(Quick Reference)

21 翻訳レポート - Reference Documentation

Authors: Graeme Rocher, Peter Ledbrook, Marc Palmer, Jeff Brown, Luke Daley, Burt Beckwith

Version: 2.4.0.M1

Translated by: T.Yamamoto, Japanese Grails Doc Translating Team. Special thanks to NTT Software.

21 翻訳レポート

Document Translation Report.

  • File Count - 296
  • Done - 281
  • TODO - 13
  • Not found or new - 2

Original document updated after translation.:


83 : compile ":quartz:0.1"


22 : grails.servlet.version = "3.0" // Change depending on target container compliance (2.5 or 3.0)
26 : grails.project.work.dir = "target/work"
27 : grails.project.target.level = 1.6
28 : grails.project.source.level = 1.6
31 : grails.project.fork = [
32 :     // configure settings for compilation JVM, note that if you alter the Groovy version forked compilation is required
33 :     //  compile: [maxMemory: 256, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, daemon:true],
35 :     // configure settings for the test-app JVM, uses the daemon by default
36 :     test: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, daemon:true],
37 :     // configure settings for the run-app JVM
38 :     run: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, forkReserve:false],
39 :     // configure settings for the run-war JVM
40 :     war: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256, forkReserve:false],
41 :     // configure settings for the Console UI JVM
42 :     console: [maxMemory: 768, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256]
43 : ]
49 :         // specify dependency exclusions here; for example, uncomment this to disable ehcache:
52 :     log "error" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
53 :     checksums true // Whether to verify checksums on resolve
54 :     legacyResolve false // whether to do a secondary resolve on plugin installation, not advised and here for backwards compatibility
57 :         inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins
64 :         // uncomment these (or add new ones) to enable remote dependency resolution from public Maven repositories
70 :         // specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes e.g.
71 :         runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.24'
72 :         compile 'org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-core:2.2.5.RELEASE'
76 :         // plugins for the build system only


4  : grails generate-all helloworld.Book


12 : {"errors":[{"object":"rest.test.Book", "field":"title", "rejected-value":null, "message":"Property [title] of class [class rest.test.Book] cannot be null"}]}


11 :         compile ":scaffolding:2.0.0"


7  : However, currently you cannot use g:link to link to the DELETE action and most browsers do not support sending the DELETE method directly.
9  : The best way to accomplish this is to use a form submit:
12 :  <form action="/book/2" method="post">
13 :  	<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE"/>
14 :  </form>
17 : Grails supports overriding the request method via the hidden _method parameter. This is for browser compatibility purposes. This is useful when using restful resource mappings to create powerful web interfaces.
18 : To make a link fire this type of event, perhaps capture all click events for links with a `data-method` attribute and issue a form submit via javascript.


1  : {note}
2  : TBD… This section of material will be updated to cover the asset-pipeline plugin before Grails 2.4 is released.
3  : {note}


8  : grails.mime.types = [ // the first one is the default format
9  :     all:           '*/*', // 'all' maps to '*' or the first available format in withFormat
26 : The first one is the default format.
53 :             * { render books as JSON }
61 : When no format matches explicitly, a * (wildcard) block can be used to handle all other formats. 
63 : There is a special format, "all", that is handled differently from the explicit formats. If "all" is specified (normally this happens through the Accept header - see below), then the first block of withFormat() is executed when there isn't a * (wildcard) block available.  
65 : You should not add an explicit "all" block. In this example, a format of "all" will trigger the html handler (html is the first block and there is no * block).
154: "/$controller/$action?/$id?(.$format)?"{


25 : That value is then passed as the default variable it to the tag. However, if you have nested tags this can lead to conflicts, so you should instead name the variables that the body uses:


8  : grails create-app helloworld
9  : cd helloworld
13 : This will result in the creation of a domain class at grails-app/domain/helloworld/Book.groovy such as:
16 : package helloworld


57 : $ grails> restart-daemon
200:         "/$namespace/$controller/$action?"()
210: See the [namespaced controllers|guide:namespacedControllers] docs for more information.


129: def map = new PromiseMap()


8  : Be sure to read the next section on "Dependency Resolution Caching" in addition to this one as it affects changing dependencies.
67 : * maven network repository is searched, dependency is found to be the same "age" as the version in the cache so will not be updated (i.e. downloaded)
85 : * maven local repository is searched, dependency is found to be the same "age" as the version in the cache so will not be updated (i.e. downloaded)


