(Quick Reference)

Grailsフレームワーク - リファレンスドキュメント

Authors: Graeme Rocher, Peter Ledbrook, Marc Palmer, Jeff Brown, Luke Daley, Burt Beckwith ,
Japanese Translation: T.Yamamoto, Japanese Grails Doc Translating Team

Version: 2.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT


1 イントロダクション

現在のJavaでのWeb開発は必要以上に複雑です。JavaのほとんどのWebフレームワークは複雑でDon't Repeat Yourself (DRY)ではありません。



  • Hibernate上に構築された、簡単に利用できるオブジェクト・リレーショナル・マッピング(ORM)レイヤ
  • 表現豊かなビューテクノロジーGroovy Server Pages (GSP)
  • コントローラレイヤは Spring MVCを利用
  • コマンドラインスクリプト環境にはGroovy版のAnt Gant
  • リロード可能に設定された組込 Tomcat
  • 組込 Spring による依存注入
  • SpringのMessageSourceで実装された国際化(i18n)対応
  • Springフレームワークのトランザクション概念によるサービスレイヤのトランザクション

これら全ては、 Groovy と多くのDomain Specific Languages (DSL ドメイン特化言語)を活用して簡単に使用できるように実装されています。


1.1 Grails 2.0の新機能


1.1.1 開発環境機能


Grails 2.0では、より簡潔でユーザフレンドリな、新コンソール出力を実装しました。以下の例はテストを実行した内容です。



詳しい情報は、ユーザガイドのコンソールとインタラクティブモードを参照してください。 インタラクティブモード.


Grails 2.0からのリロード機能は、クラスローダを使用せずJVMエージェントを使用してクラスファイルのリロードを行います。その結果、変更保存されたクラスが確実にメモリにロードされようになり、変更時のリロードが大いに向上しました。今までより、cleanコマンドの実行回数を減らすことができます。




詳細はドキュメントエンジンのセクションを参照してください。 プロジェクト・ドキュメント


The old documentation engine relied on you putting section numbers into the gdoc filenames. Although convenient, this effectively made it difficult to restructure your user guide by inserting new chapters and sections. In addition, any such restructuring or renaming of section titles resulted in breaking changes to the URLs.

You can now use logical names for your gdoc files and define the structure and section titles in a YAML table-of-contents file, as described in the section on the documentation engine. The logical names appear in the URLs, so as long as you don't change those, your URLs will always remain the same no matter how much restructuring or changing of titles you do.

Grails 2.0 even provides a migrate-docs command to aid you in migrating existing gdoc user guides.




Line | Method
->>   9 | getValue     in Book.groovy
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|     7 | getBookValue in BookService.groovy
|   886 | runTask . .  in ThreadPoolExecutor.java
|   908 | run          in     ''
^   662 | run . . . .  in Thread.java


Grails 2.0では、今までのHSQLDBに代わりH2データベースを使用します。H2データベース付属のコンソール機能を開発モードで有効にしています。(URI /dbconsoleで表示可能) メモリ動作のデータベースでも簡単にブラウザからクエリ実行することができます:






  • Grailsは、 BuildConfig.groovy を変更しない限り前回の依存解決した内容を再解決させないように前回の内容をキャッシュするようになりました。
  • プラグイン依存関係も grails dependency-report のレポートに現れるようになりました。
  • release-plugin で発行されたプラグインは、推移的なプラグイン依存をPOMに発行するようになりました。
  • ivyキャッシュ用ディレクトリを BuildConfig.groovy で変更できます。

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    cacheDir "target/ivy-cache"

  • settings.groovyに設定することで、全てのプロジェクトのivyキャッシュディレクトリを変更できます。

grails.dependency.cache.dir = "${userHome}/.ivy2/cache"

  • リポジトリの引継を完全に無効にできます(他のプラグインで定義されている場合等):

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {

repositories { inherits false // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins … } … }

  • チェックサムを無効にできます:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    checksums false // whether to verify checksums or not

1.1.2 コア機能


Grailsプラグインは、JARファイルとしてパッケージして、Mavenリポジトリへ発行できるようになりました。GSPや静的リソースでも可能です。詳しくは、 バイナリプラグイン のセクションを参考にしてください。

Groovy 1.8

Grails 2.0は、多くの新機能と向上をしたGroovy 1.8がバンドルされています。 Groovy 1.8 リリースノート

Spring 3.1 プロファイルサポート

Grailsの環境サポートがSpring 3.1プロフィールサポートとブリッジできます。例えば、Grailsの環境で"production"で動作している場合、Springプロフィール"production"がアクティベートされます。これによって、Springビーン定義APIでのビーン定義でプロフィールを指定できます。

1.1.3 Web機能



// メソッドのアクション (action as a method)
def index() {

} // クロージャのアクション (action as a closure) def index = {



フォームエレメントのname属性を、アクションメソッドの引数に指定する方法でのバインドが可能になりました。 次のようなフォームを例に:

<g:form name="myForm" action="save">
    <input name="name" />
    <input name="age" />


def save(String name, int age) {
    // remaining


JavaScript、CSS、画像などのリソースを管理、圧縮、キャッシュ、gzipを行う 静的リソース抽象化機能 が追加されました。



def index() {
    def ctx = startAsync()
    ctx.start {
        new Book(title:"The Stand").save()
        render template:"books", model:[books:Book.list()]


全面的に使用可能なリンク生成API LinkGenerator クラスが追加されました。コントローラのコンテキスト以外のどこからでも使用できます。例としてサービス、バックグラウンド処理、非同期タスク、リクエスト以外の場所でリンクが生成できます。

LinkGenerator grailsLinkGenerator

def generateLink() { grailsLinkGenerator.link(controller:"book", action:"list") }


LinkGenerator と同じく新規に追加されたAPI、 PageRenderer は、Webリクエスト以外の場所で、GSPページが描写可能です。例えば、Webサービス、スケジュールジョブなどで使用します。 PageRenderer サービスはコントローラの render メソッドと同じように使用します。

grails.gsp.PageRenderer groovyPageRenderer

void welcomeUser(User user) { def contents = groovyPageRenderer.render(view:"/emails/welcomeLetter", model:[user: user]) sendEmail { to user.email body contents } }

PageRenderer sサービスはGSPからHTMLを生成するのも可能です。

new File("/path/to/welcome.html").withWriter { w ->
    groovyPageRenderer.renderTo(view:"/page/content", w)



filter1(actionExclude: 'log*') {
    before = {
        // …
filter2(controllerExclude: 'auth') {
    before = {
        // …

filter3(uriExclude: '/secure*') { before = { // … } }






jQueryプラグインがデフォルトのJavaScriptライブラリとしてGrailsアプリケーションにインストールされます。 下位互換として、Prototypeはプラグインとして提供しています。 Prototypeついてはプラグインのドキュメントを参考にしてください。 Prototype plugin


def val = params.date('myDate', 'dd-MM-yyyy')

// or a list for formats def val = params.date('myDate', ['yyyy-MM-dd', 'yyyyMMdd', 'yyMMdd'])

// or the format read from messages.properties via the key 'date.myDate.format' def val = params.date('myDate')


The default URL Mapping mechanism supports camel case names in the URLs. The default URL for accessing an action named addNumbers in a controller named MathHelperController would be something like /mathHelper/addNumbers. Grails allows for the customization of this pattern and provides an implementation which replaces the camel case convention with a hyphenated convention that would support URLs like /math-helper/add-numbers. To enable hyphenated URLs assign a value of "hyphenated" to the grails.web.url.converter property in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy.

// grails-app/conf/Config.groovy

grails.web.url.converter = 'hyphenated'

Arbitrary strategies may be plugged in by providing a class which implements the UrlConverter interface and adding an instance of that class to the Spring application context with the bean name of grails.web.UrlConverter.BEAN_NAME. If Grails finds a bean in the context with that name, it will be used as the default converter and there is no need to assign a value to the grails.web.url.converter config property.

// src/groovy/com/myapplication/MyUrlConverterImpl.groovy

package com.myapplication

class MyUrlConverterImpl implements grails.web.UrlConverter {

String toUrlElement(String propertyOrClassName) { // return some representation of a property or class name that should be used in URLs… } }

// grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy

beans = { "${grails.web.UrlConverter.BEAN_NAME}"(com.myapplication.MyUrlConverterImpl) }

1.1.4 永続化機能


GORM APIは、 GormStaticApiGormInstanceApiGormValidationApi というクラスに置き換えられたことによって、全てのドメインのバイトコードレベルに注入されます。この実装でIDEでのコード補完、Javaとの統合、様々なデータストアへのGORM実装への可能性が向上しました。


Grails 2.0 features support for DetachedCriteria which are criteria queries that are not associated with any session or connection and thus can be more easily reused and composed:

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
def results = criteria.list(max:4, sort:"firstName")

To support the addition of DetachedCriteria queries and encourage their use a new where method and DSL has been introduced to greatly reduce the complexity of criteria queries:

def query = Person.where {
    (lastName != "Simpson" && firstName != "Fred") || (firstName == "Bart" && age > 9)
def results = query.list(sort:"firstName")

See the documentation on DetachedCriteria and Where Queries for more information.


ドメインクラスに、findWhereやfindByメソッドに似た、nullを返さない、findOrCreateWhere, findOrSaveWhere, findOrCreateBy, findOrSaveByのクエリーをサポートしました。実行結果にインスタンスが見つからない場合は、指定された値で、新規にインスタンスを作成して返します。findOrSaveWhereとfindOrSaveByの場合はインスタンスを保存してからインスタンスを返します。

def book = Book.findOrCreateWhere(author: 'Douglas Adams', title: "The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy")
def book = Book.findOrSaveWhere(author: 'Daniel Suarez', title: 'Daemon')
def book = Book.findOrCreateByAuthorAndTitle('Daniel Suarez', 'Daemon')
def book = Book.findOrSaveByAuthorAndTitle('Daniel Suarez', 'Daemon')



abstract class Media {
    String title
class Book extends Media {
class Album extends Media {

} class Account { static hasMany = [purchasedMedia:Media] }


def allMedia = Media.list()



class ZipCode {

String code

static mapping = { datasource 'ZIP_CODES' } }


def zipCode = ZipCode.auditing.get(42)

詳しくは 複数データソース を参照してください。


データベースマイグレーションを行うプラグインが、Grails 2.0用にデザイン構築されました。現行の状況との違いや、変更のロールバックがデータベースマイグレーションで可能になります。 database migration plugin


データベースリバースエンジニアリングを行うプラグインが、Grails 2.0用にデザイン構築されました。既存のデータベーススキーマからドメインクラスを生成可能とします。 database reverse engineering

Hibernate 3.6

Grails 2.0では、Hibernate 3.6を使用しています。


SetのユニークまたはListの順序必要としない場合でにおいて、大きなコレクションロードのメモリーとパフォーマンス問題を回避できるコレクションマッピング、Hibernate Bagが使用できるようになりました。

詳しくは セット、リスト、マップ を参照してください。

1.1.5 テスト機能




JUnit3,4,Spock(Spock 0.6以上)のテストに対応した、Mixinsベースの新しUnitテストAPIが追加されました:

import grails.test.mixin.TestFor

@TestFor(SimpleController) class SimpleControllerTests { void testIndex() { controller.home()

assert view == "/simple/homePage" assert model.title == "Hello World" } }

テストのドキュメントが、この新しいフレームワークのために書き直されました。詳細は テストのドキュメント を参照してください。


メモリ上で動作するGORM実装により、今までにサポートされていなかった、クライテリアクエリ、名前付きクエリなど、様々なGORM APIのテストがUnitテストで可能になりました。



Unit Test スカッフォルド


2 スタートガイド

2.1 インストール必要条件

Grailsをインストールする前に、Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.6以上がインストール済みで、JAVA_HOMEが指定されている必要があります。一部のプラットフォームでは(OS Xの例で言うと)、自動的にJavaのインストール先を認識します。手動で定義する場合等、必要に応じて次のようにJavaの設定を行ってください。

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"


grails.project.source.level = 1.5
grails.project.target.level = 1.5

Grailsでは、2.5とそれ以上のサーブレットのバージョンに対応しています。 Servlet API(3.0等)の新機能を使用したい場合は、BuildConfig.groovygrails.servlet.versionの定義をしてください。

grails.servlet.version = "3.0"

2.2 ダウンロードとインストール


  • Grailsをダウンロードし、任意の場所にzipファイルを解凍します。
  • zipファイルを解凍した場所にGRAILS_HOME環境変数を設定します。
    • Unix/Linuxベースのシステムでは、次のようなものをプロファイル(.profileなど)に追加します。export GRAILS_HOME=/path/to/grails
    • Windowsでは、マイコンピュータ>詳細>環境変数に設定します。
  • さらに、PATH変数にbinディレクトリを追加する必要があります。
    • Unix/Linuxベースのシステムでは、このように設定します。export PATH="$PATH:$GRAILS_HOME/bin"
    • Windowsでは、マイコンピュータ>詳細>環境変数のPathに%GRAILS_HOME%binを追加します。


Grails version: 2.0.0

2.3 Grails下位バージョンからの更新

Grails開発チームではできる限りの下位互換を心がけていますが、Grails 2.0へ更新する際に、下位バージョンから考慮しなくてはならない内容が幾つか存在します。大きな変更点を以下にまとめます。

  • ロギングDSLのパッケージが変更されたので正常にログ出力がされない場合があります。ログの設定を変更する必要があります。

  • デフォルトのインメモリーデータベースがHSQLDBからH2へ変更になりました。使用している場合はデータソースの設定を変更するか、HSQLDBを依存管理に追加する必要があります。

  • redirect()メソッドがレスポンスを返さなくなります。これにより、isCommitted()falseを返す事になります。isCommitted()を使用している場合は、代わりにrequest.isRedirected()を使用しましょう

  • redirect()メソッドは、設定のgrails.serverURLを使用してリダイレクトのURLを生成するようになります。developmentとtestの環境設定からgrails.serverURL設定を外す必要があります。

  • withFormat()がリクエストコンテントタイプを取得しなくなりました。リクエストコンテントタイプでの動作を実装する場合は、request.withFormat()を使用してください。

  • Prototypeを使用したAJAXタグは動作しません。必要であれば、Prototypeプラグインをインストールしてください。

  • Resourcesプラグインをインストールした場合(または、自動的にインストールされた場合)、<r:layoutResources/>をレイアウトに記述するまで、<g:javascript>からは何も出力されません。

  • ResourcesプラグインはURL '/static'を追加します。それに応じたアクセスコントロールを更新する必要があります。

  • 幾つかのプラグインは依存が見つからなかった際にインストールに失敗する場合があります。その場合は、プラグインがカスタムリポジトリURLを使用している可能性があるので、プロジェクトのBuildConfig.groovyに追加する必要があります。

  • 抽象ドメインクラスの振る舞いが変更されました。使用している場合は、抽象クラスを'src/groovy'に移動するか、データベースのスキーマとデータを変更する必要があります。

  • クライテリアクエリーのデフォルトがOUTER_JOINからINNER_JOINに変更になりました。幾つかの実装結果に影響が出る可能性があります。

  • 存在しないプロパティがconstraintsに定義してある場合、例外を投げるようになりました。

  • コントローラ内のパブリックメソッドはアクションとして扱われるようになります。アクションとして扱われたくないメソッドは、protectedまたは、privateに変更してください。

  • 新ユニットテストフレームワークにより、古いGrailsUnitTestCaseクラス階層は使用できません。新しい仕組みを使用しながら古いテスト仕様で動作させるには、*UnitTestCaseを継承しないようにしてください。

  • Antタスクからの出力はデフォルトで隠すようになりました。ant.echo(), ant.input()等をスクリプトで使用している場合は、出力用の代替機能を使用してください。

  • ドメインプロパティでjava.net.URL型を使用している場合は、既存のデータで動作しません。シリアライゼーションの仕組みが変更になったようです。ドメインモデルとデータをStringに変更することを検討してください。

  • Ivyのキャッシュ場所が変更になりました。古い場所を使用したい場合は、グローバル設定で変更することができます。ただし、1.3.x系と2.x系を平行利用する場合は問題が発生します。

  • 多くのライブラリが新バージョンに変更されました。更新されたライブラリを使用している場合は変更が必要となります。

  • 次の非推奨クラスが削除されました: grails.web.JsonBuildergrails.web.OpenRicoBuilder

Grails 1.3.xからのアップグレード


grails install-templatesで提供されたweb.xmlをカスタマイズしている場合は、最新のGrailsで提供される無いように更新する必要が有ります。変更を行わなかった場合は、org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.Log4jConfigListenerクラスのClassNotFoundExceptionを引き起こします。

Groovy 1.8での変更点

Groovy 1.8ではmコンパイルが少し厳しくなっています。そのため、Grails 1.3.xでは発生しなかったコンパイルエラーに対応する必要があります。

さらに、Groovy 1.8では、アプリケーションで使用している幾つかのライブラリを更新する必要があります。解っている更新が必要なライブラリは以下になります。
  • Spock
  • Geb
  • GMock (upgrade unavailable as of this writing)




grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    inherits("global") {
    repositories {

dependencies { // HSQLDBの依存定義 (Add HSQLDB as a runtime dependency) runtime 'hsqldb:hsqldb:' } }


dataSource {
    driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
    username = "sa"
    password = ""
// environment specific settings
environments {
    development {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb"
    test {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb"
    production {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb"

他にH2とHSQLDBの重大な違いは、ドメインクラスのプロパティで定義した  byte[] の扱いです。HSQLDBでのBLOBのデフォルトサイズは、大きいので大抵最大サイズを定義する必要が無かったかと思います。H2では最大サイズの初期値が255バイトになっているので、調整する必要があります。調整するには、 制約の maxSize を byte[] のプロパティに定義するだけです。

class MyDomain {
    byte[] data

static constraints = { data maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 2 // 2MB } }

上記の制約定義でスキーマ生成を変更します。この例では、dataカラムは、 BINARY(2097152) としてHibernateがセットします。


以前のバージョンで、 grails-app/domain に存在する抽象クラスは、永続化対象として扱われませんでした。今後は違うため、アプリケーション更新には重大な影響を与えます。例として以下のようなドメインモデルをGrails-1.3.xで持っていたとします。

abstract class Sellable {

} class Book extends Sellable {


Grails 1.3.xの場合は、 BOOK テーブルが生成され、BOOKテーブルに Sellable クラスのプロパティも含まれました。Grails 2.0からは、デフォルトのtable-per-hierarchy (クラス階層ごとのテーブル)継承ルールで、 BOOK クラスの全てのプロパティが含まれた SELLABLE テーブルが生成されます。


  1. 抽象クラス Sellable をsrc/groovyに移動する。src/groovyに移動すれば永続化対象のクラスとしては認識しません。
  2. データベースマイグレーションプラグイン を使用して、データベースに適した変更を行う。(通常はルート抽象クラスのテーブル名称に変更すれば良いです。)

クライテリアクエリのデフォルトがINNER JOINになります

今まではLEFT JOINがデフォルトでした。これからはINNER JOINになります。


class Person {
    String name
    static constraints = {
        bad nullable:false // invalid property, no error thrown




  • service -> services
  • controller -> controllers
  • tagLib -> taglib (Lが小文字に)
  • bootstrap -> conf
  • dataSource -> conf

ログの詳細については、 ユーザガイド を参考にしてください。



この問題は Prototypeプラグイン をインストールすることで解決できます。Prototypeはプラグイン内から参照するようになるので、不用になるweb-app/js/prototypeディレクトリは削除できます。


The Resources plugin is a great new feature of Grails that allows you to manage static web resources better than before, but you do need to be aware that it adds an extra URL at /static. If you have access control in your application, this may mean that the static resources require an authenticated user to load them! Make sure your access rules take account of the /static URL.


Grails 2.0からは、今までのクロージャに加えて、コントローラのパブリックメソッドもアクションとして扱われるようになりました。もし補助機能や内部機能としてメソッドを使用している場合は必ずメソッドを private にしてください。


リダイレクト redirect メソッドがレスポンスを返さなくなります。以下のコードは2.0では動作しなくなります:

redirect action: "next"
if (response.committed) {
    // do something

このケースが1.3.xの場合では、 response.committed プロパティがtrueを返すため if ブロックが実行されます。Grails 1.4では、同等の動きをしないため、代わりに request インスタンスの isRedirected() メソッドを使用します。

redirect action: "next"
if (request.redirected) {
    // do something

他のリダイレクトメソッドへの変更による副作用は、 grails.serverURL が設定されていれば常に使用するという点です。以前のバージョンのGrailsではデフォルトの値を保持していました、Grails 2.0に更新するとそれらを参照するために問題が発生します。したがって、test、developmentの定義から grails.serverURL を外すか、妥当な値に設定することを推奨します。


Grails 2.0からコントローラのwithFormatメソッドは、リクエストのコンテントタイプ(CONTENT_TYPEヘッダ)を評価しなくなりました。これにかわって、レスポンスのコンテントタイプ(ACCEPTヘッダまたはファイル拡張子)が排他的に処理を行います。これによって今までのアプリケーションのwithFormatを使用してリクエストからXMLを読み込む等のコードは動作しなくなります。

def processBook() {
    withFormat {
        xml {
            // read request XML
        html {
            // read request parameters

withFormat の代わりに、 request オブジェクトで提供されているwithFormatメソッドを使用できます:

def processBook() {
    request.withFormat {
        xml {
            // read request XML
        html {
            // read request parameters


Grails 2では、古い仕様より単純でかつ安定した、新しいUnitテストフレームワークを実装しています。下位互換としてGrailsUnitTestCaseクラス階層をベースとした古いフレームワークも使用可能です。但し、新しい仕組みのアノテーションとは平行利用できません。


  1. コアアーテファクト(コントローラ、タグリブ、ドメインクラス等)のテストの場合は、 extends *UnitTestCaseを削除して、@TestForアノテーションをクラスに追加します。コアアーティファクト以外やアーティファクト以外の場合は、@TestMixin(GrailsUnitTestMixin)アノテーションを追加します。
  2. モックするドメインクラスで、mockDomain()の代わりに、new MyDomain().save()を使用するために、@Mockアノテーションでドメインクラスを指定します。
  3. mockRequestmockResponsemockParamsへの参照をrequestresponseparamsに変更します。
  4. renderArgsを参照している部分を削除して、viewmodelプロパティをビューレンダリング用に、また他はresponse.textを使用するようにします。
  5. redirectArgsは、response.redirectedUrlに変更します。後者はURLマッピングの内容を、redirect()のマップのでは無く、文字列のURLで返します。
  6. mockCommandObject()メソッドは、アクションが必要であれば自動的にコマンドオブジェクトを認識するため必要無くなりました。

他にも違いは多数有りますが、これらがメインとなります。chapter on testingをしっかり読んで理解することを推奨します。

  • grails.test.mixin.TestFor
  • grails.test.mixin.TestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.Mock
  • grails.test.mixin.support.GrailsUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.domain.DomainClassUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.services.ServiceUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.ControllerUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.FiltersUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.GroovyPageUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.UrlMappingsUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.webflow/WebFlowUnitTestMixin

Note that you're only ever likely to use the first two explicitly. The rest are there for reference.


ターミナルの表示を最小にするためにAnt出力は表示されなくなりました。これによりスクリプトでの出力としての ant.echo からのメッセージは表示されなくなります。それに変わる方法に変更することをお勧めします。


event "StatusUpdate", ["Some message"]
event "StatusFinal",  ["Some message"]
event "StatusError",  ["Some message"]

さらなる制御として、api:grails.build.logging.GrailsConsoleインスタンスにアクセスするスクリプト変数 GrailsConsole|api:grails.build.logging.GrailsConsole] を使用することもできます。特に情報のログをとるための、 log()info() 、エラーや警告用に error()warning() を使用したり、ユーザからの入力を要求する場合は userInput() を使用できます。


Many plugins have dependencies, both other plugins and straight JAR libraries. These are often located in Maven Central, the Grails core repository or the Grails Central Plugin Repository in which case applications are largely unaffected if they upgrade to Grails 2. But sometimes such dependencies are located elsewhere and Grails must be told where they can be found.

Due to changes in the way Grails handles the resolution of dependencies, Grails 2.0 requires you to add any such custom repository locations to your project if an affected plugin is to install properly.


The default Ivy cache location for Grails has changed. If the thought of yet another cache of JARs on your disk horrifies you, then you can change this in your settings.groovy:

grails.dependency.cache.dir = "${userHome}/.ivy2/cache"

If you do this, be aware that you may run into problems running Grails 2 and earlier versions of Grails side-by-side. These problems can be avoided by excluding "xml-apis" and "commons-digester" from the inherited global dependencies in Grails 1.3 and earlier projects.


If your domain model has any properties of type java.net.URL, they may cease to work once you upgrade to Grails 2. It seems that the default mapping of URL to database column has changed with the new version of Hibernate. This is a tricky problem to solve, but in the long run it's best if you migrate your URL properties to strings. One technique is to use the database migration plugin to add a new text column and then execute some code in BootStrap (using Grails 1.3.x or earlier) to fetch each row of the table as a domain instance, convert the URL properties to string URLs, and then write those values to the new column.


Grails 2.0では、Servlet 3.0、Tomcat 7、Spring 3.1、Hibernate 3.6、Groovy 1.8などのライブラリを更新しました。以前のバージョンのプラグインなどでこれらのライブラリに依存がある場合動作しなくなります。例としてServlet 3.0の HttpServletRequest インターフェイスは新しい物を多く含んでいます。この逆もあり得るので、Servlet 2.5のインターフェイスで実装され、Servlet 3.0に存在しない機能を持っているプラグインは動作しません。もちろんこの事はSpringなど他のライブラリにも同じ事が言えます。注意しましょう。


プラグインを公式リポジトリに発行するコマンド release-plugin が除去されました。新たに リリースプラグイン を使用して同じ意味を持つ publish-plugin コマンドを使用してください。


次のクラスが除去されました。 grails.web.JsonBuilder , grails.web.OpenRicoBuilder

Grails 1.2.x からのアップグレード


Grails 1.3では、認証付きSVNリポジトリ内のプラグイン解決に標準では対応しなくなりました。Grails 1.2以前のプラグイン解決の仕組みは、Ivyをベースに構築された実装により、Grailsのライブラリと同等にMavenリポジトリを対象に、プラグイン解決の仕組みに変更されました。

Ivyでは、WebDAV, HTTP, SSHやFTPなど豊富なリポジトリ解決方法があります。利用可能なオプションについてはIvyのドキュメントのリゾルバのセクションを、追加のリゾルバの設定方法については、このユーザーガイドのプラグイン・リポジトリのセクションを参照してください。


Grails 1.1.x からのアップグレード

翻訳チームの判断により、Grails 1.1.xからの更新は翻訳を行いません。ご了承ください。


Grails 1.1.xではプラグイン内のリソースを参照するために変数pluginContextPathが、以下のように使用されていました:

<g:resource dir="${pluginContextPath}/images" file="foo.jpg" />

Grails 1.2からはプラグイン認識されるため、この変数は不要になりました:

<g:resource dir="images" file="foo.jpg" />


<g:resource contextPath="" dir="images" file="foo.jpg" />




def foo = body()
if (foo instanceof String) {
    // do something


def foo = body()
if (foo instanceof CharSequence) {
    // do something


There is a new version of JSONBuilder which is semantically different from the one used in earlier versions of Grails. However, if your application depends on the older semantics you can still use the deprecated implementation by setting the following property to true in Config.groovy:



Grails now executes validation routines when the underlying Hibernate session is flushed to ensure that no invalid objects are persisted. If one of your constraints (such as a custom validator) executes a query then this can cause an additional flush, resulting in a StackOverflowError. For example:

static constraints = {
    author validator: { a ->
        assert a != Book.findByTitle("My Book").author

The above code can lead to a StackOverflowError in Grails 1.2. The solution is to run the query in a new Hibernate session (which is recommended in general as doing Hibernate work during flushing can cause other issues):

static constraints = {
    author validator: { a ->
        Book.withNewSession {
            assert a != Book.findByTitle("My Book").author

Grails 1.0.xからのアップグレード

翻訳チームの判断により、Grails 1.0.xからの更新は翻訳を行いません。ご了承ください。

Groovy 1.6

Grails 1.1 and above ship with Groovy 1.6 and no longer supports code compiled against Groovy 1.5. If you have a library that was compiled with Groovy 1.5 you must recompile it against Groovy 1.6 or higher before using it with Grails 1.1.

Java 5.0

Grails 1.1 now no longer supports JDK 1.4, if you wish to continue using Grails then it is recommended you stick to the Grails 1.0.x stream until you are able to upgrade your JDK.

Configuration Changes

1) The setting grails.testing.reports.destDir has been renamed to grails.project.test.reports.dir for consistency.

2) The following settings have been moved from grails-app/conf/Config.groovy to grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:

    • grails.config.base.webXml
    • grails.project.war.file (renamed from grails.war.destFile)
    • grails.war.dependencies
    • grails.war.copyToWebApp
    • grails.war.resources

3) The grails.war.java5.dependencies option is no longer supported, since Java 5.0 is now the baseline (see above).

4) The use of jsessionid (now considered harmful) is disabled by default. If your application requires jsessionid you can re-enable its usage by adding the following to grails-app/conf/Config.groovy:


5) The syntax used to configure Log4j has changed. See the user guide section on Logging for more information.

Plugin Changes

As of version 1.1, Grails no longer stores plugins inside your PROJECT_HOME/plugins directory by default. This may result in compilation errors in your application unless you either re-install all your plugins or set the following property in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:


Script Changes

1) If you were previously using Grails 1.0.3 or below the following syntax is no longer support for importing scripts from GRAILS_HOME:

grailsHome = Ant.antProject.properties."env.GRAILS_HOME"

includeTargets << new File("${grailsHome}/scripts/Bootstrap.groovy")

Instead you should use the new grailsScript method to import a named script:

includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsBootstrap")

2) Due to an upgrade of Gant all references to the variable Ant should be changed to ant.

3) The root directory of the project is no longer on the classpath, so loading a resource like this will no longer work:

def stream = getClass().classLoader.getResourceAsStream(

Instead you should use the Java File APIs with the basedir property:

new File("${basedir}/grails-app/conf/my-config.xml").withInputStream { stream ->
    // read the file

Command Line Changes

The run-app-https and run-war-https commands no longer exist and have been replaced by an argument to run-app:

grails run-app -https

Data Mapping Changes

1) Enum types are now mapped using their String value rather than the ordinal value. You can revert to the old behavior by changing your mapping as follows:

static mapping = {
    someEnum enumType:"ordinal"

2) Bidirectional one-to-one associations are now mapped with a single column on the owning side and a foreign key reference. You shouldn't need to change anything; however you should drop column on the inverse side as it contains duplicate data.

REST Support

Incoming XML requests are now no longer automatically parsed. To enable parsing of REST requests you can do so using the parseRequest argument inside a URL mapping:


Alternatively, you can use the new resource argument, which enables parsing by default:


2.4 アプリケーション作成


grails [コマンド名]


grails create-app helloworld


cd helloworld

2.5 ハローワールド例

単純な"Hello World!"を実装してみましょう。前のセクションで作成されたディレクトリ"helloworld"にcdコマンドで移動してインタラクティブモードを開始します。

$ cd helloworld
$ grails



grails> create-controller hello



コントローラは、Webリクエストを処理します。"hello world!"を表示するには、次のように記述します。

package helloworld

class HelloController {

def world() { render "Hello World!" } }


grails> run-app



これはgrails-app/views/index.gspファイルによって描写されたアプリケーションの初期画面です。画面にはコントローラへのリンクが表示されています。このリンクをクリックすることで、画面に"Hello World!"が表示されます。

2.6 インタラクティブモードの利用

Grails 2.0では、コマンドの起動を速くするために、コマンド毎にJVMに再起動が必要無いインタラクティブモードを提供しています。インタラクティブモードを使用するには、プロジェクトルートで単に'grails'と入力するだけです。使用可能なコマンドをタブ補完することもできます。例としてスクリーンショットを参照してください:


2.7 IDEの設定

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEAJetGroovyプラグインは、Groovy&Grailsの開発者に十分な機能を提供します。機能概要については、JetBrainsのウェブサイトのGroovy and Grailsを参照してください。

Grails 1.2でIntelliJの設定をするには、次のコマンドを実行してIntelliJ用のプロジェクトファイルを生成します。

grails integrate-with --intellij


Eclipse ユーザーがGrailsアプリケーションの開発をする際は、SpringSource Tool Suiteを探して取得することをお勧めします。それは自動クラスパス管理機能、GSPエディタやGrailsコマンドへの迅速なアクセス機能を含んだGrailsのためのサポートが組み込まれて提供されています。概要については、STS Integrationのページを参照してください。


他にも良好なオープンソースのIDEとしてSunのNetBeansがあります。NetBeansはGroovy/Grailsプラグインで自動的にGrailsプロジェクトを認識します。また、IDEでのGrailsアプリケーションの実行、コード補完、SunのGlassfishサーバとの連携などの機能も提供しています。機能概要については、NetBeansチームによって記述されたGrails公式サイト上のNetBeans Integrationガイドを参照してください。


単純さに焦点があたっているGrailsは、より単純なエディタを利用することが可能です。そしてMac上の TextMateTextmateにバンドルされたSVNから優秀なGroovy/Grailsバンドルを利用可能です。


grails integrate-with --textmate


mate .

2.8 Convention over Configuration 設定より規約

Grailsは、"convention over configuration"を使用して、自動的に設定をおこないます。一般的に、名前とファイルの位置が明確な構成の代わりに使われることを意味します。それゆえに、Grailsによって提供されるディレクトリ構造に慣れ親む必要があります。


2.9 アプリケーションの起動


grails run-app


grails -Dserver.port=8090 run-app

Note that it is better to start up the application in interactive mode since a container restart is much quicker:

$ grails
grails> run-app
| Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/helloworld
| Application loaded in interactive mode. Type 'exit' to shutdown.
| Downloading: plugins-list.xml
grails> exit
| Stopping Grails server
grails> run-app
| Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/helloworld
| Application loaded in interactive mode. Type 'exit' to shutdown.
| Downloading: plugins-list.xml


2.10 アプリケーションのテスト



grails test-app

2.11 アプリケーションのデプロイ


grails war



grails dev war



-server -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

2.12 サポートされている Java EE コンテナ

GrailsはServlet 2.5をサポートする任意のWebコンテナで動作します。次の製品で動作することが確認されています。
  • Tomcat 7
  • Tomcat 6
  • SpringSource tc Server
  • Eclipse Virgo
  • GlassFish 3
  • GlassFish 2
  • Resin 4
  • Resin 3
  • JBoss 6
  • JBoss 5
  • Jetty 7
  • Jetty 6
  • IBM Websphere 7.0
  • IBM Websphere 6.1
  • Oracle Weblogic 10.3
  • Oracle Weblogic 10
  • Oracle Weblogic 9


2.13 アプリケーション生成


grails generate-all Book

2.14 アーテファクトの作成


grails create-domain-class book


class Book {



3 設定

It may seem odd that in a framework that embraces "convention-over-configuration" that we tackle this topic now, but since what configuration there is typically a one-off, it is best to get it out the way.

With Grails' default settings you can actually develop an application without doing any configuration whatsoever. Grails ships with an embedded servlet container and in-memory H2 database, so there isn't even a database to set up.

However, typically you should configure a more robust database at some point and that is described in the following section.

3.1 基本設定

For general configuration Grails provides a file called grails-app/conf/Config.groovy. This file uses Groovy's ConfigSlurper which is very similar to Java properties files except it is pure Groovy hence you can reuse variables and use proper Java types!

You can add your own configuration in here, for example:

foo.bar.hello = "world"

Then later in your application you can access these settings in one of two ways. The most common is from the GrailsApplication object, which is available as a variable in controllers and tag libraries:

assert "world" == grailsApplication.config.foo.bar.hello

The other way involves getting a reference to the ConfigurationHolder class that holds a reference to the configuration object:

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.*
def config = ConfigurationHolder.config
assert "world" == config.foo.bar.hello

ConfigurationHolder and ApplicationHolder are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Grails, so it is highly preferable to access the GrailsApplication and config from the grailsApplication variable.

3.1.1 組込オプション

Grails also provides the following configuration options:
  • grails.config.locations - The location of properties files or addition Grails Config files that should be merged with main configuration
  • grails.enable.native2ascii - Set this to false if you do not require native2ascii conversion of Grails i18n properties files
  • grails.views.default.codec - Sets the default encoding regime for GSPs - can be one of 'none', 'html', or 'base64' (default: 'none'). To reduce risk of XSS attacks, set this to 'html'.
  • grails.views.gsp.encoding - The file encoding used for GSP source files (default is 'utf-8')
  • grails.mime.file.extensions - Whether to use the file extension to dictate the mime type in Content Negotiation
  • grails.mime.types - A map of supported mime types used for Content Negotiation
  • grails.serverURL - A string specifying the server URL portion of absolute links, including server name e.g. grails.serverURL="http://my.yourportal.com". See createLink.

War generation

  • grails.project.war.file - Sets the name and location of the WAR file generated by the war command
  • grails.war.dependencies - A closure containing Ant builder syntax or a list of JAR filenames. Lets you customise what libaries are included in the WAR file.
  • grails.war.copyToWebApp - A closure containing Ant builder syntax that is legal inside an Ant copy, for example "fileset()". Lets you control what gets included in the WAR file from the "web-app" directory.
  • grails.war.resources - A closure containing Ant builder syntax. Allows the application to do any other other work before building the final WAR file

For more information on using these options, see the section on deployment

3.1.2 ロギング

The Basics

Grails uses its common configuration mechanism to provide the settings for the underlying Log4j log system, so all you have to do is add a log4j setting to the file grails-app/conf/Config.groovy.

So what does this log4j setting look like? Here's a basic example:

log4j = {
    error  'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet',  //  controllers
           'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages' //  GSP

warn 'org.apache.catalina' }

This says that for loggers whose name starts with 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet' or 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages', only messages logged at 'error' level and above will be shown. Loggers with names starting with 'org.apache.catalina' logger only show messages at the 'warn' level and above. What does that mean? First of all, you have to understand how levels work.

Logging levels

The are several standard logging levels, which are listed here in order of descending priority:

  1. off
  2. fatal
  3. error
  4. warn
  5. info
  6. debug
  7. trace
  8. all

When you log a message, you implicitly give that message a level. For example, the method log.error(msg) will log a message at the 'error' level. Likewise, log.debug(msg) will log it at 'debug'. Each of the above levels apart from 'off' and 'all' have a corresponding log method of the same name.

The logging system uses that message level combined with the configuration for the logger (see next section) to determine whether the message gets written out. For example, if you have an 'org.example.domain' logger configured like so:

warn 'org.example.domain'

then messages with a level of 'warn', 'error', or 'fatal' will be written out. Messages at other levels will be ignored.

Before we go on to loggers, a quick note about those 'off' and 'all' levels. These are special in that they can only be used in the configuration; you can't log messages at these levels. So if you configure a logger with a level of 'off', then no messages will be written out. A level of 'all' means that you will see all messages. Simple.


Loggers are fundamental to the logging system, but they are a source of some confusion. For a start, what are they? Are they shared? How do you configure them?

A logger is the object you log messages to, so in the call log.debug(msg), log is a logger instance (of type Log). These loggers are cached and uniquely identified by name, so if two separate classes use loggers with the same name, those loggers are actually the same instance.

There are two main ways to get hold of a logger:

  1. use the log instance injected into artifacts such as domain classes, controllers and services;
  2. use the Commons Logging API directly.

If you use the dynamic log property, then the name of the logger is 'grails.app.<type>.<className>', where type is the type of the artifact, for example 'controller' or 'service, and className is the fully qualified name of the artifact. For example, if you have this service:

package org.example

class MyService { … }

then the name of the logger will be 'grails.app.service.org.example.MyService'.

