vary from container to container, but the way you define the DataSource in Grails remains the same.

    h4. Configuring a Development time JNDI resource


    The way in which you configure JNDI data sources at development time is plugin dependent. Using the Tomcat plugin you can define JNDI resources using the grails.naming.entries setting in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy:

    grails.naming.entries = [
        "bean/MyBeanFactory": [
            auth: "Container",
            type: "com.mycompany.MyBean",
            factory: "org.apache.naming.factory.BeanFactory",
            bar: "23"
        "jdbc/EmployeeDB": [
            type: "javax.sql.DataSource", //required
            auth: "Container", // optional
            description: "Data source for Foo", //optional
            driverClassName: "org.h2.Driver",
            url: "jdbc:h2:mem:database",
            username: "dbusername",
            password: "dbpassword",
            maxActive: "8",
            maxIdle: "4"
        "mail/session": [
            type: "javax.mail.Session,
            auth: "Container",
            "mail.smtp.host": "localhost"

    4.3.3 自動データベースマイグレーション

    The dbCreate property of the DataSource definition is important as it dictates what Grails should do at runtime with regards to automatically generating the database tables from GORM classes. The options are described in the DataSource section:
    • create
    • create-drop
    • update
    • validate
    • no value

    In development mode dbCreate is by default set to "create-drop", but at some point in development (and certainly once you go to production) you'll need to stop dropping and re-creating the database every time you start up your server.

    It's tempting to switch to update so you retain existing data and only update the schema when your code changes, but Hibernate's update support is very conservative. It won't make any changes that could result in data loss, and doesn't detect renamed columns or tables, so you'll be left with the old one and will also have the new one.

    Grails supports migrations via the Database Migration plugin which can be installed by declaring the plugin in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
    GrailsはDatabase Migration を介してマイグレーションをサポートしています。それはgrails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovyに宣言することでプラグインとしてインストールすることができます。:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
        plugins {
            runtime ':database-migration:1.3.1'

    The plugin uses Liquibase and and provides access to all of its functionality, and also has support for GORM (for example generating a change set by comparing your domain classes to a database).
    このプラグインはLiquibase を使用しており、Liquibaseすべての機能へのアクセスを提供しています。また、GORMのサポートも提供しています(例えばドメインクラスとデータベースを比較しチェンジセットを生成します)。

    4.3.4 Transaction-awareデータソースプロキシ

    The actual dataSource bean is wrapped in a transaction-aware proxy so you will be given the connection that's being used by the current transaction or Hibernate Session if one is active.

    If this were not the case, then retrieving a connection from the dataSource would be a new connection, and you wouldn't be able to see changes that haven't been committed yet (assuming you have a sensible transaction isolation setting, e.g. READ_COMMITTED or better).


    The "real" unproxied dataSource is still available to you if you need access to it; its bean name is dataSourceUnproxied.

    You can access this bean like any other Spring bean, i.e. using dependency injection:

    class MyService {

    def dataSourceUnproxied … }

    or by pulling it from the ApplicationContext:

    def dataSourceUnproxied = ctx.dataSourceUnproxied

    4.3.5 データベースコンソール

    The H2 database console is a convenient feature of H2 that provides a web-based interface to any database that you have a JDBC driver for, and it's very useful to view the database you're developing against. It's especially useful when running against an in-memory database.
    H2 database consoleはJDBCドライバを持つデータベースにWebベースのインタフェースを与えるH2の便利な機能であり、開発中のデータベースの表示に非常に便利です。インメモリデータベースに対して実行している場合には特に便利です。

    You can access the console by navigating to http://localhost:8080/appname/dbconsole in a browser. The URI can be configured using the grails.dbconsole.urlRoot attribute in Config.groovy and defaults to '/dbconsole'.

    The console is enabled by default in development mode and can be disabled or enabled in other environments by using the grails.dbconsole.enabled attribute in Config.groovy. For example you could enable the console in production using

    environments {
        production {
            grails.serverURL = "http://www.changeme.com"
            grails.dbconsole.enabled = true
            grails.dbconsole.urlRoot = '/admin/dbconsole'
        development {
            grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"
        test {
            grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"

    If you enable the console in production be sure to guard access to it using a trusted security framework.


    h4. Configuration


    By default the console is configured for an H2 database which will work with the default settings if you haven't configured an external database - you just need to change the JDBC URL to jdbc:h2:mem:devDB. If you've configured an external database (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, etc.) then you can use the Saved Settings dropdown to choose a settings template and fill in the url and username/password information from your DataSource.groovy.

    4.3.6 複数データソース

    By default all domain classes share a single DataSource and a single database, but you have the option to partition your domain classes into two or more DataSources.

    h4. Configuring Additional DataSources

    The default DataSource configuration in grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy looks something like this:

    dataSource {
        pooled = true
        driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
        username = "sa"
        password = ""
    hibernate {
        cache.use_second_level_cache = true
        cache.use_query_cache = true
        cache.provider_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider'

    environments { development { dataSource { dbCreate = "create-drop" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb" } } test { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb" } } production { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb" } } }

    This configures a single DataSource with the Spring bean named dataSource. To configure extra DataSources, add another dataSource block (at the top level, in an environment block, or both, just like the standard DataSource definition) with a custom name, separated by an underscore. For example, this configuration adds a second DataSource, using MySQL in the development environment and Oracle in production:

    environments {
        development {
            dataSource {
                dbCreate = "create-drop"
                url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb"
            dataSource_lookup {
                dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
                driverClassName = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
                username = 'lookup'
                password = 'secret'
                url = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/lookup'
                dbCreate = 'update'
        test {
            dataSource {
                dbCreate = "update"
                url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb"
        production {
            dataSource {
                dbCreate = "update"
                url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb"
            dataSource_lookup {
                dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
                driverClassName = 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'
                username = 'lookup'
                password = 'secret'
                url = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:lookup'
                dbCreate = 'update'

    You can use the same or different databases as long as they're supported by Hibernate.