1  : A number of changes need to be considered when upgrading your application from Grails 2.2, some of them breaking. Here's a quick list with more detail on each item following after:
3  : * New improved data binding (no Spring property editors)
4  : * Much improved XSS prevention with default HTML encoding
5  : * A new dependency resolution engine
6  : * Must be online to fetch Grails dependencies
7  : * Grails core dependencies rearranged
8  : * Tomcat and Hibernate plugins independently versioned now (breaking!)
9  : * Scaffolding is now a separate plugin
10 : * Spock included by default
11 : * Dependency injection does not work in integration tests by default 
12 : * Forked execution for tests
13 : * Reloading in run-app won't work by default on upgraded apps
14 : * grails-debug doesn't work for forked execution
33 : If you need to authenticate to a maven repository, you will want to change the definition of that repository like so:
36 : mavenRepo("http://artifactory.mycompany.com/repo") {
37 :     authentication(username: "myusername", password: "secret")
60 :     :: org.springframework#spring-test;3.2.2.RELEASE: configuration not found in org.springframework#spring-test;3.2.2.RELEASE: 'compile'. It was required from org.grails#grails-plugin-testing;2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT compile
93 :         build ':tomcat:7.0.42'
96 :         runtime ':hibernate:' 
116: You no longer need to add the Spock plugin to your projects. Simply create Spock specifications as before and they will be run as unit tests. In fact, don't install the Spock plugin, otherwise your specifications will run twice and potentially fail. This also means that the spock test type no longer exists. Specifications and JUnit tests run as the same type now.
120: In order to support alternate JUnit4 test runners, Grails 2.3 no longer uses a special test runner to run tests and integration tests should no longer extend GroovyTestCase.
122: This change requires that any JUnit integration tests that require dependency injection now need to be annotated with:
125: @TestMixin(IntegrationTestMixin)
128: For Spock integration tests, extending IntegrationSpec also works.
197: Some existing plugins (Cucumber plugin for example) do not work with 2.3.x forked execution because they expect the tests to be running in the same JVM as the application under tests. For example it is not possible to setup fixture / test data using GORM inside a functional test and have that data visible to the application under test since the application under test is in a separate JVM. The solution to this is to provide the necessary fixture data in the BootStrap of the application (only for the test environment of course).


19 : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
20 : import spock.lang.Specification
24 : class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
26 :     // …
34 : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
35 : import spock.lang.Specification
39 : class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
41 :     void "test list action is filtered"() {
42 :         when:
43 :         withFilters(action:"list") {
44 :             controller.list()
47 :         then:
48 :         response.redirectedUrl == '/book'


221: Grails uses the Best Efforts 1PC pattern for handling transactions across multiple datasources.
223: The [Best Efforts 1PC pattern|http://www.javaworld.com/article/2077963/open-source-tools/distributed-transactions-in-spring--with-and-without-xa.html?page=2] is fairly general but can fail in some circumstances that the developer must be aware of. This is a non-XA pattern that involves a synchronized single-phase commit of a number of resources. Because the [2PC|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-phase_commit] is not used, it can never be as safe as an [XA|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X/Open_XA] transaction, but is often good enough if the participants are aware of the compromises.
225: The basic idea is to delay the commit of all resources as late as possible in a transaction so that the only thing that can go wrong is an infrastructure failure (not a business-processing error). Systems that rely on Best Efforts 1PC reason that infrastructure failures are rare enough that they can afford to take the risk in return for higher throughput. If business-processing services are also designed to be idempotent, then little can go wrong in practice.
227: The BE1PC implementation was added in Grails 2.3.6. . Before this change additional datasources didn't take part in transactions initiated in Grails. The transactions in additional datasources were basically in auto commit mode. In some cases this might be the wanted behavior. One reason might be performance: on the start of each new transaction, the BE1PC transaction manager creates a new transaction to each datasource. It's possible to leave an additional datasource out of the BE1PC transaction manager by setting transactional = false in the respective configuration block of the additional dataSource. Datasources with readOnly = true will also be left out of the chained transaction manager (since 2.3.7).
229: By default, the BE1PC implementation will add all beans implementing the Spring [PlatformTransactionManager|http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/3.2.x/javadoc-api/org/springframework/transaction/PlatformTransactionManager.html] interface to the chained BE1PC transaction manager. For example, a possible [JMSTransactionManager|http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/3.2.x/javadoc-api/org/springframework/jms/connection/JmsTransactionManager.html] bean in the Grails application context would be added to the Grails BE1PC transaction manager's chain of transaction managers. 
231: You can exclude transaction manager beans from the BE1PC implementation with the this configuration option:
233: grails.transaction.chainedTransactionManagerPostProcessor.blacklistPattern = '.*'
235: The exclude matching is done on the name of the transaction manager bean. The transaction managers of datasources with transactional = false or readOnly = true will be skipped and using this configuration option is not required in that case.
239: When the Best Efforts 1PC pattern isn't suitable for handling transactions across multiple transactional resources (not only datasources), there are several options available for adding XA/2PC support to Grails applications.
241: The [Spring transactions documentation|http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/3.2.x/spring-framework-reference/html/transaction.html#transaction-application-server-integration] contains information about integrating the JTA/XA transaction manager of different application servers. In this case, you can configure a bean with the name transactionManager manually in resources.groovy or resources.xml file.
243: There is also [Atomikos plugin|http://grails.org/plugin/atomikos] available for XA support in Grails applications.