For other classes, the typical approach is to store a logger based on the class name in a constant static field:

package org.other

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory

class MyClass { private static final log = LogFactory.getLog(this) … }

This will create a logger with the name 'org.other.MyClass' - note the lack of a 'grails.app.' prefix since the class isn't an artifact. You can also pass a name to the getLog() method, such as "myLogger", but this is less common because the logging system treats names with dots ('.') in a special way.

Configuring loggers

You have already seen how to configure loggers in Grails:

log4j = {
    error  'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet'

This example configures loggers with names starting with 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet' to ignore any messages sent to them at a level of 'warn' or lower. But is there a logger with this name in the application? No. So why have a configuration for it? Because the above rule applies to any logger whose name begins with 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.servlet.' as well. For example, the rule applies to both the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsDispatcherServlet class and the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequest one.

In other words, loggers are hierarchical. This makes configuring them by package much simpler than it would otherwise be.

The most common things that you will want to capture log output from are your controllers, services, and other artifacts. Use the convention mentioned earlier to do that: grails.app.<artifactType>.<className> . In particular the class name must be fully qualifed, i.e. with the package if there is one:

log4j = {
    // Set level for all application artifacts
    info "grails.app"

// Set for a specific controller in the default package debug "grails.app.controllers.YourController"

// Set for a specific domain class debug "grails.app.domain.org.example.Book"

// Set for all taglibs info "grails.app.taglib" }

The standard artifact names used in the logging configuration are:

  • conf - For anything under grails-app/conf such as BootStrap.groovy (but excluding filters)
  • filters - For filters
  • taglib - For tag libraries
  • services - For service classes
  • controllers - For controllers
  • domain - For domain entities

Grails itself generates plenty of logging information and it can sometimes be helpful to see that. Here are some useful loggers from Grails internals that you can use, especially when tracking down problems with your application:

  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons - Core artifact information such as class loading etc.
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web - Grails web request processing
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping - URL mapping debugging
  • org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins - Log plugin activity
  • grails.spring - See what Spring beans Grails and plugins are defining
  • org.springframework - See what Spring is doing
  • org.hibernate - See what Hibernate is doing

So far, we've only looked at explicit configuration of loggers. But what about all those loggers that don't have an explicit configuration? Are they simply ignored? The answer lies with the root logger.

The Root Logger

All logger objects inherit their configuration from the root logger, so if no explicit configuration is provided for a given logger, then any messages that go to that logger are subject to the rules defined for the root logger. In other words, the root logger provides the default configuration for the logging system.

Grails automatically configures the root logger to only handle messages at 'error' level and above, and all the messages are directed to the console (stdout for those with a C background). You can customise this behaviour by specifying a 'root' section in your logging configuration like so:

log4j = {
    root {

The above example configures the root logger to log messages at 'info' level and above to the default console appender. You can also configure the root logger to log to one or more named appenders (which we'll talk more about shortly):

log4j = {
    appenders {
        file name:'file', file:'/var/logs/mylog.log'
    root {
        debug 'stdout', 'file'

In the above example, the root logger will log to two appenders - the default 'stdout' (console) appender and a custom 'file' appender.

For power users there is an alternative syntax for configuring the root logger: the root org.apache.log4j.Logger instance is passed as an argument to the log4j closure. This lets you work with the logger directly:

log4j = { root ->
    root.level = org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG

For more information on what you can do with this Logger instance, refer to the Log4j API documentation.

Those are the basics of logging pretty well covered and they are sufficient if you're happy to only send log messages to the console. But what if you want to send them to a file? How do you make sure that messages from a particular logger go to a file but not the console? These questions and more will be answered as we look into appenders.


Loggers are a useful mechanism for filtering messages, but they don't physically write the messages anywhere. That's the job of the appender, of which there are various types. For example, there is the default one that writes messages to the console, another that writes them to a file, and several others. You can even create your own appender implementations!

This diagram shows how they fit into the logging pipeline:

As you can see, a single logger may have several appenders attached to it. In a standard Grails configuration, the console appender named 'stdout' is attached to all loggers through the default root logger configuration. But that's the only one. Adding more appenders can be done within an 'appenders' block:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        rollingFile name: "myAppender",
                    maxFileSize: 1024,
                    file: "/tmp/logs/myApp.log"

The following appenders are available by default:

jdbcJDBCAppenderLogs to a JDBC connection.
consoleConsoleAppenderLogs to the console.
fileFileAppenderLogs to a single file.
rollingFileRollingFileAppenderLogs to rolling files, for example a new file each day.

Each named argument passed to an appender maps to a property of the underlying Appender implementation. So the previous example sets the name, maxFileSize and file properties of the RollingFileAppender instance.

You can have as many appenders as you like - just make sure that they all have unique names. You can even have multiple instances of the same appender type, for example several file appenders that log to different files.

If you prefer to create the appender programmatically or if you want to use an appender implementation that's not available in the above syntax, simply declare an appender entry with an instance of the appender you want:

import org.apache.log4j.*

log4j = { appenders { appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "myAppender", maxFileSize: 1024, file: "/tmp/logs/myApp.log") } }

This approach can be used to configure JMSAppender, SocketAppender, SMTPAppender, and more.

Once you have declared your extra appenders, you can attach them to specific loggers by passing the name as a key to one of the log level methods from the previous section:

error myAppender: "grails.app.controllers.BookController"

This will ensure that the 'grails.app.controller.BookController' logger sends log messages to 'myAppender' as well as any appenders configured for the root logger. To add more than one appender to the logger, then add them to the same level declaration:

error myAppender:      "grails.app.controllers.BookController",
      myFileAppender:  ["grails.app.controllers.BookController",
      rollingFile:     "grails.app.controllers.BookController"

The above example also shows how you can configure more than one logger at a time for a given appender (myFileAppender) by using a list.

Be aware that you can only configure a single level for a logger, so if you tried this code:

error myAppender:      "grails.app.controllers.BookController"
debug myFileAppender:  "grails.app.controllers.BookController"
fatal rollingFile:     "grails.app.controllers.BookController"

you'd find that only 'fatal' level messages get logged for 'grails.app.controller.BookController'. That's because the last level declared for a given logger wins. What you probably want to do is limit what level of messages an appender writes.

An appender that is attached to a logger configured with the 'all' level will generate a lot of logging information. That may be fine in a file, but it makes working at the console difficult. So we configure the console appender to only write out messages at 'info' level or above:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "stdout", threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO

The key here is the threshold argument which determines the cut-off for log messages. This argument is available for all appenders, but do note that you currently have to specify a Level instance - a string such as "info" will not work.

Custom Layouts

By default the Log4j DSL assumes that you want to use a PatternLayout. However, there are other layouts available including:

  • xml - Create an XML log file
  • html - Creates an HTML log file
  • simple - A simple textual log
  • pattern - A Pattern layout

You can specify custom patterns to an appender using the layout setting:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "customAppender",
                layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%c{2} %m%n")

This also works for the built-in appender "stdout", which logs to the console:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "stdout",
                layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%c{2} %m%n")

Environment-specific configuration

Since the logging configuration is inside Config.groovy, you can put it inside an environment-specific block. However, there is a problem with this approach: you have to provide the full logging configuration each time you define the log4j setting. In other words, you cannot selectively override parts of the configuration - it's all or nothing.

To get around this, the logging DSL provides its own environment blocks that you can put anywhere in the configuration:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        console name: "stdout",
                layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%c{2} %m%n")

environments { production { rollingFile name: "myAppender", maxFileSize: 1024, file: "/tmp/logs/myApp.log" } } }

root { //… }

// other shared config info "grails.app.controller"

environments { production { // Override previous setting for 'grails.app.controller' error "grails.app.controllers" } } }

The one place you can't put an environment block is inside the root definition, but you can put the root definition inside an environment block.

Full stacktraces

When exceptions occur, there can be an awful lot of noise in the stacktrace from Java and Groovy internals. Grails filters these typically irrelevant details and restricts traces to non-core Grails/Groovy class packages.

When this happens, the full trace is always logged to the StackTrace logger, which by default writes its output to a file called stacktrace.log. As with other loggers though, you can change its behaviour in the configuration. For example if you prefer full stack traces to go to the console, add this entry:

error stdout: "StackTrace"

This won't stop Grails from attempting to create the stacktrace.log file - it just redirects where stack traces are written to. An alternative approach is to change the location of the 'stacktrace' appender's file:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        rollingFile name: "stacktrace", maxFileSize: 1024,
                    file: "/var/tmp/logs/myApp-stacktrace.log"

or, if you don't want to the 'stacktrace' appender at all, configure it as a 'null' appender:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        'null' name: "stacktrace"

You can of course combine this with attaching the 'stdout' appender to the 'StackTrace' logger if you want all the output in the console.

Finally, you can completely disable stacktrace filtering by setting the grails.full.stacktrace VM property to true:

grails -Dgrails.full.stacktrace=true run-app

Masking Request Parameters From Stacktrace Logs

When Grails logs a stacktrace, the log message may include the names and values of all of the request parameters for the current request. To mask out the values of secure request parameters, specify the parameter names in the grails.exceptionresolver.params.exclude config property:

grails.exceptionresolver.params.exclude = ['password', 'creditCard']

Request parameter logging may be turned off altogether by setting the grails.exceptionresolver.logRequestParameters config property to false. The default value is true when the application is running in DEVELOPMENT mode and false for all other modes.


Logger inheritance

Earlier, we mentioned that all loggers inherit from the root logger and that loggers are hierarchical based on '.'-separated terms. What this means is that unless you override a parent setting, a logger retains the level and the appenders configured for that parent. So with this configuration:

log4j = {
    appenders {
        file name:'file', file:'/var/logs/mylog.log'
    root {
        debug 'stdout', 'file'

all loggers in the application will have a level of 'debug' and will log to both the 'stdout' and 'file' appenders. What if you only want to log to 'stdout' for a particular logger? Change the 'additivity' for a logger in that case.

Additivity simply determines whether a logger inherits the configuration from its parent. If additivity is false, then its not inherited. The default for all loggers is true, i.e. they inherit the configuration. So how do you change this setting? Here's an example:

log4j = {
    appenders {
    root {

info additivity: false stdout: ["grails.app.controllers.BookController", "grails.app.services.BookService"] }

So when you specify a log level, add an 'additivity' named argument. Note that you when you specify the additivity, you must configure the loggers for a named appender. The following syntax will not work:

info additivity: false, ["grails.app.controllers.BookController",

Customizing stack trace printing and filtering

Stacktraces in general and those generated when using Groovy in particular are quite verbose and contain many stack frames that aren't interesting when diagnosing problems. So Grails uses a implementation of the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTraceFilterer interface to filter out irrelevant stack frames. To customize the approach used for filtering, implement that interface in a class in src/groovy or src/java and register it in Config.groovy:

grails.logging.stackTraceFiltererClass =

In addition, Grails customizes the display of the filtered stacktrace to make the information more readable. To customize this, implement the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTracePrinter interface in a class in src/groovy or src/java and register it in Config.groovy:

grails.logging.stackTracePrinterClass =

Finally, to render error information in the error GSP, an HTML-generating printer implementation is needed. The default implementation is org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.errors.ErrorsViewStackTracePrinter and it's registered as a Spring bean. To use your own implementation, either implement the org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTraceFilterer directly or subclass ErrorsViewStackTracePrinter and register it in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy as:

import com.yourcompany.yourapp.MyErrorsViewStackTracePrinter

beans = {

errorsViewStackTracePrinter(MyErrorsViewStackTracePrinter, ref('grailsResourceLocator')) }

Alternative logging libraries

By default, Grails uses Log4J to do its logging. For most people this is absolutely fine, and many users don't even care what logging library is used. But if you're not one of those and want to use an alternative, such as the JDK logging package or logback, you can do so by simply excluding a couple of dependencies from the global set and adding your own:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    inherits("global") {
        excludes "grails-plugin-logging", "log4j"
    dependencies {
        runtime "ch.qos.logback:logback-core:0.9.29"

If you do this, you will get unfiltered, standard Java stacktraces in your log files and you won't be able to use the logging configuration DSL that's just been described. Instead, you will have to use the standard configuration mechanism for the library you choose.

3.1.3 GORM

Grails provides the following GORM configuration options:
  • grails.gorm.failOnError - If set to true, causes the save() method on domain classes to throw a grails.validation.ValidationException if validation fails during a save. This option may also be assigned a list of Strings representing package names. If the value is a list of Strings then the failOnError behavior will only be applied to domain classes in those packages (including sub-packages). See the save method docs for more information.

For example, to enable failOnError for all domain classes:


and to enable failOnError for domain classes by package:

grails.gorm.failOnError = ['com.companyname.somepackage',
  • grails.gorm.autoFlush = If set to true, causes the merge, save and delete methods to flush the session, replacing the need to explicitly flush using save(flush: true).

3.2 環境

Per Environment Configuration

Grails supports the concept of per environment configuration. The Config.groovy, DataSource.groovy, and BootStrap.groovy files in the grails-app/conf directory can use per-environment configuration using the syntax provided by ConfigSlurper As an example consider the following default DataSource definition provided by Grails:

dataSource {
    pooled = false
    driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
    username = "sa"
    password = ""
environments {
    development {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "create-drop"
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb"
    test {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb"
    production {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb"

Notice how the common configuration is provided at the top level and then an environments block specifies per environment settings for the dbCreate and url properties of the DataSource.

Packaging and Running for Different Environments

Grails' command line has built in capabilities to execute any command within the context of a specific environment. The format is:

grails [environment] [command name]

In addition, there are 3 preset environments known to Grails: dev, prod, and test for development, production and test. For example to create a WAR for the test environment you wound run:

grails test war

To target other environments you can pass a grails.env variable to any command:

grails -Dgrails.env=UAT run-app

Programmatic Environment Detection

Within your code, such as in a Gant script or a bootstrap class you can detect the environment using the Environment class:

import grails.util.Environment


switch (Environment.current) { case Environment.DEVELOPMENT: configureForDevelopment() break case Environment.PRODUCTION: configureForProduction() break }

Per Environment Bootstrapping

Its often desirable to run code when your application starts up on a per-environment basis. To do so you can use the grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy file's support for per-environment execution:

def init = { ServletContext ctx ->
    environments {
        production {
            ctx.setAttribute("env", "prod")
        development {
            ctx.setAttribute("env", "dev")
    ctx.setAttribute("foo", "bar")

Generic Per Environment Execution

The previous BootStrap example uses the grails.util.Environment class internally to execute. You can also use this class yourself to execute your own environment specific logic:

Environment.executeForCurrentEnvironment {
    production {
        // do something in production
    development {
        // do something only in development

3.3 データソース

Since Grails is built on Java technology setting up a data source requires some knowledge of JDBC (the technology that doesn't stand for Java Database Connectivity).

If you use a database other than H2 you need a JDBC driver. For example for MySQL you would need Connector/J

Drivers typically come in the form of a JAR archive. It's best to use Ivy to resolve the jar if it's available in a Maven repository, for example you could add a dependency for the MySQL driver like this:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    log "warn"
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16'

Note that the built-in mavenCentral() repository is included here since that's a reliable location for this library.

If you can't use Ivy then just put the JAR in your project's lib directory.

Once you have the JAR resolved you need to get familiar Grails' DataSource descriptor file located at grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy. This file contains the dataSource definition which includes the following settings:

  • driverClassName - The class name of the JDBC driver
  • username - The username used to establish a JDBC connection
  • password - The password used to establish a JDBC connection
  • url - The JDBC URL of the database
  • dbCreate - Whether to auto-generate the database from the domain model - one of 'create-drop', 'create', 'update' or 'validate'
  • pooled - Whether to use a pool of connections (defaults to true)
  • logSql - Enable SQL logging to stdout
  • formatSql - Format logged SQL
  • dialect - A String or Class that represents the Hibernate dialect used to communicate with the database. See the org.hibernate.dialect package for available dialects.
  • readOnly - If true makes the DataSource read-only, which results in the connection pool calling setReadOnly(true) on each Connection
  • properties - Extra properties to set on the DataSource bean. See the Commons DBCP BasicDataSource documentation.

A typical configuration for MySQL may be something like:

dataSource {
    pooled = true
    dbCreate = "update"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDB"
    driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
    username = "yourUser"
    password = "yourPassword"

When configuring the DataSource do not include the type or the def keyword before any of the configuration settings as Groovy will treat these as local variable definitions and they will not be processed. For example the following is invalid:

dataSource {
    boolean pooled = true // type declaration results in ignored local variable

Example of advanced configuration using extra properties:

dataSource {
    pooled = true
    dbCreate = "update"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDB"
    driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
    username = "yourUser"
    password = "yourPassword"
    properties {
        maxActive = 50
        maxIdle = 25
        minIdle = 5
        initialSize = 5
        minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000
        timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000
        maxWait = 10000
        validationQuery = "/* ping */"

More on dbCreate

Hibernate can automatically create the database tables required for your domain model. You have some control over when and how it does this through the dbCreate property, which can take these values:

  • create - Drops the existing schemaCreates the schema on startup, dropping existing tables, indexes, etc. first.
  • create-drop - Same as create, but also drops the tables when the application shuts down cleanly.
  • update - Creates missing tables and indexes, and updates the current schema without dropping any tables or data. Note that this can't properly handle many schema changes like column renames (you're left with the old column containing the existing data).
  • validate - Makes no changes to your database. Compares the configuration with the existing database schema and reports warnings.
  • any other value - does nothing

You can also remove the dbCreate setting completely, which is recommended once your schema is relatively stable and definitely when your application and database are deployed in production. Database changes are then managed through proper migrations, either with SQL scripts or a migration tool like Liquibase (the Database Migration plugin uses Liquibase and is tightly integrated with Grails and GORM).

3.3.1 データソースと環境

The previous example configuration assumes you want the same config for all environments: production, test, development etc.

Grails' DataSource definition is "environment aware", however, so you can do:

dataSource {
    pooled = true
    driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
    // other common settings here

environments { production { dataSource { url = "jdbc:mysql://liveip.com/liveDb" // other environment-specific settings here } } }

3.3.2 JNDI データソース

Referring to a JNDI DataSource

Most Java EE containers supply DataSource instances via Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). Grails supports the definition of JNDI data sources as follows:

dataSource {
    jndiName = "java:comp/env/myDataSource"

The format on the JNDI name may vary from container to container, but the way you define the DataSource in Grails remains the same.

Configuring a Development time JNDI resource

The way in which you configure JNDI data sources at development time is plugin dependent. Using the Tomcat plugin you can define JNDI resources using the grails.naming.entries setting in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy:

grails.naming.entries = [
    "bean/MyBeanFactory": [
        auth: "Container",
        type: "com.mycompany.MyBean",
        factory: "org.apache.naming.factory.BeanFactory",
        bar: "23"
    "jdbc/EmployeeDB": [
        type: "javax.sql.DataSource", //required
        auth: "Container", // optional
        description: "Data source for Foo", //optional
        driverClassName: "org.h2.Driver",
        url: "jdbc:h2:mem:database",
        username: "dbusername",
        password: "dbpassword",
        maxActive: "8",
        maxIdle: "4"
    "mail/session": [
        type: "javax.mail.Session,
        auth: "Container",
        "mail.smtp.host": "localhost"

3.3.3 自動データベースマイグレーション

The dbCreate property of the DataSource definition is important as it dictates what Grails should do at runtime with regards to automatically generating the database tables from GORM classes. The options are described in the DataSource section:
  • create
  • create-drop
  • update
  • validate
  • no value

In development mode dbCreate is by default set to "create-drop", but at some point in development (and certainly once you go to production) you'll need to stop dropping and re-creating the database every time you start up your server.

It's tempting to switch to update so you retain existing data and only update the schema when your code changes, but Hibernate's update support is very conservative. It won't make any changes that could result in data loss, and doesn't detect renamed columns or tables, so you'll be left with the old one and will also have the new one.

Grails supports Rails-style migrations via the Database Migration plugin which can be installed by running

grails install-plugin database-migration

The plugin uses Liquibase and and provides access to all of its functionality, and also has support for GORM (for example generating a change set by comparing your domain classes to a database).

3.3.4 Transaction-awareデータソースプロキシ

The actual dataSource bean is wrapped in a transaction-aware proxy so you will be given the connection that's being used by the current transaction or Hibernate Session if one is active.

If this were not the case, then retrieving a connection from the dataSource would be a new connection, and you wouldn't be able to see changes that haven't been committed yet (assuming you have a sensible transaction isolation setting, e.g. READ_COMMITTED or better).

The "real" unproxied dataSource is still available to you if you need access to it; its bean name is dataSourceUnproxied.

You can access this bean like any other Spring bean, i.e. using dependency injection:

class MyService {

def dataSourceUnproxied … }

or by pulling it from the ApplicationContext:

def dataSourceUnproxied = ctx.dataSourceUnproxied

3.3.5 データベースコンソール

The H2 database console is a convenient feature of H2 that provides a web-based interface to any database that you have a JDBC driver for, and it's very useful to view the database you're developing against. It's especially useful when running against an in-memory database.

You can access the console by navigating to http://localhost:8080/appname/dbconsole in a browser. The URI can be configured using the grails.dbconsole.urlRoot attribute in Config.groovy and defaults to '/dbconsole'.

The console is enabled by default in development mode and can be disabled or enabled in other environments by using the grails.dbconsole.enabled attribute in Config.groovy. For example you could enable the console in production using

environments {
    production {
        grails.serverURL = "http://www.changeme.com"
        grails.dbconsole.enabled = true
        grails.dbconsole.urlRoot = '/admin/dbconsole'
    development {
        grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"
    test {
        grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"

If you enable the console in production be sure to guard access to it using a trusted security framework.


By default the console is configured for an H2 database which will work with the default settings if you haven't configured an external database - you just need to change the JDBC URL to jdbc:h2:mem:devDB. If you've configured an external database (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, etc.) then you can use the Saved Settings dropdown to choose a settings template and fill in the url and username/password information from your DataSource.groovy.

3.3.6 複数データソース

By default all domain classes share a single DataSource and a single database, but you have the option to partition your domain classes into two or more DataSources.

Configuring Additional DataSources

The default DataSource configuration in grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy looks something like this:

dataSource {
    pooled = true
    driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
    username = "sa"
    password = ""
hibernate {
    cache.use_second_level_cache = true
    cache.use_query_cache = true
    cache.provider_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider'

environments { development { dataSource { dbCreate = "create-drop" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb" } } test { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb" } } production { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb" } } }

This configures a single DataSource with the Spring bean named dataSource. To configure extra DataSources, add another dataSource block (at the top level, in an environment block, or both, just like the standard DataSource definition) with a custom name, separated by an underscore. For example, this configuration adds a second DataSource, using MySQL in the development environment and Oracle in production:

environments {
    development {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "create-drop"
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb"
        dataSource_lookup {
            dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
            driverClassName = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
            username = 'lookup'
            password = 'secret'
            url = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/lookup'
            dbCreate = 'update'
    test {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb"
    production {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb"
        dataSource_lookup {
            dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
            driverClassName = 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'
            username = 'lookup'
            password = 'secret'
            url = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:lookup'
            dbCreate = 'update'

You can use the same or different databases as long as they're supported by Hibernate.

Configuring Domain Classes

If a domain class has no DataSource configuration, it defaults to the standard 'dataSource'. Set the datasource property in the mapping block to configure a non-default DataSource. For example, if you want to use the ZipCode domain to use the 'lookup' DataSource, configure it like this;

class ZipCode {

String code

static mapping = { datasource 'lookup' } }

A domain class can also use two or more DataSources. Use the datasources property with a list of names to configure more than one, for example:

class ZipCode {

String code

static mapping = { datasources(['lookup', 'auditing']) } }

If a domain class uses the default DataSource and one or more others, use the special name 'DEFAULT' to indicate the default DataSource:

class ZipCode {

String code

static mapping = { datasources(['lookup', 'DEFAULT']) } }

If a domain class uses all configured DataSources use the special value 'ALL':

class ZipCode {

String code

static mapping = { datasource 'ALL' } }

Namespaces and GORM Methods

If a domain class uses more than one DataSource then you can use the namespace implied by each DataSource name to make GORM calls for a particular DataSource. For example, consider this class which uses two DataSources:

class ZipCode {

String code

static mapping = { datasources(['lookup', 'auditing']) } }

The first DataSource specified is the default when not using an explicit namespace, so in this case we default to 'lookup'. But you can call GORM methods on the 'auditing' DataSource with the DataSource name, for example:

def zipCode = ZipCode.auditing.get(42)

As you can see, you add the DataSource to the method call in both the static case and the instance case.

Hibernate Mapped Domain Classes

You can also partition annotated Java classes into separate datasources. Classes using the default datasource are registered in grails-app/conf/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml. To specify that an annotated class uses a non-default datasource, create a hibernate.cfg.xml file for that datasource with the file name prefixed with the datasource name.

For example if the Book class is in the default datasource, you would register that in grails-app/conf/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
          '-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN'
      <mapping class='org.example.Book'/>

and if the Library class is in the "ds2" datasource, you would register that in grails-app/conf/hibernate/ds2_hibernate.cfg.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
          '-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN'
      <mapping class='org.example.Library'/>

The process is the same for classes mapped with hbm.xml files - just list them in the appropriate hibernate.cfg.xml file.


Like Domain classes, by default Services use the default DataSource and PlatformTransactionManager. To configure a Service to use a different DataSource, use the static datasource property, for example:

class DataService {

static datasource = 'lookup'

void someMethod(...) { … } }

A transactional service can only use a single DataSource, so be sure to only make changes for domain classes whose DataSource is the same as the Service.

Note that the datasource specified in a service has no bearing on which datasources are used for domain classes; that's determined by their declared datasources in the domain classes themselves. It's used to declare which transaction manager to use.

What you'll see is that if you have a Foo domain class in dataSource1 and a Bar domain class in dataSource2, and WahooService uses dataSource1, a service method that saves a new Foo and a new Bar will only be transactional for Foo since they share the datasource. The transaction won't affect the Bar instance. If you want both to be transactional you'd need to use two services and XA datasources for two-phase commit, e.g. with the Atomikos plugin.

XA and Two-phase Commit

Grails has no native support for XA DataSources or two-phase commit, but the Atomikos plugin makes it easy. See the plugin documentation for the simple changes needed in your DataSource definitions to reconfigure them as XA DataSources.

3.4 設定の外部化

Some deployments require that configuration be sourced from more than one place and be changeable without requiring a rebuild of the application. In order to support deployment scenarios such as these the configuration can be externalized. To do so, point Grails at the locations of the configuration files that should be used by adding a grails.config.locations setting in Config.groovy, for example:

grails.config.locations = [
    "file:${userHome}/.grails/${appName}-config.groovy" ]

In the above example we're loading configuration files (both Java Properties files and ConfigSlurper configurations) from different places on the classpath and files located in USER_HOME.

It is also possible to load config by specifying a class that is a config script.

grails.config.locations = [com.my.app.MyConfig]

This can be useful in situations where the config is either coming from a plugin or some other part of your application. A typical use for this is re-using configuration provided by plugins across multiple applications.

Ultimately all configuration files get merged into the config property of the GrailsApplication object and are hence obtainable from there.

Values that have the same name as previously defined values will overwrite the existing values, and the pointed to configuration sources are loaded in the order in which they are defined.

Config Defaults

The configuration values contained in the locations described by the grails.config.locations property will override any values defined in your application Config.groovy file which may not be what you want. You may want to have a set of default values be be loaded that can be overridden in either your application's Config.groovy file or in a named config location. For this you can use the grails.config.defaults.locations property.

This property supports the same values as the grails.config.locations property (i.e. paths to config scripts, property files or classes), but the config described by grails.config.defaults.locations will be loaded before all other values and can therefore be overridden. Some plugins use this mechanism to supply one or more sets of default configuration that you can choose to include in your application config.

Grails also supports the concept of property place holders and property override configurers as defined in Spring For more information on these see the section on Grails and Spring

3.5 バージョニング

Versioning Basics

Grails has built in support for application versioning. The version of the application is set to 0.1 when you first create an application with the create-app command. The version is stored in the application meta data file application.properties in the root of the project.

To change the version of your application you can edit the file manually, or run the set-version command:

grails set-version 0.2

The version is used in various commands including the war command which will append the application version to the end of the created WAR file.

Detecting Versions at Runtime

You can detect the application version using Grails' support for application metadata using the GrailsApplication class. For example within controllers there is an implicit grailsApplication variable that can be used:

def version = grailsApplication.metadata['app.version']

You can retrieve the the version of Grails that is running with:

def grailsVersion = grailsApplication.metadata['app.grails.version']

or the GrailsUtil class:

import grails.util.GrailsUtil
def grailsVersion = GrailsUtil.grailsVersion

3.6 プロジェクト・ドキュメント

Since Grails 1.2, the documentation engine that powers the creation of this documentation has been available for your own Grails projects.

The documentation engine uses a variation on the Textile syntax to automatically create project documentation with smart linking, formatting etc.

Creating project documentation

To use the engine you need to follow a few conventions. First, you need to create a src/docs/guide directory where your documentation source files will go. Then, you need to create the source docs themselves. Each chapter should have its own gdoc file as should all numbered sub-sections. You will end up with something like:

+ src/docs/guide/introduction.gdoc
+ src/docs/guide/introduction/changes.gdoc
+ src/docs/guide/gettingStarted.gdoc
+ src/docs/guide/configuration.gdoc
+ src/docs/guide/configuration/build.gdoc
+ src/docs/guide/configuration/build/controllers.gdoc

Note that you can have all your gdoc files in the top-level directory if you want, but you can also put sub-sections in sub-directories named after the parent section - as the above example shows.

Once you have your source files, you still need to tell the documentation engine what the structure of your user guide is going to be. To do that, you add a src/docs/guide/toc.yml file that contains the structure and titles for each section. This file is in YAML format and basically represents the structure of the user guide in tree form. For example, the above files could be represented as:

  title: Introduction
  changes: Change Log
gettingStarted: Getting Started
  title: Configuration
    title: Build Config
    controllers: Specifying Controllers

The format is pretty straightforward. Any section that has sub-sections is represented with the corresponding filename (minus the .gdoc extension) followed by a colon. The next line should contain title: plus the title of the section as seen by the end user. Every sub-section then has its own line after the title. Leaf nodes, i.e. those without any sub-sections, declare their title on the same line as the section name but after the colon.

That's it. You can easily add, remove, and move sections within the toc.yml to restructure the generated user guide. You should also make sure that all section names, i.e. the gdoc filenames, should be unique since they are used for creating internal links and for the HTML filenames. Don't worry though, the documentation engine will warn you of duplicate section names.

Creating reference items

Reference items appear in the Quick Reference section of the documentation. Each reference item belongs to a category and a category is a directory located in the src/docs/ref directory. For example, suppose you have defined a new controller method called renderPDF. That belongs to the Controllers category so you would create a gdoc text file at the following location:

+ src/docs/ref/Controllers/renderPDF.gdoc

Configuring Output Properties

There are various properties you can set within your grails-app/conf/Config.groovy file that customize the output of the documentation such as:

  • grails.doc.title - The title of the documentation
  • grails.doc.subtitle - The subtitle of the documentation
  • grails.doc.authors - The authors of the documentation
  • grails.doc.license - The license of the software
  • grails.doc.copyright - The copyright message to display
  • grails.doc.footer - The footer to use

Other properties such as the version are pulled from your project itself. If a title is not specified, the application name is used.

Generating Documentation

Once you have created some documentation (refer to the syntax guide in the next chapter) you can generate an HTML version of the documentation using the command:

grails doc

This command will output an docs/manual/index.html which can be opened in a browser to view your documentation.

Documentation Syntax

As mentioned the syntax is largely similar to Textile or Confluence style wiki markup. The following sections walk you through the syntax basics.

Basic Formatting

Monospace: monospace


Italic: italic


Bold: bold





There are several ways to create links with the documentation generator. A basic external link can either be defined using confluence or textile style markup:




For links to other sections inside the user guide you can use the guide: prefix with the name of the section you want to link to:


The section name comes from the corresponding gdoc filename. The documentation engine will warn you if any links to sections in your guide break.

To link to reference items you can use a special syntax:


In this case the category of the reference item is on the left hand side of the | and the name of the reference item on the right.

Finally, to link to external APIs you can use the api: prefix. For example:


The documentation engine will automatically create the appropriate javadoc link in this case. To add additional APIs to the engine you can configure them in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy. For example:


The above example configures classes within the org.hibernate package to link to the Hibernate website's API docs.

Lists and Headings

Headings can be created by specifying the letter 'h' followed by a number and then a dot:


Unordered lists are defined with the use of the * character:

* item 1
** subitem 1
** subitem 2
* item 2

Numbered lists can be defined with the # character:

# item 1

Tables can be created using the table macro:


 *Name* | *Number*
 Albert | 46
 Wilma | 1348
 James | 12

Code and Notes

You can define code blocks with the code macro:

class Book {
    String title

class Book {
    String title

The example above provides syntax highlighting for Java and Groovy code, but you can also highlight XML markup:



There are also a couple of macros for displaying notes and warnings:


This is a note!

This is a note!


This is a warning!

This is a warning!

3.7 依存性解決

Grails features a dependency resolution DSL that lets you control how plugins and JAR dependencies are resolved.

You specify a grails.project.dependency.resolution property inside the grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file that configures how dependencies are resolved:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
   // config here

The default configuration looks like the following:

grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
//grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war"

grails.project.dependency.resolution = { // inherit Grails' default dependencies inherits("global") { // uncomment to disable ehcache // excludes 'ehcache' } log "warn" repositories { grailsPlugins() grailsHome() grailsCentral()

// uncomment these to enable remote dependency resolution // from public Maven repositories //mavenCentral() //mavenLocal() //mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org" //mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org" //mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/" //mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/" } dependencies { // specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', // 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.

// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16' }

plugins { compile ":hibernate:$grailsVersion" compile ":jquery:" compile ":resources:1.0"

build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion" } }

The details of the above will be explained in the next few sections.

3.7.1 設定と依存

Grails features five dependency resolution configurations (or 'scopes'):
  • build: Dependencies for the build system only
  • compile: Dependencies for the compile step
  • runtime: Dependencies needed at runtime but not for compilation (see above)
  • test: Dependencies needed for testing but not at runtime (see above)
  • provided: Dependencies needed at development time, but not during WAR deployment

Within the dependencies block you can specify a dependency that falls into one of these configurations by calling the equivalent method. For example if your application requires the MySQL driver to function at runtime you can specify that like this:

runtime 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16'

This uses the string syntax: group:name:version. You can also use a Map-based syntax:

runtime group: 'com.mysql',
        name: 'mysql-connector-java',
        version: '5.1.16'

In Maven terminology, group corresponds to an artifact's groupId and name corresponds to its artifactId.

Multiple dependencies can be specified by passing multiple arguments:

runtime 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16',

// Or

runtime( [group:'com.mysql', name:'mysql-connector-java', version:'5.1.16'], [group:'net.sf.ehcache', name:'ehcache', version:'1.6.1'] )

Disabling transitive dependency resolution

By default, Grails will not only get the JARs and plugins that you declare, but it will also get their transitive dependencies. This is usually what you want, but there are occasions where you want a dependency without all its baggage. In such cases, you can disable transitive dependency resolution on a case-by-case basis:

        'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') {
    transitive = false

// Or runtime group:'com.mysql', name:'mysql-connector-java', version:'5.1.16', transitive:false

Excluding specific transitive dependencies

A far more common scenario is where you want the transitive dependencies, but some of them cause issues with your own dependencies or are unnecessary. For example, many Apache projects have 'commons-logging' as a transitive dependency, but it shouldn't be included in a Grails project (we use SLF4J). That's where the excludes option comes in:

        'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') {
    excludes "xml-apis", "commons-logging"

// Or runtime(group:'com.mysql', name:'mysql-connector-java', version:'5.1.16') { excludes([ group: 'xml-apis', name: 'xml-apis'], [ group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents' ], [ name: 'commons-logging' ])

As you can see, you can either exclude dependencies by their artifact ID (also known as a module name) or any combination of group and artifact IDs (if you use the Map notation). You may also come across exclude as well, but that can only accept a single string or Map:

        'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:1.6.1') {
    exclude "xml-apis"

Using Ivy module configurations

If you use Ivy module configurations and wish to depend on a specific configuration of a module, you can use the dependencyConfiguration method to specify the configuration to use.

provided("my.org:web-service:1.0") {
    dependencyConfiguration "api"

If the dependency configuration is not explicitly set, the configuration named "default" will be used (which is also the correct value for dependencies coming from Maven style repositories).

Where are the JARs?

With all these declarative dependencies, you may wonder where all the JARs end up. They have to go somewhere after all. By default Grails puts them into a directory, called the dependency cache, that resides on your local file system at user.home/.grails/ivy-cache. You can change this either via the settings.groovy file:

grails.dependency.cache.dir = "${userHome}/.my-dependency-cache"

or in the dependency DSL:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    cacheDir "target/ivy-cache"

The settings.groovy option applies to all projects, so it's the preferred approach.

3.7.2 依存管理リポジトリ

Remote Repositories

Initially your BuildConfig.groovy does not use any remote public Maven repositories. There is a default grailsHome() repository that will locate the JAR files Grails needs from your Grails installation. To use a public repository, specify it in the repositories block:

repositories {

In this case the default public Maven repository is specified. To use the SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository you can use the ebr() method:

repositories {

You can also specify a specific Maven repository to use by URL:

repositories {
    mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"

and even give it a name:

repositories {
    mavenRepo name: "Codehaus", root: "http://repository.codehaus.org"

so that you can easily identify it in logs.

Controlling Repositories Inherited from Plugins

A plugin you have installed may define a reference to a remote repository just as an application can. By default your application will inherit this repository definition when you install the plugin.

If you do not wish to inherit repository definitions from plugins then you can disable repository inheritance:

repositories {
    inherit false

In this case your application will not inherit any repository definitions from plugins and it is down to you to provide appropriate (possibly internal) repository definitions.

Offline Mode

There are times when it is not desirable to connect to any remote repositories (whilst working on the train for example!). In this case you can use the offline flag to execute Grails commands and Grails will not connect to any remote repositories:

grails --offline run-app

Note that this command will fail if you do not have the necessary dependencies in your local Ivy cache

You can also globally configure offline mode by setting grails.offline.mode to true in ~/.grails/settings.groovy or in your project's BuildConfig.groovy file:


Local Resolvers

If you do not wish to use a public Maven repository you can specify a flat file repository:

repositories {
    flatDir name:'myRepo', dirs:'/path/to/repo'

To specify your local Maven cache (~/.m2/repository) as a repository:

repositories {

Custom Resolvers

If all else fails since Grails builds on Apache Ivy you can specify an Ivy resolver:

 * Configure our resolver.
def libResolver = new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.URLResolver()
['libraries', 'builds'].each {

libResolver.addArtifactPattern( "http://my.repository/${it}/" + "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]")

libResolver.addIvyPattern( "http://my.repository/${it}/" + "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]") }

libResolver.name = "my-repository" libResolver.settings = ivySettings

resolver libResolver

It's also possible to pull dependencies from a repository using SSH. Ivy comes with a dedicated resolver that you can configure and include in your project like so:

import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.SshResolver
repositories {

def sshResolver = new SshResolver( name: "myRepo", user: "username", host: "dev.x.com", keyFile: new File("/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"), m2compatible: true)

sshResolver.addArtifactPattern( "/home/grails/repo/[organisation]/[artifact]/" + "[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]")

sshResolver.latestStrategy = new org.apache.ivy.plugins.latest.LatestTimeStrategy()

sshResolver.changingPattern = ".*SNAPSHOT"


resolver sshResolver }

Download the JSch JAR and add it to Grails' classpath to use the SSH resolver. You can do this by passing the path in the Grails command line:

grails -classpath /path/to/jsch compile|run-app|etc.

You can also add its path to the CLASSPATH environment variable but be aware this it affects many Java applications. An alternative on Unix is to create an alias for grails -classpath ... so that you don't have to type the extra arguments each time.