    h4. Configuring Domain Classes


    If a domain class has no DataSource configuration, it defaults to the standard 'dataSource'. Set the datasource property in the mapping block to configure a non-default DataSource. For example, if you want to use the ZipCode domain to use the 'lookup' DataSource, configure it like this;
    ドメインクラスでDataSourceの設定をしていない場合、デフォルトで標準の'dataSource'が設定されます。デフォルトでないDataSourceを設定をするには、mappingブロック内でdatasourceプロパティを使用します。例えば、ZipCodeドメインで'lookup' DataSourceを利用したい場合、以下のように設定します。

    class ZipCode {

    String code

    static mapping = { datasource 'lookup' } }

    A domain class can also use two or more DataSources. Use the datasources property with a list of names to configure more than one, for example:

    class ZipCode {

    String code

    static mapping = { datasources(['lookup', 'auditing']) } }

    If a domain class uses the default DataSource and one or more others, use the special name 'DEFAULT' to indicate the default DataSource:

    class ZipCode {

    String code

    static mapping = { datasources(['lookup', 'DEFAULT']) } }

    If a domain class uses all configured DataSources use the special value 'ALL':

    class ZipCode {

    String code

    static mapping = { datasource 'ALL' } }

    h4. Namespaces and GORM Methods


    If a domain class uses more than one DataSource then you can use the namespace implied by each DataSource name to make GORM calls for a particular DataSource. For example, consider this class which uses two DataSources:

    class ZipCode {

    String code

    static mapping = { datasources(['lookup', 'auditing']) } }

    The first DataSource specified is the default when not using an explicit namespace, so in this case we default to 'lookup'. But you can call GORM methods on the 'auditing' DataSource with the DataSource name, for example:
    明示的に名前空間を使用しない場合、先頭のDataSourceがデフォルトとして使用されます。この場合デフォルトは'lookup'となります。また、以下のように'auditing' DataSource上でGORMメソッドを呼ぶことができます。

    def zipCode = ZipCode.auditing.get(42)

    As you can see, you add the DataSource to the method call in both the static case and the instance case.

    h4. Hibernate Mapped Domain Classes


    You can also partition annotated Java classes into separate datasources. Classes using the default datasource are registered in grails-app/conf/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml. To specify that an annotated class uses a non-default datasource, create a hibernate.cfg.xml file for that datasource with the file name prefixed with the datasource name.

    For example if the Book class is in the default datasource, you would register that in grails-app/conf/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
              '-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN'
          <mapping class='org.example.Book'/>

    and if the Library class is in the "ds2" datasource, you would register that in grails-app/conf/hibernate/ds2_hibernate.cfg.xml:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
              '-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN'
          <mapping class='org.example.Library'/>

    The process is the same for classes mapped with hbm.xml files - just list them in the appropriate hibernate.cfg.xml file.

    h4. Services


    Like Domain classes, by default Services use the default DataSource and PlatformTransactionManager. To configure a Service to use a different DataSource, use the static datasource property, for example:

    class DataService {

    static datasource = 'lookup'

    void someMethod(...) { … } }

    A transactional service can only use a single DataSource, so be sure to only make changes for domain classes whose DataSource is the same as the Service.

    Note that the datasource specified in a service has no bearing on which datasources are used for domain classes; that's determined by their declared datasources in the domain classes themselves. It's used to declare which transaction manager to use.

    What you'll see is that if you have a Foo domain class in dataSource1 and a Bar domain class in dataSource2, and WahooService uses dataSource1, a service method that saves a new Foo and a new Bar will only be transactional for Foo since they share the datasource. The transaction won't affect the Bar instance. If you want both to be transactional you'd need to use two services and XA datasources for two-phase commit, e.g. with the Atomikos plugin.
    つまり、データソース1にFooドメインクラスを、データソース2にBarドメインクラスを持ち、WahooServiceがデータソース1を使うならば、FooとBarをnewするサービスのメソッドはデータソースを共有しているFooのためだけにトランザクション管理ができるということです。トランザクションはBarのインスタンスに影響を与えません。両方ともトランザクション管理をしたい場合は、2相コミットのために2つのサービスとXAデータソースを用いる必要があります。(例: Atomikosプラグイン)

    h4. XA and Two-phase Commit


    Grails has no native support for XA DataSources or two-phase commit, but the Atomikos plugin makes it easy. See the plugin documentation for the simple changes needed in your DataSource definitions to reconfigure them as XA DataSources.
    GrailsはネイティブでXA DataSource2相コミットに対応していませんが、Atomikosプラグインで簡単に行うことができます。DataSource定義をXA DataSourceとして再設定するのには簡単な変更が必要となるため、プラグインのドキュメントを参照してください。

    4.4 設定の外部化

    Some deployments require that configuration be sourced from more than one place and be changeable without requiring a rebuild of the application. In order to support deployment scenarios such as these the configuration can be externalized. To do so, point Grails at the locations of the configuration files that should be used by adding a grails.config.locations setting in Config.groovy, for example:

    grails.config.locations = [
        "file:${userHome}/.grails/${appName}-config.groovy" ]

    In the above example we're loading configuration files (both Java Properties files and ConfigSlurper configurations) from different places on the classpath and files located in USER_HOME.
    上記の例では、クラスパスやUSER_HOME内のファイルといった異なる場所から、設定ファイル(Javaのプロパティファイルや ConfigSlurper 設定ファイル)を読み込んでいます。

    It is also possible to load config by specifying a class that is a config script.

    grails.config.locations = [com.my.app.MyConfig]

    This can be useful in situations where the config is either coming from a plugin or some other part of your application. A typical use for this is re-using configuration provided by plugins across multiple applications.

    Ultimately all configuration files get merged into the config property of the api:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication object and are hence obtainable from there.

    Values that have the same name as previously defined values will overwrite the existing values, and the pointed to configuration sources are loaded in the order in which they are defined.


    The configuration values contained in the locations described by the grails.config.locations property will override any values defined in your application Config.groovy file which may not be what you want. You may want to have a set of default values be be loaded that can be overridden in either your application's Config.groovy file or in a named config location. For this you can use the grails.config.defaults.locations property.

    This property supports the same values as the grails.config.locations property (i.e. paths to config scripts, property files or classes), but the config described by grails.config.defaults.locations will be loaded before all other values and can therefore be overridden. Some plugins use this mechanism to supply one or more sets of default configuration that you can choose to include in your application config.

    Grails also supports the concept of property place holders and property override configurers as defined in Spring For more information on these see the section on Grails and Spring
    GrailsはSpringで定義されているようなプレースホルダや設定のオーバライドといったプロパティの概念をサポートしています。より詳しい情報はGrails and Springの章を参照してください。

    4.5 バージョニング

    h4. Versioning Basics


    Grails has built in support for application versioning. The version of the application is set to 0.1 when you first create an application with the create-app command. The version is stored in the application meta data file application.properties in the root of the project.

    To change the version of your application you can edit the file manually, or run the set-version command:

    grails set-version 0.2

    The version is used in various commands including the war command which will append the application version to the end of the created WAR file.

    h4. Detecting Versions at Runtime


    You can detect the application version using Grails' support for application metadata using the api:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication class. For example within controllers there is an implicit grailsApplication variable that can be used:

    def version = grailsApplication.metadata['app.version']

    You can retrieve the the version of Grails that is running with:

    def grailsVersion = grailsApplication.metadata['app.grails.version']

    or the GrailsUtil class:

    import grails.util.GrailsUtil
    def grailsVersion = GrailsUtil.grailsVersion

    4.6 プロジェクト・ドキュメント

    Since Grails 1.2, the documentation engine that powers the creation of this documentation has been available for your own Grails projects.