89 : To return HAL instead of regular JSON for a list of resources you can simply override the renderer in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy with an instance of grails.rest.render.hal.HalJsonCollectionRenderer:
94 :     halBookCollectionRenderer(HalJsonCollectionRenderer, rest.test.Book)
104: Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8
105: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
106: Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 02:34:14 GMT
111:       "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books",
117:     "book": [
118:       {
121:             "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books/1",
122:             "hreflang": "en",
123:             "type": "application/hal+json"
126:         "title": "The Stand"
128:       {
131:             "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books/2",
132:             "hreflang": "en",
133:             "type": "application/hal+json"
136:         "title": "Infinite Jest"
138:       {
141:             "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books/3",
142:             "hreflang": "en",
143:             "type": "application/hal+json"
146:         "title": "Walden"
148:     ]
153: Notice that the key associated with the list of Book objects in the rendered JSON is book which is derived from the type of objects in the collecion, namely Book.  In order to customize the value of this key assign a value to the collectionName property on the HalJsonCollectionRenderer bean as shown below:
158:     halBookCollectionRenderer(HalCollectionJsonRenderer, rest.test.Book) {
159:         collectionName = 'publications'
164: With that in place the rendered HAL will look like the following:
170: Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8
171: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
172: Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 02:34:14 GMT
177:       "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books",
183:     "publications": [
184:       {
187:             "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books/1",
188:             "hreflang": "en",
189:             "type": "application/hal+json"
192:         "title": "The Stand"
194:       {
197:             "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books/2",
198:             "hreflang": "en",
199:             "type": "application/hal+json"
202:         "title": "Infinite Jest"
204:       {
207:             "href": "http://localhost:8080/myapp/books/3",
208:             "hreflang": "en",
209:             "type": "application/hal+json"
212:         "title": "Walden"
214:     ]


42 : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
43 : import spock.lang.Specification
46 : @Mock(Book)
47 : class BookControllerSpec extends Specification {
49 :     void "test search"() {
50 :         given:
51 :         def searchMock = mockFor(SearchService)
52 :         searchMock.demand.searchWeb { String q -> ['first result', 'second result'] }
53 :         searchMock.demand.static.logResults { List results ->  }
54 :         controller.searchService = searchMock.createMock()
56 :         when:
57 :         controller.search()
59 :         then:
60 :         controller.response.text.contains "Found 2 results"
61 :     }


81 :     def createWidget(Widget w) { 
95 : ~ $ 
98 : ~ $ 
101: Note that the body of the request is being parsed to make that work.  Any attempt to read the body of the request after that will fail since the corresponding input stream will be empty.  The controller action can either use a command object or it can parse the body of the request on its own (either directly, or by referring to something like request.JSON), but cannot do both. 
109:     def createWidget(Widget w) {


34 : class BookControllerSpec extends Specification {
35 :     // …
48 :                     args: [message(code: 'book.label', default: 'Book'), book.id])
66 : class BookControllerSpec extends Specification {
67 :    void "test saving an invalid book"() {
72 :         model.bookInstance != null
73 :         view == '/book/create'
76 :     void "test saving a valid book"() {
84 :         response.redirectedUrl == '/book/show/1'
85 :         flash.message != null
86 :         Book.count() == 1
99 : class BookControllerSpec extends Specification {
100:     // …
104: Alternatively you can also use the DomainClassUnitTestMixin directly with the TestMixin annotation and then call the mockDomain method to mock domains during your test:
114: class BookControllerSpec extends Specification {
116:     void setupSpec() {
117:          mockDomain(Book)
120:     void "test saving an invalid book"() {
125:         model.bookInstance != null
126:         view == '/book/create'
129:     void "test saving a valid book"() {
137:         response.redirectedUrl == '/book/show/1'
138:         flash.message != null
139:         Book.count() == 1
157: # Domain classes
158: # Classes marked with the Validateable annotation
159: # Command Objects which have been made validateable automatically
160: # Classes configured to be validateable via the grails.validateable.classes property in Config.groovy
162: The first 3 are easily testable in a unit test with no special configuration necessary as long as the test method is marked with TestFor or explicitly applies the GrailsUnitTestMixin using TestMixin.  See the examples below.


90 : grails.dependency.cache.dir = "${userHome}/.ivy2/cache"


21 : You can retrieve the version of Grails that is running with:


138:         children = [ref('bart'), ref('lisa')]
169:         children = [ref('bart'), ref('lisa')]


3  : The scaffolding includes locale specific labels for domain classes and domain fields. For example, if you have a Book domain class with a title field:
5  : {code:java}
6  : class Book {
7  :     String title
9  : {code}
11 : The scaffolding will use labels with the following keys:
13 : {code:java}
14 : book.label = Libro
15 : book.title.label = Título del libro
16 : {code}
18 : You can use this property pattern if you'd like or come up with one of your own. There is nothing special about the use of the word label as part of the key other than it's the convention used by the scaffolding.