If your repository requires authentication you can configure this using a credentials block:

credentials {
    realm = ".."
    host = "localhost"
    username = "myuser"
    password = "mypass"

This can be placed in your USER_HOME/.grails/settings.groovy file using the grails.project.ivy.authentication setting:

grails.project.ivy.authentication = {
    credentials {
        realm = ".."
        host = "localhost"
        username = "myuser"
        password = "mypass"

3.7.3 依存解決デバッグ

If you are having trouble getting a dependency to resolve you can enable more verbose debugging from the underlying engine using the log method:

// log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn',
// 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
log "warn"

A common issue is that the checksums for a dependency don't match the associated JAR file, and so Ivy rejects the dependency. This helps ensure that the dependencies are valid. But for a variety of reasons some dependencies simply don't have valid checksums in the repositories, even if they are valid JARs. To get round this, you can disable Ivy's dependency checks like so:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    log "warn"
    checksums false

This is a global setting, so only use it if you have to.

3.7.4 依存の受け継ぎ

By default every Grails application inherits several framework dependencies. This is done through the line:

inherits "global"

Inside the BuildConfig.groovy file. To exclude specific inherited dependencies you use the excludes method:

inherits("global") {
    excludes "oscache", "ehcache"

3.7.5 基本依存管理の提供

Most Grails applications have runtime dependencies on several jar files that are provided by the Grails framework. These include libraries like Spring, Sitemesh, Hibernate etc. When a war file is created, all of these dependencies will be included in it. But, an application may choose to exclude these jar files from the war. This is useful when the jar files will be provided by the container, as would normally be the case if multiple Grails applications are deployed to the same container.

The dependency resolution DSL provides a mechanism to express that all of the default dependencies will be provided by the container. This is done by invoking the defaultDependenciesProvided method and passing true as an argument:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {

defaultDependenciesProvided true // all of the default dependencies will // be "provided" by the container

inherits "global" // inherit Grails' default dependencies

repositories { grailsHome() … } dependencies { … } }

defaultDependenciesProvided must come before inherits, otherwise the Grails dependencies will be included in the war.

3.7.6 依存管理レポート

As mentioned in the previous section a Grails application consists of dependencies inherited from the framework, the plugins installed and the application dependencies itself.

To obtain a report of an application's dependencies you can run the dependency-report command:

grails dependency-report

By default this will generate reports in the target/dependency-report directory. You can specify which configuration (scope) you want a report for by passing an argument containing the configuration name:

grails dependency-report runtime

3.7.7 プラグインJAR依存

Specifying Plugin JAR dependencies

The way in which you specify dependencies for a plugin is identical to how you specify dependencies in an application. When a plugin is installed into an application the application automatically inherits the dependencies of the plugin.

To define a dependency that is resolved for use with the plugin but not exported to the application then you can set the export property of the dependency:

test('org.spockframework:spock-core:0.5-groovy-1.8') {
    export = false

In this case the Spock dependency will be available only to the plugin and not resolved as an application dependency. Alternatively, if you're using the Map syntax:

test group: 'org.spockframework', name: 'spock-core',
     version: '0.5-groovy-1.8', export: false

You can use exported = false instead of export = false, but we recommend the latter because it's consistent with the Map argument.

Overriding Plugin JAR Dependencies in Your Application

If a plugin is using a JAR which conflicts with another plugin, or an application dependency then you can override how a plugin resolves its dependencies inside an application using exclusions. For example:

plugins {
    compile(":hibernate:$grailsVersion") {
        excludes "javassist"

dependencies { runtime "javassist:javassist:3.4.GA" }

In this case the application explicitly declares a dependency on the "hibernate" plugin and specifies an exclusion using the excludes method, effectively excluding the javassist library as a dependency.

3.7.8 Maven統合

When using the Grails Maven plugin, Grails' dependency resolution mechanics are disabled as it is assumed that you will manage dependencies with Maven's pom.xml file.

However, if you would like to continue using Grails regular commands like run-app, test-app and so on then you can tell Grails' command line to load dependencies from the Maven pom.xml file instead.

To do so simply add the following line to your BuildConfig.groovy:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    pom true

The line pom true tells Grails to parse Maven's pom.xml and load dependencies from there.

3.7.9 Mavenリポジトリへのデプロイ

If you use Maven to build your Grails project, you can use the standard Maven targets mvn install and mvn deploy. If not, you can deploy a Grails project or plugin to a Maven repository using the maven-publisher plugin.

The plugin provides the ability to publish Grails projects and plugins to local and remote Maven repositories. There are two key additional targets added by the plugin:

  • maven-install - Installs a Grails project or plugin into your local Maven cache
  • maven-deploy - Deploys a Grails project or plugin to a remote Maven repository

By default this plugin will automatically generate a valid pom.xml for you unless a pom.xml is already present in the root of the project, in which case this pom.xml file will be used.


The maven-install command will install the Grails project or plugin artifact into your local Maven cache:

grails maven-install

In the case of plugins, the plugin zip file will be installed, whilst for application the application WAR file will be installed.


The maven-deploy command will deploy a Grails project or plugin into a remote Maven repository:

grails maven-deploy

It is assumed that you have specified the necessary <distributionManagement> configuration within a pom.xml or that you specify the id of the remote repository to deploy to:

grails maven-deploy --repository=myRepo

The repository argument specifies the 'id' for the repository. Configure the details of the repository specified by this 'id' within your grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file or in your $USER_HOME/.grails/settings.groovy file:

grails.project.dependency.distribution = {
    localRepository = "/path/to/my/local"
    remoteRepository(id: "myRepo", url: "http://myserver/path/to/repo")

The syntax for configuring remote repositories matches the syntax from the remoteRepository element in the Ant Maven tasks. For example the following XML:

<remoteRepository id="myRepo" url="scp://localhost/www/repository">
    <authentication username="..." privateKey="${user.home}/.ssh/id_dsa"/>

Can be expressed as:

remoteRepository(id: "myRepo", url: "scp://localhost/www/repository") {
    authentication username: "...", privateKey: "${userHome}/.ssh/id_dsa"

By default the plugin will try to detect the protocol to use from the URL of the repository (ie "http" from "http://.." etc.), however to specify a different protocol you can do:

grails maven-deploy --repository=myRepo --protocol=webdav

The available protocols are:

  • http
  • scp
  • scpexe
  • ftp
  • webdav

Groups, Artifacts and Versions

Maven defines the notion of a 'groupId', 'artifactId' and a 'version'. This plugin pulls this information from the Grails project conventions or plugin descriptor.


For applications this plugin will use the Grails application name and version provided by Grails when generating the pom.xml file. To change the version you can run the set-version command:

grails set-version 0.2

The Maven groupId will be the same as the project name, unless you specify a different one in Config.groovy:



With a Grails plugin the groupId and version are taken from the following properties in the *GrailsPlugin.groovy descriptor:

String groupId = 'myOrg'
String version = '0.1'

The 'artifactId' is taken from the plugin name. For example if you have a plugin called FeedsGrailsPlugin the artifactId will be "feeds". If your plugin does not specify a groupId then this defaults to "org.grails.plugins".

3.7.10 プラグイン依存管理

As of Grails 1.3 you can declaratively specify plugins as dependencies via the dependency DSL instead of using the install-plugin command:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    repositories {

plugins { runtime ':hibernate:1.2.1' }

dependencies { … } … }

If you don't specify a group id the default plugin group id of org.grails.plugins is used. You can specify to use the latest version of a particular plugin by using "latest.integration" as the version number:

plugins {
    runtime ':hibernate:latest.integration'

Integration vs. Release

The "latest.integration" version label will also include resolving snapshot versions. To not include snapshot versions then use the "latest.release" label:

plugins {
    runtime ':hibernate:latest.release'

The "latest.release" label only works with Maven compatible repositories. If you have a regular SVN-based Grails repository then you should use "latest.integration".

And of course if you use a Maven repository with an alternative group id you can specify a group id:

plugins {
    runtime 'mycompany:hibernate:latest.integration'

Plugin Exclusions

You can control how plugins transitively resolves both plugin and JAR dependencies using exclusions. For example:

plugins {
    runtime(':weceem:0.8') {
        excludes "searchable"

Here we have defined a dependency on the "weceem" plugin which transitively depends on the "searchable" plugin. By using the excludes method you can tell Grails not to transitively install the searchable plugin. You can combine this technique to specify an alternative version of a plugin:

plugins {
    runtime(':weceem:0.8') {
        excludes "searchable" // excludes most recent version
    runtime ':searchable:0.5.4' // specifies a fixed searchable version

You can also completely disable transitive plugin installs, in which case no transitive dependencies will be resolved:

plugins {
    runtime(':weceem:0.8') {
        transitive = false
    runtime ':searchable:0.5.4' // specifies a fixed searchable version

4 コマンドライン

GrailsのコマンドラインシステムはGant(シンプルなApache AntのGroovyによるラッパー)によって構築されています。


grails [command name]

  • USER_HOME/.grails/scripts
  • PROJECT_HOME/scripts
  • PROJECT_HOME/plugins/*/scripts
  • GRAILS_HOME/scripts

Grailsは "run-app" のような小文字のコマンドをキャメルケースに変換して探します。なので次のように入力すると:

grails run-app

  • USER_HOME/.grails/scripts/RunApp.groovy
  • PROJECT_HOME/scripts/RunApp.groovy
  • PLUGINS_HOME/*/scripts/RunApp.groovy
  • GLOBAL_PLUGINS_HOME/*/scripts/RunApp.groovy
  • GRAILS_HOME/scripts/RunApp.groovy




grails help


Usage (optionals marked with *):
grails [environment]* [target] [arguments]*

Examples: grails dev run-app grails create-app books

Available Targets (type grails help 'target-name' for more info): grails bootstrap grails bug-report grails clean grails compile ...


It's often useful to provide custom arguments to the JVM when running Grails commands, in particular with run-app where you may for example want to set a higher maximum heap size. The Grails command will use any JVM options provided in the general JAVA_OPTS environment variable, but you can also specify a Grails-specific environment variable too:

export GRAILS_OPTS="-Xmx1G -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
grails run-app

non-interactive mode

When you run a script manually and it prompts you for information, you can answer the questions and continue running the script. But when you run a script as part of an automated process, for example a continuous integration build server, there's no way to "answer" the questions. So you can pass the --non-interactive switch to the script command to tell Grails to accept the default answer for any questions, for example whether to install a missing plugin.

For example:

grails war --non-interactive

4.1 インタラクティブモード

Interactive mode is the a feature of the Grails command line which keeps the JVM running and allows for quicker execution of commands. To activate interactive mode type 'grails' at the command line and then use TAB completion to get a list of commands:

If you need to open a file whilst within interactive mode you can use the open command which will TAB complete file paths:

Even better, the open command understands the logical aliases 'test-report' and 'dep-report', which will open the most recent test and dependency reports respectively. In other words, to open the test report in a browser simply execute open test-report. You can event open multiple files at once: open test-report test/unit/MyTests.groovy will open the HTML test report in your browser and the MyTests.groovy source file in your text editor.

TAB completion also works for class names after the create-* commands:

If you need to run an external process whilst interactive mode is running you can do so by starting the command with a !:

Note that with ! (bang) commands, you get file path auto completion - ideal for external commands that operate on the file system such as 'ls', 'cat', 'git', etc.

4.2 Gantスクリプトの作成


grails create-script compile-sources


target(default:"The default target is the one that gets executed by Grails") {
    depends(clean, compile)

target(clean:"Clean out things") { ant.delete(dir:"output") }

target(compile:"Compile some sources") { ant.mkdir(dir:"mkdir") ant.javac(srcdir:"src/java", destdir:"output") }

上記で示したスクリプトのように、暗黙的な変数のantはApache Ant APIを使うことができます。

また、上記のdefaultターゲットで示したように、dependsメソッドを使って他のターゲットに 依存させることができます。



target("clean-compile": "Performs a clean compilation on the app source") {
    depends(clean, compile)

target(clean:"Clean out things") { ant.delete(dir:"output") }

target(compile:"Compile some sources") { ant.mkdir(dir:"mkdir") ant.javac(srcdir:"src/java", destdir:"output") }


こうすることで、他のスクリプトのターゲットを直接デフォルトターゲットに指定できます。setDefaultTarget()は、対象のターゲット(今回の場合は "clean-compile")の後であればどこにでも書くことができます。


4.3 Grailsスクリプトの再利用



includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsBootstrap")

target ('default': "Database stuff") { depends(configureProxy, packageApp, classpath, loadApp, configureApp)

Connection c try { c = appCtx.getBean('dataSource').getConnection() // do something with connection } finally { c?.close() } }



includeTargets << new File("/path/to/my/script.groovy")
includeTargets << gant.tools.Ivy

Core Grailsターゲット

この章の冒頭の例でお見せしたように、Core Grailsターゲットを含める際に利用するincludeTargetsでは、ファイルベース構文、クラスベース構文のどちらも使用しません。代わりに、Grailsコマンドランチャが提供しているgrailsScript()という特別なメソッドを使用します(このメソッドはGrails専用であり、通常のGantでは利用できません)。


_GrailsEventsイベントトリガーを実装するためのメソッド(event(String eventName, List args))を使用するには、これをインクルードする必要があります。このスクリプトもほぼ全てのGrailsスクリプトでインクルードされています。
_GrailsClasspathコンパイル、テスト、およびランタイムのクラスパスを設定します。このスクリプトもほぼ全ての Grailsスクリプトでインクルードされています。

Grailsではもっと多くのスクリプトが提供されていますので、どんな種類のターゲットが利用可能かを調べてみる価値があるでしょう。" "で始まっているものはすべて再利用されることを考慮してデザインされています。





includeTargets << new File("${basedir}/scripts/_FunctionalTests.groovy")

target(default: "Runs the functional tests for this project.") { depends(runFunctionalTests) }


includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsTest")

target(runFunctionalTests: "Run functional tests.") { depends(...) … }


  • スクリプトを"コマンドスクリプト"と"内部スクリプト"に分割します。
  • 実装の大部分は"内部スクリプト"で行います。
  • 引数の解析は"コマンドスクリプト"で行います。
  • ターゲットに引数を渡すには、いくつかのスクリプト変数を作成し、ターゲットを呼び出す前にそれらを初期化します。
  • ターゲットの代わりにスクリプト変数に割り当てられているクロージャを使用して名前の衝突を避けるようにします。そうすれば、引数をクロージャに直接渡すことができます。

4.4 イベントを取得する





  • USER_HOME/.grails/scripts - ユーザー固有のイベントハンドラ
  • PROJECT_HOME/scripts - アプリケーション固有のイベントハンドラ
  • PLUGINS_HOME/*/scripts - プラグイン固有のイベントハンドラ
  • GLOBAL_PLUGINS_HOME/*/scripts - グローバルプラグインによって提供されているイベントハンドラ

イベントが発生するたびに登録されている すべての ハンドラが実行されます。ハンドラの登録はGrailsによって自動的に行われることに注意してください。なので、必要な作業は関連する_Events.groovyファイルにそれらを宣言するだけです。

イベントハンドラは _Events.groovy で定義されている名前が "event" で始まっているブロックです。次の例のように_Events.groovyを記述して、/scripts ディレクトリに配置することによって、イベントハンドラを実装することができます:

eventCreatedArtefact = { type, name ->
   println "Created $type $name"

eventStatusUpdate = { msg -> println msg }

eventStatusFinal = { msg -> println msg }

ここでは三つのハンドラが指定されています。eventCreatedArtefacteventStatusUpdateeventStatusFinal。Grailsはいくつかの標準的なイベントを提供しています。詳細はコマンドラインリファレンスガイドを参照してください。たとえば、 compileコマンドは、次のようなイベントを発行させます。
  • CompileStart - sourceまたはtestsコンパイル開始時に発行されます。
  • CompileEnd - sourceまたはtestsコンパイル終了時に発行されます。


イベントを発行するには _GrailsEvents.groovy スクリプトをインクルードしてevent()クロージャを使用します:

includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsEvents")

event("StatusFinal", ["Super duper plugin action complete!"])



StatusErrormessage実行されているスクリプトのエラーメッセージを 知らせる
StatusFinalmessageスクリプトの終了時に最終メッセージを知らせる。 スクリプトによっては完全終了時ではなく、コマ ンドの終了時に動作する
CreatedArtefactartefactType,artefactNamecreate-xxxxなどのアーティファクト生成スクリプトが、アーティファクトの生成完了時にアーティ ファクトタイプとアーティファクト名を知らせる
CreatedFilefileNameファイルがスクリプトによって生成されたときに ファイル名を知らせる
ExitingreturnCodeスクリプトが正常に終了したときに終了コードを 知らせる
PluginInstalledpluginNameプラグインのインストールが終了した後にプラグイン 名を知らせる
CompileStartkindコンパイル開始時にコンパイルする種類(source または tests)を知らせる
CompileEndkindコンパイル終了時にコンパイルした種類(source または tests)を知らせる
DocStartkindドキュメント生成時に、どのドキュメント生成(javadoc または groovydoc)が開始するかを知らせる
DocEndkindドキュメント生成完了時に、どのドキュメント生成(javadoc または groovydoc)が完了したかを知らせる
SetClasspathrootLoaderクラスパス初期化中にGrailsRootLoader が渡されるので、「rootLoader.addURL( … )」でクラスをGrailsRootLoader に追加できる
PackagingEndnoneGrailsアプリケーションのパッケージング完了時 (web.xml生成後、Tomcatサーバ起動前)に呼び出される

4.5 ビルドのカスタマイズ



ビルド設定の中心部分は、ビルド時に有用な情報が含まれている grails.util.BuildSettingsクラスです。このクラスは、どこにコンパイルされるのか、アプリケーションが何に依存関係を持っているのか、どのような設定を保持しているのか、を制御します。






grails -Dgrails.project.work.dir=work compile
grails.project.work.dir = "work"




grails.server.port.http組み込みのサーブレットコンテナを実行するポート番号。("run-app" と "run-war")
grails.server.port.httpsHTTPS用の組み込みのサーブレットコンテナを実行するポート番号。("run-app --https"と"run-war --https")
grails.project.war.file生成されるWARファイルの名称(拡張子を含む)のファイルパス。例として、"target/my-app.war" 等。

4.6 AntとMaven



create-appコマンドでGrailsアプリケーションを作成した際に、Grailsは自動的にはApache Antのbuild.xmlを生成しません。integrate-withコマンドを使用して生成することが可能です。

grails integrate-with --ant

  • clean - Grailsアプリケーションをクリーンします。
  • compile - アプリケーションのソースコードをコンパイルします。
  • test - Unitテストを実行します。
  • run - Grailsの"run-app"コマンド相当を実行します。
  • war - WARファイルを作成します。
  • deploy - デフォルトでは空ですが、自動配備を実装することができます。


ant war

ビルドファイルは Apache Ivy をの依存性管理を使う準備ができています。必要に応じてGrailsが利用したり、またはそれ以外で利用される依存関係のあるJARファイルを自動的にダウンロードしてくることができるということです。それを使うにはローカルにGrailsをインストールする必要すらありません!CruiseControlJenkinsのような継続的インテグレーションツールを使う場合、特に便利でしょう。

<taskdef name="grailsTask"

ここで疑問が生じます。どれが"grails.classpath"でしょうか。タスク自体は"grails-bootstrap"JARの一部です。なので、少なくともクラスパス上にある必要があります。また、"groovy-all" JARを含める必要があります。タスク宣言ではこれらを仕使用する必要があります!次の表は、どんな属性が利用可能かを示しています。

scriptGrailsスクリプトの実行名。例えば "TestApp"。必須です。
argsスクリプトに渡す引数。例えば "-unix -xml"。必須ではありません。デフォルトは "" です。
includeRuntimeClasspath高度な設定です。 trueの場合、アプリケーション実行時クラスパスをクラスパスに追加します。必須ではありません。 デフォルトはtrueです。


  • classpath - ビルド時のクラスパス。(GantとGrailsスクリプトロード時に使用)
  • compileClasspath - アプリケーションコンパイル時のクラスパス。
  • runtimeClasspath - アプリケーションとWARパッケージ実行時のクラスパス。通常compileClasspathに全てが含まれます。
  • testClasspath - コンパイル時と、テスト実行時のクラスパス。通常runtimeClasspathに全てが含まれます。



GrailsはMavenプラグインを介して Maven 2":http://maven.apache.org との統合を提供しています。現在のMavenプラグインもこれを基礎としいますが、偉業を成し遂げたOctoのバージョンに取って代わります。



GrailsのMaven2統合は、Maven 2.0.9以上を対象として設計・テストされています。それ以前のバージョンでは動作しません。


export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256"



mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.grails \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=grails-maven-archetype \
    -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.2 \
    -DgroupId=example -DartifactId=my-app

アプリケーションで使用するGrailsバージョン、グループID、アーティファクトIDを指定するだけで必要な内容が書き込まれます。このコマンドで新規にMavenプロジェクトのPOMと他のファイルが生成されます。生成された内容を見るとGrailsアプリケーションで必要なものが見つかりません。次のステップでいつも通りの物が出来上がります。 はじめに、ターゲットJDKをJava 6にセットします。my-app/pom.xmlを開いて、次のように変更します:


cd my-app
mvn initialize


Resolving plugin JAR dependencies …
:: problems summary ::
        module not found: org.hibernate#hibernate-core;3.3.1.GA

application.properties に手動でプラグインを追加する必要があります:



mvn compile


これで、Grailsアプリケーションのすべての準備が整いました。プラグインは標準ビルドサイクルに統合され、Mavenの標準的なアプリケーションのビルドやパッケージングのフェーズで利用できるようになります: mvn cleanmvn compilemvn testmvn packagemvn install


  • grails:create-controller - create-controllerコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:create-domain-class - create-domain-classコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:create-integration-test - create-integration-testコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:create-pom - 既存のGrailsプロジェクト用に新しいMavenのPOMファイルを作成します。
  • grails:create-script - create-scriptコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:create-service - create-serviceコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:create-taglib - create-tag-libコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:create-unit-test - create-unit-testコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:exec - 任意のGrailsのコマンドラインスクリプトを呼び出します。スクリプトを実行する任意のGrailsのコマンドライン
  • grails:generate-all - generate-allコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:generate-controller - generate-controllerコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:generate-views - generate-viewsコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:install-plugin - install-pluginコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:install-templates - install-templatesコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:list-plugins - list-pluginsコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:package - packageコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:run-app - run-appコマンドを呼び出します。
  • grails:uninstall-plugin - uninstall-pluginコマンドを呼び出します。

完全なリストはmvn grails:helpで確認して下さい。



mvn org.grails:grails-maven-plugin:1.3.2:create-pom -DgroupId=com.mycompany
コマンドが完了したら、すぐにmvn packageのような標準フェーズで使い始めることができます。POMファイルを作成する際はグループIDを指定する必要があることに注意してください。



Grailsが作成した標準のPOMファイルは、Grailsのビルドフェーズに対応したコアコマンドに適切に付属しています。"compile" は "compile"フェーズに、"war" は "package"フェーズに。特定のフェーズにプラグインコマンドを付属させたい場合には役立ちません。古典的な例は、機能テストです。どうやって機能テストが統合テストフェーズの間に(あなた使用しているどんなプラグインを使った場合でも)実行されるのかを確かめるのでしょうか?

        <!-- Add the "functional-tests" command to the "integration-test" phase -->

またこれは grails:exec goal の実演にもなっています。Grailsのどんなコマンドも実行できるのです。単にコマンド名を渡すcommandシステムプロパティと、オプションで引数を渡すargsプロパティがあります:

mvn grails:exec -Dcommand=create-webtest -Dargs=Book


Mavenは "mvnDebug" コマンドを使用して、デバッグモードで起動することができます。デバッグでGrailsアプリケーションを起動するには、単純に以下のコマンドを実行します:

mvnDebug grails:run-app


デバッガのより詳細に制御する必要がある場合は、環境変数のMAVEN_OPTSを指定して標準の "mvn" コマンドを使用してMavenを起動させます。

MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"
mvn grails:run-app



5 O/Rマッピング (GORM)

Domain classes are core to any business application. They hold state about business processes and hopefully also implement behavior. They are linked together through relationships; one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.

GORM is Grails' object relational mapping (ORM) implementation. Under the hood it uses Hibernate 3 (a very popular and flexible open source ORM solution) and thanks to the dynamic nature of Groovy with its static and dynamic typing, along with the convention of Grails, there is far less configuration involved in creating Grails domain classes.

You can also write Grails domain classes in Java. See the section on Hibernate Integration for how to write domain classes in Java but still use dynamic persistent methods. Below is a preview of GORM in action:

def book = Book.findByTitle("Groovy in Action")

book .addToAuthors(name:"Dierk Koenig") .addToAuthors(name:"Guillaume LaForge") .save()

5.1 クイックスタートガイド

A domain class can be created with the create-domain-class command:

grails create-domain-class helloworld.Person

If no package is specified with the create-domain-class script, Grails automatically uses the application name as the package name.

This will create a class at the location grails-app/domain/helloworld/Person.groovy such as the one below:

package helloworld

class Person { }

If you have the dbCreate property set to "update", "create" or "create-drop" on your DataSource, Grails will automatically generate/modify the database tables for you.

You can customize the class by adding properties:

class Person {
    String name
    Integer age
    Date lastVisit

Once you have a domain class try and manipulate it with the shell or console by typing:

grails console

This loads an interactive GUI where you can run Groovy commands with access to the Spring ApplicationContext, GORM, etc.

5.1.1 基本CRUD

Try performing some basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations.


To create a domain class use Map constructor to set its properties and call save:

def p = new Person(name: "Fred", age: 40, lastVisit: new Date())

The save method will persist your class to the database using the underlying Hibernate ORM layer.


Grails transparently adds an implicit id property to your domain class which you can use for retrieval:

def p = Person.get(1)
assert 1 == p.id

This uses the get method that expects a database identifier to read the Person object back from the database. You can also load an object in a read-only state by using the read method:

def p = Person.read(1)

In this case the underlying Hibernate engine will not do any dirty checking and the object will not be persisted. Note that if you explicitly call the save method then the object is placed back into a read-write state.

In addition, you can also load a proxy for an instance by using the load method:

def p = Person.load(1)

This incurs no database access until a method other than getId() is called. Hibernate then initializes the proxied instance, or throws an exception if no record is found for the specified id.


To update an instance, change some properties and then call save again:

def p = Person.get(1)
p.name = "Bob"


To delete an instance use the delete method:

def p = Person.get(1)

5.2 GORMでのドメインモデリング

When building Grails applications you have to consider the problem domain you are trying to solve. For example if you were building an Amazon-style bookstore you would be thinking about books, authors, customers and publishers to name a few.

These are modeled in GORM as Groovy classes, so a Book class may have a title, a release date, an ISBN number and so on. The next few sections show how to model the domain in GORM.

To create a domain class you run the create-domain-class command as follows:

grails create-domain-class org.bookstore.Book

The result will be a class at grails-app/domain/org/bookstore/Book.groovy:

package org.bookstore

class Book { }

This class will map automatically to a table in the database called book (the same name as the class). This behaviour is customizable through the ORM Domain Specific Language

Now that you have a domain class you can define its properties as Java types. For example:

package org.bookstore

class Book { String title Date releaseDate String ISBN }

Each property is mapped to a column in the database, where the convention for column names is all lower case separated by underscores. For example releaseDate maps onto a column release_date. The SQL types are auto-detected from the Java types, but can be customized with Constraints or the ORM DSL.

5.2.1 GORMでのアソシエーション

Relationships define how domain classes interact with each other. Unless specified explicitly at both ends, a relationship exists only in the direction it is defined. 多対1、1対1 Many-to-One One-to-one

A many-to-one relationship is the simplest kind, and is defined with a property of the type of another domain class. Consider this example:

Example A

class Face {
    Nose nose

class Nose {

In this case we have a unidirectional many-to-one relationship from Face to Nose. To make this relationship bidirectional define the other side as follows:

Example B

class Face {
    Nose nose

class Nose {
    static belongsTo = [face:Face]

In this case we use the belongsTo setting to say that Nose "belongs to" Face. The result of this is that we can create a Face, attach a Nose instance to it and when we save or delete the Face instance, GORM will save or delete the Nose. In other words, saves and deletes will cascade from Face to the associated Nose:

new Face(nose:new Nose()).save()

The example above will save both face and nose. Note that the inverse is not true and will result in an error due to a transient Face:

new Nose(face:new Face()).save() // will cause an error

Now if we delete the Face instance, the Nose will go too:

def f = Face.get(1)
f.delete() // both Face and Nose deleted

To make the relationship a true one-to-one, use the hasOne property on the owning side, e.g. Face:

Example C

class Face {
    static hasOne = [nose:Nose]

class Nose {
    Face face

Note that using this property puts the foreign key on the inverse table to the previous example, so in this case the foreign key column is stored in the nose table inside a column called face_id. Also, hasOne only works with bidirectional relationships.

Finally, it's a good idea to add a unique constraint on one side of the one-to-one relationship:

class Face {
    static hasOne = [nose:Nose]

static constraints = { nose unique: true } }

class Nose {
    Face face
} 1対多 One-to-many

A one-to-many relationship is when one class, example Author, has many instances of a another class, example Book. With Grails you define such a relationship with the hasMany setting:

class Author {
    static hasMany = [books: Book]

String name }

class Book {
    String title

In this case we have a unidirectional one-to-many. Grails will, by default, map this kind of relationship with a join table.

The ORM DSL allows mapping unidirectional relationships using a foreign key association instead

Grails will automatically inject a property of type java.util.Set into the domain class based on the hasMany setting. This can be used to iterate over the collection:

def a = Author.get(1)

for (book in a.books) { println book.title }

The default fetch strategy used by Grails is "lazy", which means that the collection will be lazily initialized on first access. This can lead to the n+1 problem if you are not careful.

If you need "eager" fetching you can use the ORM DSL or specify eager fetching as part of a query

The default cascading behaviour is to cascade saves and updates, but not deletes unless a belongsTo is also specified:

class Author {
    static hasMany = [books: Book]

String name }

class Book {
    static belongsTo = [author: Author]
    String title

If you have two properties of the same type on the many side of a one-to-many you have to use mappedBy to specify which the collection is mapped:

class Airport {
    static hasMany = [flights: Flight]
    static mappedBy = [flights: "departureAirport"]

class Flight {
    Airport departureAirport
    Airport destinationAirport

This is also true if you have multiple collections that map to different properties on the many side:

class Airport {
    static hasMany = [outboundFlights: Flight, inboundFlights: Flight]
    static mappedBy = [outboundFlights: "departureAirport",
                       inboundFlights: "destinationAirport"]

class Flight {
    Airport departureAirport
    Airport destinationAirport
} 多対多 Many-to-many

Grails supports many-to-many relationships by defining a hasMany on both sides of the relationship and having a belongsTo on the owned side of the relationship:

class Book {
    static belongsTo = Author
    static hasMany = [authors:Author]
    String title

class Author {
    static hasMany = [books:Book]
    String name

Grails maps a many-to-many using a join table at the database level. The owning side of the relationship, in this case Author, takes responsibility for persisting the relationship and is the only side that can cascade saves across.

For example this will work and cascade saves:

new Author(name:"Stephen King")
        .addToBooks(new Book(title:"The Stand"))
        .addToBooks(new Book(title:"The Shining"))

However this will only save the Book and not the authors!

new Book(name:"Groovy in Action")
        .addToAuthors(new Author(name:"Dierk Koenig"))
        .addToAuthors(new Author(name:"Guillaume Laforge"))

This is the expected behaviour as, just like Hibernate, only one side of a many-to-many can take responsibility for managing the relationship.

Grails' Scaffolding feature does not currently support many-to-many relationship and hence you must write the code to manage the relationship yourself 基本コレクション型

As well as associations between different domain classes, GORM also supports mapping of basic collection types. For example, the following class creates a nicknames association that is a Set of String instances:

class Person {
    static hasMany = [nicknames: String]

GORM will map an association like the above using a join table. You can alter various aspects of how the join table is mapped using the joinTable argument:

class Person {

static hasMany = [nicknames: String]

static mapping = { hasMany joinTable: [name: 'bunch_o_nicknames', key: 'person_id', column: 'nickname', type: "text"] } }

The example above will map to a table that looks like the following:

bunch_o_nicknames Table

| person_id         |     nickname          |
|   1               |      Fred             |

5.2.2 GORMでのコンポジション

As well as association, Grails supports the notion of composition. In this case instead of mapping classes onto separate tables a class can be "embedded" within the current table. For example:

class Person {
    Address homeAddress
    Address workAddress
    static embedded = ['homeAddress', 'workAddress']

class Address { String number String code }

The resulting mapping would looking like this:

If you define the Address class in a separate Groovy file in the grails-app/domain directory you will also get an address table. If you don't want this to happen use Groovy's ability to define multiple classes per file and include the Address class below the Person class in the grails-app/domain/Person.groovy file

5.2.3 GORMでの継承

GORM supports inheritance both from abstract base classes and concrete persistent GORM entities. For example:

class Content {
     String author

class BlogEntry extends Content {
    URL url

class Book extends Content {
    String ISBN

class PodCast extends Content {
    byte[] audioStream

In the above example we have a parent Content class and then various child classes with more specific behaviour.


At the database level Grails by default uses table-per-hierarchy mapping with a discriminator column called class so the parent class (Content) and its subclasses (BlogEntry, Book etc.), share the same table.

Table-per-hierarchy mapping has a down side in that you cannot have non-nullable properties with inheritance mapping. An alternative is to use table-per-subclass which can be enabled with the ORM DSL

However, excessive use of inheritance and table-per-subclass can result in poor query performance due to the use of outer join queries. In general our advice is if you're going to use inheritance, don't abuse it and don't make your inheritance hierarchy too deep.

Polymorphic Queries

The upshot of inheritance is that you get the ability to polymorphically query. For example using the list method on the Content super class will return all subclasses of Content:

def content = Content.list() // list all blog entries, books and podcasts
content = Content.findAllByAuthor('Joe Bloggs') // find all by author

def podCasts = PodCast.list() // list only podcasts

5.2.4 セット、リスト、マップ

Set オブジェクトのセット

By default when you define a relationship with GORM it is a java.util.Set which is an unordered collection that cannot contain duplicates. In other words when you have:

class Author {
    static hasMany = [books: Book]

The books property that GORM injects is a java.util.Set. Sets guarantee uniquenes but not order, which may not be what you want. To have custom ordering you configure the Set as a SortedSet:

class Author {

SortedSet books

static hasMany = [books: Book] }

In this case a java.util.SortedSet implementation is used which means you must implement java.lang.Comparable in your Book class:

class Book implements Comparable {

String title Date releaseDate = new Date()

int compareTo(obj) { releaseDate.compareTo(obj.releaseDate) } }

The result of the above class is that the Book instances in the books collection of the Author class will be ordered by their release date.

List オブジェクトのリスト

To keep objects in the order which they were added and to be able to reference them by index like an array you can define your collection type as a List:

class Author {

List books

static hasMany = [books: Book] }

In this case when you add new elements to the books collection the order is retained in a sequential list indexed from 0 so you can do:

author.books[0] // get the first book

The way this works at the database level is Hibernate creates a books_idx column where it saves the index of the elements in the collection to retain this order at the database level.

When using a List, elements must be added to the collection before being saved, otherwise Hibernate will throw an exception (org.hibernate.HibernateException: null index column for collection):

// This won't work!
def book = new Book(title: 'The Shining')

// Do it this way instead. def book = new Book(title: 'Misery') author.addToBooks(book) author.save()




class Author {

Collection books

static hasMany = [books: Book] }




class Author {
    Map books // map of ISBN:book names

def a = new Author() a.books = ["1590597583":"Grails Book"] a.save()

このケースでは、 キーと値は必ず文字列である必要があります。


class Book {

Map authors

static hasMany = [authors: Author] }

def a = new Author(name:"Stephen King")

def book = new Book() book.authors = [stephen:a] book.save()



The Java Set type doesn't allow duplicates. To ensure uniqueness when adding an entry to a Set association Hibernate has to load the entire associations from the database. If you have a large numbers of entries in the association this can be costly in terms of performance.

The same behavior is required for List types, since Hibernate needs to load the entire association to maintain order. Therefore it is recommended that if you anticipate a large numbers of records in the association that you make the association bidirectional so that the link can be created on the inverse side. For example consider the following code:

def book = new Book(title:"New Grails Book")
def author = Author.get(1)
book.author = author

In this example the association link is being created by the child (Book) and hence it is not necessary to manipulate the collection directly resulting in fewer queries and more efficient code. Given an Author with a large number of associated Book instances if you were to write code like the following you would see an impact on performance:

def book = new Book(title:"New Grails Book")
def author = Author.get(1)

You could also model the collection as a Hibernate Bag as described above.

5.3 永続化の基礎

A key thing to remember about Grails is that under the surface Grails is using Hibernate for persistence. If you are coming from a background of using ActiveRecord or iBatis Hibernate's "session" model may feel a little strange.

Grails automatically binds a Hibernate session to the currently executing request. This lets you use the save and delete methods as well as other GORM methods transparently.

Transactional Write-Behind

A useful feature of Hibernate over direct JDBC calls and even other frameworks is that when you call save or delete it does not necessarily perform any SQL operations at that point. Hibernate batches up SQL statements and executes them as late as possible, often at the end of the request when flushing and closing the session. This is typically done for you automatically by Grails, which manages your Hibernate session.

Hibernate caches database updates where possible, only actually pushing the changes when it knows that a flush is required, or when a flush is triggered programmatically. One common case where Hibernate will flush cached updates is when performing queries since the cached information might be included in the query results. But as long as you're doing non-conflicting saves, updates, and deletes, they'll be batched until the session is flushed. This can be a significant performance boost for applications that do a lot of database writes.

Note that flushing is not the same as committing a transaction. If your actions are performed in the context of a transaction, flushing will execute SQL updates but the database will save the changes in its transaction queue and only finalize the updates when the transaction commits.

5.3.1 保存と更新

An example of using the save method can be seen below:

def p = Person.get(1)

This save will be not be pushed to the database immediately - it will be pushed when the next flush occurs. But there are occasions when you want to control when those statements are executed or, in Hibernate terminology, when the session is "flushed". To do so you can use the flush argument to the save method:

def p = Person.get(1)
p.save(flush: true)

Note that in this case all pending SQL statements including previous saves, deletes, etc. will be synchronized with the database. This also lets you catch any exceptions, which is typically useful in highly concurrent scenarios involving optimistic locking:

def p = Person.get(1)
try {
    p.save(flush: true)
catch (org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
    // deal with exception

Another thing to bear in mind is that Grails validates a domain instance every time you save it. If that validation fails the domain instance will not be persisted to the database. By default, save() will simply return null in this case, but if you would prefer it to throw an exception you can use the failOnError argument:

def p = Person.get(1)
try {
    p.save(failOnError: true)
catch (ValidationException e) {
    // deal with exception

You can even change the default behaviour with a setting in Config.groovy, as described in the section on configuration. Just remember that when you are saving domain instances that have been bound with data provided by the user, the likelihood of validation exceptions is quite high and you won't want those exceptions propagating to the end user.

You can find out more about the subtleties of saving data in this article - a must read!

5.3.2 オブジェクトの削除

An example of the delete method can be seen below:

def p = Person.get(1)

As with saves, Hibernate will use transactional write-behind to perform the delete; to perform the delete in-place you can use the flush argument:

def p = Person.get(1)
p.delete(flush: true)

Using the flush argument lets you catch any errors that occur during a delete. A common error that may occur is if you violate a database constraint, although this is normally down to a programming or schema error. The following example shows how to catch a DataIntegrityViolationException that is thrown when you violate the database constraints:

def p = Person.get(1)

try { p.delete(flush: true) } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e) { flash.message = "Could not delete person ${p.name}" redirect(action: "show", id: p.id) }

Note that Grails does not supply a deleteAll method as deleting data is discouraged and can often be avoided through boolean flags/logic.