    The documentation engine uses a variation on the Textile syntax to automatically create project documentation with smart linking, formatting etc.

    h4. Creating project documentation


    To use the engine you need to follow a few conventions. First, you need to create a src/docs/guide directory where your documentation source files will go. Then, you need to create the source docs themselves. Each chapter should have its own gdoc file as should all numbered sub-sections. You will end up with something like:

    + src/docs/guide/introduction.gdoc
    + src/docs/guide/introduction/changes.gdoc
    + src/docs/guide/gettingStarted.gdoc
    + src/docs/guide/configuration.gdoc
    + src/docs/guide/configuration/build.gdoc
    + src/docs/guide/configuration/build/controllers.gdoc

    Note that you can have all your gdoc files in the top-level directory if you want, but you can also put sub-sections in sub-directories named after the parent section - as the above example shows.

    Once you have your source files, you still need to tell the documentation engine what the structure of your user guide is going to be. To do that, you add a src/docs/guide/toc.yml file that contains the structure and titles for each section. This file is in YAML format and basically represents the structure of the user guide in tree form. For example, the above files could be represented as:

      title: Introduction
      changes: Change Log
    gettingStarted: Getting Started
      title: Configuration
        title: Build Config
        controllers: Specifying Controllers

    The format is pretty straightforward. Any section that has sub-sections is represented with the corresponding filename (minus the .gdoc extension) followed by a colon. The next line should contain title: plus the title of the section as seen by the end user. Every sub-section then has its own line after the title. Leaf nodes, i.e. those without any sub-sections, declare their title on the same line as the section name but after the colon.

    That's it. You can easily add, remove, and move sections within the toc.yml to restructure the generated user guide. You should also make sure that all section names, i.e. the gdoc filenames, should be unique since they are used for creating internal links and for the HTML filenames. Don't worry though, the documentation engine will warn you of duplicate section names.

    h4. Creating reference items


    Reference items appear in the Quick Reference section of the documentation. Each reference item belongs to a category and a category is a directory located in the src/docs/ref directory. For example, suppose you have defined a new controller method called renderPDF. That belongs to the Controllers category so you would create a gdoc text file at the following location:

    + src/docs/ref/Controllers/renderPDF.gdoc

    h4. Configuring Output Properties


    There are various properties you can set within your grails-app/conf/Config.groovy file that customize the output of the documentation such as:

    • grails.doc.title - The title of the documentation
    • grails.doc.subtitle - The subtitle of the documentation
    • grails.doc.authors - The authors of the documentation
    • grails.doc.license - The license of the software
    • grails.doc.copyright - The copyright message to display
    • grails.doc.footer - The footer to use

    • grails.doc.title - ドキュメントのタイトル
    • grails.doc.subtitle - ドキュメントのサブタイトル
    • grails.doc.authors - ドキュメントの著者
    • grails.doc.license - ソフトウェアライセンス
    • grails.doc.copyright - copyrightメッセージの表示
    • grails.doc.footer - 使用するフッター

    Other properties such as the version are pulled from your project itself. If a title is not specified, the application name is used.

    You can also customise the look of the documentation and provide images by setting a few other options:

    • grails.doc.css - The location of a directory containing custom CSS files (type java.io.File)
    • grails.doc.js - The location of a directory containing custom JavaScript files (type java.io.File)
    • grails.doc.style - The location of a directory containing custom HTML templates for the guide (type java.io.File)
    • grails.doc.images - The location of a directory containing image files for use in the style templates and within the documentation pages themselves (type java.io.File)

    • grails.doc.css - カスタマイズしたCSSファイルを含むディレクトリ場所(java.io.Fileクラスの型)
    • grails.doc.js - カスタマイズしたJavaScriptファイルを含むディレクトリ場所(java.io.Fileクラスの型)
    • grails.doc.style - ガイド用にカスタマイズしたHTMLテンプレートを含むディレクトリ場所(java.io.Fileクラスの型)
    • grails.doc.images - スタイルテンプレートやドキュメントページ自身で使用する画像ファイルを含むディレクトリ場所(java.io.Fileの型)

    One of the simplest ways to customise the look of the generated guide is to provide a value for grails.doc.css and then put a custom.css file in the corresponding directory. Grails will automatically include this CSS file in the guide. You can also place a custom-pdf.css file in that directory. This allows you to override the styles for the PDF version of the guide.

    h4. Generating Documentation


    Once you have created some documentation (refer to the syntax guide in the next chapter) you can generate an HTML version of the documentation using the command:

    grails doc

    This command will output an docs/manual/index.html which can be opened in a browser to view your documentation.

    h4. Documentation Syntax


    As mentioned the syntax is largely similar to Textile or Confluence style wiki markup. The following sections walk you through the syntax basics.

    h5. Basic Formatting

    Monospace: monospace
    等幅フォント: monospace

    Italic: italic
    イタリック体: italic

    Bold: bold
    太字: bold



    You can also link to internal images like so:


    This will link to an image stored locally within your project. There is currently no default location for doc images, but you can specify one with the grails.doc.images setting in Config.groovy like so:

    grails.doc.images = new File("src/docs/images")

    In this example, you would put the my_diagram.png file in the directory 'src/docs/images/someFolder'.

    h5. Linking

    There are several ways to create links with the documentation generator. A basic external link can either be defined using confluence or textile style markup:




    For links to other sections inside the user guide you can use the guide: prefix with the name of the section you want to link to:


    The section name comes from the corresponding gdoc filename. The documentation engine will warn you if any links to sections in your guide break.

    To link to reference items you can use a special syntax:


    In this case the category of the reference item is on the left hand side of the | and the name of the reference item on the right.

    Finally, to link to external APIs you can use the api: prefix. For example:


    The documentation engine will automatically create the appropriate javadoc link in this case. To add additional APIs to the engine you can configure them in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy. For example:


    The above example configures classes within the org.hibernate package to link to the Hibernate website's API docs.

    h5. Lists and Headings

    Headings can be created by specifying the letter 'h' followed by a number and then a dot:


    Unordered lists are defined with the use of the * character:

    * item 1
    ** subitem 1
    ** subitem 2
    * item 2

    Numbered lists can be defined with the # character:

    # item 1

    Tables can be created using the table macro:


     *Name* | *Number*
     Albert | 46
     Wilma | 1348
     James | 12

    h5. Code and Notes

    You can define code blocks with the code macro:

    class Book {
        String title

    class Book {
        String title

    The example above provides syntax highlighting for Java and Groovy code, but you can also highlight XML markup:



    There are also a couple of macros for displaying notes and warnings:


    This is a note!

    This is a note!


    This is a warning!

    This is a warning!

    4.7 依存性解決

    Grails features a dependency resolution DSL that lets you control how plugins and JAR dependencies are resolved.