38 : Controller methods and GSP Tags which accept a controller name as a parameter now support an optional parameter indicating


7  : import spock.lang.Specification
10 : class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
12 :     void "test something"() {
36 : import spock.lang.Specification
39 : class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
41 :     void "test hello"() {
42 :         when:
43 :         controller.hello()
45 :         then:
46 :         response.text == 'hello'
66 : import spock.lang.Specification
69 : class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
71 :     void 'test index'() {
72 :         when:
73 :         controller.index()
75 :         then:
76 :         response.redirectedUrl == '/simple/hello'
85 : import spock.lang.Specification
87 : @TestFor(PersonController)
88 : class PersonControllerSpec extends Specification {
90 :     void 'test list'() {
91 :         when:
92 :         params.sort = 'name'
93 :         params.max = 20
94 :         params.offset = 0
95 :         controller.list()
97 :         then:
98 :         // …
107: import spock.lang.Specification
109: @TestFor(PersonController)
110: class PersonControllerSpec extends Specification {
112:     void 'test save'() {
113:         when:
114:         request.method = 'POST'
115:         controller.save()
117:         then:
118:         // …
127: import spock.lang.Specification
129: @TestFor(PersonController)
130: class PersonControllerSpec extends Specification {
132:     void 'test list'() {
133:         when:
134:         request.method = 'POST'
135:         request.makeAjaxRequest()
136:         controller.getPage()
138:         then:
139:         // …
161: import spock.lang.Specification
164: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
166:     void 'test home'() {
167:         when:
168:         controller.home()
170:         then:
171:         view == '/simple/homePage'
172:         model.title == 'Hello World'
197: import spock.lang.Specification
200: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
202:     void 'test display'() {
203:         when:
204:         controller.display()
206:         then:
207:         response.text == 'contents of the template'
216: import spock.lang.Specification
219: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
221:     void 'test display with mock template'() {
222:         when:
223:         views['/simple/_snippet.gsp'] = 'mock template contents'
224:         controller.display()
226:         then:
227:         response.text == 'mock template contents'
247: import spock.lang.Specification
250: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
252:     void 'test show book details'() {
253:         when:
256:         then:
257:         model.author == 'Alvin Plantinga'
279: import spock.lang.Specification
282: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
284:     void 'test render xml'() {
285:         when:
286:         controller.renderXml()
288:         then:
289:         response.text == "<book title='Great'/>"
290:         response.xml.@title.text() == 'Great'
310: import spock.lang.Specification
313: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
315:     void 'test render json'() {
316:         when:
317:         controller.renderJson()
319:         then:
320:         response.text == '{"book":"Great"}'
321:         response.json.book == 'Great'
333: def consumeBook(Book b) {
334:     render "The title is ${b.title}."
342: import spock.lang.Specification
345: @Mock([Book])
346: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
347:     void 'test consume book xml'() {
348:         when:
349:         request.xml = '<book><title>Wool</title></book>'
350:         controller.consumeBook()
352:         then:
353:         response.text == 'The title is Wool.'
362: import spock.lang.Specification
365: @Mock([Book])
366: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
368:     void 'test consume book xml'() {
369:         when:
370:         request.xml = new Book(title: 'Shift')
371:         controller.consumeBook()
373:         then:
374:         response.text == 'The title is Shift.'
384: import spock.lang.Specification
387: @Mock([Book])
388: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
390:     void 'test consume book json'() {
391:         when:
392:         request.json = new Book(title: 'Shift')
393:         controller.consumeBook()
395:         then:
396:         response.text == 'The title is Shift.'
408:             render "The XML Title Is ${request.XML.@title}."
411:             render "The JSON Title Is ${request.JSON.title}."
421: import spock.lang.Specification
424: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
426:     void 'test consume xml'() {
427:         when:
428:         request.xml = '<book title="The Stand"/>'
429:         controller.consume()
431:         then:
432:         response.text == 'The XML Title Is The Stand.'
435:     void 'test consume json'() {
436:         when:
437:         request.json = '{title:"The Stand"}'
438:         controller.consume()
440:         then:
441:         response.text == 'The JSON Title Is The Stand.'
448: You can test mime type handling and the withFormat method quite simply by setting the request's contentType attribute:
455:         xml { render data as grails.converters.XML }
456:         json { render data as grails.converters.JSON }
464: import spock.lang.Specification
467: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
469:     void 'test say hello xml'() {
470:         when:
471:         request.contentType = 'application/xml'
472:         controller.sayHello()
474:         then:
475:         response.text == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><map><entry key="Hello">World</entry></map>'
478:     void 'test say hello json'() {
479:         when:
480:         request.contentType = 'application/json'
481:         controller.sayHello()
483:         then:
484:         response.text == '{"Hello":"World"}'
489: There are constants provided by ControllerUnitTestMixin for all of the common common content types as shown below:
493: import spock.lang.Specification
496: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
498:     void 'test say hello xml'() {
499:         when:
500:         request.contentType = XML_CONTENT_TYPE
501:         controller.sayHello()
503:         then:
504:         response.text == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><map><entry key="Hello">World</entry></map>'
507:     void 'test say hello json'() {
508:         when:
509:         request.contentType = JSON_CONTENT_TYPE
510:         controller.sayHello()
512:         then:
513:         response.text == '{"Hello":"World"}'
518: The defined constants are listed below:
520: {table}
521: *Constant* | *Value*
523: FORM_CONTENT_TYPE | application/x-www-form-urlencoded
524: MULTIPART_FORM_CONTENT_TYPE | multipart/form-data
525: HTML_CONTENT_TYPE | text/html
526: XHTML_CONTENT_TYPE | application/xhtml+xml
527: XML_CONTENT_TYPE | application/xml
528: JSON_CONTENT_TYPE | application/json
529: TEXT_XML_CONTENT_TYPE | text/xml
530: TEXT_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE | text/json
531: HAL_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE | application/hal+json
532: HAL_XML_CONTENT_TYPE | application/hal+xml
533: ATOM_XML_CONTENT_TYPE | application/atom+xml
534: {table}
554: import spock.lang.Specification
557: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
559:     void 'test duplicate form submission'() {
560:         when:
561:         controller.handleForm()
563:         then:
564:         response.text == 'Bad'
573: import spock.lang.Specification
575: import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.SynchronizerTokensHolder
578: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
580:     void 'test valid form submission'() {
581:         when:
582:         def tokenHolder = SynchronizerTokensHolder.store(session)
584:         params[SynchronizerTokensHolder.TOKEN_URI] = '/controller/handleForm'
585:         params[SynchronizerTokensHolder.TOKEN_KEY] = tokenHolder.generateToken(params[SynchronizerTokensHolder.TOKEN_URI])
586:         controller.handleForm()
588:         then:
589:         response.text == 'Good'
598: import spock.lang.Specification
600: import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.SynchronizerTokensHolder
603: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
605:     void 'test form submission'() {
606:         when:
607:         controller.handleForm()
609:         then:
610:         response.text == 'Bad'
612:         when:
613:         response.reset()
614:         def tokenHolder = SynchronizerTokensHolder.store(session)
616:         params[SynchronizerTokensHolder.TOKEN_URI] = '/controller/handleForm'
617:         params[SynchronizerTokensHolder.TOKEN_KEY] = tokenHolder.generateToken(params[SynchronizerTokensHolder.TOKEN_URI])
618:         controller.handleForm()
620:         then:
621:         response.text == 'Good'
641: import spock.lang.Specification
643: import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing.GrailsMockMultipartFile
646: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
648:     void 'test file upload'() {
649:         when:
650:         def file = new GrailsMockMultipartFile('myFile', 'some file contents'.bytes)
651:         request.addFile file
652:         controller.uploadFile()
654:         then:
655:         file.targetFileLocation.path == '/local/disk/myFile'
668:     def handleCommand(SimpleCommand simple) {
669:         if(simple.hasErrors()) {
670:             render 'Bad'
671:         } else {
672:             render 'Good'
677: class SimpleCommand {
678:     String name
680:     static constraints = {
681:         name blank: false
690: import spock.lang.Specification
693: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
695:     void 'test valid command object'() {
696:         given:
697:         def simpleCommand = new SimpleCommand(name: 'Hugh')
698:         simpleCommand.validate()
700:         when:
701:         controller.handleCommand(simpleCommand)
703:         then:
704:         response.text == 'Good'
707:     void 'test invalid command object'() {
708:         given:
709:         def simpleCommand = new SimpleCommand(name: '')
710:         simpleCommand.validate()
712:         when:
713:         controller.handleCommand(simpleCommand)
715:         then:
716:         response.text == 'Bad'
721: The testing framework also supports allowing Grails to create the command object instance automatically.  To test this invoke the no-arg version of the controller action method.  Grails will create an instance of the command object, perform data binding on it using the request parameters and validate the object just like it does in when the application is runnning.  See the test below.
725: import spock.lang.Specification
728: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
730:     void 'test valid command object'() {
731:         when:
732:         params.name = 'Hugh'
733:         controller.handleCommand()
735:         then:
736:         response.text == 'Good'
739:     void 'test invalid command object'() {
740:         when:
741:         params.name = ''
742:         controller.handleCommand()
744:         then:
745:         response.text == 'Bad'
764: import spock.lang.Specification
767: class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
769:     void 'test render message tag'() {
770:         given:
771:         messageSource.addMessage 'foo.bar', request.locale, 'Hello World'
773:         when:
774:         controller.showMessage()
776:         then:
777:         response.text == 'Hello World'