If you really need to batch delete data you can use the executeUpdate method to do batch DML statements:

Customer.executeUpdate("delete Customer c where c.name = :oldName",
                       [oldName: "Fred"])

5.3.3 カスケード更新削除を理解する

It is critical that you understand how cascading updates and deletes work when using GORM. The key part to remember is the belongsTo setting which controls which class "owns" a relationship.

Whether it is a one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many, defining belongsTo will result in updates cascading from the owning class to its dependant (the other side of the relationship), and for many-/one-to-one and one-to-many relationships deletes will also cascade.

If you do not define belongsTo then no cascades will happen and you will have to manually save each object (except in the case of the one-to-many, in which case saves will cascade automatically if a new instance is in a hasMany collection).

Here is an example:

class Airport {
    String name
    static hasMany = [flights: Flight]

class Flight {
    String number
    static belongsTo = [airport: Airport]

If I now create an Airport and add some Flights to it I can save the Airport and have the updates cascaded down to each flight, hence saving the whole object graph:

new Airport(name: "Gatwick")
        .addToFlights(new Flight(number: "BA3430"))
        .addToFlights(new Flight(number: "EZ0938"))

Conversely if I later delete the Airport all Flights associated with it will also be deleted:

def airport = Airport.findByName("Gatwick")

However, if I were to remove belongsTo then the above cascading deletion code would not work. To understand this better take a look at the summaries below that describe the default behaviour of GORM with regards to specific associations. Also read part 2 of the GORM Gotchas series of articles to get a deeper understanding of relationships and cascading.

Bidirectional one-to-many with belongsTo

class A { static hasMany = [bees: B] }

class B { static belongsTo = [a: A] }

In the case of a bidirectional one-to-many where the many side defines a belongsTo then the cascade strategy is set to "ALL" for the one side and "NONE" for the many side.

Unidirectional one-to-many

class A { static hasMany = [bees: B] }

class B {  }

In the case of a unidirectional one-to-many where the many side defines no belongsTo then the cascade strategy is set to "SAVE-UPDATE".

Bidirectional one-to-many, no belongsTo

class A { static hasMany = [bees: B] }

class B { A a }

In the case of a bidirectional one-to-many where the many side does not define a belongsTo then the cascade strategy is set to "SAVE-UPDATE" for the one side and "NONE" for the many side.

Unidirectional one-to-one with belongsTo

class A {  }

class B { static belongsTo = [a: A] }

In the case of a unidirectional one-to-one association that defines a belongsTo then the cascade strategy is set to "ALL" for the owning side of the relationship (A->B) and "NONE" from the side that defines the belongsTo (B->A)

Note that if you need further control over cascading behaviour, you can use the ORM DSL.

5.3.4 EagerとLazyフェッチング

Associations in GORM are by default lazy. This is best explained by example:

class Airport {
    String name
    static hasMany = [flights: Flight]

class Flight {
    String number
    Location destination
    static belongsTo = [airport: Airport]

class Location {
    String city
    String country

Given the above domain classes and the following code:

def airport = Airport.findByName("Gatwick")
for (flight in airport.flights) {
    println flight.destination.city

GORM will execute a single SQL query to fetch the Airport instance, another to get its flights, and then 1 extra query for each iteration over the flights association to get the current flight's destination. In other words you get N+1 queries (if you exclude the original one to get the airport).

Configuring Eager Fetching

An alternative approach that avoids the N+1 queries is to use eager fetching, which can be specified as follows:

class Airport {
    String name
    static hasMany = [flights: Flight]
    static mapping = {
        flights lazy: false

In this case the flights association will be loaded at the same time as its Airport instance, although a second query will be executed to fetch the collection. You can also use fetch: 'join' instead of lazy: false , in which case GORM will only execute a single query to get the airports and their flights. This works well for single-ended associations, but you need to be careful with one-to-manys. Queries will work as you'd expect right up to the moment you add a limit to the number of results you want. At that point, you will likely end up with fewer results than you were expecting. The reason for this is quite technical but ultimately the problem arises from GORM using a left outer join.

So, the recommendation is currently to use fetch: 'join' for single-ended associations and lazy: false for one-to-manys.

Be careful how and where you use eager loading because you could load your entire database into memory with too many eager associations. You can find more information on the mapping options in the section on the ORM DSL.

Using Batch Fetching

Although eager fetching is appropriate for some cases, it is not always desirable. If you made everything eager you could quite possibly load your entire database into memory resulting in performance and memory problems. An alternative to eager fetching is to use batch fetching. You can configure Hibernate to lazily fetch results in "batches". For example:

class Airport {
    String name
    static hasMany = [flights: Flight]
    static mapping = {
        flights batchSize: 10

In this case, due to the batchSize argument, when you iterate over the flights association, Hibernate will fetch results in batches of 10. For example if you had an Airport that had 30 flights, if you didn't configure batch fetching you would get 1 query to fetch the Airport and then 30 queries to fetch each flight. With batch fetching you get 1 query to fetch the Airport and 3 queries to fetch each Flight in batches of 10. In other words, batch fetching is an optimization of the lazy fetching strategy. Batch fetching can also be configured at the class level as follows:

class Flight {
    static mapping = {
        batchSize 10

Check out part 3 of the GORM Gotchas series for more in-depth coverage of this tricky topic.

5.3.5 悲観的(Pessimistic)と楽観的(Optimistic)ロック

Optimistic Locking

By default GORM classes are configured for optimistic locking. Optimistic locking is a feature of Hibernate which involves storing a version value in a special version column in the database that is incremented after each update.

The version column gets read into a version property that contains the current versioned state of persistent instance which you can access:

def airport = Airport.get(10)

println airport.version

When you perform updates Hibernate will automatically check the version property against the version column in the database and if they differ will throw a StaleObjectException. This will roll back the transaction if one is active.

This is useful as it allows a certain level of atomicity without resorting to pessimistic locking that has an inherit performance penalty. The downside is that you have to deal with this exception if you have highly concurrent writes. This requires flushing the session:

def airport = Airport.get(10)

try { airport.name = "Heathrow" airport.save(flush: true) } catch (org.springframework.dao.OptimisticLockingFailureException e) { // deal with exception }

The way you deal with the exception depends on the application. You could attempt a programmatic merge of the data or go back to the user and ask them to resolve the conflict.

Alternatively, if it becomes a problem you can resort to pessimistic locking.

The version will only be updated after flushing the session.

Pessimistic Locking

Pessimistic locking is equivalent to doing a SQL "SELECT * FOR UPDATE" statement and locking a row in the database. This has the implication that other read operations will be blocking until the lock is released.

In Grails pessimistic locking is performed on an existing instance with the lock method:

def airport = Airport.get(10)
airport.lock() // lock for update
airport.name = "Heathrow"

Grails will automatically deal with releasing the lock for you once the transaction has been committed. However, in the above case what we are doing is "upgrading" from a regular SELECT to a SELECT..FOR UPDATE and another thread could still have updated the record in between the call to get() and the call to lock().

To get around this problem you can use the static lock method that takes an id just like get:

def airport = Airport.lock(10) // lock for update
airport.name = "Heathrow"

In this case only SELECT..FOR UPDATE is issued.

As well as the lock method you can also obtain a pessimistic locking using queries. For example using a dynamic finder:

def airport = Airport.findByName("Heathrow", [lock: true])

Or using criteria:

def airport = Airport.createCriteria().get {
    eq('name', 'Heathrow')
    lock true

5.3.6 変更確認

Once you have loaded and possibly modified a persistent domain class instance, it isn't straightforward to retrieve the original values. If you try to reload the instance using get Hibernate will return the current modified instance from its Session cache. Reloading using another query would trigger a flush which could cause problems if your data isn't ready to be flushed yet. So GORM provides some methods to retrieve the original values that Hibernate caches when it loads the instance (which it uses for dirty checking).


You can use the isDirty method to check if any field has been modified:

def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()

airport.properties = params if (airport.isDirty()) { // do something based on changed state }

isDirty() does not currently check collection associations, but it does check all other persistent properties and associations.

You can also check if individual fields have been modified:

def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()

airport.properties = params if (airport.isDirty('name')) { // do something based on changed name }


You can use the getDirtyPropertyNames method to retrieve the names of modified fields; this may be empty but will not be null:

def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()

airport.properties = params def modifiedFieldNames = airport.getDirtyPropertyNames() for (fieldName in modifiedFieldNames) { // do something based on changed value }


You can use the getPersistentValue method to retrieve the value of a modified field:

def airport = Airport.get(10)
assert !airport.isDirty()

airport.properties = params def modifiedFieldNames = airport.getDirtyPropertyNames() for (fieldName in modifiedFieldNames) { def currentValue = airport."$fieldName" def originalValue = airport.getPersistentValue(fieldName) if (currentValue != originalValue) { // do something based on changed value } }

5.4 GORMでクエリー

GORM supports a number of powerful ways to query from dynamic finders, to criteria to Hibernate's object oriented query language HQL. Depending on the complexity of the query you have the following options in order of flexibility and power:
  • Dynamic Finders
  • Where Queries
  • Criteria Queries
  • Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

In addition, Groovy's ability to manipulate collections with GPath and methods like sort, findAll and so on combined with GORM results in a powerful combination.

However, let's start with the basics.

Listing instances

Use the list method to obtain all instances of a given class:

def books = Book.list()

The list method supports arguments to perform pagination:

def books = Book.list(offset:10, max:20)

as well as sorting:

def books = Book.list(sort:"title", order:"asc")

Here, the sort argument is the name of the domain class property that you wish to sort on, and the order argument is either asc for ascending or desc for descending.

Retrieval by Database Identifier

The second basic form of retrieval is by database identifier using the get method:

def book = Book.get(23)

You can also obtain a list of instances for a set of identifiers using getAll:

def books = Book.getAll(23, 93, 81)

5.4.1 ダイナミックファインダー

GORM supports the concept of dynamic finders. A dynamic finder looks like a static method invocation, but the methods themselves don't actually exist in any form at the code level.

Instead, a method is auto-magically generated using code synthesis at runtime, based on the properties of a given class. Take for example the Book class:

class Book {
    String title
    Date releaseDate
    Author author

class Author {
    String name

The Book class has properties such as title, releaseDate and author. These can be used by the findBy and findAllBy methods in the form of "method expressions":

def book = Book.findByTitle("The Stand")

book = Book.findByTitleLike("Harry Pot%")

book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween(firstDate, secondDate)

book = Book.findByReleaseDateGreaterThan(someDate)

book = Book.findByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateLessThan("%Something%", someDate)

Method Expressions

A method expression in GORM is made up of the prefix such as findBy followed by an expression that combines one or more properties. The basic form is:

Book.findBy([Property][Comparator][Boolean Operator])?[Property][Comparator]

The tokens marked with a '?' are optional. Each comparator changes the nature of the query. For example:

def book = Book.findByTitle("The Stand")

book = Book.findByTitleLike("Harry Pot%")

In the above example the first query is equivalent to equality whilst the latter, due to the Like comparator, is equivalent to a SQL like expression.

The possible comparators include:

  • InList - In the list of given values
  • LessThan - less than a given value
  • LessThanEquals - less than or equal a give value
  • GreaterThan - greater than a given value
  • GreaterThanEquals - greater than or equal a given value
  • Like - Equivalent to a SQL like expression
  • Ilike - Similar to a Like, except case insensitive
  • NotEqual - Negates equality
  • Between - Between two values (requires two arguments)
  • IsNotNull - Not a null value (doesn't take an argument)
  • IsNull - Is a null value (doesn't take an argument)

Notice that the last three require different numbers of method arguments compared to the rest, as demonstrated in the following example:

def now = new Date()
def lastWeek = now - 7
def book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween(lastWeek, now)

books = Book.findAllByReleaseDateIsNull() books = Book.findAllByReleaseDateIsNotNull()

Boolean logic (AND/OR)

Method expressions can also use a boolean operator to combine two or more criteria:

def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeAndReleaseDateGreaterThan(
                      "%Java%", new Date() - 30)

In this case we're using And in the middle of the query to make sure both conditions are satisfied, but you could equally use Or:

def books = Book.findAllByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateGreaterThan(
                      "%Java%", new Date() - 30)

You can combine as many criteria as you like, but they must all be combined with And or all Or. If you need to combine And and Or or if the number of criteria creates a very long method name, just convert the query to a Criteria or HQL query.

Querying Associations

Associations can also be used within queries:

def author = Author.findByName("Stephen King")

def books = author ? Book.findAllByAuthor(author) : []

In this case if the Author instance is not null we use it in a query to obtain all the Book instances for the given Author.

Pagination and Sorting

The same pagination and sorting parameters available on the list method can also be used with dynamic finders by supplying a map as the final parameter:

def books = Book.findAllByTitleLike("Harry Pot%",
               [max: 3, offset: 2, sort: "title", order: "desc"])

5.4.2 Whereクエリー

The where method, introduced in Grails 2.0, builds on the support for Detached Criteria by providing an enhanced, compile-time checked query DSL for common queries. The where method is more flexible than dynamic finders, less verbose than criteria and provides a powerful mechanism to compose queries.

Basic Querying

The where method accepts a closure that looks very similar to Groovy's regular collection methods. The closure should define the logical criteria in regular Groovy syntax, for example:

def query = Person.where {
   firstName == "Bart"
Person bart = query.find()

The returned object is a DetachedCriteria instance, which means it is not associated with any particular database connection or session. This means you can use the where method to define common queries at the class level:

class Person {
    static simpsons = where {
         lastName == "Simpson"
Person.simpsons.each {
    println it.firstname

Query execution is lazy and only happens upon usage of the DetachedCriteria instance. If you want to execute a where-style query immediately there are variations of the findAll and find methods to accomplish this:

def results = Person.findAll {
     lastName == "Simpson"
def results = Person.findAll(sort:"firstName") {
     lastName == "Simpson"
Person p = Person.find { firstName == "Bart" }

Each Groovy operator maps onto a regular criteria method. The following table provides a map of Groovy operators to methods:

OperatorCriteria MethodDescription
==eqEqual to
!=neNot equal to
>gtGreater than
<ltLess than
>=geGreater than or equal to
<=leLess than or equal to
ininListContained within the given list
==~likeLike a given string
=~ilikeCase insensitive like

It is possible use regular Groovy comparison operators and logic to formulate complex queries:

def query = Person.where {
    (lastName != "Simpson" && firstName != "Fred") || (firstName == "Bart" && age > 9)
def results = query.list(sort:"firstName")

The Groovy regex matching operators map onto like and ilike queries unless the expression on the right hand side is a Pattern object, in which case they map onto an rlike query:

def query = Person.where {
     firstName ==~ ~/B.+/

Note that rlike queries are only supported if the underlying database supports regular expressions

A between criteria query can be done by combining the in keyword with a range:

def query = Person.where {
     age in 18..65

Finally, you can do isNull and isNotNull style queries by using null with regular comparison operators:

def query = Person.where {
     middleName == null

Query Composition

Since the return value of the where method is a DetachedCriteria instance you can compose new queries from the original query:

def query = Person.where {
     lastName == "Simpson"
def bartQuery = query.where {
     firstName == "Bart"
Person p = bartQuery.find()

Note that you cannot pass a closure defined as a variable into the where method unless it has been explicitly cast to a DetachedCriteria instance. In other words the following will produce an error:

def callable = {
    lastName == "Simpson"
def query = Person.where(callable)

The above must be written as follows:

import grails.gorm.DetachedCriteria

def callable = { lastName == "Simpson" } as DetachedCriteria<Person> def query = Person.where(callable)

As you can see the closure definition is cast (using the Groovy as keyword) to a DetachedCriteria instance targeted at the Person class.

Conjunction, Disjunction and Negation

As mentioned previously you can combine regular Groovy logical operators (|| and &&) to form conjunctions and disjunctions:

def query = Person.where {
    (lastName != "Simpson" && firstName != "Fred") || (firstName == "Bart" && age > 9)

You can also negate a logical comparison using !:

def query = Person.where {
    firstName == "Fred" && !(lastName == 'Simpson')

Property Comparison Queries

If you use a property name on both the left hand and right side of a comparison expression then the appropriate property comparison criteria is automatically used:

def query = Person.where {
   firstName == lastName

The following table described how each comparison operator maps onto each criteria property comparison method:

OperatorCriteria MethodDescription
==eqPropertyEqual to
!=nePropertyNot equal to
>gtPropertyGreater than
<ltPropertyLess than
>=gePropertyGreater than or equal to
<=lePropertyLess than or equal to

Querying Associations

Associations can be queried by using the dot operator to specify the property name of the association to be queried:

def query = Pet.where {
    owner.firstName == "Joe" || owner.firstName == "Fred"

You can group multiple criterion inside a closure method call where the name of the method matches the association name:

def query = Person.where {
    pets { name == "Jack" || name == "Joe" }

This technique can be combined with other top-level criteria:

def query = Person.where {
     pets { name == "Jack" } || firstName == "Ed"

For collection associations it is possible to apply queries to the size of the collection:

def query = Person.where {
       pets.size() == 2

The following table shows which operator maps onto which criteria method for each size() comparison:

OperatorCriteria MethodDescription
==sizeEqThe collection size is equal to
!=sizeNeThe collection size is not equal to
>sizeGtThe collection size is greater than
<sizeLtThe collection size is less than
>=sizeGeThe collection size is greater than or equal to
<=sizeLeThe collection size is less than or equal to


It is possible to execute subqueries within where queries. For example to find all the people older than the average age the following query can be used:

final query = Person.where {
  age > avg(age)

The following table lists the possible subqueries:

avgThe average of all values
sumThe sum of all values
maxThe maximum value
minThe minimum value
countThe count of all values
propertyRetrieves a property of the resulting entities

You can apply additional criteria to any subquery by using the of method and passing in a closure containing the criteria:

def query = Person.where {
  age > avg(age).of { lastName == "Simpson" } && firstName == "Homer"

Since the property subquery returns multiple results, the criterion used compares all results. For example the following query will find all people younger than people with the surname "Simpson":

Person.where {
    age < property(age).of { lastName == "Simpson" }

Other Functions

There are several functions available to you within the context of a query. These are summarized in the table below:

secondThe second of a date property
minuteThe minute of a date property
hourThe hour of a date property
dayThe day of the month of a date property
monthThe month of a date property
yearThe year of a date property
lowerConverts a string property to upper case
upperConverts a string property to lower case
lengthThe length of a string property
trimTrims a string property

Currently functions can only be applied to properties or associations of domain classes. You cannot, for example, use a function on a result of a subquery.

For example the following query can be used to find all pet's born in 2011:

def query = Pet.where {
    year(birthDate) == 2011

You can also apply functions to associations:

def query = Person.where {
    year(pets.birthDate) == 2009

Batch Updates and Deletes

Since each where method call returns a DetachedCriteria instance, you can use where queries to execute batch operations such as batch updates and deletes. For example, the following query will update all people with the surname "Simpson" to have the surname "Bloggs":

def query = Person.where {
    lastName == 'Simpson'
int total = query.updateAll(lastName:"Bloggs")

Note that one limitation with regards to batch operations is that join queries (queries that query associations) are not allowed.

To batch delete records you can use the deleteAll method:

def query = Person.where {
    lastName == 'Simpson'
int total = query.deleteAll()

5.4.3 クライテリア

Criteria is an advanced way to query that uses a Groovy builder to construct potentially complex queries. It is a much better approach than building up query strings using a StringBuffer.

Criteria can be used either with the createCriteria or withCriteria methods. The builder uses Hibernate's Criteria API. The nodes on this builder map the static methods found in the Restrictions class of the Hibernate Criteria API. For example:

def c = Account.createCriteria()
def results = c {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")
    or {
        like("holderFirstName", "Fred%")
        like("holderFirstName", "Barney%")
    order("holderLastName", "desc")

This criteria will select up to 10 Account objects in a List matching the following criteria:

  • balance is between 500 and 1000
  • branch is 'London'
  • holderFirstName starts with 'Fred' or 'Barney'

The results will be sorted in descending order by holderLastName.

If no records are found with the above criteria, an empty List is returned.

Conjunctions and Disjunctions

As demonstrated in the previous example you can group criteria in a logical OR using an or { } block:

or {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")

This also works with logical AND:

and {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")

And you can also negate using logical NOT:

not {
    between("balance", 500, 1000)
    eq("branch", "London")

All top level conditions are implied to be AND'd together.

Querying Associations

Associations can be queried by having a node that matches the property name. For example say the Account class had many Transaction objects:

class Account {
    static hasMany = [transactions: Transaction]

We can query this association by using the property name transaction as a builder node:

def c = Account.createCriteria()
def now = new Date()
def results = c.list {
    transactions {
        between('date', now - 10, now)

The above code will find all the Account instances that have performed transactions within the last 10 days. You can also nest such association queries within logical blocks:

def c = Account.createCriteria()
def now = new Date()
def results = c.list {
    or {
        between('created', now - 10, now)
        transactions {
            between('date', now - 10, now)

Here we find all accounts that have either performed transactions in the last 10 days OR have been recently created in the last 10 days.

Querying with Projections

Projections may be used to customise the results. Define a "projections" node within the criteria builder tree to use projections. There are equivalent methods within the projections node to the methods found in the Hibernate Projections class:

def c = Account.createCriteria()

def numberOfBranches = c.get { projections { countDistinct('branch') } }

When multiple fields are specified in the projection, a List of values will be returned. A single value will be returned otherwise.

Using SQL Restrictions

You can access Hibernate's SQL Restrictions capabilities.

def c = Person.createCriteria()

def peopleWithShortFirstNames = c.list { sqlRestriction "char_length(first_name) <= 4" }

SQL Restrictions may be parameterized to deal with SQL injection vulnerabilities related to dynamic restrictions.

def c = Person.createCriteria()

def peopleWithShortFirstNames = c.list { sqlRestriction "char_length(first_name) < ? AND char_length(first_name) > ?", [maxValue, minValue] }

Note that the parameter there is SQL. The first_name attribute referenced in the example refers to the persistence model, not the object model like in HQL queries. The Person property named firstName is mapped to the first_name column in the database and you must refer to that in the sqlRestriction string.

Also note that the SQL used here is not necessarily portable across databases.

Using Scrollable Results

You can use Hibernate's ScrollableResults feature by calling the scroll method:

def results = crit.scroll {
def f = results.first()
def l = results.last()
def n = results.next()
def p = results.previous()

def future = results.scroll(10) def accountNumber = results.getLong('number')

To quote the documentation of Hibernate ScrollableResults:

A result iterator that allows moving around within the results by arbitrary increments. The Query / ScrollableResults pattern is very similar to the JDBC PreparedStatement/ ResultSet pattern and the semantics of methods of this interface are similar to the similarly named methods on ResultSet.

Contrary to JDBC, columns of results are numbered from zero.

Setting properties in the Criteria instance

If a node within the builder tree doesn't match a particular criterion it will attempt to set a property on the Criteria object itself. This allows full access to all the properties in this class. This example calls setMaxResults and setFirstResult on the Criteria instance:

import org.hibernate.FetchMode as FM
def results = c.list {
    fetchMode("aRelationship", FM.JOIN)

Querying with Eager Fetching

In the section on Eager and Lazy Fetching we discussed how to declaratively specify fetching to avoid the N+1 SELECT problem. However, this can also be achieved using a criteria query:

def criteria = Task.createCriteria()
def tasks = criteria.list{
    eq "assignee.id", task.assignee.id
    join 'assignee'
    join 'project'
    order 'priority', 'asc'

Notice the usage of the join method: it tells the criteria API to use a JOIN to fetch the named associations with the Task instances. It's probably best not to use this for one-to-many associations though, because you will most likely end up with duplicate results. Instead, use the 'select' fetch mode:

import org.hibernate.FetchMode as FM
def results = Airport.withCriteria {
    eq "region", "EMEA"
    fetchMode "flights", FM.SELECT
Although this approach triggers a second query to get the flights association, you will get reliable results - even with the maxResults option.

fetchMode and join are general settings of the query and can only be specified at the top-level, i.e. you cannot use them inside projections or association constraints.

An important point to bear in mind is that if you include associations in the query constraints, those associations will automatically be eagerly loaded. For example, in this query:

def results = Airport.withCriteria {
    eq "region", "EMEA"
    flights {
        like "number", "BA%"
the flights collection would be loaded eagerly via a join even though the fetch mode has not been explicitly set.

Method Reference

If you invoke the builder with no method name such as:

c { … }

The build defaults to listing all the results and hence the above is equivalent to:

c.list { … }

listThis is the default method. It returns all matching rows.
getReturns a unique result set, i.e. just one row. The criteria has to be formed that way, that it only queries one row. This method is not to be confused with a limit to just the first row.
scrollReturns a scrollable result set.
listDistinctIf subqueries or associations are used, one may end up with the same row multiple times in the result set, this allows listing only distinct entities and is equivalent to DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY of the CriteriaSpecification class.
countReturns the number of matching rows.

5.4.4 Detachedクライテリア

Detached Criteria are criteria queries that are not associated with any given database session/connection. Supported since Grails 2.0, Detached Criteria queries have many uses including allowing you to create common reusable criteria queries, execute subqueries and execute batch updates/deletes.

Building Detached Criteria Queries

The primary point of entry for using the Detached Criteria is the grails.gorm.DetachedCriteria class which accepts a domain class as the only argument to its constructor:

import grails.gorm.*
def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person)

Once you have obtained a reference to a detached criteria instance you can execute where queries or criteria queries to build up the appropriate query. To build a normal criteria query you can use the build method:

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'

Note that methods on the DetachedCriteria instance do not mutate the original object but instead return a new query. In other words, you have to use the return value of the build method to obtain the mutated criteria object:

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
def bartQuery = criteria.build {
    eq 'firstName', 'Bart'

Executing Detached Criteria Queries

Unlike regular criteria, Detached Criteria are lazy, in that no query is executed at the point of definition. Once a Detached Criteria query has been constructed then there are a number of useful query methods which are summarized in the table below:

listList all matching entities
getReturn a single matching result
countCount all matching records
existsReturn true if any matching records exist
deleteAllDelete all matching records
updateAll(Map)Update all matching records with the given properties

As an example the following code will list the first 4 matching records sorted by the firstName property:

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
def results = criteria.list(max:4, sort:"firstName")

You can also supply additional criteria to the list method:

def results = criteria.list(max:4, sort:"firstName") {
    gt 'age', 30

To retrieve a single result you can use the get or find methods (which are synonyms):

Person p = criteria.find() // or criteria.get()

The DetachedCriteria class itself also implements the Iterable interface which means that it can be treated like a list:

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
criteria.each {
    println it.firstName

In this case the query is only executed when the each method is called. The same applies to all other Groovy collection iteration methods.

You can also execute dynamic finders on DetachedCriteria just like on domain classes. For example:

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
def bart = criteria.findByFirstName("Bart")

Using Detached Criteria for Subqueries

Within the context of a regular criteria query you can use DetachedCriteria to execute subquery. For example if you want to find all people who are older than the average age the following query will accomplish that:

def results = Person.withCriteria {
     gt "age", new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
         projections {
             avg "age"
     order "firstName"

Notice that in this case the subquery class is the same as the original criteria query class (ie. Person) and hence the query can be shortened to:

def results = Person.withCriteria {
     gt "age", {
         projections {
             avg "age"
     order "firstName"

If the subquery class differs from the original criteria query then you will have to use the original syntax.

In the previous example the projection ensured that only a single result was returned (the average age). If your subquery returns multiple results then there are different criteria methods that need to be used to compare the result. For example to find all the people older than the ages 18 to 65 a gtAll query can be used:

def results = Person.withCriteria {
    gtAll "age", {
        projections {
            property "age"
        between 'age', 18, 65

order "firstName" }

The following table summarizes criteria methods for operating on subqueries that return multiple results:

gtAllgreater than all subquery results
geAllgreater than or equal to all subquery results
ltAllless than all subquery results
leAllless than or equal to all subquery results
eqAllequal to all subquery results
neAllnot equal to all subquery results

Batch Operations with Detached Criteria

The DetachedCriteria class can be used to execute batch operations such as batch updates and deletes. For example, the following query will update all people with the surname "Simpson" to have the surname "Bloggs":

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
int total = criteria.updateAll(lastName:"Bloggs")

Note that one limitation with regards to batch operations is that join queries (queries that query associations) are not allowed within the DetachedCriteria instance.

To batch delete records you can use the deleteAll method:

def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build {
    eq 'lastName', 'Simpson'
int total = criteria.deleteAll()

5.4.5 Hibernateクエリー言語 (HQL)

GORM classes also support Hibernate's query language HQL, a very complete reference for which can be found in the Hibernate documentation of the Hibernate documentation.

GORM provides a number of methods that work with HQL including find, findAll and executeQuery. An example of a query can be seen below:

def results =
      Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like 'Lord of the%'")

Positional and Named Parameters

In this case the value passed to the query is hard coded, however you can equally use positional parameters:

def results =
      Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.title like ?", ["The Shi%"])

def author = Author.findByName("Stephen King")
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as book where book.author = ?",

Or even named parameters:

def results =
      Book.findAll("from Book as b " +
                   "where b.title like :search or b.author like :search",
                   [search: "The Shi%"])

def author = Author.findByName("Stephen King")
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as book where book.author = :author",
                         [author: author])

Multiline Queries

Use the line continuation character to separate the query across multiple lines:

def results = Book.findAll("\
from Book as b, \
     Author as a \
where b.author = a and a.surname = ?", ['Smith'])

Triple-quoted Groovy multiline Strings will NOT work with HQL queries.

Pagination and Sorting

You can also perform pagination and sorting whilst using HQL queries. To do so simply specify the pagination options as a Map at the end of the method call and include an "ORDER BY" clause in the HQL:

def results =
      Book.findAll("from Book as b where " +
                   "b.title like 'Lord of the%' " +
                   "order by b.title asc",
                   [max: 10, offset: 20])

5.5 高度なGORMの機能


5.5.1 イベントと自動タイムスタンプ

GORM supports the registration of events as methods that get fired when certain events occurs such as deletes, inserts and updates. The following is a list of supported events:
  • beforeInsert - Executed before an object is initially persisted to the database
  • beforeUpdate - Executed before an object is updated
  • beforeDelete - Executed before an object is deleted
  • beforeValidate - Executed before an object is validated
  • afterInsert - Executed after an object is persisted to the database
  • afterUpdate - Executed after an object has been updated
  • afterDelete - Executed after an object has been deleted
  • onLoad - Executed when an object is loaded from the database

To add an event simply register the relevant closure with your domain class.

Do not attempt to flush the session within an event (such as with obj.save(flush:true)). Since events are fired during flushing this will cause a StackOverflowError.

Event types

The beforeInsert event

Fired before an object is saved to the database

class Person {
   Date dateCreated

def beforeInsert() { dateCreated = new Date() } }

The beforeUpdate event

Fired before an existing object is updated

class Person {
   Date dateCreated
   Date lastUpdated

def beforeInsert() { dateCreated = new Date() } def beforeUpdate() { lastUpdated = new Date() } }

The beforeDelete event

Fired before an object is deleted.

class Person {
   String name
   Date dateCreated
   Date lastUpdated

def beforeDelete() { ActivityTrace.withNewSession { new ActivityTrace(eventName:"Person Deleted",data:name).save() } } }

Notice the usage of withNewSession method above. Since events are triggered whilst Hibernate is flushing using persistence methods like save() and delete() won't result in objects being saved unless you run your operations with a new Session.

Fortunately the withNewSession method lets you share the same transactional JDBC connection even though you're using a different underlying Session.

The beforeValidate event

Fired before an object is validated.

class Person {
   String name

static constraints = { name size: 5..45 }

def beforeValidate() { name = name?.trim() } }

The beforeValidate method is run before any validators are run.

GORM supports an overloaded version of beforeValidate which accepts a List parameter which may include the names of the properties which are about to be validated. This version of beforeValidate will be called when the validate method has been invoked and passed a List of property names as an argument.

class Person {
   String name
   String town
   Integer age

static constraints = { name size: 5..45 age range: 4..99 }

def beforeValidate(List propertiesBeingValidated) { // do pre validation work based on propertiesBeingValidated } }

def p = new Person(name: 'Jacob Brown', age: 10) p.validate(['age', 'name'])

Note that when validate is triggered indirectly because of a call to the save method that the validate method is being invoked with no arguments, not a List that includes all of the property names.

Either or both versions of beforeValidate may be defined in a domain class. GORM will prefer the List version if a List is passed to validate but will fall back on the no-arg version if the List version does not exist. Likewise, GORM will prefer the no-arg version if no arguments are passed to validate but will fall back on the List version if the no-arg version does not exist. In that case, null is passed to beforeValidate.

The onLoad/beforeLoad event

Fired immediately before an object is loaded from the database:

class Person {
   String name
   Date dateCreated
   Date lastUpdated

def onLoad() { log.debug "Loading ${id}" } }

beforeLoad() is effectively a synonym for onLoad(), so only declare one or the other.

The afterLoad event

Fired immediately after an object is loaded from the database:

class Person {
   String name
   Date dateCreated
   Date lastUpdated

def afterLoad() { name = "I'm loaded" } }

Custom Event Listeners

You can also register event handler classes in an application's grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy or in the doWithSpring closure in a plugin descriptor by registering a Spring bean named hibernateEventListeners. This bean has one property, listenerMap which specifies the listeners to register for various Hibernate events.

The values of the Map are instances of classes that implement one or more Hibernate listener interfaces. You can use one class that implements all of the required interfaces, or one concrete class per interface, or any combination. The valid Map keys and corresponding interfaces are listed here:


For example, you could register a class AuditEventListener which implements PostInsertEventListener, PostUpdateEventListener, and PostDeleteEventListener using the following in an application:

beans = {


hibernateEventListeners(HibernateEventListeners) { listenerMap = ['post-insert': auditListener, 'post-update': auditListener, 'post-delete': auditListener] } }

or use this in a plugin:

def doWithSpring = {


hibernateEventListeners(HibernateEventListeners) { listenerMap = ['post-insert': auditListener, 'post-update': auditListener, 'post-delete': auditListener] } }

Automatic timestamping

The examples above demonstrated using events to update a lastUpdated and dateCreated property to keep track of updates to objects. However, this is actually not necessary. By defining a lastUpdated and dateCreated property these will be automatically updated for you by GORM.

If this is not the behaviour you want you can disable this feature with:

class Person {
   Date dateCreated
   Date lastUpdated
   static mapping = {
      autoTimestamp false

If you put nullable: false constraints on either dateCreated or lastUpdated, your domain instances will fail validation - probably not what you want. Leave constraints off these properties unless you have disabled automatic timestamping.

5.5.2 カスタムORマッピング

Grails domain classes can be mapped onto many legacy schemas with an Object Relational Mapping DSL (domain specific language). The following sections takes you through what is possible with the ORM DSL.

None of this is necessary if you are happy to stick to the conventions defined by GORM for table names, column names and so on. You only needs this functionality if you need to tailor the way GORM maps onto legacy schemas or configures caching

Custom mappings are defined using a a static mapping block defined within your domain class:

class Person {
    static mapping = {

} } テーブル名、カラム名

Table names

The database table name which the class maps to can be customized using the table method:

class Person {
    static mapping = {
        table 'people'

In this case the class would be mapped to a table called people instead of the default name of person.

Column names

It is also possible to customize the mapping for individual columns onto the database. For example to change the name you can do:

class Person {

String firstName

static mapping = { table 'people' firstName column: 'First_Name' } }

Here firstName is a dynamic method within the mapping Closure that has a single Map parameter. Since its name corresponds to a domain class persistent field, the parameter values (in this case just "column") are used to configure the mapping for that property.

Column type

GORM supports configuration of Hibernate types with the DSL using the type attribute. This includes specifing user types that implement the Hibernate org.hibernate.usertype.UserType interface, which allows complete customization of how a type is persisted. As an example if you had a PostCodeType you could use it as follows:

class Address {

String number String postCode

static mapping = { postCode type: PostCodeType } }

Alternatively if you just wanted to map it to one of Hibernate's basic types other than the default chosen by Grails you could use:

class Address {

String number String postCode

static mapping = { postCode type: 'text' } }

This would make the postCode column map to the default large-text type for the database you're using (for example TEXT or CLOB).

See the Hibernate documentation regarding Basic Types for further information.

Many-to-One/One-to-One Mappings

In the case of associations it is also possible to configure the foreign keys used to map associations. In the case of a many-to-one or one-to-one association this is exactly the same as any regular column. For example consider the following:

class Person {

String firstName Address address

static mapping = { table 'people' firstName column: 'First_Name' address column: 'Person_Address_Id' } }

By default the address association would map to a foreign key column called address_id. By using the above mapping we have changed the name of the foreign key column to Person_Adress_Id.

One-to-Many Mapping

With a bidirectional one-to-many you can change the foreign key column used by changing the column name on the many side of the association as per the example in the previous section on one-to-one associations. However, with unidirectional associations the foreign key needs to be specified on the association itself. For example given a unidirectional one-to-many relationship between Person and Address the following code will change the foreign key in the address table:

class Person {

String firstName

static hasMany = [addresses: Address]

static mapping = { table 'people' firstName column: 'First_Name' addresses column: 'Person_Address_Id' } }

If you don't want the column to be in the address table, but instead some intermediate join table you can use the joinTable parameter:

class Person {

String firstName

static hasMany = [addresses: Address]

static mapping = { table 'people' firstName column: 'First_Name' addresses joinTable: [name: 'Person_Addresses', key: 'Person_Id', column: 'Address_Id'] } }

Many-to-Many Mapping

Grails, by default maps a many-to-many association using a join table. For example consider this many-to-many association:

class Group {
    static hasMany = [people: Person]

class Person {
    static belongsTo = Group
    static hasMany = [groups: Group]

In this case Grails will create a join table called group_person containing foreign keys called person_id and group_id referencing the person and group tables. To change the column names you can specify a column within the mappings for each class.

class Group {
   static mapping = {
       people column: 'Group_Person_Id'
class Person {
   static mapping = {
       groups column: 'Group_Group_Id'

You can also specify the name of the join table to use:

class Group {
   static mapping = {
       people column: 'Group_Person_Id',
              joinTable: 'PERSON_GROUP_ASSOCIATIONS'
class Person {
   static mapping = {
       groups column: 'Group_Group_Id',
              joinTable: 'PERSON_GROUP_ASSOCIATIONS'
} キャッシングストラテジー

Setting up caching

Hibernate features a second-level cache with a customizable cache provider. This needs to be configured in the grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy file as follows:

hibernate {

You can customize any of these settings, for example to use a distributed caching mechanism.

For further reading on caching and in particular Hibernate's second-level cache, refer to the Hibernate documentation on the subject.

Caching instances

Call the cache method in your mapping block to enable caching with the default settings:

class Person {
    static mapping = {
        table 'people'
        cache true

This will configure a 'read-write' cache that includes both lazy and non-lazy properties. You can customize this further:

class Person {
    static mapping = {
        table 'people'
        cache usage: 'read-only', include: 'non-lazy'

Caching associations

As well as the ability to use Hibernate's second level cache to cache instances you can also cache collections (associations) of objects. For example:

class Person {

String firstName

static hasMany = [addresses: Address]

static mapping = { table 'people' version false addresses column: 'Address', cache: true } }

class Address {
    String number
    String postCode

This will enable a 'read-write' caching mechanism on the addresses collection. You can also use:

cache: 'read-write' // or 'read-only' or 'transactional'

to further configure the cache usage.

Caching Queries

You can cache queries such as dynamic finders and criteria. To do so using a dynamic finder you can pass the cache argument:

def person = Person.findByFirstName("Fred", [cache: true])

In order for the results of the query to be cached, you must enable caching in your mapping as discussed in the previous section.