    You can choose to use Aether (since Grails 2.3) or Apache Ivy as the dependency resolution engine. Aether is the dependency resolution library used by the Maven build tool, so if you are looking for Maven-like behavior then Aether is the better choise. Ivy allows more flexibility if you wish to resolve jars from flat file systems or none HTTP repositories. Aether is the default dependency resolution engine for Grails applications since Grails 2.3.
    依存関係解決エンジンとして、Aether(Grails2.3以降)あるいはApache Ivyのどちらかを選択できます。Aetherは、Mavenビルド・ツール内で使用されている依存関係解決ライブラリであり、Mavenのような振る舞いを期待しているなら、Aetherを選択すべきです。Ivyは、単層ファイルシステムまたはHTTP通信を行わないリポジトリからjarファイルを解決したい場合には、より柔軟性が高いです。Grails 2.3以降においては、AetherがGrailsアプリケーションのデフォルトの依存関係解決エンジンです。

    To configure which dependency resolution engine to use you can specify the grails.project.dependency.resolver setting in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy. The default setting is shown below:

    grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven" // or ivy

    You can then specify a grails.project.dependency.resolution property inside the grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file that configures how dependencies are resolved:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
       // config here

    The default configuration looks like the following:

    grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
    grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
    grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
    //grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war"

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = { // inherit Grails' default dependencies inherits("global") { // uncomment to disable ehcache // excludes 'ehcache' } log "warn" repositories { grailsPlugins() grailsHome() grailsCentral() mavenCentral() mavenLocal()

    // uncomment these to enable remote dependency resolution // from public Maven repositories //mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org" //mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org" //mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/" //mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/" } dependencies { // specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', // 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.

    // runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16' build "org.grails:grails-plugin-tomcat:$grailsVersion" runtime "org.grails:grails-plugin-hibernate:$grailsVersion" }

    plugins {

    compile ":jquery:1.8.3" compile ":resources:1.1.6"

    build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion" } }

    The details of the above will be explained in the next few sections.

    4.7.1 設定と依存

    Grails features five dependency resolution configurations (or 'scopes'):

    * build: Dependencies for the build system only
    • build: ビルドシステムのためだけの依存関係

    * compile: Dependencies for the compile step
    • compile: コンパイルのための依存関係

    * runtime: Dependencies needed at runtime but not for compilation (see above)
    • runtime: 実行時には必要だが、コンパイル時には不必要な依存関係(上記参照)

    * test: Dependencies needed for testing but not at runtime (see above)
    • test: テスト時には必要だが、実行時には不必要な依存関係(上記参照)

    * provided: Dependencies needed at development time, but not during WAR deployment
    • provided: 開発時には必要だが、WARファイルのデプロイ時には不必要な依存関係

    Within the dependencies block you can specify a dependency that falls into one of these configurations by calling the equivalent method. For example if your application requires the MySQL driver to function at runtime you can specify that like this:

    runtime 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16'

    This uses the string syntax: group:name:version.

    If you are using Aether as the dependency resolution library, the Maven pattern of:


    You can also use a Map-based syntax:

    runtime group: 'com.mysql',
            name: 'mysql-connector-java',
            version: '5.1.16'

    Possible settings to the map syntax are:

    * group - The group / organization (or groupId in Maven terminology)
    • group - グループ/組織(Mavenの用語ではgroupId)

    * name - The dependency name (or artifactId in Maven terminology)
    • name - 依存関係名 (Mavenの用語ではartifactId)

    * version - The version of the dependency
    • version - 依存関係のバージョン

    * extension (Aether only) - The file extension of the dependency
    • extension (Aetherのみ) - 依存関係のファイル拡張子

    * classifier - The dependency classifier
    • classifier - 依存関係の分類

    * branch (Ivy only) - The branch of the dependency
    • branch(Ivyのみ) - 依存関係のブランチ

    * transitive (Ivy only) - Whether the dependency has transitive dependencies
    • transitive (Ivyのみ) - 推移的依存関係の有無

    As you can see from the list above some dependency configuration settings work only in Aether and some only in Ivy.

    Multiple dependencies can be specified by passing multiple arguments:

    runtime 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16',

    // Or

    runtime( [group:'com.mysql', name:'mysql-connector-java', version:'5.1.16'], [group:'net.sf.ehcache', name:'ehcache', version:'1.6.1'] )

    h3. Disabling transitive dependency resolution


    By default, Grails will not only get the JARs and plugins that you declare, but it will also get their transitive dependencies. This is usually what you want, but there are occasions where you want a dependency without all its baggage. In such cases, you can disable transitive dependency resolution on a case-by-case basis:

            'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') {
        transitive = false

    // Or runtime group:'com.mysql', name:'mysql-connector-java', version:'5.1.16', transitive:false

    Disabling transitive dependency resolution only works with the Ivy dependency manager. Aether does not support disabling of transitive resolution, instead explicit exclusions are required (see below).


    h3. Excluding specific transitive dependencies


    A far more common scenario is where you want the transitive dependencies, but some of them cause issues with your own dependencies or are unnecessary. For example, many Apache projects have 'commons-logging' as a transitive dependency, but it shouldn't be included in a Grails project (we use SLF4J). That's where the excludes option comes in:

            'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') {
        excludes "xml-apis", "commons-logging"

    // Or runtime(group:'com.mysql', name:'mysql-connector-java', version:'5.1.16') { excludes([ group: 'xml-apis', name: 'xml-apis'], [ group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents' ], [ name: 'commons-logging' ])

    As you can see, you can either exclude dependencies by their artifact ID (also known as a module name) or any combination of group and artifact IDs (if you use the Map notation). You may also come across exclude as well, but that can only accept a single string or Map:

            'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') {
        exclude "xml-apis"

    h3. Using Ivy module configurations


    Using the Ivy dependency manager (Aether not supported), if you use Ivy module configurations and wish to depend on a specific configuration of a module, you can use the dependencyConfiguration method to specify the configuration to use.

    provided("my.org:web-service:1.0") {
        dependencyConfiguration "api"

    If the dependency configuration is not explicitly set, the configuration named "default" will be used (which is also the correct value for dependencies coming from Maven style repositories).

    h3. Where are the JARs?


    With all these declarative dependencies, you may wonder where all the JARs end up. They have to go somewhere after all. By default Grails puts them into a directory, called the dependency cache, that resides on your local file system at user.home/.grails/ivy-cache or user.home/.m2/repository when using Aether. You can change this either via the settings.groovy file:

    grails.dependency.cache.dir = "${userHome}/.my-dependency-cache"

    or in the dependency DSL:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
        cacheDir "target/ivy-cache"

    The settings.groovy option applies to all projects, so it's the preferred approach.

    4.7.2 依存管理リポジトリ

    h4. Remote Repositories


    Initially your BuildConfig.groovy does not use any remote public Maven repositories. There is a default grailsHome() repository that will locate the JAR files Grails needs from your Grails installation. To use a public repository, specify it in the repositories block:

    repositories {

    In this case the default public Maven repository is specified.