24 : The plugin uses "Liquibase":http://www.liquibase.org/ and provides access to all of its functionality, and also has support for GORM (for example generating a change set by comparing your domain classes to a database).


7  : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
8  : import spock.lang.Specification
11 : class SimpleTagLibSpec extends Specification {
13 :     void "test something"() {
22 : import spock.lang.Specification
26 : class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
53 : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
54 : import spock.lang.Specification
57 : class SimpleTagLibSpec extends Specification {
59 :     void "test hello tag"() {
60 :         expect:
61 :         applyTemplate('<s:hello />') == 'Hello World'
62 :         applyTemplate('<s:hello name="Fred" />') == 'Hello Fred'
63 :         applyTemplate('<s:bye author="${author}" />', [author: new Author(name: 'Fred')]) == 'Bye Fred'
71 : import spock.lang.Specification
72 : import grails.test.mixin.TestMixin
73 : import grails.test.mixin.web.GroovyPageUnitTestMixin
75 : @TestMixin(GroovyPageUnitTestMixin)
76 : class MultipleTagLibSpec extends Specification {
78 :     void "test multiple tags"() {
79 :         given:
80 :         mockTagLib(SomeTagLib)
81 :         mockTagLib(SomeOtherTagLib)
83 :         expect:
84 :         // …
92 : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
93 : import spock.lang.Specification
96 : class SimpleTagLibSpec extends Specification {
98 :     void "test hello tag"() {
99 :         expect:
111: import spock.lang.Specification
112: import grails.test.mixin.TestMixin
113: import grails.test.mixin.web.GroovyPageUnitTestMixin
115: @TestMixin(GroovyPageUnitTestMixin)
116: class RenderingSpec extends Specification {
118:     void "test rendering template"() {
119:         when:
120:         def result = render(template: '/simple/hello')
122:         then:
123:         result == 'Hello World!'