You can also cache criteria queries:

def people = Person.withCriteria {
    like('firstName', 'Fr%')
    cache true

Cache usages

Below is a description of the different cache settings and their usages:

  • read-only - If your application needs to read but never modify instances of a persistent class, a read-only cache may be used.
  • read-write - If the application needs to update data, a read-write cache might be appropriate.
  • nonstrict-read-write - If the application only occasionally needs to update data (ie. if it is very unlikely that two transactions would try to update the same item simultaneously) and strict transaction isolation is not required, a nonstrict-read-write cache might be appropriate.
  • transactional - The transactional cache strategy provides support for fully transactional cache providers such as JBoss TreeCache. Such a cache may only be used in a JTA environment and you must specify hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class in the grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy file's hibernate config. 継承ストラテジー

By default GORM classes use table-per-hierarchy inheritance mapping. This has the disadvantage that columns cannot have a NOT-NULL constraint applied to them at the database level. If you would prefer to use a table-per-subclass inheritance strategy you can do so as follows:

class Payment {
    Integer amount

static mapping = { tablePerHierarchy false } }

class CreditCardPayment extends Payment { String cardNumber }

The mapping of the root Payment class specifies that it will not be using table-per-hierarchy mapping for all child classes. カスタムデータベースアイデンティティー

You can customize how GORM generates identifiers for the database using the DSL. By default GORM relies on the native database mechanism for generating ids. This is by far the best approach, but there are still many schemas that have different approaches to identity.

To deal with this Hibernate defines the concept of an id generator. You can customize the id generator and the column it maps to as follows:

class Person {
    static mapping = {
        table 'people'
        version false
        id generator: 'hilo',
           params: [table: 'hi_value',
                    column: 'next_value',
                    max_lo: 100]

In this case we're using one of Hibernate's built in 'hilo' generators that uses a separate table to generate ids.

For more information on the different Hibernate generators refer to the Hibernate reference documentation

Although you don't typically specify the id field (Grails adds it for you) you can still configure its mapping like the other properties. For example to customise the column for the id property you can do:

class Person {
    static mapping = {
        table 'people'
        version false
        id column: 'person_id'
} プライマリキー合成

GORM supports the concept of composite identifiers (identifiers composed from 2 or more properties). It is not an approach we recommend, but is available to you if you need it:

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder

class Person implements Serializable {

String firstName String lastName

boolean equals(other) { if (!(other instanceof Person)) { return false }

other.firstName == firstName && other.lastName == lastName }

int hashCode() { def builder = new HashCodeBuilder() builder.append firstName builder.append lastName builder.toHashCode() }

static mapping = { id composite: ['firstName', 'lastName'] } }

The above will create a composite id of the firstName and lastName properties of the Person class. To retrieve an instance by id you use a prototype of the object itself:

def p = Person.get(new Person(firstName: "Fred", lastName: "Flintstone"))
println p.firstName

Domain classes mapped with composite primary keys must implement the Serializable interface and override the equals and hashCode methods, using the properties in the composite key for the calculations. The example above uses a HashCodeBuilder for convenience but it's fine to implement it yourself.

Another important consideration when using composite primary keys is associations. If for example you have a many-to-one association where the foreign keys are stored in the associated table then 2 columns will be present in the associated table.

For example consider the following domain class:

class Address {
    Person person

In this case the address table will have an additional two columns called person_first_name and person_last_name. If you wish the change the mapping of these columns then you can do so using the following technique:

class Address {
    Person person
    static mapping = {
        person {
            column: "FirstName"
            column: "LastName"
} データベースインデックス

To get the best performance out of your queries it is often necessary to tailor the table index definitions. How you tailor them is domain specific and a matter of monitoring usage patterns of your queries. With GORM's DSL you can specify which columns are used in which indexes:

class Person {
    String firstName
    String address
    static mapping = {
        table 'people'
        version false
        id column: 'person_id'
        firstName column: 'First_Name', index: 'Name_Idx'
        address column: 'Address', index: 'Name_Idx,Address_Index'

Note that you cannot have any spaces in the value of the index attribute; in this example index:'Name_Idx, Address_Index' will cause an error. 楽観的ロックとバージョニング

As discussed in the section on Optimistic and Pessimistic Locking, by default GORM uses optimistic locking and automatically injects a version property into every class which is in turn mapped to a version column at the database level.

If you're mapping to a legacy schema that doesn't have version columns (or there's some other reason why you don't want/need this feature) you can disable this with the version method:

class Person {
    static mapping = {
        table 'people'
        version false

If you disable optimistic locking you are essentially on your own with regards to concurrent updates and are open to the risk of users losing data (due to data overriding) unless you use pessimistic locking

Version columns types

By default Grails maps the version property as a Long that gets incremented by one each time an instance is updated. But Hibernate also supports using a Timestamp, for example:

import java.sql.Timestamp

class Person {

… Timestamp version

static mapping = { table 'people' } }

There's a slight risk that two updates occurring at nearly the same time on a fast server can end up with the same timestamp value but this risk is very low. One benefit of using a Timestamp instead of a Long is that you combine the optimistic locking and last-updated semantics into a single column. EagerとLazyフェッチング

Lazy Collections

As discussed in the section on Eager and Lazy fetching, GORM collections are lazily loaded by default but you can change this behaviour with the ORM DSL. There are several options available to you, but the most common ones are:

  • lazy: false
  • fetch: 'join'

and they're used like this:

class Person {

String firstName Pet pet

static hasMany = [addresses: Address]

static mapping = { addresses lazy: false pet fetch: 'join' } }

class Address {
    String street
    String postCode

class Pet {
    String name

The first option, lazy: false , ensures that when a Person instance is loaded, its addresses collection is loaded at the same time with a second SELECT. The second option is basically the same, except the collection is loaded with a JOIN rather than another SELECT. Typically you want to reduce the number of queries, so fetch: 'join' is the more appropriate option. On the other hand, it could feasibly be the more expensive approach if your domain model and data result in more and larger results than would otherwise be necessary.

For more advanced users, the other settings available are:

  1. batchSize: N
  2. lazy: false, batchSize: N

where N is an integer. These let you fetch results in batches, with one query per batch. As a simple example, consider this mapping for Person:

class Person {

String firstName Pet pet

static mapping = { pet batchSize: 5 } }

If a query returns multiple Person instances, then when we access the first pet property, Hibernate will fetch that Pet plus the four next ones. You can get the same behaviour with eager loading by combining batchSize with the lazy: false option. You can find out more about these options in the Hibernate user guide and this primer on fetching strategies. Note that ORM DSL does not currently support the "subselect" fetching strategy.

Lazy Single-Ended Associations

In GORM, one-to-one and many-to-one associations are by default lazy. Non-lazy single ended associations can be problematic when you load many entities because each non-lazy association will result in an extra SELECT statement. If the associated entities also have non-lazy associations, the number of queries grows significantly!

Use the same technique as for lazy collections to make a one-to-one or many-to-one association non-lazy/eager:

class Person {
    String firstName

class Address {

String street String postCode

static belongsTo = [person: Person]

static mapping = { person lazy: false } }

Here we configure GORM to load the associated Person instance (through the person property) whenever an Address is loaded.

Lazy Single-Ended Associations and Proxies

Hibernate uses runtime-generated proxies to facilitate single-ended lazy associations; Hibernate dynamically subclasses the entity class to create the proxy.

Consider the previous example but with a lazily-loaded person association: Hibernate will set the person property to a proxy that is a subclass of Person. When you call any of the getters (except for the id property) or setters on that proxy, Hibernate will load the entity from the database.

Unfortunately this technique can produce surprising results. Consider the following example classes:

class Pet {
    String name

class Dog extends Pet {

class Person {
    String name
    Pet pet

and assume that we have a single Person instance with a Dog as the pet. The following code will work as you would expect:

def person = Person.get(1)
assert person.pet instanceof Dog
assert Pet.get(person.petId) instanceof Dog

But this won't:

def person = Person.get(1)
assert person.pet instanceof Dog
assert Pet.list()[0] instanceof Dog

The second assertion fails, and to add to the confusion, this will work:

assert Pet.list()[0] instanceof Dog

What's going on here? It's down to a combination of how proxies work and the guarantees that the Hibernate session makes. When you load the Person instance, Hibernate creates a proxy for its pet relation and attaches it to the session. Once that happens, whenever you retrieve that Pet instance with a query, a get(), or the pet relation within the same session , Hibernate gives you the proxy.

Fortunately for us, GORM automatically unwraps the proxy when you use get() and findBy*(), or when you directly access the relation. That means you don't have to worry at all about proxies in the majority of cases. But GORM doesn't do that for objects returned with a query that returns a list, such as list() and findAllBy*(). However, if Hibernate hasn't attached the proxy to the session, those queries will return the real instances - hence why the last example works.

You can protect yourself to a degree from this problem by using the instanceOf method by GORM:

def person = Person.get(1)
assert Pet.list()[0].instanceOf(Dog)

However, it won't help here if casting is involved. For example, the following code will throw a ClassCastException because the first pet in the list is a proxy instance with a class that is neither Dog nor a sub-class of Dog:

def person = Person.get(1)
Dog pet = Pet.list()[0]

Of course, it's best not to use static types in this situation. If you use an untyped variable for the pet instead, you can access any Dog properties or methods on the instance without any problems.

These days it's rare that you will come across this issue, but it's best to be aware of it just in case. At least you will know why such an error occurs and be able to work around it. カスケードの振る舞いを変える

As described in the section on cascading updates, the primary mechanism to control the way updates and deletes cascade from one association to another is the static belongsTo property.

However, the ORM DSL gives you complete access to Hibernate's transitive persistence capabilities using the cascade attribute.

Valid settings for the cascade attribute include:

  • merge - merges the state of a detached association
  • save-update - cascades only saves and updates to an association
  • delete - cascades only deletes to an association
  • lock - useful if a pessimistic lock should be cascaded to its associations
  • refresh - cascades refreshes to an association
  • evict - cascades evictions (equivalent to discard() in GORM) to associations if set
  • all - cascade all operations to associations
  • all-delete-orphan - Applies only to one-to-many associations and indicates that when a child is removed from an association then it should be automatically deleted. Children are also deleted when the parent is.

It is advisable to read the section in the Hibernate documentation on transitive persistence to obtain a better understanding of the different cascade styles and recommendations for their usage

To specify the cascade attribute simply define one or more (comma-separated) of the aforementioned settings as its value:

class Person {

String firstName

static hasMany = [addresses: Address]

static mapping = { addresses cascade: "all-delete-orphan" } }

class Address {
    String street
    String postCode
} Hibernateユーザ定義型

You saw in an earlier section that you can use composition (with the embedded property) to break a table into multiple objects. You can achieve a similar effect with Hibernate's custom user types. These are not domain classes themselves, but plain Java or Groovy classes. Each of these types also has a corresponding "meta-type" class that implements org.hibernate.usertype.UserType.

The Hibernate reference manual has some information on custom types, but here we will focus on how to map them in Grails. Let's start by taking a look at a simple domain class that uses an old-fashioned (pre-Java 1.5) type-safe enum class:

class Book {

String title String author Rating rating

static mapping = { rating type: RatingUserType } }

All we have done is declare the rating field the enum type and set the property's type in the custom mapping to the corresponding UserType implementation. That's all you have to do to start using your custom type. If you want, you can also use the other column settings such as "column" to change the column name and "index" to add it to an index.

Custom types aren't limited to just a single column - they can be mapped to as many columns as you want. In such cases you explicitly define in the mapping what columns to use, since Hibernate can only use the property name for a single column. Fortunately, Grails lets you map multiple columns to a property using this syntax:

class Book {

String title Name author Rating rating

static mapping = { name type: NameUserType, { column name: "first_name" column name: "last_name" } rating type: RatingUserType } }

The above example will create "first_name" and "last_name" columns for the author property. You'll be pleased to know that you can also use some of the normal column/property mapping attributes in the column definitions. For example:

column name: "first_name", index: "my_idx", unique: true

The column definitions do not support the following attributes: type, cascade, lazy, cache, and joinTable.

One thing to bear in mind with custom types is that they define the SQL types for the corresponding database columns. That helps take the burden of configuring them yourself, but what happens if you have a legacy database that uses a different SQL type for one of the columns? In that case, override the column's SQL type using the sqlType attribute:

class Book {

String title Name author Rating rating

static mapping = { name type: NameUserType, { column name: "first_name", sqlType: "text" column name: "last_name", sqlType: "text" } rating type: RatingUserType, sqlType: "text" } }

Mind you, the SQL type you specify needs to still work with the custom type. So overriding a default of "varchar" with "text" is fine, but overriding "text" with "yes_no" isn't going to work. 派生プロパティ

A derived property is one that takes its value from a SQL expression, often but not necessarily based on the value of one or more other persistent properties. Consider a Product class like this:

class Product {
    Float price
    Float taxRate
    Float tax

If the tax property is derived based on the value of price and taxRate properties then is probably no need to persist the tax property. The SQL used to derive the value of a derived property may be expressed in the ORM DSL like this:

class Product {
    Float price
    Float taxRate
    Float tax

static mapping = { tax formula: 'PRICE * TAX_RATE' } }

Note that the formula expressed in the ORM DSL is SQL so references to other properties should relate to the persistence model not the object model, which is why the example refers to PRICE and TAX_RATE instead of price and taxRate.

With that in place, when a Product is retrieved with something like Product.get(42), the SQL that is generated to support that will look something like this:

    product0_.id as id1_0_,
    product0_.version as version1_0_,
    product0_.price as price1_0_,
    product0_.tax_rate as tax4_1_0_,
    product0_.PRICE * product0_.TAX_RATE as formula1_0_
    product product0_

Since the tax property is derived at runtime and not stored in the database it might seem that the same effect could be achieved by adding a method like getTax() to the Product class that simply returns the product of the taxRate and price properties. With an approach like that you would give up the ability query the database based on the value of the tax property. Using a derived property allows exactly that. To retrieve all Product objects that have a tax value greater than 21.12 you could execute a query like this:


Derived properties may be referenced in the Criteria API:

Product.withCriteria {
    gt 'tax', 21.12f

The SQL that is generated to support either of those would look something like this:

    this_.id as id1_0_,
    this_.version as version1_0_,
    this_.price as price1_0_,
    this_.tax_rate as tax4_1_0_,
    this_.PRICE * this_.TAX_RATE as formula1_0_
    product this_
    this_.PRICE * this_.TAX_RATE>?

Because the value of a derived property is generated in the database and depends on the execution of SQL code, derived properties may not have GORM constraints applied to them. If constraints are specified for a derived property, they will be ignored. 命名標準のカスタマイズ

By default Grails uses Hibernate's ImprovedNamingStrategy to convert domain class Class and field names to SQL table and column names by converting from camel-cased Strings to ones that use underscores as word separators. You can customize these on a per-instance basis in the mapping closure but if there's a consistent pattern you can specify a different NamingStrategy class to use.

Configure the class name to be used in grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy in the hibernate section, e.g.

dataSource {
    pooled = true
    dbCreate = "create-drop"

hibernate { cache.use_second_level_cache = true … naming_strategy = com.myco.myproj.CustomNamingStrategy }

You can use an existing class or write your own, for example one that prefixes table names and column names:

package com.myco.myproj

import org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper

class CustomNamingStrategy extends ImprovedNamingStrategy {

String classToTableName(String className) { "table_" + StringHelper.unqualify(className) }

String propertyToColumnName(String propertyName) { "col_" + StringHelper.unqualify(propertyName) } }

5.5.3 デフォルトソート順

You can sort objects using query arguments such as those found in the list method:

def airports = Airport.list(sort:'name')

However, you can also declare the default sort order for a collection in the mapping:

class Airport {
    static mapping = {
        sort "name"

The above means that all collections of Airports will by default be sorted by the airport name. If you also want to change the sort order , use this syntax:

class Airport {
    static mapping = {
        sort name: "desc"

Finally, you can configure sorting at the association level:

class Airport {
    static hasMany = [flights: Flight]

static mapping = { flights sort: 'number', order: 'desc' } }

In this case, the flights collection will always be sorted in descending order of flight number.

These mappings will not work for default unidirectional one-to-many or many-to-many relationships because they involve a join table. See this issue for more details. Consider using a SortedSet or queries with sort parameters to fetch the data you need.

5.6 プログラマチックトランザクション

Grails is built on Spring and uses Spring's Transaction abstraction for dealing with programmatic transactions. However, GORM classes have been enhanced to make this simpler with the withTransaction method. This method has a single parameter, a Closure, which has a single parameter which is a Spring TransactionStatus instance.

Here's an example of using withTransaction in a controller methods:

def transferFunds() {
    Account.withTransaction { status ->
        def source = Account.get(params.from)
        def dest = Account.get(params.to)

def amount = params.amount.toInteger() if (source.active) { if (dest.active) { source.balance -= amount dest.amount += amount } else { status.setRollbackOnly() } } } }

In this example we rollback the transaction if the destination account is not active. Also, if an unchecked Exception or Error (but not a checked Exception, even though Groovy doesn't require that you catch checked exceptions) is thrown during the process the transaction will automatically be rolled back.

You can also use "save points" to rollback a transaction to a particular point in time if you don't want to rollback the entire transaction. This can be achieved through the use of Spring's SavePointManager interface.

The withTransaction method deals with the begin/commit/rollback logic for you within the scope of the block.

5.7 GORM と制約

Although constraints are covered in the Validation section, it is important to mention them here as some of the constraints can affect the way in which the database schema is generated.

Where feasible, Grails uses a domain class's constraints to influence the database columns generated for the corresponding domain class properties.

Consider the following example. Suppose we have a domain model with the following properties:

String name
String description

By default, in MySQL, Grails would define these columns as

ColumnData Type

But perhaps the business rules for this domain class state that a description can be up to 1000 characters in length. If that were the case, we would likely define the column as follows if we were creating the table with an SQL script.

ColumnData Type

Chances are we would also want to have some application-based validation to make sure we don't exceed that 1000 character limit before we persist any records. In Grails, we achieve this validation with constraints. We would add the following constraint declaration to the domain class.

static constraints = {
    description maxSize: 1000

This constraint would provide both the application-based validation we want and it would also cause the schema to be generated as shown above. Below is a description of the other constraints that influence schema generation.

Constraints Affecting String Properties

If either the maxSize or the size constraint is defined, Grails sets the maximum column length based on the constraint value.

In general, it's not advisable to use both constraints on the same domain class property. However, if both the maxSize constraint and the size constraint are defined, then Grails sets the column length to the minimum of the maxSize constraint and the upper bound of the size constraint. (Grails uses the minimum of the two, because any length that exceeds that minimum will result in a validation error.)

If the inList constraint is defined (and the maxSize and the size constraints are not defined), then Grails sets the maximum column length based on the length of the longest string in the list of valid values. For example, given a list including values "Java", "Groovy", and "C++", Grails would set the column length to 6 (i.e., the number of characters in the string "Groovy").

Constraints Affecting Numeric Properties

If the max, min, or range constraint is defined, Grails attempts to set the column precision based on the constraint value. (The success of this attempted influence is largely dependent on how Hibernate interacts with the underlying DBMS.)

In general, it's not advisable to combine the pair min/max and range constraints together on the same domain class property. However, if both of these constraints is defined, then Grails uses the minimum precision value from the constraints. (Grails uses the minimum of the two, because any length that exceeds that minimum precision will result in a validation error.)

If the scale constraint is defined, then Grails attempts to set the column scale based on the constraint value. This rule only applies to floating point numbers (i.e., java.lang.Float, java.Lang.Double, java.lang.BigDecimal, or subclasses of java.lang.BigDecimal). The success of this attempted influence is largely dependent on how Hibernate interacts with the underlying DBMS.

The constraints define the minimum/maximum numeric values, and Grails derives the maximum number of digits for use in the precision. Keep in mind that specifying only one of min/max constraints will not affect schema generation (since there could be large negative value of property with max:100, for example), unless the specified constraint value requires more digits than default Hibernate column precision is (19 at the moment). For example:

someFloatValue max: 1000000, scale: 3

would yield:

someFloatValue DECIMAL(19, 3) // precision is default


someFloatValue max: 12345678901234567890, scale: 5

would yield:

someFloatValue DECIMAL(25, 5) // precision = digits in max + scale


someFloatValue max: 100, min: -100000

would yield:

someFloatValue DECIMAL(8, 2) // precision = digits in min + default scale

6 Webレイヤ

6.1 コントローラ


URL マッピングのデフォルト設定では、Controllerの前に付けた名称がベースのURIにマップされ、コントローラに定義したそれぞれのアクション名称がコントローラ名称と繫がれてURIをマップします。

6.1.1 コントローラとアクションの理解



grails create-controller book


package myapp

class BookController {

def index() { } }


デフォルトでは、BookControllerは、URIが /bookとなります。(アプリケーションのコンテキストルートからの相対パス)




class BookController {

def list() {

// do controller logic // create model

return model } }




  • メモリ効率
  • ステートレスコントローラの使用 (シングルトンスコープ指定)
  • サブクラスでのアクションのオーバーライドが可能。スーパークラスのアクションメソッド呼び出しが可能。super.actionName()
  • クロージャはフィールドのため複雑だった、スタンダードなプロキシを使用したメソッドのインターセプトが可能。

クロージャを使用したい場合や、旧バージョンで作られたコントローラを使用しながら、メソッドの利点も欲しい場合は、BuildConfig.groovyに、 grails.compile.artefacts.closures.convertを定義します:
grails.compile.artefacts.closures.convert = true


If a controller class extends some other class which is not defined under the grails-app/controllers/ directory, methods inherited from that class are not converted to controller actions. If the intent is to expose those inherited methods as controller actions the methods may be overridden in the subclass and the subclass method may invoke the method in the super class.


コントローラのルートURIににデフォルトURIをマップする概念をもっています。例としてBookControllerの場合は /bookになります。デフォルトURIが呼ばれたときに呼ばれるアクションは以下のルールになっています:
  • アクションが1つの場合は、それがデフォルトになります。
  • indexという名称のアクションがある場合は、それがデフォルトになります。
  • defaultActionを定義して指定できます。

static defaultAction = "list"

6.1.2 コントローラとスコープ


  • servletContext - webアプリケーションの全体にわたってスコープを共有するアプリケーションスコープです。ServletContextのインスタンスです。
  • session - セッションは、通常クッキーを使用してリクエストを行ったクライアントとの連携をして、ステートを保持します。HttpSessionのインスタンスです。
  • request - リクエストオブジェクトはリクエスト時のみオブジェクトを保持するオブジェクトです。HttpServletRequestのインスタンスです。
  • params - 受け取ったリクエストクエリー文字列または、POSTパラメータを保持するミュータブルマップです。
  • flash - 以下を参照


以下のようにスコープはGroovyの配列インデクスオペレータで、変数の名称を指定して参照することができます。HttpServletRequestにあるような、Servlet APIの提供する変数に関しても同じようにアクセスできます

class BookController {
    def find() {
        def findBy = params["findBy"]
        def appContext = request["foo"]
        def loggedUser = session["logged_user"]


class BookController {
    def find() {
        def findBy = params.findBy
        def appContext = request.foo
        def loggedUser = session.logged_user



Grailsは、今回のリクエストと次のリクエストのみで値を一時的に保持する flashスコープをサポートしています。保持された内容は自動的に削除されます。リダイレクト等を行う前にメッセージを残す時などに使用できます。以下が例です。

def delete() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)
    if (!b) {
        flash.message = "User not found for id ${params.id}"
    … // remaining code





  • prototype (デフォルト) - リクエスト毎にコントローラが生成されます。(クロージャでアクションを推奨)
  • session - ユーザのセッションを通して1個のコントローラが生成されます。
  • singleton - 1個のコントローラのみが存在する状態です。(メソッドでのアクションをお勧めします)

スコープを定義するには、コントローラクラスに、static scope 変数で指定したいスコープを定義します。以下が例になります。

static scope = "singleton"


grails.controllers.defaultScope = "singleton"
コントローラのスコープは使用状況を考えてお使いください。例えば、シングルトンのコントローラは、_全ての_リクエストで共有されるためプロパティを持つべきではありません。デフォルトで定義されているスコープのprototype を変更することで、プラグインなどで提供されたコントローラがprotopypeを前提で実装されている場合があるので注意しましょう

6.1.3 モデルとビュー



def show() {
    [book: Book.get(params.id)]



class BookController {

List books List authors

def list() { books = Book.list() authors = Author.list() } }


上記の例では、 プロパティのbookauthorsがビューで参照できます。


import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView

def index() { // get some books just for the index page, perhaps your favorites def favoriteBooks = ...

// forward to the list view to show them return new ModelAndView("/book/list", [ bookList : favoriteBooks ]) }

  • attributes
  • application




class BookController {
    def show() {
         [book: Book.get(params.id)]


def show() {
    def map = [book: Book.get(params.id)]
    render(view: "display", model: map)


def show() {
    def map = [book: Book.get(params.id)]
    render(view: "/shared/display", model: map)





render "Hello World!"

上記の例ではレスポンスに"Hello World!"を返します。他の例として:

// マークアップを返す
render {
   for (b in books) {
      div(id: b.id, b.title)

// 指定したビューを描写
render(view: 'show')

// コレクションの中身をそれぞれ指定したテンプレートを適応して描写
render(template: 'book_template', collection: Book.list())

// 文字列を指定したエンコーディングとコンテントタイプで描写
render(text: "<xml>some xml</xml>", contentType: "text/xml", encoding: "UTF-8")


import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
def login() {
    def writer = new StringWriter()
    def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
    builder.html {
        head {
            title 'Log in'
        body {
            h1 'Hello'
            form {

def html = writer.toString() render html }


def login() {
    // …
    body {
        h1 'Hello'
        builder.form {
    // …

6.1.4 リダイレクトとチェイン



class OverviewController {

def login() {}

def find() { if (!session.user) redirect(action: 'login') return } … } }




// Call the login action within the same class
redirect(action: login)

  • アクション名称でのしていと、別のコントローラのアクションの場合はコントローラの指定:

// Also redirects to the index action in the home controller
redirect(controller: 'home', action: 'index')

  • アプリケーションコンテキストパス内のリソースのURI:

// Redirect to an explicit URI
redirect(uri: "/login.html")

  • URLを全指定:

// Redirect to a URL
redirect(url: "http://grails.org")


redirect(action: 'myaction', params: [myparam: "myvalue"])



redirect(action: "next", params: params)


redirect(controller: "test", action: "show", fragment: "profile")




class ExampleChainController {

def first() { chain(action: second, model: [one: 1]) }

def second () { chain(action: third, model: [two: 2]) }

def third() { [three: 3]) } }


[one: 1, two: 2, three: 3]


class ChainController {

def nextInChain() { def model = chainModel.myModel … } }


chain(action: "action1", model: [one: 1], params: [myparam: "param1"])

6.1.5 コントローラ・インターセプター





def beforeInterceptor = {
    println "Tracing action ${actionUri}"

上記はコントローラ内部に設定します。全てのアクションの前に実行され処理を干渉することはありません。 他によくある実装例としては簡単な認証などです:

def beforeInterceptor = [action: this.&auth, except: 'login']

// defined with private scope, so it's not considered an action private auth() { if (!session.user) { redirect(action: 'login') return false } }

def login() { // display login page }

上記の例では先ず、authメソッドを定義します。外部にアクションとして認識されないようにprivateメソッドにします。 今回は、アクション名がlogin以外の全てのアクションで実行されるように、実行するメソッドをaction:に指定し、除外するアクション'login'を except:に指定して、beforeInterceptorを定義します。authメソッドはGroovyのメソッドポインターシンタックスで指定します。これで、authの処理によって、sessionにuser変数が見つからなかった場合は'login'アクションへリダイレクトしてfalseを返しアクションを実行しないインターセプターが行えます。



def afterInterceptor = { model ->
    println "Tracing action ${actionUri}"


描写直前のSpring MVCのModelAndViewも取得して変更することも可能です。以下のケースでは、前の例に追記すると:

def afterInterceptor = { model, modelAndView ->
    println "Current view is ${modelAndView.viewName}"
    if (model.someVar) modelAndView.viewName = "/mycontroller/someotherview"
    println "View is now ${modelAndView.viewName}"




def beforeInterceptor = [action: this.&auth, except: 'login']


def beforeInterceptor = [action: this.&auth, except: ['login', 'register']]


def beforeInterceptor = [action: this.&auth, only: ['secure']]

6.1.6 データバインディング





def save() {
    def b = new Book(params)

この例での、 new Book(params)の部分でデータバインディングが実行されます。paramsオブジェクトをドメインクラスのコンストラクタに渡すことで、Grailsが自動にリクエストパラメータを認識してバインドします。例えば以下の例のようなリクエストを受信したとします。



def save() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)
    b.properties = params






def b = new Book(params)






<g:select name="books"
          size="5" multiple="yes" optionKey="id"
          value="${author?.books}" />



<g:textField name="books[0].title" value="the Stand" />
<g:textField name="books[1].title" value="the Shining" />

ただし、Setベースの関連では、マークアップ(HTML)が描写された順序とは同じ順序で更新されない危険性あります。 これはSetには順序という概念がなく、books[0]books[1]と指定したとしても、サーバサイドでの関連のソートを明快に指定しない限り、順序が保証されないことになるからです。



<g:textField name="books[0].title" value="the Stand" />
<g:textField name="books[1].title" value="the Shining" />
<g:textField name="books[2].title" value="Red Madder" />


<g:textField name="books[0].title" value="the Stand" />
<g:textField name="books[1].title" value="the Shining" />
<g:textField name="books[5].title" value="Red Madder" />



<g:select name="books[0].id" from="${bookList}"
          value="${author?.books[0]?.id}" />

<g:select name="books[1].id" from="${bookList}" value="${author?.books[1]?.id}" />

<g:select name="books[2].id" from="${bookList}" value="${author?.books[2]?.id}" />

この例では、別々に選択して、books Listの特定の場所にエントリを可能にします。


<g:select name="books[0].id"
          noSelection="['null': '']"/>



<g:select name="images[cover].id"
          noSelection="['null': '']"/>







def b = new Book(params.book)


def a = new Author(params.author)


Controller action arguments are subject to request parameter data binding. There are 2 categories of controller action arguments. The first category is command objects. Complex types are treated as command objects. See the Command Objects section of the user guide for details. The other category is basic object types. Supported types are the 8 primitives, their corresponding type wrappers and java.lang.String. The default behavior is to map request parameters to action arguments by name:

class AccountingController {

// accountNumber will be initialized with the value of params.accountNumber // accountType will be initialized with params.accountType def displayInvoice(String accountNumber, int accountType) { // … } }

For primitive arguments and arguments which are instances of any of the primitive type wrapper classes a type conversion has to be carried out before the request parameter value can be bound to the action argument. The type conversion happens automatically. In a case like the example shown above, the params.accountType request parameter has to be converted to an int. If type conversion fails for any reason, the argument will have its default value per normal Java behavior (null for type wrapper references, false for booleans and zero for numbers) and a corresponding error will be added to the errors property of the defining controller.


Since "bogusValue" cannot be converted to type int, the value of accountType will be zero, controller.errors.hasErrors() will be true, controller.errors.errorCount will be equal to 1 and controller.errors.getFieldError('accountType') will contain the corresponding error.

If the argument name does not match the name of the request parameter then the @grails.web.RequestParameter annotation may be applied to an argument to express the name of the request parameter which should be bound to that argument:

import grails.web.RequestParameter

class AccountingController {

// mainAccountNumber will be initialized with the value of params.accountNumber // accountType will be initialized with params.accountType def displayInvoice(@RequestParameter('accountNumber') String mainAccountNumber, int accountType) { // … } }



class Book {
    URL publisherURL




def b = new Book(params)

if (b.hasErrors()) { println "The value ${b.errors.getFieldError('publisherURL').rejectedValue}" + " is not a valid URL!" }


typeMismatch.java.net.URL=The field {0} is not a valid URL


typeMismatch.Book.publisherURL=The publisher URL you specified is not a valid URL



def p = Person.get(1)

p.properties['firstName','lastName'] = params




def p = new Person()
bindData(p, params)


def p = new Person()
bindData(p, params, [exclude: 'dateOfBirth'])


def p = new Person()
bindData(p, params, [include: ['firstName', 'lastName]])

Note that if an empty List is provided as a value for the include parameter then all fields will be subject to binding if they are not explicitly excluded.

6.1.7 XMLとJSONのレスポンス




def list() {

def results = Book.list()

render(contentType: "text/xml") { books { for (b in results) { book(title: b.title) } } } }


    <book title="The Stand" />
    <book title="The Shining" />


def list() {

def books = Book.list() // naming conflict here

render(contentType: "text/xml") { books { for (b in results) { book(title: b.title) } } } }




def list() {

def results = Book.list()

render(contentType: "text/json") { books = array { for (b in results) { book title: b.title } } } }


    {title:"The Stand"},
    {title:"The Shining"}





import grails.converters.*


render Book.list() as XML


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <book id="1">
    <author>Stephen King</author>
    <title>The Stand</title>
  <book id="2">
    <author>Stephen King</author>
    <title>The Shining</title>


def xml = Book.list().encodeAsXML()
render xml




render Book.list() as JSON


     "author":"Stephen King",
     "title":"The Stand"},
     "author":"Stephen King",
     "releaseDate":new Date(1194127343161),
     "title":"The Shining"}


6.1.8 JSONBuilder (JSONビルダー)

前のセクション「 XMLとJSONレスポンス」で単純なXMLとJSONのを描写してレスポンスする例を紹介しました。Grailsで使用してるXMLビルダーがGroovyの標準的な XmlSlurper に対して、JSONビルダーに関してはGrails特有の実装になっています。


JSONBuilderの振る舞いは使用するGrailsのバージョンに依存します。1.2以前では現在非推奨となるgrails.web.JSONBuilderが使用されます。このセクションでは、Grails 1.2のJSONBuilderの説明をします。


grails.json.legacy.builder = false



render(contentType: "text/json") {
    hello = "world"





render(contentType: "text/json") {
    categories = ['a', 'b', 'c']




render(contentType: "text/json") {
    categories = [ { a = "A" }, { b = "B" } ]


{"categories":[ {"a":"A"} , {"b":"B"}] }


render(contentType: "text/json") {
    element 1
    element 2
    element 3





render(contentType: "text/json") {
    categories = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    title = "Hello JSON"
    information = {
        pages = 10


{"categories":["a","b","c"],"title":"Hello JSON","information":{"pages":10}}



render(contentType: "text/json") {
    categories = [ { a = "A" }, { b = "B" } ]


def results = Book.list()
render(contentType: "text/json") {
    books = array {
        for (b in results) {
            book title: b.title

JSONBuilder APIに直接アクセスする


def builder = new JSONBuilder()

def result = builder.build { categories = ['a', 'b', 'c'] title = "Hello JSON" information = { pages = 10 } }

// prints the JSON text println result.toString()

def sw = new StringWriter() result.render sw

6.1.9 ファイルアップロード



Upload Form: <br />
    <g:uploadForm action="upload">
        <input type="file" name="myFile" />
        <input type="submit" />



def upload() {
    def f = request.getFile('myFile')
    if (f.empty) {
        flash.message = 'file cannot be empty'
        render(view: 'uploadForm')

f.transferTo(new File('/some/local/dir/myfile.txt')) response.sendError(200, 'Done') }




class Image {
    byte[] myFile

static constraints = { // Limit upload file size to 2MB myFile maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 2 } }


def img = new Image(params)



class Image {
   String myFile

6.1.10 コマンドオブジェクト




class UserController {

class LoginCommand { String username String password

static constraints = { username(blank: false, minSize: 6) password(blank: false, minSize: 6) } }





class LoginController {

def login = { LoginCommand cmd -> if (cmd.hasErrors()) { redirect(action: 'loginForm') return }

// work with the command object data } }


class LoginController {
    def login(LoginCommand cmd) {
        if (cmd.hasErrors()) {
            redirect(action: 'loginForm')

// work with the command object data } }



class LoginCommand {

def loginService

String username String password

static constraints = { username validator: { val, obj -> obj.loginService.canLogin(obj.username, obj.password) } } }


6.1.11 フォーム二重送信のハンドリング


<g:form useToken="true" ...>


withForm {
   // good request
}.invalidToken {
   // bad request


<g:if test="${flash.invalidToken}">
  Don't click the button twice!