    You can also specify a specific Maven repository to use by URL:

    repositories {
        mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"

    and even give it a name:

    repositories {
        mavenRepo name: "Codehaus", root: "http://repository.codehaus.org"

    so that you can easily identify it in logs.

    h4. Controlling Repositories Inherited from Plugins


    A plugin you have installed may define a reference to a remote repository just as an application can. By default your application will inherit this repository definition when you install the plugin.

    If you do not wish to inherit repository definitions from plugins then you can disable repository inheritance:

    repositories {
        inherit false

    In this case your application will not inherit any repository definitions from plugins and it is down to you to provide appropriate (possibly internal) repository definitions.

    h4. Offline Mode


    There are times when it is not desirable to connect to any remote repositories (whilst working on the train for example!). In this case you can use the offline flag to execute Grails commands and Grails will not connect to any remote repositories:

    grails --offline run-app

    Note that this command will fail if you do not have the necessary dependencies in your local Ivy cache


    You can also globally configure offline mode by setting grails.offline.mode to true in ~/.grails/settings.groovy or in your project's BuildConfig.groovy file:


    h4. Local Resolvers


    If you do not wish to use a public Maven repository you can specify a flat file repository:

    repositories {
        flatDir name:'myRepo', dirs:'/path/to/repo'

    Aether does not support the flatDir resolver or any custom file system resolvers. The above feature works only if you are using the Ivy dependency manager.


    To specify your local Maven cache (~/.m2/repository) as a repository:

    repositories {

    h4. Custom Resolvers


    If you are using the Ivy dependency manager (Aether does not support custom resolvers), then you can explicitly specify an Ivy resolver:

     * Configure our resolver.
    def libResolver = new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.URLResolver()
    ['libraries', 'builds'].each {

    libResolver.addArtifactPattern( "http://my.repository/${it}/" + "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]")

    libResolver.addIvyPattern( "http://my.repository/${it}/" + "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]") }

    libResolver.name = "my-repository" libResolver.settings = ivySettings

    resolver libResolver

    It's also possible to pull dependencies from a repository using SSH. Ivy comes with a dedicated resolver that you can configure and include in your project like so:

    import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.SshResolver
    repositories {

    def sshResolver = new SshResolver( name: "myRepo", user: "username", host: "dev.x.com", keyFile: new File("/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"), m2compatible: true)

    sshResolver.addArtifactPattern( "/home/grails/repo/[organisation]/[artifact]/" + "[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]")

    sshResolver.latestStrategy = new org.apache.ivy.plugins.latest.LatestTimeStrategy()

    sshResolver.changingPattern = ".*SNAPSHOT"


    resolver sshResolver }

    Download the JSch JAR and add it to Grails' classpath to use the SSH resolver. You can do this by passing the path in the Grails command line:
    SSHリゾルバを使用するために、JSch JARをダウンロードしGrailsのクラスパスに追加します。Grailsのコマンドラインでパスを通すことによってこれを実行出来ます:

    grails -classpath /path/to/jsch compile|run-app|etc.

    You can also add its path to the CLASSPATH environment variable but be aware this it affects many Java applications. An alternative on Unix is to create an alias for grails -classpath ... so that you don't have to type the extra arguments each time.
    また、CLASSPATH環境変数にパスを通すことでも追加できますが、多くのJavaアプリケーションに影響を与えることに注意する必要があります。Unix上で引数を毎回入力する面倒を避けるには、grails -classpath...コマンドのエイリアスを作成するのが良いでしょう。

    h4. Authentication


    If your repository requires authentication you can configure this using a credentials block:

    credentials {
        realm = ".."
        host = "localhost"
        username = "myuser"
        password = "mypass"

    This can be placed in your USER_HOME/.grails/settings.groovy file using the grails.project.ivy.authentication setting:

    grails.project.ivy.authentication = {
        credentials {
            realm = ".."
            host = "localhost"
            username = "myuser"
            password = "mypass"

    4.7.3 依存解決デバッグ

    If you are having trouble getting a dependency to resolve you can enable more verbose debugging from the underlying engine using the log method:

    // log level of the Aether or Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn',
    // 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
    log "warn"

    A common issue is that the checksums for a dependency don't match the associated JAR file, and so Ivy rejects the dependency. This helps ensure that the dependencies are valid. But for a variety of reasons some dependencies simply don't have valid checksums in the repositories, even if they are valid JARs. To get round this, you can disable Ivy's dependency checks like so:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
        log "warn"
        checksums false

    This is a global setting, so only use it if you have to.

    4.7.4 依存の受け継ぎ

    By default every Grails application inherits several framework dependencies. This is done through the line:

    inherits "global"

    Inside the BuildConfig.groovy file. To exclude specific inherited dependencies you use the excludes method:

    inherits("global") {
        excludes "oscache", "ehcache"

    4.7.5 基本依存管理の提供

    Most Grails applications have runtime dependencies on several jar files that are provided by the Grails framework. These include libraries like Spring, Sitemesh, Hibernate etc. When a war file is created, all of these dependencies will be included in it. But, an application may choose to exclude these jar files from the war. This is useful when the jar files will be provided by the container, as would normally be the case if multiple Grails applications are deployed to the same container.

    The dependency resolution DSL provides a mechanism to express that all of the default dependencies will be provided by the container. This is done by invoking the defaultDependenciesProvided method and passing true as an argument:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {

    defaultDependenciesProvided true // all of the default dependencies will // be "provided" by the container

    inherits "global" // inherit Grails' default dependencies

    repositories { grailsHome() … } dependencies { … } }

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {

    defaultDependenciesProvided true // 全てのデフォルトの依存関係は // コンテナによって提供される

    inherits "global" // Grailsのデフォルト依存関係を継承する

    repositories { grailsHome() … } dependencies { … } }

    defaultDependenciesProvided must come before inherits, otherwise the Grails dependencies will be included in the war.


    4.7.6 スナップショットと他の変化する依存関係

    h4. Configuration Changing dependencies


    Typically, dependencies are constant. That is, for a given combination of group, name and version the jar (or plugin) that it refers to will never change. The Grails dependency management system uses this fact to cache dependencies in order to avoid having to download them from the source repository each time. Sometimes this is not desirable. For example, many developers use the convention of a snapshot (i.e. a dependency with a version number ending in “-SNAPSHOT”) that can change from time to time while still retaining the same version number. We call this a "changing dependency".

    Whenever you have a changing dependency, Grails will always check the remote repository for a new version. More specifically, when a changing dependency is encountered during dependency resolution its last modified timestamp in the local cache is compared against the last modified timestamp in the dependency repositories. If the version on the remote server is deemed to be newer than the version in the local cache, the new version will be downloaded and used.