6  : import com.demo.SimpleController
7  : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
8  : import spock.lang.Specification
11 : @Mock(SimpleController)
12 : class UrlMappingsSpec extends Specification {
13 :     // …
36 :     "/actionOne"(controller: "simple", action: "action1")
37 :     "/actionTwo"(controller: "simple", action: "action2")
44 : import com.demo.SimpleController
45 : import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
46 : import spock.lang.Specification
49 : @Mock(SimpleController)
50 : class UrlMappingsSpec extends Specification {
52 :     void "test forward mappings"() {
53 :         expect:
54 :         assertForwardUrlMapping("/actionOne", controller: 'simple', action: "action1")
55 :         assertForwardUrlMapping("/actionTwo", controller: 'simple', action: "action2")


5  : Drivers typically come in the form of a JAR archive. It's best to use the dependency resolution to resolve the jar if it's available in a Maven repository, for example you could add a dependency for the MySQL driver like this:
9  :         runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.29'
13 : If you can't use dependency resolution then just put the JAR in your project's lib directory.
27 : * transactional - If false leaves the DataSource's transactionManager bean outside the chained BE1PC transaction manager implementation. This only applies to additional datasources.
29 : * properties - Extra properties to set on the DataSource bean. See the [Tomcat Pool|http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/jdbc-pool.html#Common_Attributes] documentation. There is also a Javadoc format [documentation of the properties|https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/api/org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/PoolConfiguration.html].
30 : * jmxExport - If false, will disable registration of JMX MBeans for all DataSources. By default JMX MBeans are added for DataSources with jmxEnabled = true in properties.
38 :     url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database"
41 :     username = "username"
42 :     password = "password"
44 :        jmxEnabled = true
50 :        maxAge = 10 * 60000
51 :        timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 5000
53 :        validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
54 :        validationQueryTimeout = 3
55 :        validationInterval = 15000
56 :        testOnBorrow = true
57 :        testWhileIdle = true
58 :        testOnReturn = false
59 :        jdbcInterceptors = "ConnectionState;StatementCache(max=200)"
60 :        defaultTransactionIsolation = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED
81 :     url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database"
84 :     username = "username"
85 :     password = "password"
87 :        // Documentation for Tomcat JDBC Pool
88 :        // http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/jdbc-pool.html#Common_Attributes
89 :        // https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/api/org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/PoolConfiguration.html
90 :        jmxEnabled = true
96 :        maxAge = 10 * 60000
97 :        timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 5000
99 :        validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
100:        validationQueryTimeout = 3
101:        validationInterval = 15000
102:        testOnBorrow = true
103:        testWhileIdle = true
104:        testOnReturn = false
105:        ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad = true
106:        // http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/jdbc-pool.html#JDBC_interceptors
107:        jdbcInterceptors = "ConnectionState;StatementCache(max=200)"
108:        defaultTransactionIsolation = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED // safe default
109:        // controls for leaked connections 
110:        abandonWhenPercentageFull = 100 // settings are active only when pool is full
111:        removeAbandonedTimeout = 120
112:        removeAbandoned = true
113:        // use JMX console to change this setting at runtime
114:        logAbandoned = false // causes stacktrace recording overhead, use only for debugging
115:        // JDBC driver properties
116:        // Mysql as example
117:        dbProperties {
118:            // Mysql specific driver properties
119:            // http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/en/connector-j-reference-configuration-properties.html
120:            // let Tomcat JDBC Pool handle reconnecting
121:            autoReconnect=false
122:            // truncation behaviour 
123:            jdbcCompliantTruncation=false
124:            // mysql 0-date conversion
125:            zeroDateTimeBehavior='convertToNull'
126:            // Tomcat JDBC Pool's StatementCache is used instead, so disable mysql driver's cache
127:            cachePrepStmts=false
128:            cacheCallableStmts=false
129:            // Tomcat JDBC Pool's StatementFinalizer keeps track
130:            dontTrackOpenResources=true
131:            // performance optimization: reduce number of SQLExceptions thrown in mysql driver code
132:            holdResultsOpenOverStatementClose=true
133:            // enable MySQL query cache - using server prep stmts will disable query caching
134:            useServerPrepStmts=false
135:            // metadata caching
136:            cacheServerConfiguration=true
137:            cacheResultSetMetadata=true
138:            metadataCacheSize=100
139:            // timeouts for TCP/IP
140:            connectTimeout=15000
141:            socketTimeout=120000
142:            // timer tuning (disable)
143:            maintainTimeStats=false
144:            enableQueryTimeouts=false
145:            // misc tuning
146:            noDatetimeStringSync=true
147:        }


27 : Grails also provides @Transactional and @NotTransactional annotations for cases where you need more fine-grained control over transactions at a per-method level or need to specify an alternative propagation level. For example, the @NotTransactional annotation can be used to mark a particular method to be skipped when a class is annotated with @Transactional.
30 : The grails.transaction.Transactional annotation was first introduced in Grails 2.3. Prior to 2.3, Spring's @Transactional annotation was used.