6.1.12 シンプルタイプコンバータ


データバインディングでのオーバーヘッドを避けたい場合や、受信したパラメータに対して、単純な型変換行いたい場合、 paramsオブジェクトには、型によって幾つかの便利なメソッドが有ります:

def total = params.int('total')



def total = params.int('total', 42)





for (name in params.list('name')) {
    println name

6.1.13 非同期リクエスト処理

Servlet 3.0での非同期リクエスト処理をサポートしています。有効にするには、BuildConfig.groovy サーブレットバージョン指定を3.0に変更します。

grails.servlet.version = "3.0"


Servlet 3.0を指定した場合は、Servlet 3.0のみ対応でデプロイされるので、Servlet 3.0に対応したコンテナ(Tomcatの場合は7以上)で運用しましょう。


Servlet 3.0のAsyncContextインスタンスを返すstartAsyncメソッドを呼び出すことで、非同期でコンテンツが描写(テンプレート、バイナリー等)できます。AsyncContextの参照をするだけで、あとは通常のGrailsのrenderメソッドを使用してコンテンツを描写できます。

def index() {
    def ctx = startAsync()
    ctx.start {
        new Book(title:"The Stand").save()
        render template:"books", model:[books:Book.list()]




def index() {
    def ctx = startAsync()
    ctx.start {
        // do working
        // render view

6.2 Groovyサーバーページ

Groovy Server Pages(GSPと略す)は、Grailsのビュー技術です。より柔軟で直感的であり、ASPやJSPのような技術に精通しているユーザ向けに設計されています。


render(view: "index")




def show() {
    [book: Book.get(params.id)]



6.2.1 GSPの基本


GSPは、Groovyを記述できる、スクリプトレットブロック<% %>をサポートしています。(しつこいですが推奨しません)

     <% out << "Hello GSP!" %>

もちろん<%= %>を使用して値を出力することもできます。

     <%="Hello GSP!" %>


     <%-- This is my comment --%>
     <%="Hello GSP!" %>
</html> 変数とスコープ

<% %>で変数を宣言できます。

<% now = new Date() %>



GSPには、初期定義されたスコープ変数がいくつか存在します。 ロジックとイテレーション

以下のように<% %>シンタックスを使ってループなどを記述できます。

      <% [1,2,3,4].each { num -> %>
         <p><%="Hello ${num}!" %></p>


      <% if (params.hello == 'true')%>
      <% else %>
</html> ページディレクティブ



<%@ page import="java.awt.*" %>


<%@ page contentType="text/json" %>

contentTypeディレクティブはGSPを別のフォーマットを可能にします。 エクスプレッション

GSPでは、先に紹介した<%= %>シンタックスは滅多に使用しません。代わりに、JSPの式言語(JSP EL)と同じような機能をもつGSP(Groovy)表記または、${expr}のようなGroovyのGStringを使用します。

    Hello ${params.name}

JSP式言語(JSP EL)と違い、Groovy表記は、${…}ブロックに記述します。${…}ブロックの変数はデフォルトではエスケープを行いません。したがって、HTML文字列が直接ページ内に描写されます。これによって起こりうる、XSS(クロスサイトスクリプティング)をリスクを軽減するには、grails-app/conf/Config.groovygrails.views.default.codecを設定します。



6.2.2 GSPタグ




<g:example />


   Hello world


<g:example attr="${new Date()}">
   Hello world


<g:example attr="${new Date()}" attr2="[one:1, two:2, three:3]">
   Hello world


<g:example attr="${new Date()}" attr2="[one:'one', two:'two']">
   Hello world

ここまでで基本構文は全てです。次のセクションではどのようなタグがGrailsにデフォルトで組み込まれているか見ていきましょう。 変数とスコープ


<g:set var="now" value="${new Date()}" />


<g:set var="myHTML">
   Some re-usable code on: ${new Date()}

  • page - (デフォルト)現在のページ
  • request - 現在のリクエスト
  • flash - flashスコープに配置され、次のリクエストまで。
  • session - ユーザのセッション
  • application - アプリケーション全体


<g:set var="now" value="${new Date()}" scope="request" /> ロジックとイテレーション

GSPにはすぐに活用できるロジックタグとイテレーションタグがあります。ロジックタグは分岐に使用するif, else, elseifです:

<g:if test="${session.role == 'admin'}">
   <%-- show administrative functions --%>
   <%-- show basic functions --%>


<g:each in="${[1,2,3]}" var="num">
   <p>Number ${num}</p>

<g:set var="num" value="${1}" /> <g:while test="${num < 5 }"> <p>Number ${num++}</p> </g:while> 検索とフィルタリング

オブジェクトのコレクションを扱う場合はソート、フィルタリングが必要になります。その場合は findAllタグとgrepタグが活用できます:

Stephen King's Books:
<g:findAll in="${books}" expr="it.author == 'Stephen King'">
     <p>Title: ${it.title}</p>


<g:grep in="${books}" filter="NonFictionBooks.class">
     <p>Title: ${it.title}</p>


<g:grep in="${books.title}" filter="~/.*?Groovy.*?/">
     <p>Title: ${it}</p>

上記の例ではGPathも使用方法も紹介されています。GPathはGroovyでのXpathのような言語です。変数booksBookインスタンスのコレクションです。全てのBookにプロパティtitleが有る場合、books.titleとすることでBooktitleプロパティのリストを得られます。Groovyは自動的にコレクションを検索して全てのtitleを含んだリストを返してくれます。 リンクとリソース


<g:link action="show" id="1">Book 1</g:link>

<g:link action="show" id="${currentBook.id}">${currentBook.name}</g:link>

<g:link controller="book">Book Home</g:link>

<g:link controller="book" action="list">Book List</g:link>

<g:link url="[action: 'list', controller: 'book']">Book List</g:link>

<g:link params="[sort: 'title', order: 'asc', author: currentBook.author]" action="list">Book List</g:link> フォームとフィールド


GSPではHTMLのフォームとフィールドに対応した様々なタグをサポートしています。フォーム・フィールドの基礎となるタグはformタグです。formタグは、通常のHTML formタグが、コントローラ・アクションを意識してる版みたいな物です。次のように、url属性にマップでコントローラアクションを指定します:

<g:form name="myForm" url="[controller:'book',action:'list']">...</g:form>




  • textField - 属性typeが'text'のinputタグ用
  • passwordField - 属性typeが'password'のinputタグ用
  • checkBox - 属性typeが'checkbox'のinputタグ用
  • radio - 属性typeが'radio'のinputタグ用
  • hiddenField - 属性typeが'hidden'のinputタグ用
  • select - セレクトボックス用タグ


<g:textField name="myField" value="${myValue}" />




<g:actionSubmit value="Some update label" action="update" /> タグをメソッドとして使用




Static Resource: ${createLinkTo(dir: "images", file: "logo.jpg")}


<img src="${createLinkTo(dir: 'images', file: 'logo.jpg')}" />


<img src="<g:createLinkTo dir="images" file="logo.jpg" />" />



def imageLocation = createLinkTo(dir:"images", file:"logo.jpg").toString()


def imageLocation = g.createLinkTo(dir:"images", file:"logo.jpg").toString()


def editor = fckeditor.editor(name: "text", width: "100%", height: "400")

6.2.3 ビューとテンプレート




<div class="book" id="${book?.id}">
   <div>Title: ${book?.title}</div>
   <div>Author: ${book?.author?.name}</div>

Use the render tag to render this template from one of the views in grails-app/views/book: grails-app/views/bookの配置したビューで、テンプレートを使用するには、renderタグを使います:

<g:render template="bookTemplate" model="[book: myBook]" />


<g:render template="bookTemplate" var="book" collection="${bookList}" />



このケースでは、ビューのルートディレクトリである grails-app/views、あるいはルートディレクトのサブディレクトリにテンプレートファイルを配置して、template属性には、/(スラッシュ)から始まる grails-app/viewsからの絶対パスで指定します。例として、テンプレートファイルが、grails-app/views/shared/_mySharedTemplate.gspだとした場合は次のように指定します:

<g:render template="/shared/mySharedTemplate" />


<g:render template="/book/bookTemplate" model="[book: myBook]" />



<g:render template="bookTemplate" model="[book:myBook]" />

This can be expressed with the tmpl namespace as follows: 上記の例をtmplネームスペースで記述すると以下のようになります:

<tmpl:bookTemplate book="${myBook}" />



def bookData() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)
    render(template:"bookTemplate", model:[book:b])


def bookData() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)
    String content = g.render(template:"bookTemplate", model:[book:b])
    render content


6.2.4 Sitemeshでレイアウト



        <title><g:layoutTitle default="An example decorator" /></title>
        <g:layoutHead />
    <body onload="${pageProperty(name:'body.onload')}">
        <div class="menu"><!--my common menu goes here--></menu>
            <div class="body">
                <g:layoutBody />

鍵となるエレメントは、 layoutHeadlayoutTitlelayoutBodyタグです:

  • layoutTitle - ページのタイトルを出力
  • layoutHead - ページのheadタグコンテントを出力
  • layoutBody - ページのbodyタグコンテントを出力




        <title>An Example Page</title>
        <meta name="layout" content="main" />
    <body>This is my content!</body>


        <title>An Example Page</title>
    <body onload="">
        <div class="menu"><!--my common menu goes here--></div>
        <div class="body">
            This is my content!



class BookController {
    static layout = 'customer'

def list() { … } }

grails-app/views/layouts/customer.gspというレイアウトファイルを作成すると、BookControllerに連動する全てのビューに反映します。 "layout"プロパティの値はgrails-app/views/layouts/ディレクトリが含まれます。例として:

class BookController {
    static layout = 'custom/customer'

def list() { … } }

Views rendered from that controller would be decorated with the grails-app/views/layouts/custom/customer.gsp template. この例で、このコントローラのビューは、grails-app/views/layouts/custom/customer.gspテンプレートでデコレートされます。



class BookController {
    def list() { … }





grails.sitemesh.default.layout = 'myLayoutName'





<g:applyLayout name="myLayout" template="bookTemplate" collection="${books}" />

<g:applyLayout name="myLayout" url="http://www.google.com" />

<g:applyLayout name="myLayout"> The content to apply a layout to </g:applyLayout>



<g:include controller="book" action="list" />


<g:applyLayout name="myLayout">
   <g:include controller="book" action="list" />


def content = include(controller:"book", action:"list")


6.2.5 静的リソース




  • Webアプリケーションのパフォーマンスチューニングが難しい
  • リソースの配置順と、JavaScriptの遅延包括
  • 先に読み込む必要のある依存関係のあるリソース
  • プラグインやアプリケーションでの、静的リソースを表示する方法の標準化が必要
  • リソースの最適化を行うための拡張可能な連鎖行程が必要
  • 同じリソースの多重配置を防ぐ




リソースプラグインのドキュメントでは、さらに詳細な内容を提供しています。 リソースタグでのリソースの使用



      <r:require module="jquery"/>



      <r:require modules="jquery, main, blueprint, charting"/>

















      <title>Testing r:script magic!</title>
      <r:script disposition="head">
         window.alert('This is at the end of <head>');
      <r:script disposition="defer">
         window.alert('This is at the end of the body, and the page has loaded.');








      <title>Testing r:img</title>
      <r:img uri="/images/logo.png"/>


通常のGrails imgタグと一緒で、簡潔に記述できる"uri"属性にも対応しています。

詳細はResourcesプラグインのドキュメントを参照。 他のリソースタグ


これはGrails resourceタグと同じで静的リソースへのリンクを処理して返します。Grailsのg:resourceタグが有った場合はこのタグに委譲します。リソースプラグインを使用している場合は直接r:resourceを使用しましょう。

通常のGrails resourceタグと一緒で、簡潔に記述できる"uri"属性にも対応しています。




詳細はResourcesプラグインのドキュメントを参照。 リソースの宣言




modules = {
    core {
        dependsOn 'jquery, utils'

resource url: '/js/core.js', disposition: 'head' resource url: '/js/ui.js' resource url: '/css/main.css', resource url: '/css/branding.css' resource url: '/css/print.css', attrs: [media: 'print'] }

utils { dependsOn 'jquery'

resource url: '/js/utils.js' }

forms { dependsOn 'core,utils'

resource url: '/css/forms.css' resource url: '/js/forms.js' } }



GSPに<r:require module="forms"/>を含んだ場合、この例では'core','util'そして'jquery'のリソースを正常な順番で引っ張ります。





リソースDSLの詳細はResourcesプラグインのドキュメントを参考にしてください。 プラグインリソースのオーバーライド




modules = {
    core {
        dependsOn 'jquery, utils'
        defaultBundle 'monolith'

resource url: '/js/core.js', disposition: 'head' resource url: '/js/ui.js' resource url: '/css/main.css', resource url: '/css/branding.css' resource url: '/css/print.css', attrs: [media: 'print'] }

utils { dependsOn 'jquery' defaultBundle 'monolith'

resource url: '/js/utils.js' }

forms { dependsOn 'core,utils' defaultBundle 'monolith'

resource url: '/css/forms.css' resource url: '/js/forms.js' }

overrides { jquery { defaultBundle 'monolith' } } }



For full details of the resource DSL please see the resources plugin documentation. リソースDSLの詳細はリソースプラグインのドキュメントを参考にしてください。 リソースの最適化


リソースマッパーはそれぞれの静的リソースに一度だけ特定の順番で適用されます。幾つかのプラグインzipping, caching や minifyingのように独自のリソースマッパーを作成することが可能です。





modules = {
    core {
        dependsOn 'jquery, utils'
        defaultBundle 'common'

resource url: '/js/core.js', disposition: 'head' resource url: '/js/ui.js', bundle: 'ui' resource url: '/css/main.css', bundle: 'theme' resource url: '/css/branding.css' resource url: '/css/print.css', attrs: [media: 'print'] }

utils { dependsOn 'jquery'

resource url: '/js/utils.js', bundle: 'common' }

forms { dependsOn 'core,utils'

resource url: '/css/forms.css', bundle: 'ui' resource url: '/js/forms.js', bundle: 'ui' } }






キャッシングヘッダーはリソースがアプリケーションから配信されたときのみセットされます。もし別のサーバで静的コンテンツを配信している場合は(Apache HTTPD等で)、サーバでそれらのキャッシングヘッダーの定義を行ってください。あるいはリソースをアプリケーションコンテナーを介して配信するように設定も可能です。






最小化してコード内容をわかりにくくしたりサイズを縮小する幾つかのCSSとJavascript minifierが有ります。現段階ではプラグインの提供は無いですが近々リリースされると思います。 デバッグ






クエリパラメータ _debugResources=y をURLに追加してページをリクエストすると、Resourcesプラグインはバイパスされて元のソースファイルを見ることができます。




grails.resources.debug = true

もちろんこの設定は環境ごとに定義できます。 リソース生成・変換処理を防ぐ





modules = {
    forms {
        resource url: '/css/forms.css', nohashandcache: true
        resource url: '/js/forms.js', nohashandcache: true




// We wouldn't link to .exe files using Resources but for the sake of example:
grails.resources.zip.excludes = ['**/*.zip', '**/*.exe']

// Perhaps for some reason we want to prevent bundling on "less" CSS files: grails.resources.bundle.excludes = ['**/*.less']





サーブレットAPI準拠のフィルタURIマッピングのリストを定義して、どのリクエストを"ad-hoc"リソースとしてResourcesのフィルタが使用するか認識させるConfig.groovy用の設定 grails.resources.adhoc.patterns があります。

grails.resources.adhoc.patterns = ['images/*', '*.js', '*.css'] リソース関連のプラグイン


6.2.6 Sitemeshコンテントブロック


<content tag="navbar">
… ここにナビゲーションバーコンテンツ…

<content tag="header"> … ここにヘッダーコンテンツ… </content>

<content tag="footer"> … ここにフッターコンテンツ… </content>

<content tag="body"> … ここにボディコンテンツ… </content>


        <div id="header">
            <g:applyLayout name="headerLayout">
                <g:pageProperty name="page.header" />
        <div id="nav">
            <g:applyLayout name="navLayout">
                <g:pageProperty name="page.navbar" />
        <div id="body">
            <g:applyLayout name="bodyLayout">
                <g:pageProperty name="page.body" />
        <div id="footer">
            <g:applyLayout name="footerLayout">
                <g:pageProperty name="page.footer" />

6.2.7 デプロイされたアプリケーションへの変更



grails.gsp.enable.reload = true
grails.gsp.view.dir = "/var/www/grails/my-app/"




mkdir -p /var/www/grails/my-app/grails-app/views
cp -R grails-app/views/* /var/www/grails/my-app/grails-app/views

ひとつ気にかけてほしいのが、GSPを更新するたびに、permgenスペースを多く使用するという事です。それにより再起動するのと比べて、そのうち"out of permgen space"エラーが起こります。したがって、常に更新される物や、ビューへの大きな変更には推奨できません。


プリコンパイルGSPに対してのGSPリロードはGrails 1.3.5からサポートされています。

6.2.8 GSPデバッグ


  • URLに、 "?showSource=true" または、"&showSource=true"を追加するとページ描写の代わりに、ビュー用に生成されたGroovyコードが参照できます。但し含んだテンプレートのコードは含まれません。開発モードのみで動作します。
  • Config.groovyにプロパティ"grails.views.gsp.keepgenerateddir"を指定すると生成ファイルが指定された場所に保存されます。
  • "grails war"でのgspプリコンパイル時に、生成されたソースコードがgrails.project.work.dir/gspcompileに保存されます。(通常は~/.grails/(grails_version)/projects/(project name)/gspcompileです。)




使用方法は簡単、URLに"?debugTemplates" または "&debugTemplates"を追加して表示されたページのソースを参照します。"debugTemplates"は開発モードのみで動作します。


<!-- GSP #2 START template: /home/.../views/_carousel.gsp
     precompiled: false lastmodified: … -->
<!-- GSP #2 END template: /home/.../views/_carousel.gsp
     rendering time: 115 ms -->


6.3 タグライブラリ

Java Server Pages (JSP)のように、GSPでもカスタムタグライブラリをサポートしています。JSPと違いGrailsでのタグライブラリは単純簡潔です。


class SimpleTagLib {



class SimpleTagLib {
    def simple = { attrs, body ->

} }

The attrs argument is a Map of the attributes of the tag, whilst the body argument is a Closure that returns the body content when invoked: 引数attrsはタグ属性のMapです。引数bodyはタグ内容のコンテンツを呼び出すクロージャです:

class SimpleTagLib {
    def emoticon = { attrs, body ->
       out << body() << (attrs.happy == 'true' ? " :-)" : " :-(")


<g:emoticon happy="true">Hi John</g:emoticon>

タグリブはGroovyコードを使用しているため、タグで使用可能な属性全てを認識することは困難です。SpringSource Tool Suite (STS)等のIDEでの補完機能に対しての手助けとして、タグクロージャのJavadocコメント内に@attrを含めましょう。


class SimpleTagLib {

/** * Renders the body with an emoticon. * * @attr happy whether to show a happy emoticon ('true') or * a sad emoticon ('false') */ def emoticon = { attrs, body -> out << body() << (attrs.happy == 'true' ? " :-)" : " :-(") } }


class SimpleTagLib {

/** * Creates a new password field. * * @attr name REQUIRED the field name * @attr value the field value */ def passwordField = { attrs -> attrs.type = "password" attrs.tagName = "passwordField" fieldImpl(out, attrs) } }

6.3.1 変数とスコープ


  • actionName - 現在実行中のアクション名
  • controllerName - 現在実行中のコントローラ名
  • flash - flashオブジェクト
  • grailsApplication - GrailsApplicationインスタンス
  • out - 出力用のレスポンスライター
  • pageScope - GSP描写で使用するpageScopeオブジェクトへの参照
  • params - リクエストパラメータ取得用のparamsオブジェクト
  • pluginContextPath - タグライブラリを含むプラグインへのコンテキストパス。
  • request - HttpServletRequestインスタンス
  • response - HttpServletResponseインスタンス
  • servletContext - javax.servlet.ServletContext インスタンス
  • session - HttpSessionインスタンス

6.3.2 簡単なタグ


def dateFormat = { attrs, body ->
    out << new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(attrs.format).format(attrs.date)


<g:dateFormat format="dd-MM-yyyy" date="${new Date()}" />


def formatBook = { attrs, body ->
    out << "<div id="${attrs.book.id}">"
    out << "Title : ${attrs.book.title}"
    out << "</div>"


def formatBook = { attrs, body ->
    out << render(template: "bookTemplate", model: [book: attrs.book])


6.3.3 制御タグ


def isAdmin = { attrs, body ->
    def user = attrs.user
    if (user && checkUserPrivs(user)) {
        out << body()


<g:isAdmin user="${myUser}">
    // some restricted content

6.3.4 イテレートタグ


def repeat = { attrs, body ->
    attrs.times?.toInteger()?.times { num ->
        out << body(num)


<g:repeat times="3">
<p>Repeat this 3 times! Current repeat = ${it}</p>


out << body(num)


def repeat = { attrs, body ->
    def var = attrs.var ?: "num"
    attrs.times?.toInteger()?.times { num ->
        out << body((var):num)


out << body((var):num)



<g:repeat times="3" var="j">
<p>Repeat this 3 times! Current repeat = ${j}</p>


6.3.5 タグネームスペース


class SimpleTagLib {
    static namespace = "my"

def example = { attrs -> … } }


<my:example name="..." />



out << my.example(name:"foo")


6.3.6 JSPタグライブラリの使用


<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>


<fmt:formatNumber value="${10}" pattern=".00"/>


${fmt.formatNumber(value:10, pattern:".00")}

6.3.7 タグの戻り値

Grails 1.2以降、タグライブラリを呼び出すと、デフォルトではorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.StreamCharBuffer クラスのインスタンスを返します。 この実装でリクエスト処理時のバッファリング最適化や、オブジェクト生成の減少によりパフォーマンスの向上が行われました。 それ以前のGrailsではjava.lang.Stringインスタンスを返します。

さらに、Grails 1.2からは、タグライブラリから直接オブジェクトを返す事が可能です。オブジェクトを返すタグを定義するにはstatic returnObjectForTagsプロパティにタグ名称をリストします。

class ObjectReturningTagLib {
    static namespace = "cms"
    static returnObjectForTags = ['content']

def content = { attrs, body -> CmsContent.findByCode(attrs.code)?.content } }

6.4 URLマッピング



class UrlMappings {
    static mappings = {

6.4.1 コントローラとアクションにマッピング


"/product"(controller: "product", action: "list")

この例ではURL /productは、ProductControllerlistアクションにマップ定義したことになります。アクションを省略すると、コントローラのデフォルトアクションにマップ定義できます:

"/product"(controller: "product")


"/product" {
    controller = "product"
    action = "list"


"/hello"(uri: "/hello.dispatch")


6.4.2 埋込変数



static mappings = {
  "/product/$id"(controller: "product")

この例では、2つめのトークンとして変数$idを埋め込むことで、Grailsが自動的に2つめのトークンを名称がidのパラメータとしてマップします(このパラメータはparamsオブジェクトから取得できます)。例として、URL /product/MacBookへアクセスを行うと、次のコードでは、結果として"MacBook"をレスポンスします:

class ProductController {
     def index() { render params.id }


static mappings = {
   "/$blog/$year/$month/$day/$id"(controller: "blog", action: "show")



URLの個々のトークンはparamsオブジェクトにマップされるため、変数blog, year, month, day, idとして値を取得する事ができます。



static mappings = {



static mappings = {
    "/$controller" {
        action = { params.goHere }


変数の最後に ? を付加することで、変数を省略可能にすることが可能です。この仕組みを使用して、前述した例のブログURLマッピングをもっと柔軟にしてみましょう:

static mappings = {
    "/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?"(controller:"blog", action:"show")





"/holiday/win" {
     id = "Marrakech"
     year = 2007




"/holiday/win" {
     id = { params.id }
     isEligible = { session.user != null } // must be logged in


6.4.3 ビューへマッピング

コントローラまたはアクションを含まずにビューへURLをマップできます。例としてルートURL / を、grails-app/views/index.gspにマッピングするには:

static mappings = {
    "/"(view: "/index")  // map the root URL


static mappings = {
   "/help"(controller: "site", view: "help") // to a view for a controller

6.4.4 レスポンスコードへマッピング


static mappings = {
   "403"(controller: "errors", action: "forbidden")
   "404"(controller: "errors", action: "notFound")
   "500"(controller: "errors", action: "serverError")


static mappings = {
   "403"(view: "/errors/forbidden")
   "404"(view: "/errors/notFound")
   "500"(view: "/errors/serverError")



static mappings = {
   "403"(view: "/errors/forbidden")
   "404"(view: "/errors/notFound")
   "500"(controller: "errors", action: "illegalArgument",
         exception: IllegalArgumentException)
   "500"(controller: "errors", action: "nullPointer",
         exception: NullPointerException)
   "500"(controller: "errors", action: "customException",
         exception: MyException)
   "500"(view: "/errors/serverError")



class ErrorController {
    def handleError() {
        def exception = request.exception
        // perform desired processing to handle the exception


6.4.5 HTTPメソッドへマッピング

URLマッピングでは、HTTPメソッド(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)へのマップを定義することができます。HTTPメソッドをベースに制限したり、RESTful API等に便利です。

このマッピングの例ではProductController用にRESTful API URLマッピングを提供しています:

static mappings = {
   "/product/$id"(controller:"product") {
       action = [GET:"show", PUT:"update", DELETE:"delete", POST:"save"]

6.4.6 マッピングワイルドカード


static mappings = {
    "/images/*.jpg"(controller: "image")


static mappings = {
    "/images/$name.jpg"(controller: "image")


static mappings = {
    "/images/**.jpg"(controller: "image")


static mappings = {
    // will match /image/logo.jpg and /image/other/logo.jpg
    "/images/$name**.jpg"(controller: "image")


def name = params.name
println name // prints "logo" or "other/logo"


class UrlMappings {
    static excludes = ["/images/*", "/css/*"]
    static mappings = {

この例では、 /imagesまた/cssで始まるURIはURLマッピングから除外されます.

6.4.7 自動リンクリライト

URLマッピングには、linkタグの振る舞いを自動的にカスタマイズ するという優れた機能が存在します。その機能のおかげでURLマッピングを変更しても、その都度リンクを変更しなくても良くなります。


static mappings = {
   "/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?"(controller:"blog", action:"show")


<g:link controller="blog" action="show"
        params="[blog:'fred', year:2007]">
    My Blog

<g:link controller="blog" action="show" params="[blog:'fred', year:2007, month:10]"> My Blog - October 2007 Posts </g:link>


<a href="/fred/2007">My Blog</a>
<a href="/fred/2007/10">My Blog - October 2007 Posts</a>

6.4.8 制約の適用


static mappings = {
   "/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?"(controller:"blog", action:"show")






"/$blog/$year?/$month?/$day?/$id?" {
     controller = "blog"
     action = "show"
     constraints {


6.4.9 名前付きURLマッピング



static mappings = {
   name <mapping name>: <url pattern> {
      // …


static mappings = {
    name personList: "/showPeople" {
        controller = 'person'
        action = 'list'
    name accountDetails: "/details/$acctNumber" {
        controller = 'product'
        action = 'accountDetails'


<g:link mapping="personList">List People</g:link>


<a href="/showPeople">List People</a>


<g:link mapping="accountDetails" params="[acctNumber:'8675309']">
    Show Account


<a href="/details/8675309">Show Account</a>


<link:personList>List People</link:personList>


<a href="/showPeople">List People</a>


<link:accountDetails acctNumber="8675309">Show Account</link:accountDetails>


<a href="/details/8675309">Show Account</a>


<link:accountDetails attrs="[class: 'fancy']" acctNumber="8675309">
    Show Account


<a href="/details/8675309" class="fancy">Show Account</a>

6.4.10 URLフォーマットのカスタマイズ

URLでの URLマッピングは、デフォルトでキャメルケースのURLになります。例えばコントローラMathHelperControllerのアクションaddNumbersの場合、デフォルトURLでのURLは、/mathHelper/addNumbersのようになります。Grailsでは、このパターンをカスタマイズして、/math-helper/add-numbersのようなハイフン形式にキャメルケース形式を入れ換える実装が可能です。ハイフンURLを可能にするには、grails-app/conf/Config.groovygrails.web.url.converterを"hyphenated"にします。

// grails-app/conf/Config.groovy

grails.web.url.converter = 'hyphenated'

// src/groovy/com/myapplication/MyUrlConverterImpl.groovy

package com.myapplication

class MyUrlConverterImpl implements grails.web.UrlConverter {

String toUrlElement(String propertyOrClassName) { // URLで描写するプロパティ名またはクラス名を返す } }

// grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy

beans = { "${grails.web.UrlConverter.BEAN_NAME}"(com.myapplication.MyUrlConverterImpl) }

6.5 Webフロー


Grailsでは、Spring Web Flow をベースにしたWebフローをサポートしています。Webフローとは、処理範囲での複数のリクエストと保有するステート間の対話です。Webフローでは明示された開始と終了ステートも持っています。

WebフローにはHTTP sessionは必要有りません。代わりに、リクエストパラメータでGrailsが持ち回る、フローエクスキュージョンキーを使用した連載形式でステートを保持しています。この方式はメモリ継承やクラスタリング問題のあるHttpSessionを使用したステートフルアプリケーションの形式よりもフローをスケーラブルにします。

Webフローは本質的には、"フロー"の実行のステートの流れを管理する上級ステートマシーンです。 ステートが管理されると、Webフローが管理してくれるので、ユーザがフロー途中のアクションから入ってくる場合どうするか等を気にしなくても良くなります。これによりショッピングカート、ホテル予約などの複数ページにまたがるワークフローを持つアプリケーションにWebフローがよく合うと言う事です。

Grails 1.2からWebフローはGrailsのコア機能では無くなりました。この機能を使用するには、Webフロープラグインをインストールする必要があります: grails install-plugin webflow



class BookController {

def index() { redirect(action: "shoppingCart") }

def shoppingCartFlow = { … } }


6.5.1 開始と終了のステート


class BookController {
   def shoppingCartFlow ={
       showCart {
           on("checkout").to "enterPersonalDetails"
           on("continueShopping").to "displayCatalogue"
       displayCatalogue {
           redirect(controller: "catalogue", action: "show")





6.5.2 アクションステートとビューステート



enterPersonalDetails {
   on("submit").to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"


enterPersonalDetails {
   render(view: "enterDetailsView")
   on("submit").to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"

この例でgrails-app/views/book/shoppingCart/enterDetailsView.gspを参照するようになります。viewのパラメータに / を使用して共有ビューを使用できます:

enterPersonalDetails {
   render(view: "/shared/enterDetailsView")
   on("submit").to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"




listBooks {
   action {
      [bookList: Book.list()]
   on("success").to "showCatalogue"
   on(Exception).to "handleError"



on(Exception).to "handleError"



processPurchaseOrder {
    action {
        def a =  flow.address
        def p = flow.person
        def pd = flow.paymentDetails
        def cartItems = flow.cartItems

def o = new Order(person: p, shippingAddress: a, paymentDetails: pd) o.invoiceNumber = new Random().nextInt(9999999) for (item in cartItems) { o.addToItems item } o.save() [order: o] } on("error").to "confirmPurchase" on(Exception).to "confirmPurchase" on("success").to "displayInvoice" }




enterPersonalDetails {
   on("submit") {
       log.trace "Going to enter shipping"
   }.to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"


6.5.3 フロー実行イベント

ステートから次のステートへのフローでの トランジション 実行ができると、次のフローの イベントトリガー を指定する方法が必要になります。ビューステートまたはアクションステートからイベントをトリガーできます。



def shoppingCartFlow = {
    showCart {
        on("checkout").to "enterPersonalDetails"
        on("continueShopping").to "displayCatalogue"

shopCartイベントはビューステートなので、grails-app/book/shoppingCart/showCart.gspを描写します。このビューの中に、フロートリガーを実行するコンポーネントを持つ必要があります。 submitButtonタグを使用したフォームを使います:

<g:form action="shoppingCart">
    <g:submitButton name="continueShopping" value="Continue Shopping" />
    <g:submitButton name="checkout" value="Checkout" />


<g:link action="shoppingCart" event="checkout" />



enterPersonalDetails {
   on("submit") {
         def p = new Person(params)
         flow.person = p
         if (!p.validate()) return error()
   }.to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"



shippingNeeded {
   action {
       if (params.shippingRequired) yes()
       else no()
   on("yes").to "enterShipping"
   on("no").to "enterPayment"

6.5.4 フローのスコープ



  • request - 現在のリクエスト範囲のオブジェクトを蓄積
  • flash - 現在と次までが有効範囲のオブジェクトを蓄積
  • flow - フロー範囲で有効なオブジェクトを蓄積。フローが終了ステートに到達したら削除されます。
  • conversation - ルートフローやサブフローを含む範囲での対話でのオブジェクトを蓄積
  • session - ユーザのセッションへオブジェクトを蓄積



enterPersonalDetails {
    on("submit") {
        [person: new Person(params)]
    }.to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"


  1. ステート間のトランジションでオブジェクトをflashスコープからrequestスコープへ移動します。
  2. 描写する前に、flowとconversationスコープのオブジェクトをビューモデルにマージします。(GSPページ等のビューでオブジェクトを参照する際はスコープ接頭辞を含まないでください)



class Book {
    String title


class Book implements Serializable {
    String title


class Book implements Serializable {
    String title
    Author author


class Book implements Serializable {

String title

def onLoad = { println "I'm loading" } }


class Book implements Serializable {

String title

transient onLoad = { println "I'm loading" } }


class Book implements Serializable {

String title

def onLoad() { println "I'm loading" } }

The flow scope contains a reference to the Hibernate session. As a result, any object loaded into the session through a GORM query will also be in the flow and will need to implement Serializable.

If you don't want your domain class to be Serializable or stored in the flow, then you will need to evict the entity manually before the end of the state:


6.5.5 データバインディングとバリデーション


enterPersonalDetails {
   on("submit").to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"


<g:form action="shoppingCart">
    <!-- Other fields -->
    <g:submitButton name="submit" value="Continue"></g:submitButton>
    <g:submitButton name="return" value="Back"></g:submitButton>


enterPersonalDetails {
   on("submit") {
      flow.person = new Person(params)
      !flow.person.validate() ? error() : success()
   }.to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"



enterPersonalDetails {
   on("submit") { PersonDetailsCommand cmd ->
       flow.personDetails = cmd
      !flow.personDetails.validate() ? error() : success()
   }.to "enterShipping"
   on("return").to "showCart"

6.5.6 サブフローとの対話


def searchFlow = {
    displaySearchForm {
        on("submit").to "executeSearch"
    executeSearch {
        action {
        on("success").to "displayResults"
        on("error").to "displaySearchForm"
    displayResults {
        on("searchDeeper").to "extendedSearch"
        on("searchAgain").to "displaySearchForm"
    extendedSearch {
        // Extended search subflow
        subflow(controller: "searchExtensions", action: "extendedSearch")
        on("moreResults").to "displayMoreResults"
        on("noResults").to "displayNoMoreResults"




def extendedSearchFlow = {
    startExtendedSearch {
        on("findMore").to "searchMore"
        on("searchAgain").to "noResults"
    searchMore {
        action {
           def results = searchService.deepSearch(ctx.conversation.query)
           if (!results) return error()
           conversation.extendedResults = results
        on("success").to "moreResults"
        on("error").to "noResults"


extendedSearch {
    // Extended search subflow
    subflow(controller: "searchExtensions", action: "extendedSearch")
    on("moreResults").to "displayMoreResults"
    on("noResults").to "displayNoMoreResults"

6.6 フィルタ


6.6.1 フィルタの適用


class ExampleFilters {
   def filters = {
        // your filters here


sampleFilter(controller:'*', action:'*') {
  // interceptor definitions


  • 省略可能なワイルドカードを使用した、コントローラ名と(または)アクション名の組み合わせ。
  • Antパスマッチング書式のURI指定。

  • controller - コントローラ対象のパターンマッチング, 既存値 * で正規表現コンパイル時には .*に置換されます。
  • controllerExclude - 除外するコントローラのパターン, 既存値 * で正規表現コンパイル時には .*に置換されます。
  • action - アクション対象のパターンマッチング, 既存値 * で正規表現コンパイル時には .*に置換されます。
  • actionExclude - 除外するアクションのパターン, 既存値 * で正規表現コンパイル時には .*に置換されます。
  • regex (true/false) - 正規表現の使用 ('*' を '.*'に置換しない指定)
  • uri - URIマッチ, Antスタイルパス (e.g. /book/**)
  • uriExclude - 除外するURIパターン, Antスタイルパス (e.g. /book/**)
  • find (true/false) - 部分マッチ (java.util.regex.Matcher.find()を参照)
  • invert (true/false) - ルールを逆にする

  • 全てのコントローラとアクション

all(controller: '*', action: '*') {


  • BookControllerのみ

justBook(controller: 'book', action: '*') {


  • BookController以外の全て

notBook(controller: 'book', invert: true) {


  • 'save'を名称に含めたアクション全て

saveInActionName(action: '*save*', find: true) {


  • "bad*"を除外した、'b'で始まるアクション全て

actionBeginningWithBButNotBad(action: 'b*', actionExclude: 'bad*', find: true) {


  • URIへ適用

someURIs(uri: '/book/**') {


  • 全てのURIに適用

allURIs(uri: '/**') {



注意:除外パターンが使用された場合は除外マッチングパターンが優先されます。例として、アクションが'b*' で、actionExcludeが'bad*'の場合、'best','bien'等のアクションは適用されますが、'bad','badland'は適用されません。

6.6.2 フィルタの種類


  • before - アクションの前に実行されます。falseを返す事で、その後に実行されるフィルタとアクションは実行されません。
  • after - アクションの後に実行されます。最初の引数に、ビュー描写前に変更可能なビューモデルが渡されます。
  • afterView - ビュー描写後に実行されます。実行時に例外が発生した場合はnon-nullなExceptionが引数として渡されます。このクロージャはレイアウトが適用される前に実行されます。

class SecurityFilters {
   def filters = {
       loginCheck(controller: '*', action: '*') {
           before = {
              if (!session.user && !actionName.equals('login')) {
                  redirect(action: 'login')
                  return false


Here's a more involved example that demonstrates all three filter types:

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong

class LoggingFilters {

private static final AtomicLong REQUEST_NUMBER_COUNTER = new AtomicLong() private static final String START_TIME_ATTRIBUTE = 'Controller__START_TIME__' private static final String REQUEST_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE = 'Controller__REQUEST_NUMBER__'

def filters = {

logFilter(controller: '*', action: '*') {

before = { if (!log.debugEnabled) return true

long start = System.currentTimeMillis() long currentRequestNumber = REQUEST_NUMBER_COUNTER.incrementAndGet()

request[START_TIME_ATTRIBUTE] = start request[REQUEST_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE] = currentRequestNumber

log.debug "preHandle request #$currentRequestNumber : " + "'$request.servletPath'/'$request.forwardURI', " + "from $request.remoteHost ($request.remoteAddr) " + " at ${new Date()}, Ajax: $request.xhr, controller: $controllerName, " + "action: $actionName, params: ${new TreeMap(params)}"

return true }

after = { Map model ->

if (!log.debugEnabled) return true

long start = request[START_TIME_ATTRIBUTE] long end = System.currentTimeMillis() long requestNumber = request[REQUEST_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE]

def msg = "postHandle request #$requestNumber: end ${new Date()}, " + "controller total time ${end - start}ms" if (log.traceEnabled) { log.trace msg + "; model: $model" } else { log.debug msg } }

afterView = { Exception e ->

if (!log.debugEnabled) return true

long start = request[START_TIME_ATTRIBUTE] long end = System.currentTimeMillis() long requestNumber = request[REQUEST_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE]

def msg = "afterCompletion request #$requestNumber: " + "end ${new Date()}, total time ${end - start}ms" if (e) { log.debug "$msg \n\texception: $e.message", e } else { log.debug msg } } } } }

In this logging example we just log various request information, but note that the model map in the after filter is mutable. If you need to add or remove items from the model map you can do that in the after filter.