    Be sure to read the next section on “Dependency Resolution Caching” in addition to this one as it affects changing dependencies.


    All dependencies (jars and plugins) with a version number ending in -SNAPSHOT are implicitly considered to be changing by Grails. You can also explicitly specify that a dependency is changing by setting the changing flag in the dependency DSL (This is only required for Ivy, Aether does not support the 'changing' flag and treats dependencies that end with -SNAPSHOT as changing):

    runtime ('org.my:lib:1.2.3') {
        changing = true

    Aether and SNAPSHOT dependencies


    The semantics for handling snapshots when using Aether in Grails are the same as those when using the Maven build tool. The default snapshot check policy is to check once a day for a new version of the dependency. This means that if a new snapshot is published during the day to a remote repository you may not see that change unless you manually clear out your local snapshot.
    Grails内でAetherを使用した場合、スナップショットを処理するためのセマンティクスは、Mavenを使用した場合と同じです。 デフォルトのスナップショットのチェックポリシーでは、1日に1回、依存関係の新しいバージョンをチェックします。 これはその日リモートリポジトリに公開された新たなスナップショットが、手動でロカールリポジトリのスナップショットをクリアしない限り、変更を検知できない場合があるということです。

    If you wish to change the snapshot update policy you can do so by configuring an updatePolicy for the repository where the snapshot was resolved from, for example:
    もし、スナップショットのアップデートポリシーを変更したい場合は、スナップショットの依存を解決するリポジトリでupdatePolicyを設定します。 例えば以下のようにします:

    repositories {
        mavenCentral {
            updatePolicy "interval:1"

    The above example configures an update policy that checks once a minute for changes. Note that that an updatePolicy like the above will seriously impact performance of dependency resolution. The possibly configuration values for updatePolicy are as follows:
    上記の例では、1分に1回チェックをするアップデートポリシーを設定しています。 上記のupdatePolicyのように、この設定は依存関係解決のパフォーマンスに影響を与えることに注意してください。 updatePolicyに設定が可能な値は以下のとおりです:

    • never - Never check for new snapshots
    • always - Always check for new snapshots
    • daily - Check once a day for new snapshots (the default)
    • interval:x - Check once every x minutes for new snapshots

    • never - 新しいスナップショットをチェックしない
    • always - 常に新しいスナップショットをチェックする
    • daily - 1日に1回新しいスナップショットをチェックする (デフォルト)
    • interval:x - x分ごとに1回新しいスナップショットをチェックする

    h4. Ivy and Changing dependencies


    For those used to Maven snapshot handling, if you use Aether dependency management you can expect the same semantics as Maven. If you choose to use Ivy there is a caveat to the support for changing dependencies that you should be aware of. Ivy will stop looking for newer versions of a dependency once it finds a remote repository that has the dependency.

    Consider the following setup:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
        repositories {
            mavenRepo "http://my.org/repo"
        dependencies {
            compile "myorg:mylib:1.0-SNAPSHOT"

    In this example we are using the local maven repository and a remote network maven repository. Assuming that the local OI dependency and the local Maven cache do not contain the dependency but the remote repository does, when we perform dependency resolution the following actions will occur:

    * maven local repository is searched, dependency not found
    • Mavenのローカルリポジトリが検索されますが、依存関係は見つかりません。

    * maven network repository is searched, dependency is downloaded to the cache and used
    • Mavenのネットワークリポジトリが検索され、依存関係をキャッシュへダウンロードして使用します。

    Note that the repositories are checked in the order they are defined in the BuildConfig.groovy file.

    If we perform dependency resolution again without the dependency changing on the remote server, the following will happen:

    * maven local repository is searched, dependency not found
    • Mavenのローカルリポジトリが検索されますが、依存関係は見つかりません。

    * maven network repository is searched, dependency is found to be the same “age” as the version in the cache so will not be updated (i.e. downloaded)
    • Mavenのネットワークリポジトリが検索され依存関係が見つかりますが、キャッシュ内のバージョンと同じ最終更新日時のため更新(すなわちダウンロード)はされません。

    Later on, a new version of mylib 1.0-SNAPSHOT is published changing the version on the server. The next time we perform dependency resolution, the following will happen:
    その後、mylib 1.0-SNAPSHOTの新しいバージョンが公開され、サーバ上のファイルが更新されたとします。この状況で依存関係の解決を実行した場合、以下の処理が行われます。

    * maven local repository is searched, dependency not found
    • Mavenのローカルリポジトリが検索されますが、依存関係は見つかりません。

    * maven network repository is searched, dependency is found to newer than version in the cache so will be updated (i.e. downloaded to the cache)
    • Mavenのネットワークリポジトリが検索され、キャッシュ内のバージョンよりも新しい依存関係が見つかり、更新(つまり、キャッシュにダウンロード)されます。

    So far everything is working well.

    Now we want to test some local changes to the mylib library. To do this we build it locally and install it to the local Maven cache (how doesn't particularly matter). The next time we perform a dependency resolution, the following will occur:

    * maven local repository is searched, dependency is found to newer than version in the cache so will be updated (i.e. downloaded to the cache)
    * maven network repository is NOT searched as we've already found the dependency

    This is what we wanted to occur.

    Later on, a new version of mylib 1.0-SNAPSHOT is published changing the version on the server. The next time we perform dependency resolution, the following will happen:
    その後、mylib 1.0-SNAPSHOTの新しいバージョンが公開され、サーバ上のファイルが更新されたとします。この状況で依存関係の解決を実行した場合、以下の処理が行われます。

    * maven local repository is searched, dependency is found to be the same “age” as the version in the cache so will not be updated (i.e. downloaded)
    • Mavenのローカルリポジトリが検索され、キャッシュ内バージョンと同じ”年齢”の依存関係が見つかりますが、更新(すなわちダウンロード)はされません。

    * maven network repository is NOT searched as we've already found the dependency
    • すでに依存関係を発見したため、Mavenのネットワークリポジトリは検索されません。

    This is likely to not be the desired outcome. We are now out of sync with the latest published snapshot and will continue to keep using the version from the local maven repository.

    The rule to remember is this: when resolving a dependency, Ivy will stop searching as soon as it finds a repository that has the dependency at the specified version number. It will not continue searching all repositories trying to find a more recently modified instance.

    To remedy this situation (i.e. build against the newer version of mylib 1.0-SNAPSHOT in the remote repository), you can either:
    この状況を改善するために(すなわちリモートリポジトリ内の、より新しいバージョンのmylib 1.0-SNAPSHOTをビルドするために)、次のいずれかを実行できます。

    * Delete the version from the local maven repository, or
    • Mavenのローカルリポジトリからバージョンを削除する

    * Reorder the repositories in the BuildConfig.groovy file
    • BuildConfig.groovyファイル内のリポジトリの順序を変更する

    Where possible, prefer deleting the version from the local maven repository. In general, when you have finished building against a locally built SNAPSHOT always try to clear it from the local maven repository.