79 : The data binding depends on an instance of the [DataBindingSource|api:org.grails.databinding.DataBindingSource] interface created by an instance of the [DataBindingSourceCreator|api:org.grails.databinding.bindingsource.DataBindingSourceCreator] interface.  The specific implementation of @DataBindingSourceCreator will be selected based on the contentType of the request.  Several implementations are provided to handle common content types.  The default implementations will be fine for most use cases.  The following table lists the content types which are supported by the core framework and which DataBindingSourceCreator implementations are used for each. All of the implementation classes are in the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding.bindingsource@ package.
83 :  application/xml, text/xml   | xmlDataBindingSourceCreator     | XmlDataBindingSourceCreator
84 :  application/json, text/json | jsonDataBindingSourceCreator    | JsonDataBindingSourceCreator
85 :  application/hal+json        | halJsonDataBindingSourceCreator | HalJsonDataBindingSourceCreator
86 :  application/hal+xml         | halXmlDataBindingSourceCreator  | HalXmlDataBindingSourceCreator
89 : In order to provide your own DataBindingSourceCreator for any of those content types, write a class which implements
141: // MyCustomDataBindingSourceCreator.groovy in
147: import org...databinding.SimpleMapDataBindingSource
148: import org...databinding.bindingsource.AbstractRequestBodyDataBindingSourceCreator


34 : These will take a while (15-30 mins), so consider running individual tests using the command line. For example, to run the test spec BinaryPluginSpec simply execute the following command:
36 : ./gradlew :grails-core:test --tests *.BinaryPluginSpec
61 : * Add the springloaded-core JAR file in $GRAILS_HOME/lib/org.springsource.springloaded/springloaded-core/jars to grails-core's classpath.


66 : import grails.rest.render.json.*


171:     "${grails.web.UrlConverter.BEAN_NAME}"(com.myapplication.MyUrlConverterImpl)