6.6.3 変数とスコープ



  • redirect - 他のコントローラやアクションにリダイレクトを行う
  • render - カスタムレスポンスを返す。

6.6.4 フィルタ依存関係



class MyFilters {
    def dependsOn = [MyOtherFilters]

def filters = { checkAwesome(uri: "/*") { before = { if (request.isAwesome) { // do something awesome } } }

checkAwesome2(uri: "/*") { before = { if (request.isAwesome) { // do something else awesome } } } } }

class MyOtherFilters {
    def filters = {
        makeAwesome(uri: "/*") {
            before = {
                request.isAwesome = true
        doNothing(uri: "/*") {
            before = {
                // do nothing

  • MyOtherFilters - makeAwesome
  • MyOtherFilters - doNothing
  • MyFilters - checkAwesome
  • MyFilters - checkAwesome2



6.7 Ajax


6.7.1 Ajax対応

Grailsはデフォルトで jQuery を使用しています。他のライブラリ、PrototypeDojoYahoo UIGoogle Web Toolkit等もプラグインで提供しています。


<g:javascript library="jquery" />

  • jQuery
  • Prototype
  • Dojo
  • YUI
  • MooTools リモートリンク

多くの方法でリモートコンテントをロードすることが可能ですが、一般的な方法としてremoteLinkタグを使用します。 このタグは、非同期リクエストと結果をエレメントにセット(省略可能)するHTMLアンカータグを生成します。リモートリンクタグを作成する簡単な例は次のようになります:

<g:remoteLink action="delete" id="1">Delete Book</g:remoteLink>

上記の例で生成されたタグは、id:1をリクエストパラメータとしてdeleteアクションに非同期リクエストを送信します。 コンテンツの更新


def delete() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)
    render "Book ${b.id} was deleted"


<div id="message"></div>
<g:remoteLink action="delete" id="1" update="message">
Delete Book

この例では対象のアクションをコールしてレスポンスをmessegeのidをもったdivエレメントの内容を"Book 1 was deleted"に更新します。この更新動作は、タグのupdate属性で対象を指定しています。さらにMapを使用して更新失敗時の表示先も指定できます:

<div id="message"></div>
<div id="error"></div>
<g:remoteLink update="[success: 'message', failure: 'error']"
              action="delete" id="1">
Delete Book

この例ではリクエストに失敗すると、errorのIDをもつdivタグ内が更新されます。 リモートフォーム送信


<g:formRemote url="[controller: 'book', action: 'delete']"
              update="[success: 'message', failure: 'error']">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="1" />
    <input type="submit" value="Delete Book!" />
</g:formRemote >


<form action="delete">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="1" />
    <g:submitToRemote action="delete"
                      update="[success: 'message', failure: 'error']" />
</form> Ajaxイベント


<g:remoteLink action="show"
              onComplete="hideProgress()">Show Book 1</g:remoteLink>


  • onSuccess - 成功した時に呼び出すJavaScriptファンクション
  • onFailure - 失敗した時に呼び出すJavaScriptファンクション
  • on_ERROR_CODE - 指定したエラーコードを取得したら呼び出すJavaScriptファンクション (eg on404="alert('not found!')")
  • onUninitialized - Ajaxエンジンの初期化に失敗したときに呼び出すJavaScriptファンクション
  • onLoading - レスポンスを読み込み中に呼び出すJavaScriptファンクション
  • onLoaded - レスポンスの読み込み完了時に呼び出すJavaScriptファンクション
  • onComplete - リモートファンクションが完全に完了(更新を含む)したら呼び出すJavaScriptファンクション


    function fireMe(e) {
        alert("XmlHttpRequest = " + e)
<g:remoteLink action="example"
              onSuccess="fireMe(e)">Ajax Link</g:remoteLink>

6.7.2 Prototypeを使用したAjax

Prototype はプラグインで対応しています。インストールするにはプロジェクトのルートで次のコマンドをターミナルで実行します:

grails install-plugin prototype


<g:javascript library="prototype" />

Scriptaculous も必要であれば、代わりに次のように指定します:

<g:javascript library="scriptaculous" />


6.7.3 Dojoを使用したAjax

Dojo はプラグインで対応しています。インストールするにはプロジェクトのルートで次のコマンドをターミナルで実行します:

grails install-plugin dojo


<g:javascript library="dojo" />


6.7.4 GWTを使用したAjax

Google Web Toolkit をプラグインでサポートしています。詳しくはドキュメントを参照してください。

6.7.5 Ajax使用時のサーバサイド


  • コンテント中心なAjax - リモートコールの結果HTMLページを更新する。
  • データ中心なAjax - XMLまたはJSONをサーバから送信してページをプログラムで更新する。
  • スクリプトを使用したAjax - サーバからJavascriptを送信して実行させる。




def showBook() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)

render(template: "bookTemplate", model: [book: b]) }


<g:remoteLink action="showBook" id="${book.id}"
              update="book${book.id}">Update Book</g:remoteLink>

<div id="book${book.id}"> <!--existing book mark-up --> </div>



import grails.converters.JSON

def showBook() { def b = Book.get(params.id)

render b as JSON }


function updateBook(e) {
    var book = eval("("+e.responseText+")") // evaluate the JSON
    $("book" + book.id + "_title").innerHTML = book.title
<g:remoteLink action="test" update="foo" onSuccess="updateBook(e)">
    Update Book
<g:set var="bookId">book${book.id}</g:set>
<div id="${bookId}">
    <div id="${bookId}_title">The Stand</div>



import grails.converters.XML

def showBook() { def b = Book.get(params.id)

render b as XML }


function updateBook(e) {
    var xml = e.responseXML
    var id = xml.getElementsByTagName("book").getAttribute("id")
    $("book" + id + "_title") = xml.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].textContent
<g:remoteLink action="test" update="foo" onSuccess="updateBook(e)">
    Update Book
<g:set var="bookId">book${book.id}</g:set>
<div id="${bookId}">
    <div id="${bookId}_title">The Stand</div>



def showBook() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)

response.contentType = "text/javascript" String title = b.title.encodeAsJavascript() render "$('book${b.id}_title')='${title}'" }


当然このケースでは、クライアントがサーバを壊す事が無いと認めたクライアントサイトAPIでは無いと危険です。これがRailsではRJSを持っている理由です。Grailsには、RJSに相当する仕組みは存在しませんが、同じような内容の仕組みが Dynamic JavaScriptプラグインで提供されています。



def listBooks() {
    def books = Book.list(params)
    if (request.xhr) {
        render template: "bookTable", model: [books: books]
    } else {
        render view: "list", model: [books: books]

6.8 コンテントネゴシエーション

Grailsには、明示的なフォーマットに対するリクエストのHTTP AcceptヘッダーまたはマップされたURIの拡張子でのコンテントネゴシエーションに対応しています。



grails.mime.types = [ xml: ['text/xml', 'application/xml'],
                      text: 'text-plain',
                      js: 'text/javascript',
                      rss: 'application/rss+xml',
                      atom: 'application/atom+xml',
                      css: 'text/css',
                      csv: 'text/csv',
                      all: '*/*',
                      json: 'text/json',
                      html: ['text/html','application/xhtml+xml']






text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml, text/html;q=0.9,
text/plain;q=0.8, image/png, */*;q=0.5


assert 'html' == response.format

何故でしょう? メディアタイプtext/htmlは、レートでは0.9という高い"特質"を持っているので、優先度が高いからです。先の例で紹介した古いブラウザの場合は少し違います:

assert 'all' == response.format


import grails.converters.XML

class BookController {

def list() { def books = Book.list() withFormat { html bookList: books js { render "alert('hello')" } xml { render books as XML } } } }

優先されたフォーマットがhtmlの場合Grailsはhtml()のみを実行します。この場合Grailsは、grails-app/views/books/list.html.gspまた grails-app/views/books/list.gspのどちらかのビューを探しに行きます。



リクエストフォーマット vs レスポンスフォーマット

Grails 2.0からの対応で、リクエストフォーマットとレスポンスフォーマットでは分離して認識するようになりました。リクエストフォーマットは、CONTENT_TYPEヘッダの指定で入ってくるリクエストを認識してXMLまたJSON等に分類します。レスポンスフォーマットでは、ファイル拡張子、フォーマットパラメータまたはACCEPTヘッダを認識して適したレスポンスをクライアントに返します。


request.withFormat {
    xml {
        // read XML
    json {
        // read JSON





"/book/list"(controller:"book", action:"list") {
    format = "xml"





grails.mime.file.extensions = false



void testJavascriptOutput() {
    def controller = new TestController()
    controller.request.addHeader "Accept",
              "text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*"

controller.testAction() assertEquals "alert('hello')", controller.response.contentAsString }


void testJavascriptOutput() {
    def controller = new TestController()
    controller.params.format = 'js'

controller.testAction() assertEquals "alert('hello')", controller.response.contentAsString }

7 バリデーション

Grails validation capability is built on Spring's Validator API and data binding capabilities. However Grails takes this further and provides a unified way to define validation "constraints" with its constraints mechanism.

Constraints in Grails are a way to declaratively specify validation rules. Most commonly they are applied to domain classes, however URL Mappings and Command Objects also support constraints.

7.1 制約を宣言

Within a domain class constraints are defined with the constraints property that is assigned a code block:

class User {
    String login
    String password
    String email
    Integer age

static constraints = { … } }

You then use method calls that match the property name for which the constraint applies in combination with named parameters to specify constraints:

class User {

static constraints = { login size: 5..15, blank: false, unique: true password size: 5..15, blank: false email email: true, blank: false age min: 18 } }

In this example we've declared that the login property must be between 5 and 15 characters long, it cannot be blank and must be unique. We've also applied other constraints to the password, email and age properties.

By default, all domain class properties are not nullable (i.e. they have an implicit nullable: false constraint). The same is not true for command object properties, which are nullable by default.

A complete reference for the available constraints can be found in the Quick Reference section under the Constraints heading.

Note that constraints are only evaluated once which may be relevant for a constraint that relies on a value like an instance of java.util.Date.

class User {

static constraints = { // this Date object is created when the constraints are evaluated, not // each time an instance of the User class is validated. birthDate max: new Date() } }

A word of warning - referencing domain class properties from constraints

It's very easy to attempt to reference instance variables from the static constraints block, but this isn't legal in Groovy (or Java). If you do so, you will get a MissingPropertyException for your trouble. For example, you may try

class Response {
    Survey survey
    Answer answer

static constraints = { survey blank: false answer blank: false, inList: survey.answers } }

See how the inList constraint references the instance property survey? That won't work. Instead, use a custom validator:

class Response {
    static constraints = {
        survey blank: false
        answer blank: false, validator: { val, obj -> val in obj.survey.answers }

In this example, the obj argument to the custom validator is the domain instance that is being validated, so we can access its survey property and return a boolean to indicate whether the new value for the answer property, val, is valid.

7.2 制約をバリデートする

Validation Basics

Call the validate method to validate a domain class instance:

def user = new User(params)

if (user.validate()) { // do something with user } else { user.errors.allErrors.each { println it } }

The errors property on domain classes is an instance of the Spring Errors interface. The Errors interface provides methods to navigate the validation errors and also retrieve the original values.

Validation Phases

Within Grails there are two phases of validation, the first one being data binding which occurs when you bind request parameters onto an instance such as:

def user = new User(params)

At this point you may already have errors in the errors property due to type conversion (such as converting Strings to Dates). You can check these and obtain the original input value using the Errors API:

if (user.hasErrors()) {
    if (user.errors.hasFieldErrors("login")) {
        println user.errors.getFieldError("login").rejectedValue

The second phase of validation happens when you call validate or save. This is when Grails will validate the bound values againts the constraints you defined. For example, by default the save method calls validate before executing, allowing you to write code like:

if (user.save()) {
    return user
else {
    user.errors.allErrors.each {
        println it

7.3 クライアントサイドバリデーション

Displaying Errors

Typically if you get a validation error you redirect back to the view for rendering. Once there you need some way of displaying errors. Grails supports a rich set of tags for dealing with errors. To render the errors as a list you can use renderErrors:

<g:renderErrors bean="${user}" />

If you need more control you can use hasErrors and eachError:

<g:hasErrors bean="${user}">
   <g:eachError var="err" bean="${user}">

Highlighting Errors

It is often useful to highlight using a red box or some indicator when a field has been incorrectly input. This can also be done with the hasErrors by invoking it as a method. For example:

<div class='value ${hasErrors(bean:user,field:'login','errors')}'>
   <input type="text" name="login" value="${fieldValue(bean:user,field:'login')}"/>

This code checks if the login field of the user bean has any errors and if so it adds an errors CSS class to the div, allowing you to use CSS rules to highlight the div.

Retrieving Input Values

Each error is actually an instance of the FieldError class in Spring, which retains the original input value within it. This is useful as you can use the error object to restore the value input by the user using the fieldValue tag:

<input type="text" name="login" value="${fieldValue(bean:user,field:'login')}"/>

This code will check for an existing FieldError in the User bean and if there is obtain the originally input value for the login field.

7.4 バリデーションの国際化

Another important thing to note about errors in Grails is that error messages are not hard coded anywhere. The FieldError class in Spring resolves messages from message bundles using Grails' i18n support.

Constraints and Message Codes

The codes themselves are dictated by a convention. For example consider the constraints we looked at earlier:

package com.mycompany.myapp

class User { ...

static constraints = { login size: 5..15, blank: false, unique: true password size: 5..15, blank: false email email: true, blank: false age min: 18 } }

If a constraint is violated Grails will by convention look for a message code of the form:

[Class Name].[Property Name].[Constraint Code]

In the case of the blank constraint this would be user.login.blank so you would need a message such as the following in your grails-app/i18n/messages.properties file:

user.login.blank=Your login name must be specified!

The class name is looked for both with and without a package, with the packaged version taking precedence. So for example, com.mycompany.myapp.User.login.blank will be used before user.login.blank. This allows for cases where your domain class message codes clash with a plugin's.

For a reference on what codes are for which constraints refer to the reference guide for each constraint.

Displaying Messages

The renderErrors tag will automatically look up messages for you using the message tag. If you need more control of rendering you can handle this yourself:

<g:hasErrors bean="${user}">
   <g:eachError var="err" bean="${user}">
       <li><g:message error="${err}" /></li>

In this example within the body of the eachError tag we use the message tag in combination with its error argument to read the message for the given error.

7.5 コマンドオブジェクト、ドメインクラス以外のバリデーション

Domain classes and command objects support validation by default. Other classes may be made validateable by defining the static constraints property in the class (as described above) and then telling the framework about them. It is important that the application register the validateable classes with the framework. Simply defining the constraints property is not sufficient.

The Validateable Annotation

Classes which define the static constraints property and are annotated with @Validateable can be made validateable by the framework. Consider this example:

// src/groovy/com/mycompany/myapp/User.groovy
package com.mycompany.myapp

import grails.validation.Validateable

@Validateable class User { ...

static constraints = { login size: 5..15, blank: false, unique: true password size: 5..15, blank: false email email: true, blank: false age min: 18 } }

Registering Validateable Classes

If a class is not marked with Validateable, it may still be made validateable by the framework. The steps required to do this are to define the static constraints property in the class (as described above) and then telling the framework about the class by assigning a value to the grails.validateable.classes property in Config.groovy@:

grails.validateable.classes = [com.mycompany.myapp.User, com.mycompany.dto.Account]

8 サービスレイヤー





grails create-service helloworld.simple



package helloworld

class SimpleService { }

8.1 断定的なトランザクション




class CountryService {
    static transactional = false


警告:依存性の注入は、宣言的トランザクションが機能する唯一の方法です。new BookService()のようにnew演算子を使用した場合、トランザクションなサービスを取得するできません。


Checked exceptions do not roll back transactions. Even though Groovy blurs the distinction between checked and unchecked exceptions, Spring isn't aware of this and its default behaviour is used, so it's important to understand the distinction between checked and unchecked exceptions.




import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional

class BookService {

@Transactional(readOnly = true) def listBooks() { Book.list() }

@Transactional def updateBook() { // … }

def deleteBook() { // … } }


import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional

@Transactional class BookService {

def listBooks() { Book.list() }

def updateBook() { // … }

def deleteBook() { // … } }


import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional

@Transactional class BookService {

@Transactional(readOnly = true) def listBooks() { Book.list() }

def updateBook() { // … }

def deleteBook() { // … } }




8.1.1 トランザクションロールバックとセッション

Understanding Transactions and the Hibernate Session

When using transactions there are important considerations you must take into account with regards to how the underlying persistence session is handled by Hibernate. When a transaction is rolled back the Hibernate session used by GORM is cleared. This means any objects within the session become detached and accessing uninitialized lazy-loaded collections will lead to LazyInitializationExceptions.

To understand why it is important that the Hibernate session is cleared. Consider the following example:

class Author {
    String name
    Integer age

static hasMany = [books: Book] }

If you were to save two authors using consecutive transactions as follows:

Author.withTransaction { status ->
    new Author(name: "Stephen King", age: 40).save()

Author.withTransaction { status -> new Author(name: "Stephen King", age: 40).save() }

Only the second author would be saved since the first transaction rolls back the author save() by clearing the Hibernate session. If the Hibernate session were not cleared then both author instances would be persisted and it would lead to very unexpected results.

It can, however, be frustrating to get LazyInitializationExceptions due to the session being cleared.

For example, consider the following example:

class AuthorService {

void updateAge(id, int age) { def author = Author.get(id) author.age = age if (author.isTooOld()) { throw new AuthorException("too old", author) } } }

class AuthorController {

def authorService

def updateAge() { try { authorService.updateAge(params.id, params.int("age")) } catch(e) { render "Author books ${e.author.books}" } } }

In the above example the transaction will be rolled back if the Author's age exceeds the maximum value defined in the isTooOld() method by throwing an AuthorException. The AuthorException references the author but when the books association is accessed a LazyInitializationException will be thrown because the underlying Hibernate session has been cleared.

To solve this problem you have a number of options. One is to ensure you query eagerly to get the data you will need:

class AuthorService {
    void updateAge(id, int age) {
        def author = Author.findById(id, [fetch:[books:"eager"]])

In this example the books association will be queried when retrieving the Author.

This is the optimal solution as it requires fewer queries then the following suggested solutions.

Another solution is to redirect the request after a transaction rollback:

class AuthorController {

AuthorService authorService

def updateAge() { try { authorService.updateAge(params.id, params.int("age")) } catch(e) { flash.message "Can't update age" redirect action:"show", id:params.id } } }

In this case a new request will deal with retrieving the Author again. And, finally a third solution is to retrieve the data for the Author again to make sure the session remains in the correct state:

class AuthorController {

def authorService

def updateAge() { try { authorService.updateAge(params.id, params.int("age")) } catch(e) { def author = Author.read(params.id) render "Author books ${author.books}" } } }

Validation Errors and Rollback

A common use case is to rollback a transaction if there are validation errors. For example consider this service:

import grails.validation.ValidationException

class AuthorService {

void updateAge(id, int age) { def author = Author.get(id) author.age = age if (!author.validate()) { throw new ValidationException("Author is not valid", author.errors) } } }

To re-render the same view that a transaction was rolled back in you can re-associate the errors with a refreshed instance before rendering:

import grails.validation.ValidationException

class AuthorController {

def authorService

def updateAge() { try { authorService.updateAge(params.id, params.int("age")) } catch (ValidationException e) { def author = Author.read(params.id) author.errors = e.errors render view: "edit", model: [author:author] } } }

8.2 サービスのスコープ



  • prototype - クラスへの注入時にサービスが生成される
  • request - リクエスト毎にサービスが生成される
  • flash - 現在とその次のリクエスト用にサービスが生成される
  • flow - フローの開始から終了まてのサービス(サブフロー含まず)
  • conversation - フローの開始から終了まてのサービス(サブフロー含む)
  • session - ユーザセッション毎にサービスが生成される
  • singleton (デフォルト) - サービスが1つのみ生成される


static scope = "flow"

8.3 依存注入とサービス




class BookController {
    def bookService


class AuthorService {
    BookService bookService





同じ方法で他のサービスにサービスを注入することができます。たとえば、AuthorServiceBookService使用する場合、 次のようにAuthorServiceを宣言することで使用することができます:

class AuthorService {
    def bookService



class Book {
    def bookService

def buyBook() { bookService.buyBook(this) } }

8.4 Javaからサービスを使う


class BookService {
    void buyBook(Book book) {
        // logic


package bookstore

class BookService { void buyBook(Book book) { // logic } }


package bookstore

interface BookStore { void buyBook(Book book) }


class BookService implements bookstore.BookStore {
    void buyBook(Book b) {
        // logic



// src/java/bookstore/BookConsumer.java
package bookstore;

public class BookConsumer {

private BookStore store;

public void setBookStore(BookStore storeInstance) { this.store = storeInstance; } … }


<bean id="bookConsumer" class="bookstore.BookConsumer">
    <property name="bookStore" ref="bookService" />

または、 grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovyに:

import bookstore.BookConsumer

beans = { bookConsumer(BookConsumer) { bookStore = ref("bookService") } }

9 テスト

Automated testing is a key part of Grails. Hence, Grails provides many ways to making testing easier from low level unit testing to high level functional tests. This section details the different capabilities that Grails offers for testing.

Grails 1.3.x and below used the grails.test.GrailsUnitTestCase class hierarchy for testing in a JUnit 3 style. Grails 2.0.x and above deprecates these test harnesses in favour of mixins that can be applied to a range of different kinds of tests (JUnit 3, Junit 4, Spock etc.) without subclassing

The first thing to be aware of is that all of the create-* and generate-* commands create unit or integration tests automatically. For example if you run the create-controller command as follows:

grails create-controller com.acme.app.simple

Grails will create a controller at grails-app/controllers/com/acme/app/SimpleController.groovy, and also a unit test at test/unit/com/acme/app/SimpleControllerTests.groovy. What Grails won't do however is populate the logic inside the test! That is left up to you.

The default class name suffix is Tests but as of Grails 1.2.2, the suffix of Test is also supported.

Running Tests

Tests are run with the test-app command:

grails test-app

The command will produce output such as:

Running Unit Tests…
Running test FooTests...FAILURE
Unit Tests Completed in 464ms …

Tests failed: 0 errors, 1 failures

whilst showing the reason for each test failure.

You can force a clean before running tests by passing -clean to the test-app command.

Grails writes both plain text and HTML test reports to the target/test-reports directory, along with the original XML files. The HTML reports are generally the best ones to look at.

Using Grails' interactive mode confers some distinct advantages when executing tests. First, the tests will execute significantly faster on the second and subsequent runs. Second, a shortcut is available to open the HTML reports in your browser:

open test-report

You can also run your unit tests from within most IDEs.

Targeting Tests

You can selectively target the test(s) to be run in different ways. To run all tests for a controller named SimpleController you would run:

grails test-app SimpleController

This will run any tests for the class named SimpleController. Wildcards can be used...

grails test-app *Controller

This will test all classes ending in Controller. Package names can optionally be specified...

grails test-app some.org.*Controller

or to run all tests in a package...

grails test-app some.org.*

or to run all tests in a package including subpackages...

grails test-app some.org.**.*

You can also target particular test methods...

grails test-app SimpleController.testLogin

This will run the testLogin test in the SimpleController tests. You can specify as many patterns in combination as you like...

grails test-app some.org.* SimpleController.testLogin BookController

Targeting Test Types and/or Phases

In addition to targeting certain tests, you can also target test types and/or phases by using the phase:type syntax.

Grails organises tests by phase and by type. A test phase relates to the state of the Grails application during the tests, and the type relates to the testing mechanism.

Grails comes with support for 4 test phases (unit, integration, functional and other) and JUnit test types for the unit and integration phases. These test types have the same name as the phase.

Testing plugins may provide new test phases or new test types for existing phases. Refer to the plugin documentation.

To execute the JUnit integration tests you can run:

grails test-app integration:integration

Both phase and type are optional. Their absence acts as a wildcard. The following command will run all test types in the unit phase:

grails test-app unit:

The Grails Spock Plugin is one plugin that adds new test types to Grails. It adds a spock test type to the unit, integration and functional phases. To run all spock tests in all phases you would run the following:

grails test-app :spock

To run the all of the spock tests in the functional phase you would run...

grails test-app functional:spock

More than one pattern can be specified...

grails test-app unit:spock integration:spock

Targeting Tests in Types and/or Phases

Test and type/phase targetting can be applied at the same time:

grails test-app integration: unit: some.org.**.*

This would run all tests in the integration and unit phases that are in the package some.org or a subpackage.

9.1 Unitテスト

Unit testing are tests at the "unit" level. In other words you are testing individual methods or blocks of code without consideration for surrounding infrastructure. Unit tests are typically run without the presence of physical resources that involve I/O such databases, socket connections or files. This is to ensure they run as quick as possible since quick feedback is important.

Since Grails 2.0, a collection of unit testing mixins is provided by Grails that lets you enhance the behavior of a typical JUnit 3, JUnit 4 or Spock test. The following sections cover the usage of these mixins.

The previous JUnit 3-style GrailsUnitTestCase class hierarchy is still present in Grails for backwards compatibility, but is now deprecated. The previous documentation on the subject can be found in the Grails 1.3.x documentation

You won't normally have to import any of the testing classes because Grails does that for you. But if you find that your IDE for example can't find the classes, here they all are:

  • grails.test.mixin.TestFor
  • grails.test.mixin.TestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.Mock
  • grails.test.mixin.support.GrailsUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.domain.DomainClassUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.services.ServiceUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.ControllerUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.FiltersUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.GroovyPageUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.web.UrlMappingsUnitTestMixin
  • grails.test.mixin.webflow/WebFlowUnitTestMixin

Note that you're only ever likely to use the first two explicitly. The rest are there for reference.

9.1.1 コントローラUnitテスト

The Basics

You use the grails.test.mixin.TestFor annotation to unit test controllers. Using TestFor in this manner activates the grails.test.mixin.web.ControllerUnitTestMixin and its associated API. For example:

import grails.test.mixin.TestFor

@TestFor(SimpleController) class SimpleControllerTests { void testSomething() {

} }

Adding the TestFor annotation to a controller causes a new controller field to be automatically created for the controller under test.

The TestFor annotation will also automatically annotate any public methods starting with "test" with JUnit 4's @Test annotation. If any of your test method don't start with "test" just add this manually

To test the simplest "Hello World"-style example you can do the following:

// Test class
class SimpleController {
    def hello() {
        render "hello"

void testHello() {

assert response.text == 'hello' }

The response object is an instance of GrailsMockHttpServletResponse (from the package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing) which extends Spring's MockHttpServletResponse class and has a number of useful methods for inspecting the state of the response.

For example to test a redirect you can use the redirectedUrl property:

// Test class
class SimpleController {
    def index() {
        redirect action: 'hello'

void testIndex() {

assert response.redirectedUrl == '/simple/hello' }

Many actions make use of the parameter data associated with the request. For example, the 'sort', 'max', and 'offset' parameters are quite common. Providing these in the test is as simple as adding appropriate values to a special params variable:

void testList() {
    params.sort = "name"
    params.max = 20
    params.offset = 0

controller.list() … }

You can even control what type of request the controller action sees by setting the method property of the mock request:

void testSave() {
    request.method = "POST"

This is particularly important if your actions do different things depending on the type of the request. Finally, you can mark a request as AJAX like so:

void testGetPage() {
    request.method = "POST"

You only need to do this though if the code under test uses the xhr property on the request.

Testing View Rendering

To test view rendering you can inspect the state of the controller's modelAndView property (an instance of org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView) or you can use the view and model properties provided by the mixin:

// Test class
class SimpleController {
    def home() {
        render view: "homePage", model: [title: "Hello World"]

void testIndex() {

assert view == "/simple/homePage" assert model.title == "Hello World" }

Note that the view string is the absolute view path, so it starts with a '/' and will include path elements, such as the directory named after the action's controller.

Testing Template Rendering

Unlike view rendering, template rendering will actually attempt to write the template directly to the response rather than returning a ModelAndView hence it requires a different approach to testing.

Consider the following controller action:

class SimpleController {
    def display() {
        render template:"snippet"

In this example the controller will look for a template in grails-app/views/simple/_snippet.gsp. You can test this as follows:

void testDisplay() {
    assert response.text == 'contents of template'

However, you may not want to render the real template, but just test that is was rendered. In this case you can provide mock Groovy Pages:

void testDisplay() {
    views['/simple/_snippet.gsp'] = 'mock contents'
    assert response.text == 'mock contents'

Testing XML and JSON Responses

XML and JSON response are also written directly to the response. Grails' mocking capabilities provide some conveniences for testing XML and JSON response. For example consider the following action:

def renderXml() {
    render(contentType:"text/xml") {

This can be tested using the xml property of the response:

void testRenderXml() {
    assert "<book title='Great'/>" == response.text
    assert "Great" == response.xml.@title.text()

The xml property is a parsed result from Groovy's XmlSlurper class which is very convenient for parsing XML.

Testing JSON responses is pretty similar, instead you use the json property:

// controller action
def renderJson() {
    render(contentType:"text/json") {
        book = "Great"

// test
void testRenderJson() {


assert '{"book":"Great"}' == response.text assert "Great" == response.json.book }

The json property is an instance of org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.JSONElement which is a map-like structure that is useful for parsing JSON responses.

Testing XML and JSON Requests

Grails provides various convenient ways to automatically parse incoming XML and JSON packets. For example you can bind incoming JSON or XML requests using Grails' data binding:

def consumeBook() {
    def b = new Book(params['book'])

render b.title }

To test this Grails provides an easy way to specify an XML or JSON packet via the xml or json properties. For example the above action can be tested by specifying a String containing the XML:

void testConsumeBookXml() {
    request.xml = '<book><title>The Shining</title></book>'

assert response.text == 'The Shining' }

Or alternatively a domain instance can be specified and it will be auto-converted into the appropriate XML request:

void testConsumeBookXml() {
    request.xml = new Book(title:"The Shining")

assert response.text == 'The Shining' }

The same can be done for JSON requests:

void testConsumeBookJson() {
    request.json = new Book(title:"The Shining")

assert response.text == 'The Shining' }

If you prefer not to use Grails' data binding but instead manually parse the incoming XML or JSON that can be tested too. For example consider the controller action below:

def consume() {
    request.withFormat {
        xml {
            render request.XML.@title
        json {
            render request.JSON.title

To test the XML request you can specify the XML as a string:

void testConsumeXml() {
    request.xml = '<book title="The Stand" />'


assert response.text == 'The Stand' }

And, of course, the same can be done for JSON:

void testConsumeJson() {
    request.json = '{title:"The Stand"}'

assert response.text == 'The Stand' }

Testing Spring Beans

When using TestFor only a subset of the Spring beans available to a running Grails application are available. If you wish to make additional beans available you can do so with the defineBeans method of GrailsUnitTestMixin:

class SimpleController {
    SimpleService simpleService
    def hello() {
        render simpleService.sayHello()

void testBeanWiring() {
    defineBeans {


assert response.text == "Hello World" }

The controller is auto-wired by Spring just like in a running Grails application. Autowiring even occurs if you instantiate subsequent instances of the controller:

void testAutowiringViaNew() {
    defineBeans {

def controller1 = new SimpleController() def controller2 = new SimpleController()

assert controller1.simpleService != null assert controller2.simpleService != null }

Testing Mime Type Handling

You can test mime type handling and the withFormat method quite simply by setting the response's format attribute:

// controller action
def sayHello() {
    def data = [Hello:"World"]
    withFormat {
        xml { render data as XML }
        html data

// test
void testSayHello() {
    response.format = 'xml'

String expected = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + '<map><entry key="Hello">World</entry></map>'

assert expected == response.text }

Testing Duplicate Form Submissions

Testing duplicate form submissions is a little bit more involved. For example if you have an action that handles a form such as:

def handleForm() {
    withForm {
        render "Good"
    }.invalidToken {
        render "Bad"

you want to verify the logic that is executed on a good form submission and the logic that is executed on a duplicate submission. Testing the bad submission is simple. Just invoke the controller:

void testDuplicateFormSubmission() {
    assert "Bad" == response.text

Testing the successful submission requires providing an appropriate SynchronizerToken:

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.SynchronizerToken

void testValidFormSubmission() { def token = SynchronizerToken.store(session) params[SynchronizerToken.KEY] = token.currentToken.toString()

controller.handleForm() assert "Good" == response.text }

If you test both the valid and the invalid request in the same test be sure to reset the response between executions of the controller:

controller.handleForm() // first execution
controller.handleForm() // second execution

Testing File Upload

You use the GrailsMockMultipartFile class to test file uploads. For example consider the following controller action:

def uploadFile() {
    MultipartFile file = request.getFile("myFile")
    file.transferTo(new File("/local/disk/myFile"))

To test this action you can register a GrailsMockMultipartFile with the request:

void testFileUpload() {
    final file = new GrailsMockMultipartFile("myFile", "foo".bytes)

assert file.targetFileLocation.path == "/local/disk/myFile" }

The GrailsMockMultipartFile constructor arguments are the name and contents of the file. It has a mock implementation of the transferTo method that simply records the targetFileLocation and doesn't write to disk.

Testing Command Objects

Special support exists for testing command object handling with the mockCommandObject method. For example consider the following action:

def handleCommand(SimpleCommand simple) {
    if (simple.hasErrors()) {
        render "Bad"
    else {
        render "Good"

To test this you mock the command object, populate it and then validate it as follows:

void testInvalidCommand() {
    def cmd = mockCommandObject(SimpleCommand)
    cmd.name = '' // doesn't allow blank names

cmd.validate() controller.handleCommand(cmd)

assert response.text == 'Bad' }

Testing Calling Tag Libraries

You can test calling tag libraries using ControllerUnitTestMixin, although the mechanism for testing the tag called varies from tag to tag. For example to test a call to the message tag, add a message to the messageSource. Consider the following action:

def showMessage() {
    render g.message(code: "foo.bar")

This can be tested as follows:

void testRenderBasicTemplateWithTags() {
    messageSource.addMessage("foo.bar", request.locale, "Hello World")


assert response.text == "Hello World" }

9.1.2 タグライブラリUnitテスト

The Basics

Tag libraries and GSP pages can be tested with the grails.test.mixin.web.GroovyPageUnitTestMixin mixin. To use the mixin declare which tag library is under test with the TestFor annotation:

class SimpleTagLibTests {


Note that if you are testing invocation of a custom tag from a controller you can combine the ControllerUnitTestMixin and the GroovyPageUnitTestMixin using the Mock annotation:

class GroovyPageUnitTestMixinTests {


Testing Custom Tags

The core Grails tags don't need to be enabled during testing, however custom tag libraries do. The GroovyPageUnitTestMixin class provides a mockTagLib() method that you can use to mock a custom tag library. For example consider the following tag library:

class SimpleTagLib {

static namespace = 's'

def hello = { attrs, body -> out << "Hello ${attrs.name ?: 'World'}" } }

You can test this tag library by using TestFor and supplying the name of the tag library:

class SimpleTagLibTests {
    void testHelloTag() {
        assert applyTemplate('<s:hello />') == 'Hello World'
        assert applyTemplate('<s:hello name="Fred" />') == 'Hello Fred'

Alternatively, you can use the TestMixin annotation and mock multiple tag libraries using the mockTagLib() method:

class MultipleTagLibraryTests {

@Test void testMuliple() { mockTagLib(FirstTagLib) mockTagLib(SecondTagLib)

… } }

The GroovyPageUnitTestMixin provides convenience methods for asserting that the template output equals or matches an expected value.

class MultipleTagLibraryTests {

@Test void testMuliple() { mockTagLib(FirstTagLib) mockTagLib(SecondTagLib) assertOutputEquals ('Hello World', '<s:hello />') assertOutputMatches (/.*Fred.*/, '<s:hello name="Fred" />') } }

Testing View and Template Rendering

You can test rendering of views and templates in grails-app/views via the render(Map) method provided by GroovyPageUnitTestMixin :

def result = render(template: "/simple/hello")
assert result == "Hello World"

This will attempt to render a template found at the location grails-app/views/simple/_hello.gsp. Note that if the template depends on any custom tag libraries you need to call mockTagLib as described in the previous section.

9.1.3 ドメインUnitテスト


The mocking support described here is best used when testing non-domain artifacts that use domain classes, to let you focus on testing the artifact without needing a database. But when testing persistence it's best to use integration tests which configure Hibernate and use a database.

Domain class interaction can be tested without involving a database connection using DomainClassUnitTestMixin. This implementation mimics the behavior of GORM against an in-memory ConcurrentHashMap implementation. Note that this has limitations compared to a real GORM implementation. The following features of GORM for Hibernate can only be tested within an integration test:

  • String-based HQL queries
  • composite identifiers
  • dirty checking methods
  • any direct interaction with Hibernate

However a large, commonly-used portion of the GORM API can be mocked using DomainClassUnitTestMixin including:

  • Simple persistence methods like save(), delete() etc.
  • Dynamic Finders
  • Named Queries
  • Query-by-example
  • GORM Events

If something isn't supported then GrailsUnitTestMixin's mockFor method can come in handy to mock the missing pieces. Alternatively you can write an integration test which bootstraps the complete Grails environment at a cost of test execution time.

The Basics

DomainClassUnitTestMixin is typically used in combination with testing either a controller, service or tag library where the domain is a mock collaborator defined by the Mock annotation:

import grails.test.mixin.*

@TestFor(SimpleController) @Mock(Simple) class SimpleControllerTests {


The example above tests the SimpleController class and mocks the behavior of the Simple domain class as well. For example consider a typical scaffolded save controller action:

class BookController {
    def save() {
        def book = new Book(params)
        if (book.save(flush: true)) {
            flash.message = message(
                    code: 'default.created.message',
                    args: [message(code: 'book.label',
                                   default: 'Book'), book.id])}"
            redirect(action: "show", id: book.id)
        else {
            render(view: "create", model: [bookInstance: book])

Tests for this action can be written as follows:

import grails.test.mixin.*

@TestFor(BookController) @Mock(Book) class BookControllerTests {

void testSaveInvalidBook() { controller.save()

assert model.bookInstance != null assert view == '/book/create' }

void testSaveValidBook() { params.title = "The Stand" params.pages = "500"


assert response.redirectedUrl == '/book/show/1' assert flash.message != null assert Book.count() == 1 } }

Mock annotation also supports a list of mock collaborators if you have more than one domain to mock:

@Mock([Book, Author])
class BookControllerTests {

Alternatively you can also use the DomainClassUnitTestMixin directly with the TestMixin annotation:

import grails.test.mixin.domain.DomainClassUnitTestMixin

@TestFor(BookController) @TestMixin(DomainClassUnitTestMixin) class BookControllerTests { … }

And then call the mockDomain method to mock domains during your test:

void testSave() {

The mockDomain method also includes an additional parameter that lets you pass a Map of Maps to configure a domain, which is useful for fixture-like data:

void testSave() {
    mockDomain(Book, [
            [title: "The Stand", pages: 1000],
            [title: "The Shining", pages: 400],
            [title: "Along Came a Spider", pages: 300] ])

Testing Constraints

Your constraints contain logic and that logic is highly susceptible to bugs - the kind of bugs that can be tricky to track down (particularly as by default save() doesn't throw an exception when it fails). If your answer is that it's too hard or fiddly, that is no longer an excuse. Enter the mockForConstraintsTests() method.

This method is like a much reduced version of the mockDomain() method that simply adds a validate() method to a given domain class. All you have to do is mock the class, create an instance with populated data, and then call validate(). You can then access the errors property to determine if validation failed. So if all we are doing is mocking the validate() method, why the optional list of test instances? That is so that we can test the unique constraint as you will soon see.

So, suppose we have a simple domain class:

class Book {

String title String author

static constraints = { title blank: false, unique: true author blank: false, minSize: 5 } }

Don't worry about whether the constraints are sensible (they're not!), they are for demonstration only. To test these constraints we can do the following:

class BookTests {
    void testConstraints() {

def existingBook = new Book( title: "Misery", author: "Stephen King")

mockForConstraintsTests(Book, [existingBook])

// validation should fail if both properties are null def book = new Book()

assert !book.validate() assert "nullable" == book.errors["title"] assert "nullable" == book.errors["author"]

// So let's demonstrate the unique and minSize constraints

book = new Book(title: "Misery", author: "JK") assert !book.validate() assert "unique" == book.errors["title"] assert "minSize" == book.errors["author"]

// Validation should pass! book = new Book(title: "The Shining", author: "Stephen King") assert book.validate() } }

You can probably look at that code and work out what's happening without any further explanation. The one thing we will explain is the way the errors property is used. First, is a real Spring Errors instance, so you can access all the properties and methods you would normally expect. Second, this particular Errors object also has map/property access as shown. Simply specify the name of the field you are interested in and the map/property access will return the name of the constraint that was violated. Note that it is the constraint name, not the message code (as you might expect).

That's it for testing constraints. One final thing we would like to say is that testing the constraints in this way catches a common error: typos in the "constraints" property name! It is currently one of the hardest bugs to track down normally, and yet a unit test for your constraints will highlight the problem straight away.

9.1.4 フィルタUnitテスト

Unit testing filters is typically a matter of testing a controller where a filter is a mock collaborator. For example consider the following filters class:

class CancellingFilters {
    def filters = {
        all(controller:"simple", action:"list") {
            before = {
                return false

This filter interceptors the list action of the simple controller and redirects to the book controller. To test this filter you start off with a test that targets the SimpleController class and add the CancellingFilters as a mock collaborator:

class SimpleControllerTests {


You can then implement a test that uses the withFilters method to wrap the call to an action in filter execution:

void testInvocationOfListActionIsFiltered() {
    withFilters(action:"list") {
    assert response.redirectedUrl == '/book'

Note that the action parameter is required because it is unknown what the action to invoke is until the action is actually called. The controller parameter is optional and taken from the controller under test. If it is a another controller you are testing then you can specify it:

withFilters(controller:"book",action:"list") {

9.1.5 URLマッピングUnitテスト

The Basics

Testing URL mappings can be done with the TestFor annotation testing a particular URL mappings class. For example to test the default URL mappings you can do the following:

class UrlMappingsTests {


Note that since the default UrlMappings class is in the default package your test must also be in the default package

With that done there are a number of useful methods that are defined by the grails.test.mixin.web.UrlMappingsUnitTestMixin for testing URL mappings. These include:

  • assertForwardUrlMapping - Asserts a URL mapping is forwarded for the given controller class (note that controller will need to be defined as a mock collaborate for this to work)
  • assertReverseUrlMapping - Asserts that the given URL is produced when reverse mapping a link to a given controller and action
  • assertUrlMapping - Asserts a URL mapping is valid for the given URL. This combines the assertForwardUrlMapping and assertReverseUrlMapping assertions

Asserting Forward URL Mappings

You use assertForwardUrlMapping to assert that a given URL maps to a given controller. For example, consider the following URL mappings:

static mappings = {
    "/action1"(controller: "simple", action: "action1")
    "/action2"(controller: "simple", action: "action2")

The following test can be written to assert these URL mappings:

void testUrlMappings() {

assertForwardUrlMapping("/action1", controller: 'simple', action: "action1")

assertForwardUrlMapping("/action2", controller: 'simple', action: "action2")

shouldFail { assertForwardUrlMapping("/action2", controller: 'simple', action: "action1") } }

Assert Reverse URL Mappings

You use assertReverseUrlMapping to check that correct links are produced for your URL mapping when using the link tag in GSP views. An example test is largely identical to the previous listing except you use assertReverseUrlMapping instead of assertForwardUrlMapping. Note that you can combine these 2 assertions with assertUrlMapping.

Simulating Controller Mapping

In addition to the assertions to check the validity of URL mappings you can also simulate mapping to a controller by using your UrlMappings as a mock collaborator and the mapURI method. For example:

class SimpleControllerTests {

void testControllerMapping() {

SimpleController controller = mapURI('/simple/list') assert controller != null

def model = controller.list() assert model != null } }

9.1.6 モッキングコラボレータ

Beyond the specific targeted mocking APIs there is also an all-purpose mockFor() method that is available when using the TestFor annotation. The signature of mockFor is:

mockFor(class, loose = false)

This is general-purpose mocking that lets you set up either strict or loose demands on a class.