    This changing dependency behaviour is an unmodifiable characteristic of the underlying dependency management system Apache Ivy. It is currently not possible to have Ivy search all repositories to look for newer versions (in terms of modification date) of the same dependency (i.e. the same combination of group, name and version). If you want this behavior consider switching to Aether as the dependency manager.

    この変化する依存関係の挙動は、Grailsの依存関係管理システムの基礎となっているApache Ivyの変更不可能な特性です。現在のところIvyは、すべてのリポジトリを検索し、同じ依存関係(すなわち等しいグループ名前バージョンの組み合わせ)の中から(修正日付の面で)より新しいバージョンのものを探すことはできません。

    4.7.7 依存管理レポート

    As mentioned in the previous section a Grails application consists of dependencies inherited from the framework, the plugins installed and the application dependencies itself.

    To obtain a report of an application's dependencies you can run the dependency-report command:

    grails dependency-report

    By default this will generate reports in the target/dependency-report directory. You can specify which configuration (scope) you want a report for by passing an argument containing the configuration name:

    grails dependency-report runtime

    As of Grails 2.3 the dependency-report command will also output to the console a graph of the dependencies of an application. Example output it shown below:

    compile - Dependencies placed on the classpath for compilation (total: 73)
    +--- org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.6
    +--- org.grails:grails-plugin-codecs:2.3.0
    |    --- org.grails:grails-web:2.3.0
    |         --- commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.2.2
    |         --- xpp3:xpp3_min:1.1.4c
    |         --- commons-el:commons-el:1.0
    |         --- opensymphony:sitemesh:2.4
    |         --- org.springframework:spring-webmvc:3.1.2.RELEASE
    |    --- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.5
    |    --- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.2
    +--- org.grails:grails-plugin-controllers:2.3.0
    |    --- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.8.3
    |    --- org.grails:grails-core:2.3.0

    4.7.8 プラグインJAR依存

    h4. Specifying Plugin JAR dependencies


    The way in which you specify dependencies for a plugin is identical to how you specify dependencies in an application. When a plugin is installed into an application the application automatically inherits the dependencies of the plugin.

    To define a dependency that is resolved for use with the plugin but not exported to the application then you can set the export property of the dependency:
    compile('org.spockframework:spock-core:0.5-groovy-1.8') {
        export = false

    In this case the Spock dependency will be available only to the plugin and not resolved as an application dependency. Alternatively, if you're using the Map syntax:

    compile group: 'org.spockframework', name: 'spock-core',
         version: '0.5-groovy-1.8', export: false

    You can use exported = false instead of export = false, but we recommend the latter because it's consistent with the Map argument.


    h4. Overriding Plugin JAR Dependencies in Your Application


    If a plugin is using a JAR which conflicts with another plugin, or an application dependency then you can override how a plugin resolves its dependencies inside an application using exclusions. For example:

    plugins {
        compile(":hibernate:$grailsVersion") {
            excludes "javassist"

    dependencies { runtime "javassist:javassist:3.4.GA" }

    In this case the application explicitly declares a dependency on the "hibernate" plugin and specifies an exclusion using the excludes method, effectively excluding the javassist library as a dependency.

    4.7.9 Maven統合

    When using the Grails Maven plugin with the Maven build tool, Grails' dependency resolution mechanics are disabled as it is assumed that you will manage dependencies with Maven's pom.xml file.
    Grails Maven pluginでMavenビルドツールを使用している場合は、Mavanのpom.xmlファイルで依存関係の解決が行なわれると判断し、Grailsでの依存関係解決機能は無効化されます

    However, if you would like to continue using Grails regular commands like run-app, test-app and so on then you can tell Grails' command line to load dependencies from the Maven pom.xml file instead.

    To do so simply add the following line to your BuildConfig.groovy:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
        pom true

    The line pom true tells Grails to parse Maven's pom.xml and load dependencies from there.
    pom true行は、Mavenのpom.xmlファイルの構文解析を行いそこから依存関係をロードする、ということをGrailsに通達します。

    4.7.10 Mavenリポジトリへのデプロイ

    If you use Maven to build your Grails project, you can use the standard Maven targets mvn install and mvn deploy.
    GrailsプロジェクトのビルドにMavenを使用する場合は、標準のMavenのターゲットであるmvn installおよびmvn deployを使用できます。
    If not, you can deploy a Grails project or plugin to a Maven repository using the release plugin.

    The plugin provides the ability to publish Grails projects and plugins to local and remote Maven repositories. There are two key additional targets added by the plugin:

    maven-install* - Installs a Grails project or plugin into your local Maven cache
    • maven-install - MavenのローカルキャッシュにGrailsプロジェクトやプラグインをインストールします。

    maven-deploy* - Deploys a Grails project or plugin to a remote Maven repository
    • maven-deploy - MavenのリモートリポジトリにGrailsプロジェクトやプラグインをデプロイします。

    By default this plugin will automatically generate a valid pom.xml for you unless a pom.xml is already present in the root of the project, in which case this pom.xml file will be used.

    h4. maven-install


    The maven-install command will install the Grails project or plugin artifact into your local Maven cache:

    grails maven-install

    In the case of plugins, the plugin zip file will be installed, whilst for application the application WAR file will be installed.

    h4. maven-deploy


    The maven-deploy command will deploy a Grails project or plugin into a remote Maven repository:

    grails maven-deploy

    It is assumed that you have specified the necessary <distributionManagement> configuration within a pom.xml or that you specify the id of the remote repository to deploy to:

    grails maven-deploy --repository=myRepo

    The repository argument specifies the 'id' for the repository. Configure the details of the repository specified by this 'id' within your grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file or in your $USER_HOME/.grails/settings.groovy file:

    grails.project.dependency.distribution = {
        localRepository = "/path/to/my/local"
        remoteRepository(id: "myRepo", url: "http://myserver/path/to/repo")

    The syntax for configuring remote repositories matches the syntax from the remoteRepository element in the Ant Maven tasks. For example the following XML:

    <remoteRepository id="myRepo" url="scp://localhost/www/repository">
        <authentication username="..." privateKey="${user.home}/.ssh/id_dsa"/>

    Can be expressed as:

    remoteRepository(id: "myRepo", url: "scp://localhost/www/repository") {
        authentication username: "...", privateKey: "${userHome}/.ssh/id_dsa"