22 : assert person.lastName == 'Gabriel'
144:                   'players[guitar]': [name: 'Steve Hackett'],
145:                   'players[vocals]': [name: 'Peter Gabriel'],
152: assert album.players.guitar.name == 'Steve Hackett'
153: assert album.players.vocals.name == 'Peter Gabriel'
154: assert album.players.keyboards.name == 'Tony Banks'
162:                   'players[guitar]': [name: 'Steve Hackett'],
170: assert album.players.guitar == 'Steve Hackett'
181: assert album.players.guitar == 'Steve Hackett'
652: A structured data binding editor is a helper class which can bind structured request parameters to a property.  The common use case for structured binding is binding to a Date object which might be constructed from several smaller pieces of information contained in several request parameters with names like birthday_month, birthday_date and birthday_year.  The structured editor would retrieve all of those individual pieces of information and use them to construct a Date.
654: The framework provides a structured editor for binding to Date objects.  An application may register its own structured editors for whatever types are appropriate.  Consider the following classes:
657: // src/groovy/databinding/Gadget.groovy
658: package databinding
660: class Gadget {
661:     Shape expandedShape
662:     Shape compressedShape
667: // src/groovy/databinding/Shape.groovy
668: package databinding
670: class Shape {
671:     int area
675: A Gadget has 2 Shape fields.  A Shape has an area property.  It may be that the application wants to accept request parameters like width and height and use those to calculate the area of a Shape at binding time.  A structured binding editor is well suited for that.
677: The way to register a structured editor with the data binding process is to add an instance of the [org.grails.databinding.TypedStructuredBindingEditor|api:org.grails.databinding.TypedStructuredBindingEditor] interface to the Spring application context.  The easiest way to implement the TypedStructuredBindingEditor interface is to extend the [org.grails.databinding.converters.AbstractStructuredBindingEditor|api:org.grails.databinding.converters.AbstractStructuredBindingEditor] abstract class and override the getPropertyValue method as shown below:
680: // src/groovy/databinding/converters/StructuredShapeEditor.groovy
681: package databinding.converters
683: import databinding.Shape
685: import org.grails.databinding.converters.AbstractStructuredBindingEditor
687: class StructuredShapeEditor extends AbstractStructuredBindingEditor<Shape> {
689:     public Shape getPropertyValue(Map values) {
690:         // retrieve the individual values from the Map
691:         def width = values.width as int
692:         def height = values.height as int
694:         // use the values to calculate the area of the Shape
695:         def area = width * height
697:         // create and return a Shape with the appropriate area
698:         new Shape(area: area)
703: An instance of that class needs to be registered with the Spring application context:
708:     shapeEditor databinding.converters.StructuredShapeEditor
714: When the data binder binds to an instance of the Gadget class it will check to see if there are request parameters with names compressedShape and expandedShape which have a value of "struct" and if they do exist, that will trigger the use of the StructuredShapeEditor.  The individual components of the structure need to have parameter names of the form propertyName_structuredElementName.  In the case of the Gadget class above that would mean that the compressedShape request parameter should have a value of "struct" and the compressedShape_width and compressedShape_height parameters should have values which represent the width and the height of the compressed Shape.  Similarly, the expandedShape request parameter should have a value of "struct" and the expandedShape_width and expandedShape_height parameters should have values which represent the width and the hight of the expanded Shape.
717: // grails-app/controllers/demo/DemoController.groovy
718: class DemoController {
720:     def createGadget(Gadget gadget) {
721:         /*
723:         /demo/createGadget?expandedShape=struct&expandedShape_width=80&expandedShape_height=30
724:                           &compressedShape=struct&compressedShape_width=10&compressedShape_height=3
726:         */
728:         // with the request parameters shown above gadget.expandedShape.area would be 2400
729:         // and gadget.compressedShape.area would be 30
731:         // …
737: Typically the request parameters with "struct" as their value would be represented by hidden form fields.
741: The [DataBindingListener|api:org.grails.databinding.events.DataBindingListener] interface provides a mechanism for listeners to be notified of data binding events.  The interface looks like this:
744: package org.grails.databinding.events;
746: import org.grails.databinding.errors.BindingError;
748: public interface DataBindingListener {
750:     /**
751:      * @return true if the listener is interested in events for the specified type.
752:      */
753:     boolean supports(Class<?> clazz);
755:     /**
756:      * Called when data binding is about to start.
757:      * 
758:      * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
759:      * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
760:      * @return true if data binding should continue
761:      */
762:     Boolean beforeBinding(Object target, Object errors);
764:     /**
765:      * Called when data binding is about to imposed on a property
766:      *
767:      * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
768:      * @param propertyName The name of the property being bound to
769:      * @param value The value of the property being bound
770:      * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
771:      * @return true if data binding should continue, otherwise return false
772:      */
773:     Boolean beforeBinding(Object target, String propertyName, Object value, Object errors);
775:     /**
776:      * Called after data binding has been imposed on a property
777:      *
778:      * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
779:      * @param propertyName The name of the property that was bound to
780:      * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
781:      */
782:     void afterBinding(Object target, String propertyName, Object errors);
784:     /**
785:      * Called after data binding has finished.
786:      *  
787:      * @param target The object data binding is being imposed upon
788:      * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
789:      */
790:     void afterBinding(Object target, Object errors);
792:     /**
793:      * Called when an error occurs binding to a property
794:      * @param error encapsulates information about the binding error
795:      * @param errors the Spring Errors instance (a org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
796:      * @see BindingError
797:      */
798:     void bindingError(BindingError error, Object errors);
802: Any bean in the Spring application context which implements that interface will automatically be registered with the data binder.  The [DataBindingListenerAdapter|api:org.grails.databinding.events.DataBindingListenerAdapter] class implements the DataBindingListener interface and provides default implementations for all of the methods in the interface so this class is well suited for subclassing so your listener class only needs to provide implementations for the methods your listener is interested in.
804: The Grails data binder has limited support for the older [BindEventListener|api:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding.BindEventListener] style listeners.  BindEventListener looks like this:
807: package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding;
809: import org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues;
810: import org.springframework.beans.TypeConverter;
812: public interface BindEventListener {
814:     /**
815:      * @param target The target to bind to
816:      * @param source The source of the binding, typically a Map
817:      * @param typeConverter The type converter to be used
818:      */
819:     void doBind(Object target, MutablePropertyValues source, TypeConverter typeConverter);
823: Support for BindEventListener is disabled by default.  To enable support assign a value of true to the grails.databinding.enableSpringEventAdapter property in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy.
827: grails.databinding.enableSpringEventAdapter=true
832: With enableSpringEventAdapter set to true instances of BindEventListener which are in the Spring application context will automatically be registered with the data binder.  Notice that the MutablePropertyValues and TypeConverter arguments to the doBind method in BindEventListener are Spring specific classes and are not relevant to the current data binder.  The event adapter will pass null values for those arguments.  The only real value passed into the doBind method will be the object being bound to.  This limited support is provided for backward compatibility and will be useful for a subset of scenarios.  Developers are encouraged to migrate their BindEventListener beans to the newer DataBindingListener model.

Not done.

  • ../en/guide/commandLine/interactiveMode.gdoc
  • ../en/guide/commandLine/wrapper.gdoc
  • ../en/guide/introduction/whatsNew24.gdoc
  • ../en/guide/links.yml
  • ../en/guide/rewriteRules.txt
  • (original file updated) ../en/guide/security/xssPrevention.gdoc
  • ../en/guide/services/declarativeTransactions/transactionsRollbackAndTheSession.gdoc
  • ../en/guide/theWebLayer/controllers/controllerExceptionHandling.gdoc
  • ../en/guide/theWebLayer/urlmappings/namespacedControllers.gdoc
  • ../en/guide/theWebLayer/urlmappings/redirectMappings.gdoc
  • (original file updated) ../en/guide/theWebLayer/urlmappings/restfulMappings.gdoc
  • (original file updated) ../en/guide/toc.yml
  • (original file updated) ../en/guide/webServices/SOAP.gdoc

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  • ../en/guide/gettingStarted.gdoc
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