    By default the plugin will try to detect the protocol to use from the URL of the repository (ie "http" from "http://.." etc.), however to specify a different protocol you can do:

    grails maven-deploy --repository=myRepo --protocol=webdav

    The available protocols are:
    • http
    • scp
    • scpexe
    • ftp
    • webdav

    h4. Groups, Artifacts and Versions


    Maven defines the notion of a 'groupId', 'artifactId' and a 'version'. This plugin pulls this information from the Grails project conventions or plugin descriptor.
    Mavenは 'groupId'、'artifactId'、'version'という概念を定義しています。maven-publisherプラグインは、Grailsプロジェクトの規約またはプラグイン識別子からこれらの情報を取得します。

    h5. Projects

    For applications this plugin will use the Grails application name and version provided by Grails when generating the pom.xml file. To change the version you can run the set-version command:

    grails set-version 0.2

    The Maven groupId will be the same as the project name, unless you specify a different one in Config.groovy:


    h5. Plugins

    With a Grails plugin the groupId and version are taken from the following properties in the GrailsPlugin.groovy descriptor:

    String groupId = 'myOrg'
    String version = '0.1'

    The 'artifactId' is taken from the plugin name. For example if you have a plugin called FeedsGrailsPlugin the artifactId will be "feeds". If your plugin does not specify a groupId then this defaults to "org.grails.plugins".
    'artifactId'は、プラグイン名から取得されます。たとえば、FeedsGrailsPluginというプラグインの場合、artifactIdは "feeds"になります。プラグインがgroupIdを指定していない場合、デフォルト設定の"org.grails.plugins"となります。

    4.7.11 プラグイン依存管理

    You can declaratively specify plugins as dependencies via the dependency DSL instead of using the install-plugin command:

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
        repositories {

    plugins { runtime ':hibernate:1.2.1' }

    dependencies { … } … }

    If you don't specify a group id the default plugin group id of org.grails.plugins is used.

    h4. Latest Integration

    Latest Integrationラベル

    Only the Ivy dependency manager supports the "latest.integration" version. For Aether you can achieve a similar effect with version ranges.


    You can specify to use the latest version of a particular plugin by using "latest.integration" as the version number:
    バージョン番号として "latest.integration"を使用することで、特定のプラグインの最新バージョンを使用するように指定できます:

    plugins {
        runtime ':hibernate:latest.integration'

    h4. Integration vs. Release

    Integrationラベル vs. Releaseラベル

    The "latest.integration" version label will also include resolving snapshot versions. To not include snapshot versions then use the "latest.release" label:
    "latest.integration"ラベルはスナップショットのバージョンも含まれます。スナップショットのバージョンが含まれないようにするには、 "latest.release"ラベルを使用します。

    plugins {
        runtime ':hibernate:latest.release'

    The "latest.release" label only works with Maven compatible repositories. If you have a regular SVN-based Grails repository then you should use "latest.integration".


    And of course if you use a Maven repository with an alternative group id you can specify a group id:

    plugins {
        runtime 'mycompany:hibernate:latest.integration'

    h4. Plugin Exclusions


    You can control how plugins transitively resolves both plugin and JAR dependencies using exclusions. For example:

    plugins {
        runtime(':weceem:0.8') {
            excludes "searchable"

    Here we have defined a dependency on the "weceem" plugin which transitively depends on the "searchable" plugin. By using the excludes method you can tell Grails not to transitively install the searchable plugin. You can combine this technique to specify an alternative version of a plugin:

    plugins {
        runtime(':weceem:0.8') {
            excludes "searchable" // excludes most recent version
        runtime ':searchable:0.5.4' // specifies a fixed searchable version

    You can also completely disable transitive plugin installs, in which case no transitive dependencies will be resolved:

    plugins {
        runtime(':weceem:0.8') {
            transitive = false
        runtime ':searchable:0.5.4' // specifies a fixed searchable version

    4.7.12 依存管理のキャッシュ

    As a performance optimisation, when using Ivy (this does not apply to Aether), Grails does not resolve dependencies for every command invocation. Even with all the necessary dependencies downloaded and cached, resolution may take a second or two. To minimise this cost, Grails caches the result of dependency resolution (i.e. the location on the local file system of all of the declared dependencies, typically inside the dependency cache) and reuses this result for subsequent commands when it can reasonably expect that nothing has changed.

    Grails only performs dependency resolution under the following circumstances:

    * The project is clean (i.e. fresh checkout or after grails clean)
    • プロジェクトがクリーンな場合(すなわち、チェックアウト直後またはgrails cleanの実行後)

    * The BuildConfig.groovy file has changed since the last command was run
    • 最後にコマンドが実行された後に、BuildConfig.groovyファイルが変更された場合

    * The --refresh-dependencies command line switch is provided to the command (any command)
    • --refresh-dependencies引数が、何らかのコマンドに与えられる場合

    * The refresh-dependencies command is the command being executed
    • refresh-dependenciesコマンドが実行された場合

    Generally, this strategy works well and you can ignore dependency resolution caching. Every time you change your dependencies (i.e. modify BuildConfig.groovy) Grails will do the right thing and resolve your new dependencies.

    However, when you have changing or dynamic dependencies you will have to consider dependency resolution caching.
    しかし、 変化する依存関係 または 動的な依存関係 がある場合は、依存関係解決のキャッシングを考慮する必要があります。

    {info} A changing dependency is one whose version number does not change, but its contents do (like a SNAPSHOT). A dynamic dependency is one that is defined as one of many possible options (like a dependency with a version range, or symbolic version number like latest.integration). {info}

    {info} 変化する依存関係 は、バージョン番号が変更されずに、内容が変化するもの(スナップショットなど)です。 動的な依存関係 は多くの可能なオプションのいずれかとして定義されるものです。(バージョンが範囲指定されている、またはlatest.integrationのように抽象的なバージョン番号を持つ依存関係など) {info}

    Both changing and dynamic dependencies are influenced by the environment. With caching active, any changes to the environment are effectively ignored. For example, your project may not automatically fetch the very latest version of a dependency when using latest.integration. Or if you declare a SNAPSHOT dependency, you may not automatically get the latest that's available on the server.
    変化する依存関係 と 動的な依存関係は共に、リモートリポジトリ等の外部環境に影響されます。キャッシュが有効な場合、これらの環境の変更は事実上無視されます。例えば、latest.integrationを使用している場合、プロジェクトは依存関係の最新バージョンを自動的に取得しないでしょう。また、SNAPSHOTの依存関係を宣言した場合、サーバー上で使用可能な最新のものを自動的に取得できない可能性があります。

    To ensure you have the correct version of a changing or dynamic dependency in your project, you can:
    プロジェクトの 変化する依存関係動的な依存関係 が正しいバージョンであることを確認するために、以下のことができます:

    * clean the project
    • プロジェクトのクリーンアップ

    * run the refresh-dependencies command
    • refresh-dependenciesコマンドの実行

    * run any command with the --refresh-dependencies switch; or
    • 任意のコマンド--refresh-dependenciesを付与して実行

    * make a change to BuildConfig.groovy
    • BuildConfig.groovyを変更

    If you have your CI builds configured to not perform clean builds, it may be worth adding the --refresh-dependencies switch to the command you use to build your projects.