This method is surprisingly intuitive to use. By default it will create a strict mock control object (one for which the order in which methods are called is important) that you can use to specify demands:

def strictControl = mockFor(MyService)
strictControl.demand.someMethod(0..2) { String arg1, int arg2 -> … }
strictControl.demand.static.aStaticMethod {-> … }

Notice that you can mock static as well as instance methods by using the "static" property. You then specify the name of the method to mock, with an optional range argument. This range determines how many times you expect the method to be called, and if the number of invocations falls outside of that range (either too few or too many) then an assertion error will be thrown. If no range is specified, a default of "1..1" is assumed, i.e. that the method must be called exactly once.

The last part of a demand is a closure representing the implementation of the mock method. The closure arguments must match the number and types of the mocked method, but otherwise you are free to add whatever you want in the body.

As we mentioned before, call mockControl.createMock() to get an actual mock instance of the class that you are mocking. You can call this multiple times to create as many mock instances as you need. And once you have executed the test method, call mockControl.verify() to check that the expected methods were called.

Lastly, the call:

def looseControl = mockFor(MyService, true)

will create a mock control object that has only loose expectations, i.e. the order that methods are invoked does not matter.

9.2 統合テスト

Integration tests differ from unit tests in that you have full access to the Grails environment within the test. Grails uses an in-memory H2 database for integration tests and clears out all the data from the database between tests.

One thing to bear in mind is that logging is enabled for your application classes, but it is different from logging in tests. So if you have something like this:

class MyServiceTests extends GroovyTestCase {
    void testSomething() {
        log.info "Starting tests"

the "starting tests" message is logged using a different system than the one used by the application. The log property in the example above is an instance of java.util.logging.Logger (inherited from the base class, not injected by Grails), which doesn't have the same methods as the log property injected into your application artifacts. For example, it doesn't have debug() or trace() methods, and the equivalent of warn() is in fact warning().


Integration tests run inside a database transaction by default, which is rolled back at the end of the each test. This means that data saved during a test is not persisted to the database. Add a transactional property to your test class to check transactional behaviour:

class MyServiceTests extends GroovyTestCase {
    static transactional = false

void testMyTransactionalServiceMethod() { … } }

Be sure to remove any persisted data from a non-transactional test, for example in the tearDown method, so these tests don't interfere with standard transactional tests that expect a clean database.

Testing Controllers

To test controllers you first have to understand the Spring Mock Library.

Grails automatically configures each test with a MockHttpServletRequest, MockHttpServletResponse, and MockHttpSession that you can use in your tests. For example consider the following controller:

class FooController {

def text() { render "bar" }

def someRedirect() { redirect(action:"bar") } }

The tests for this would be:

class FooControllerTests extends GroovyTestCase {

void testText() { def fc = new FooController() fc.text() assertEquals "bar", fc.response.contentAsString }

void testSomeRedirect() { def fc = new FooController() fc.someRedirect() assertEquals "/foo/bar", fc.response.redirectedUrl } }

In the above case response is an instance of MockHttpServletResponse which we can use to obtain the generated content with contentAsString (when writing to the response) or the redirected URL. These mocked versions of the Servlet API are completely mutable (unlike the real versions) and hence you can set properties on the request such as the contextPath and so on.

Grails does not invoke interceptors or servlet filters when calling actions during integration testing. You should test interceptors and filters in isolation, using functional testing if necessary.

Testing Controllers with Services

If your controller references a service (or other Spring beans), you have to explicitly initialise the service from your test.

Given a controller using a service:

class FilmStarsController {
    def popularityService

def update() { // do something with popularityService } }

The test for this would be:

class FilmStarsTests extends GroovyTestCase {
    def popularityService

void testInjectedServiceInController () { def fsc = new FilmStarsController() fsc.popularityService = popularityService fsc.update() } }

Testing Controller Command Objects

With command objects you just supply parameters to the request and it will automatically do the command object work for you when you call your action with no parameters:

Given a controller using a command object:

class AuthenticationController {
    def signup(SignupForm form) {

You can then test it like this:

def controller = new AuthenticationController()
controller.params.login = "marcpalmer"
controller.params.password = "secret"
controller.params.passwordConfirm = "secret"

Grails auto-magically sees your call to signup() as a call to the action and populates the command object from the mocked request parameters. During controller testing, the params are mutable with a mocked request supplied by Grails.

Testing Controllers and the render Method

The render method lets you render a custom view at any point within the body of an action. For instance, consider the example below:

def save() {
    def book = Book(params)
    if (book.save()) {
        // handle
    else {
        render(view:"create", model:[book:book])

In the above example the result of the model of the action is not available as the return value, but instead is stored within the modelAndView property of the controller. The modelAndView property is an instance of Spring MVC's ModelAndView class and you can use it to the test the result of an action:

def bookController = new BookController()
def model = bookController.modelAndView.model.book

Simulating Request Data

You can use the Spring MockHttpServletRequest to test an action that requires request data, for example a REST web service. For example consider this action which performs data binding from an incoming request:

def create() {
    [book: new Book(params.book)]

To simulate the 'book' parameter as an XML request you could do something like the following:

void testCreateWithXML() {

def controller = new BookController()

controller.request.contentType = 'text/xml' controller.request.content = '''\ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <book> <title>The Stand</title> … </book> '''.stripIndent().getBytes() // note we need the bytes

def model = controller.create() assert model.book assertEquals "The Stand", model.book.title }

The same can be achieved with a JSON request:

void testCreateWithJSON() {

def controller = new BookController()

controller.request.contentType = "text/json" controller.request.content = '{"id":1,"class":"Book","title":"The Stand"}'.getBytes()

def model = controller.create() assert model.book assertEquals "The Stand", model.book.title }

With JSON don't forget the class property to specify the name the target type to bind to. In XML this is implicit within the name of the <book> node, but this property is required as part of the JSON packet.

For more information on the subject of REST web services see the section on REST.

Testing Web Flows

Testing Web Flows requires a special test harness called grails.test.WebFlowTestCase which subclasses Spring Web Flow's AbstractFlowExecutionTests class.

Subclasses of WebFlowTestCase must be integration tests

For example given this simple flow:

class ExampleController {

def exampleFlow() { start { on("go") { flow.hello = "world" }.to "next" } next { on("back").to "start" on("go").to "subber" } subber { subflow(action: "sub") on("end").to("end") } end() }

def subFlow() { subSubflowState { subflow(controller: "other", action: "otherSub") on("next").to("next") } … } }

You need to tell the test harness what to use for the "flow definition". This is done via overriding the abstract getFlow method:

import grails.test.WebFlowTestCase

class ExampleFlowTests extends WebFlowTestCase { def getFlow() { new ExampleController().exampleFlow } … }

You can specify the flow id by overriding the getFlowId method, otherwise the default is test:

import grails.test.WebFlowTestCase

class ExampleFlowTests extends WebFlowTestCase { String getFlowId() { "example" } … }

If the flow under test calls any subflows, these (or mocks) must be registered before the calling the flow:

protected void setUp() {

registerFlow("other/otherSub") { // register a simplified mock start { on("next").to("end") } end() }

// register the original subflow registerFlow("example/sub", new ExampleController().subFlow) }

Then you kick off the flow with the startFlow method:

void testExampleFlow() {
    def viewSelection = startFlow()

Use the signalEvent method to trigger an event:

void testExampleFlow() {
    assert "next" == flowExecution.activeSession.state.id
    assert "world" == flowScope.hello

Here we have signaled to the flow to execute the event "go" which causes a transition to the "next" state. In the example a transition action placed a hello variable into the flow scope.

Testing Tag Libraries

Testing tag libraries is simple because when a tag is invoked as a method it returns its result as a string (technically a StreamCharBuffer but this class implements all of the methods of String). So for example if you have a tag library like this:

class FooTagLib {

def bar = { attrs, body -> out << "<p>Hello World!</p>" }

def bodyTag = { attrs, body -> out << "<${attrs.name}>" out << body() out << "</${attrs.name}>" } }

The tests would look like:

class FooTagLibTests extends GroovyTestCase {

void testBarTag() { assertEquals "<p>Hello World!</p>", new FooTagLib().bar(null, null).toString() }

void testBodyTag() { assertEquals "<p>Hello World!</p>", new FooTagLib().bodyTag(name: "p") { "Hello World!" }.toString() } }

Notice that for the second example, testBodyTag, we pass a block that returns the body of the tag. This is convenient to representing the body as a String.

Testing Tag Libraries with GroovyPagesTestCase

In addition to doing simple testing of tag libraries like in the above examples, you can also use the grails.test.GroovyPagesTestCase class to test tag libraries with integration tests.

The GroovyPagesTestCase class is a subclass of the standard GroovyTestCase class and adds utility methods for testing the output of GSP rendering.

GroovyPagesTestCase can only be used in an integration test.

For example, consider this date formatting tag library:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat

class FormatTagLib { def dateFormat = { attrs, body -> out << new SimpleDateFormat(attrs.format) << attrs.date } }

This can be easily tested as follows:

class FormatTagLibTests extends GroovyPagesTestCase {
    void testDateFormat() {
        def template =
                '<g:dateFormat format="dd-MM-yyyy" date="${myDate}" />'

def testDate = … // create the date assertOutputEquals('01-01-2008', template, [myDate:testDate]) } }

You can also obtain the result of a GSP using the applyTemplate method of the GroovyPagesTestCase class:

class FormatTagLibTests extends GroovyPagesTestCase {
    void testDateFormat() {
        def template =
                '<g:dateFormat format="dd-MM-yyyy" date="${myDate}" />'

def testDate = … // create the date def result = applyTemplate(template, [myDate:testDate])

assertEquals '01-01-2008', result } }

Testing Domain Classes

Testing domain classes is typically a simple matter of using the GORM API, but there are a few things to be aware of. Firstly, when testing queries you often need to "flush" to ensure the correct state has been persisted to the database. For example take the following example:

void testQuery() {
    def books = [
            new Book(title: "The Stand"),
            new Book(title: "The Shining")]

assertEquals 2, Book.list().size() }

This test will fail because calling save does not actually persist the Book instances when called. Calling save only indicates to Hibernate that at some point in the future these instances should be persisted. To commit changes immediately you "flush" them:

void testQuery() {
    def books = [
            new Book(title: "The Stand"),
            new Book(title: "The Shining")]
    books*.save(flush: true)

assertEquals 2, Book.list().size() }

In this case since we're passing the argument flush with a value of true the updates will be persisted immediately and hence will be available to the query later on.

9.3 機能テスト

Functional tests involve making HTTP requests against the running application and verifying the resultant behaviour. Grails does not ship with any support for writing functional tests directly, but there are several plugins available for this.

Consult the documentation for each plugin for its capabilities.

Common Options

There are options that are common to all plugins that control how the Grails application is launched, if at all.


The -inline option specifies that the grails application should be started inline (i.e. like run-app).

This option is implicitly set unless the baseUrl or war options are set


The -war option specifies that the grails application should be packaged as a war and started. This is useful as it tests your application in a production-like state, but it has a longer startup time than the -inline option. It also runs the war in a forked JVM, meaning that you cannot access any internal application objects.

grails test-app functional: -war

Note that the same build/config options for the run-war command apply to functional testing against the WAR.


The -https option results in the application being able to receive https requests as well as http requests. It is compatible with both the -inline and -war options.

grails test-app functional: -https

Note that this does not change the test base url to be https, it will still be http unless the -httpsBaseUrl option is also given.


The -httpsBaseUrl causes the implicit base url to be used for tests to be a https url.

grails test-app functional: -httpsBaseUrl

This option is ignored if the -baseUrl option is specified.


The baseUrl option allows the base url for tests to be specified.

grails test-app functional: -baseUrl=http://mycompany.com/grailsapp

This option will prevent the local grails application being started unless -inline or -war are given as well. To use a custom base url but still test against the local Grails application you must specify one of either the -inline or -war options.

10 国際化

Grailsの国際化対応(i18n)は、Spring MVC 国際化対応を通して実現しています。 ユーザ指定のロケール別にビューで表示されるテキストをカスタマイズできます。LocaleクラスについてJavadocから以下に引用します:

Locale オブジェクトは、特定の地理的、国家的、または文化的地域を表すためのものです。ある操作で Locale を必要とするタスクがある場合、その操作をロケールに依存する操作といいます。この場合、情報は Locale によりユーザに合わせて調整されます。たとえば、数値を表示するのは、ロケールに依存する操作です。この数値は、ユーザの国や地域、文化の習慣や規則に従ってフォーマットする必要があります。


10.1 メッセージバンドルを理解する


  • messages.properties
  • messages_da.properties
  • messages_de.properties
  • messages_es.properties
  • messages_fr.properties
  • ...

ユーザがロケールを指定していない場合、デフォルトでmessages.propertiesを参照します。 独自のメッセージバンドルを作成するには、末尾がロケールのプロパティファイルを新規に作成します。たとえば、messages_ja_JP.propertiesとすれば日本国+日本語になります。

10.2 ロケールの変更




10.3 メッセージ読込



<g:message code="my.localized.content" />


my.localized.content=Hola, Me llamo John. Hoy es domingo.


<g:message code="my.localized.content" args="${ ['Juan', 'lunes'] }" />


my.localized.content=Hola, Me llamo {0}. Hoy es {1}.



def show() {
    def msg = message(code: "my.localized.content", args: ['Juan', 'lunes'])


def myTag = { attrs, body ->
    def msg = g.message(code: "my.localized.content", args: ['Juan', 'lunes'])

10.4 スカッフォルドとi18n


11 セキュリティ

Grails is no more or less secure than Java Servlets. However, Java servlets (and hence Grails) are extremely secure and largely immune to common buffer overrun and malformed URL exploits due to the nature of the Java Virtual Machine underpinning the code.

Web security problems typically occur due to developer naivety or mistakes, and there is a little Grails can do to avoid common mistakes and make writing secure applications easier to write.

What Grails Automatically Does

Grails has a few built in safety mechanisms by default.

  1. All standard database access via GORM domain objects is automatically SQL escaped to prevent SQL injection attacks
  2. The default scaffolding templates HTML escape all data fields when displayed
  3. Grails link creating tags (link, form, createLink, createLinkTo and others) all use appropriate escaping mechanisms to prevent code injection
  4. Grails provides codecs to let you trivially escape data when rendered as HTML, JavaScript and URLs to prevent injection attacks here.

11.1 攻撃からの防御

SQL injection

Hibernate, which is the technology underlying GORM domain classes, automatically escapes data when committing to database so this is not an issue. However it is still possible to write bad dynamic HQL code that uses unchecked request parameters. For example doing the following is vulnerable to HQL injection attacks:

def vulnerable() {
    def books = Book.find("from Book as b where b.title ='" + params.title + "'")

or the analagous call using a GString:

def vulnerable() {
    def books = Book.find("from Book as b where b.title ='${params.title}'")

Do not do this. Use named or positional parameters instead to pass in parameters:

def safe() {
    def books = Book.find("from Book as b where b.title = ?",


def safe() {
    def books = Book.find("from Book as b where b.title = :title",
                          [title: params.title])


This really a public relations issue in terms of avoiding hijacking of your branding and a declared communication policy with your customers. Customers need to know how to identify valid emails.

XSS - cross-site scripting injection

It is important that your application verifies as much as possible that incoming requests were originated from your application and not from another site. Ticketing and page flow systems can help this and Grails' support for Spring Web Flow includes security like this by default.

It is also important to ensure that all data values rendered into views are escaped correctly. For example when rendering to HTML or XHTML you must call encodeAsHTML on every object to ensure that people cannot maliciously inject JavaScript or other HTML into data or tags viewed by others. Grails supplies several Dynamic Encoding Methods for this purpose and if your output escaping format is not supported you can easily write your own codec.

You must also avoid the use of request parameters or data fields for determining the next URL to redirect the user to. If you use a successURL parameter for example to determine where to redirect a user to after a successful login, attackers can imitate your login procedure using your own site, and then redirect the user back to their own site once logged in, potentially allowing JavaScript code to then exploit the logged-in account on the site.

Cross-site request forgery

CSRF involves unauthorized commands being transmitted from a user that a website trusts. A typical example would be another website embedding a link to perform an action on your website if the user is still authenticated.

The best way to decrease risk against these types of attacks is to use the useToken attribute on your forms. See Handling Duplicate Form Submissions for more information on how to use it. An additional measure would be to not use remember-me cookies.

HTML/URL injection

This is where bad data is supplied such that when it is later used to create a link in a page, clicking it will not cause the expected behaviour, and may redirect to another site or alter request parameters.

HTML/URL injection is easily handled with the codecs supplied by Grails, and the tag libraries supplied by Grails all use encodeAsURL where appropriate. If you create your own tags that generate URLs you will need to be mindful of doing this too.

Denial of service

Load balancers and other appliances are more likely to be useful here, but there are also issues relating to excessive queries for example where a link is created by an attacker to set the maximum value of a result set so that a query could exceed the memory limits of the server or slow the system down. The solution here is to always sanitize request parameters before passing them to dynamic finders or other GORM query methods:

def safeMax = Math.max(params.max?.toInteger(), 100) // limit to 100 results
return Book.list(max:safeMax)

Guessable IDs

Many applications use the last part of the URL as an "id" of some object to retrieve from GORM or elsewhere. Especially in the case of GORM these are easily guessable as they are typically sequential integers.

Therefore you must assert that the requesting user is allowed to view the object with the requested id before returning the response to the user.

Not doing this is "security through obscurity" which is inevitably breached, just like having a default password of "letmein" and so on.

You must assume that every unprotected URL is publicly accessible one way or another.

11.2 エンコード・デコードオブジェクト

Grails supports the concept of dynamic encode/decode methods. A set of standard codecs are bundled with Grails. Grails also supports a simple mechanism for developers to contribute their own codecs that will be recognized at runtime.

Codec Classes

A Grails codec class is one that may contain an encode closure, a decode closure or both. When a Grails application starts up the Grails framework dynamically loads codecs from the grails-app/utils/ directory.

The framework looks under grails-app/utils/ for class names that end with the convention Codec. For example one of the standard codecs that ships with Grails is HTMLCodec.

If a codec contains an encode closure Grails will create a dynamic encode method and add that method to the Object class with a name representing the codec that defined the encode closure. For example, the HTMLCodec class defines an encode closure, so Grails attaches it with the name encodeAsHTML.

The HTMLCodec and URLCodec classes also define a decode closure, so Grails attaches those with the names decodeHTML and decodeURL respectively. Dynamic codec methods may be invoked from anywhere in a Grails application. For example, consider a case where a report contains a property called 'description' which may contain special characters that must be escaped to be presented in an HTML document. One way to deal with that in a GSP is to encode the description property using the dynamic encode method as shown below:


Decoding is performed using value.decodeHTML() syntax.

Standard Codecs


This codec performs HTML escaping and unescaping, so that values can be rendered safely in an HTML page without creating any HTML tags or damaging the page layout. For example, given a value "Don't you know that 2 > 1?" you wouldn't be able to show this safely within an HTML page because the > will look like it closes a tag, which is especially bad if you render this data within an attribute, such as the value attribute of an input field.

Example of usage:

<input name="comment.message" value="${comment.message.encodeAsHTML()}"/>

Note that the HTML encoding does not re-encode apostrophe/single quote so you must use double quotes on attribute values to avoid text with apostrophes affecting your page.


URL encoding is required when creating URLs in links or form actions, or any time data is used to create a URL. It prevents illegal characters from getting into the URL and changing its meaning, for example "Apple & Blackberry" is not going to work well as a parameter in a GET request as the ampersand will break parameter parsing.

Example of usage:

<a href="/mycontroller/find?searchKey=${lastSearch.encodeAsURL()}">
Repeat last search


Performs Base64 encode/decode functions. Example of usage:

Your registration code is: ${user.registrationCode.encodeAsBase64()}


Escapes Strings so they can be used as valid JavaScript strings. For example:

    '${render(template: "/common/message").encodeAsJavaScript()}')


Encodes byte arrays or lists of integers to lowercase hexadecimal strings, and can decode hexadecimal strings into byte arrays. For example:

Selected colour: #${[255,127,255].encodeAsHex()}


Uses the MD5 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a lowercase hexadecimal string. Example of usage:

Your API Key: ${user.uniqueID.encodeAsMD5()}


Uses the MD5 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a byte array. Example of usage:

byte[] passwordHash = params.password.encodeAsMD5Bytes()


Uses the SHA1 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a lowercase hexadecimal string. Example of usage:

Your API Key: ${user.uniqueID.encodeAsSHA1()}


Uses the SHA1 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a byte array. Example of usage:

byte[] passwordHash = params.password.encodeAsSHA1Bytes()


Uses the SHA256 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a lowercase hexadecimal string. Example of usage:

Your API Key: ${user.uniqueID.encodeAsSHA256()}


Uses the SHA256 algorithm to digest byte arrays or lists of integers, or the bytes of a string (in default system encoding), as a byte array. Example of usage:

byte[] passwordHash = params.password.encodeAsSHA256Bytes()

Custom Codecs

Applications may define their own codecs and Grails will load them along with the standard codecs. A custom codec class must be defined in the grails-app/utils/ directory and the class name must end with Codec. The codec may contain a static encode closure, a static decode closure or both. The closure must accept a single argument which will be the object that the dynamic method was invoked on. For Example:

class PigLatinCodec {
  static encode = { str ->
    // convert the string to pig latin and return the result

With the above codec in place an application could do something like this:


11.3 認証

Grails has no default mechanism for authentication as it is possible to implement authentication in many different ways. It is however, easy to implement a simple authentication mechanism using either interceptors or filters. This is sufficient for simple use cases but it's highly preferable to use an established security framework, for example by using the Spring Security or the Shiro plugin.

Filters let you apply authentication across all controllers or across a URI space. For example you can create a new set of filters in a class called grails-app/conf/SecurityFilters.groovy by running:

grails create-filters security

and implement your interception logic there:

class SecurityFilters {
    def filters = {
        loginCheck(controller: '*', action: '*') {
            before = {
                if (!session.user && actionName != "login") {
                    redirect(controller: "user", action: "login")
                    return false

Here the loginCheck filter intercepts execution before all actions except login are executed, and if there is no user in the session then redirect to the login action.

The login action itself is simple too:

def login() {
    if (request.get) {
        return // render the login view

def u = User.findByLogin(params.login) if (u) { if (u.password == params.password) { session.user = u redirect(action: "home") } else { render(view: "login", model: [message: "Password incorrect"]) } } else { render(view: "login", model: [message: "User not found"]) } }

11.4 セキュリティプラグイン

If you need more advanced functionality beyond simple authentication such as authorization, roles etc. then you should consider using one of the available security plugins.

11.4.1 Spring Security

The Spring Security plugins are built on the Spring Security project which provides a flexible, extensible framework for building all sorts of authentication and authorization schemes. The plugins are modular so you can install just the functionality that you need for your application. The Spring Security plugins are the official security plugins for Grails and are actively maintained and supported.

There is a Core plugin which supports form-based authentication, encrypted/salted passwords, HTTP Basic authentication, etc. and secondary dependent plugins provide alternate functionality such as OpenID authentication, ACL support, single sign-on with Jasig CAS, LDAP authentication, Kerberos authentication, and a plugin providing user interface extensions and security workflows.

See the Core plugin page for basic information and the user guide for detailed information.

11.4.2 Shiro

Shiro is a Java POJO-oriented security framework that provides a default domain model that models realms, users, roles and permissions. With Shiro you extend a controller base class called called JsecAuthBase in each controller you want secured and then provide an accessControl block to setup the roles. An example below:

class ExampleController extends JsecAuthBase {
    static accessControl = {
        // All actions require the 'Observer' role.
        role(name: 'Observer')

// The 'edit' action requires the 'Administrator' role. role(name: 'Administrator', action: 'edit')

// Alternatively, several actions can be specified. role(name: 'Administrator', only: [ 'create', 'edit', 'save', 'update' ]) } … }

For more information on the Shiro plugin refer to the documentation.

12 プラグイン

Grails is first and foremost a web application framework, but it is also a platform. By exposing a number of extension points that let you extend anything from the command line interface to the runtime configuration engine, Grails can be customised to suit almost any needs. To hook into this platform, all you need to do is create a plugin.

Extending the platform may sound complicated, but plugins can range from trivially simple to incredibly powerful. If you know how to build a Grails application, you'll know how to create a plugin for sharing a data model or some static resources.

12.1 プラグインの作成とインストール

Creating Plugins

Creating a Grails plugin is a simple matter of running the command:

grails create-plugin [PLUGIN NAME]

This will create a plugin project for the name you specify. For example running grails create-plugin example would create a new plugin project called example.

The structure of a Grails plugin is very nearly the same as a Grails application project's except that in the root of the plugin directory you will find a plugin Groovy file called the "plugin descriptor".

Being a regular Grails project has a number of benefits in that you can immediately test your plugin by running:

grails run-app

The plugin descriptor name ends with the convention GrailsPlugin and is found in the root of the plugin project. For example:

class ExampleGrailsPlugin {
   def version = "0.1"

… }

All plugins must have this class in the root of their directory structure. The plugin class defines the version of the plugin and other metadata, and optionally various hooks into plugin extension points (covered shortly).

You can also provide additional information about your plugin using several special properties:

  • title - short one-sentence description of your plugin
  • version - The version of your plugin. Valid values include example "0.1", "0.2-SNAPSHOT", "1.1.4" etc.
  • grailsVersion - The version of version range of Grails that the plugin supports. eg. "1.2 > *" (indicating 1.2 or higher)
  • author - plugin author's name
  • authorEmail - plugin author's contact e-mail
  • description - full multi-line description of plugin's features
  • documentation - URL of the plugin's documentation

Here is an example from the Quartz Grails plugin:

class QuartzGrailsPlugin {
    def version = "0.1"
    def grailsVersion = "1.1 > *"
    def author = "Sergey Nebolsin"
    def authorEmail = "nebolsin@gmail.com"
    def title = "Quartz Plugin"
    def description = '''\
The Quartz plugin allows your Grails application to schedule jobs\
to be executed using a specified interval or cron expression. The\
underlying system uses the Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler configured\
via Spring, but is made simpler by the coding by convention paradigm.\
    def documentation = "http://grails.org/plugin/quartz"

… }

Installing and Distributing Plugins

To distribute a plugin you navigate to its root directory in a console and run:

grails package-plugin

This will create a zip file of the plugin starting with grails- then the plugin name and version. For example with the example plugin created earlier this would be grails-example-0.1.zip. The package-plugin command will also generate a plugin.xml file which contains machine-readable information about plugin's name, version, author, and so on.

Once you have a plugin distribution file you can navigate to a Grails project and run:

grails install-plugin /path/to/grails-example-0.1.zip

If the plugin is hosted on an HTTP server you can install it with:

grails install-plugin http://myserver.com/plugins/grails-example-0.1.zip

Notes on excluded Artefacts

Although the create-plugin command creates certain files for you so that the plugin can be run as a Grails application, not all of these files are included when packaging a plugin. The following is a list of artefacts created, but not included by package-plugin:

  • grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy
  • grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy (although it is used to generate dependencies.groovy)
  • grails-app/conf/Config.groovy
  • grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy (and any other *DataSource.groovy)
  • grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy
  • grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy
  • Everything within /web-app/WEB-INF
  • Everything within /web-app/plugins/**
  • Everything within /test/**
  • SCM management files within **/.svn/** and **/CVS/**

If you need artefacts within WEB-INF it is recommended you use the _Install.groovy script (covered later), which is executed when a plugin is installed, to provide such artefacts. In addition, although UrlMappings.groovy is excluded you are allowed to include a UrlMappings definition with a different name, such as MyPluginUrlMappings.groovy.

Specifying Plugin Locations

An application can load plugins from anywhere on the file system, even if they have not been installed. Specify the location of the (unpacked) plugin in the application's grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file:

// Useful to test plugins you are developing.
grails.plugin.location.shiro =

// Useful for modular applications where all plugins and // applications are in the same directory. grails.plugin.location.'grails-ui' = "../grails-grails-ui"

This is particularly useful in two cases:

  • You are developing a plugin and want to test it in a real application without packaging and installing it first.
  • You have split an application into a set of plugins and an application, all in the same "super-project" directory.

Global plugins

Plugins can also be installed globally for all applications for a particular version of Grails using the -global flag, for example:

grails install-plugin webtest -global

The default location is $USER_HOME/.grails/<grailsVersion>/global-plugins but this can be customized with the grails.global.plugins.dir setting in BuildConfig.groovy.

12.2 プラグインリポジトリ

Distributing Plugins in the Grails Central Plugin Repository

The preferred way to distribute plugin is to publish to the official Grails Central Plugin Repository. This will make your plugin visible to the list-plugins command:

grails list-plugins

which lists all plugins that are in the central repository. Your plugin will also be available to the plugin-info command:

grails plugin-info [plugin-name]

which prints extra information about it, such as its description, who wrote, etc.

If you have created a Grails plugin and want it to be hosted in the central repository, you'll find instructions for getting an account on this wiki page.

When you have access to the Grails Plugin repository, install the Release Plugin and execute the publish-plugin command to release your plugin:

grails install-plugin release
grails publish-plugin

This will automatically commit any remaining source code changes to your SCM provider and then publish the plugin to the central repository. If the command is successful, it will immediately be available on the plugin portal at http://grails.org/plugin/<pluginName>. You can find out more about the Release plugin and its other features in its user guide.

Configuring Additional Repositories

The process for configuring repositories in Grails differs between versions. For version of Grails 1.2 and earlier please refer to the Grails 1.2 documentation on the subject. The following sections cover Grails 1.3 and above.

Grails 1.3 and above use Ivy under the hood to resolve plugin dependencies. The mechanism for defining additional plugin repositories is largely the same as defining repositories for JAR dependencies. For example you can define a remote Maven repository that contains Grails plugins using the following syntax in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:

repositories {
    mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"

// ...or with a name mavenRepo name: "myRepo", root: "http://myserver:8081/artifactory/plugins-snapshots-local" }

You can also define a SVN-based Grails repository (such as the one hosted at http://plugins.grails.org) using the grailsRepo method:

repositories {
    grailsRepo "http://myserver/mygrailsrepo"

// ...or with a name grailsRepo "http://myserver/svn/grails-plugins", "mySvnRepo" }

There is a shortcut to setup the Grails central repository:

repositories {

The order in which plugins are resolved is based on the ordering of the repositories. So in this case the Grails central repository will be searched last:

repositories {
    grailsRepo "http://myserver/mygrailsrepo"

All of the above examples use HTTP; however you can specify any Ivy resolver to resolve plugins with. Below is an example that uses an SSH resolver:

def sshResolver = new SshResolver(user:"myuser", host:"myhost.com")
        "/path/to/repo/grails-[artifact]/tags/" +
sshResolver.latestStrategy =
        new org.apache.ivy.plugins.latest.LatestTimeStrategy()

sshResolver.changingPattern = ".*SNAPSHOT" sshResolver.setCheckmodified(true)

The above example defines an artifact pattern which tells Ivy how to resolve a plugin zip file. For a more detailed explanation on Ivy patterns see the relevant section in the Ivy user guide.

Publishing to Maven Compatible Repositories

In general it is recommended for Grails 1.3 and above to use standard Maven-style repositories to self host plugins. The benefits of doing so include the ability for existing tooling and repository managers to interpret the structure of a Maven repository. In addition Maven compatible repositories are not tied to SVN as Grails repositories are.

You use the Maven publisher plugin to publish a plugin to a Maven repository. Please refer to the section of the Maven deployment user guide on the subject.

Publishing to Grails Compatible Repositories

Specify the grails.plugin.repos.distribution.myRepository setting within the grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file to publish a Grails plugin to a Grails-compatible repository:

grails.plugin.repos.distribution.myRepository =

You can also provide this settings in the $USER_HOME/.grails/settings.groovy file if you prefer to share the same settings across multiple projects.

Once this is done use the repository argument of the release-plugin command to specify the repository to release the plugin into:

grails release-plugin -repository = myRepository

12.3 プラグイン構造を理解する

As as mentioned previously, a plugin is basically a regular Grails application with a plugin descriptor. However when installed, the structure of a plugin differs slightly. For example, take a look at this plugin directory structure:

+ grails-app
     + controllers
     + domain
     + taglib
 + lib
 + src
     + java
     + groovy
 + web-app
     + js
     + css

When a plugin is installed the contents of the grails-app directory will go into a directory such as plugins/example-1.0/grails-app. They will not be copied into the main source tree. A plugin never interferes with a project's primary source tree.

Dealing with static resources is slightly different. When developing a plugin, just like an application, all static resources go in the web-app directory. You can then link to static resources just like in an application. This example links to a JavaScript source:

<g:resource dir="js" file="mycode.js" />

When you run the plugin in development mode the link to the resource will resolve to something like /js/mycode.js. However, when the plugin is installed into an application the path will automatically change to something like /plugin/example-0.1/js/mycode.js and Grails will deal with making sure the resources are in the right place.

There is a special pluginContextPath variable that can be used whilst both developing the plugin and when in the plugin is installed into the application to find out what the correct path to the plugin is.

At runtime the pluginContextPath variable will either evaluate to an empty string or /plugins/example depending on whether the plugin is running standalone or has been installed in an application

Java and Groovy code that the plugin provides within the lib and src/java and src/groovy directories will be compiled into the main project's web-app/WEB-INF/classes directory so that they are made available at runtime.

12.4 基本アーティファクトの提供

Adding a new Script

A plugin can add a new script simply by providing the relevant Gant script in its scripts directory:

+ MyPlugin.groovy
   + scripts     <-- additional scripts here
   + grails-app
        + controllers
        + services
        + etc.
    + lib

Adding a new grails-app artifact (Controller, Tag Library, Service, etc.)

A plugin can add new artifacts by creating the relevant file within the grails-app tree. Note that the plugin is loaded from where it is installed and not copied into the main application tree.

+ ExamplePlugin.groovy
   + scripts
   + grails-app
        + controllers  <-- additional controllers here
        + services <-- additional services here
        + etc.  <-- additional XXX here
    + lib

Providing Views, Templates and View resolution

When a plugin provides a controller it may also provide default views to be rendered. This is an excellent way to modularize your application through plugins. Grails' view resolution mechanism will first look for the view in the application it is installed into and if that fails will attempt to look for the view within the plugin. This means that you can override views provided by a plugin by creating corresponding GSPs in the application's grails-app/views directory.

For example, consider a controller called BookController that's provided by an 'amazon' plugin. If the action being executed is list, Grails will first look for a view called grails-app/views/book/list.gsp then if that fails it will look for the same view relative to the plugin.

However if the view uses templates that are also provided by the plugin then the following syntax may be necessary:

<g:render template="fooTemplate" plugin="amazon"/>

Note the usage of the plugin attribute, which contains the name of the plugin where the template resides. If this is not specified then Grails will look for the template relative to the application.

Excluded Artefacts

By default Grails excludes the following files during the packaging process:

  • grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy
  • grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy (although it is used to generate dependencies.groovy)
  • grails-app/conf/Config.groovy
  • grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy (and any other *DataSource.groovy)
  • grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy
  • grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy
  • Everything within /web-app/WEB-INF
  • Everything within /web-app/plugins/**
  • Everything within /test/**
  • SCM management files within **/.svn/** and **/CVS/**

If your plugin requires files under the web-app/WEB-INF directory it is recommended that you modify the plugin's scripts/_Install.groovy Gant script to install these artefacts into the target project's directory tree.

In addition, the default UrlMappings.groovy file is excluded to avoid naming conflicts, however you are free to add a UrlMappings definition under a different name which will be included. For example a file called grails-app/conf/BlogUrlMappings.groovy is fine.

The list of excludes is extensible with the pluginExcludes property:

// resources that are excluded from plugin packaging
def pluginExcludes = [

This is useful for example to include demo or test resources in the plugin repository, but not include them in the final distribution.

12.5 規約の評価

Before looking at providing runtime configuration based on conventions you first need to understand how to evaluate those conventions from a plugin. Every plugin has an implicit application variable which is an instance of the GrailsApplication interface.

The GrailsApplication interface provides methods to evaluate the conventions within the project and internally stores references to all artifact classes within your application.

Artifacts implement the GrailsClass interface, which represents a Grails resource such as a controller or a tag library. For example to get all GrailsClass instances you can do:

for (grailsClass in application.allClasses) {
    println grailsClass.name

GrailsApplication has a few "magic" properties to narrow the type of artefact you are interested in. For example to access controllers you can use:

for (controllerClass in application.controllerClasses) {
    println controllerClass.name

The dynamic method conventions are as follows:

  • *Classes - Retrieves all the classes for a particular artefact name. For example application.controllerClasses.
  • get*Class - Retrieves a named class for a particular artefact. For example application.getControllerClass("PersonController")
  • is*Class - Returns true if the given class is of the given artefact type. For example application.isControllerClass(PersonController)

The GrailsClass interface has a number of useful methods that let you further evaluate and work with the conventions. These include:

  • getPropertyValue - Gets the initial value of the given property on the class
  • hasProperty - Returns true if the class has the specified property
  • newInstance - Creates a new instance of this class.
  • getName - Returns the logical name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable
  • getShortName - Returns the short name of the class without package prefix
  • getFullName - Returns the full name of the class in the application with the trailing convention part and with the package name
  • getPropertyName - Returns the name of the class as a property name
  • getLogicalPropertyName - Returns the logical property name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable
  • getNaturalName - Returns the name of the property in natural terms (eg. 'lastName' becomes 'Last Name')
  • getPackageName - Returns the package name

For a full reference refer to the javadoc API.

12.6 ビルドイベントフック

Post-Install Configuration and Participating in Upgrades

Grails plugins can do post-install configuration and participate in application upgrade process (the upgrade command). This is achieved using two specially named scripts under the scripts directory of the plugin - _Install.groovy and _Upgrade.groovy.

_Install.groovy is executed after the plugin has been installed and _Upgrade.groovy is executed each time the user upgrades the application (but not the plugin) with upgrade command.

These scripts are Gant scripts, so you can use the full power of Gant. An addition to the standard Gant variables there is also a pluginBasedir variable which points at the plugin installation basedir.

As an example this _Install.groovy script will create a new directory type under the grails-app directory and install a configuration template:

ant.mkdir(dir: "${basedir}/grails-app/jobs")

ant.copy(file: "${pluginBasedir}/src/samples/SamplePluginConfig.groovy", todir: "${basedir}/grails-app/conf")

Scripting events

It is also possible to hook into command line scripting events. These are events triggered during execution of Grails target and plugin scripts.

For example, you can hook into status update output (i.e. "Tests passed", "Server running") and the creation of files or artefacts.

A plugin just has to provide an _Events.groovy script to listen to the required events. Refer the documentation on Hooking into Events for further information.

12.7 ランタイム設定へのフック

Grails provides a number of hooks to leverage the different parts of the system and perform runtime configuration by convention.

Hooking into the Grails Spring configuration

First, you can hook in Grails runtime configuration by providing a property called doWithSpring which is assigned a block of code. For example the following snippet is from one of the core Grails plugins that provides i18n support:

import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver
import org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.LocaleChangeInterceptor
import org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource

class I18nGrailsPlugin {

def version = "0.1"

def doWithSpring = { messageSource(ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource) { basename = "WEB-INF/grails-app/i18n/messages" } localeChangeInterceptor(LocaleChangeInterceptor) { paramName = "lang" } localeResolver(CookieLocaleResolver) } }

This plugin configures the Grails messageSource bean and a couple of other beans to manage Locale resolution and switching. It using the Spring Bean Builder syntax to do so.

Participating in web.xml Generation

Grails generates the WEB-INF/web.xml file at load time, and although plugins cannot change this file directly, they can participate in the generation of the file. A plugin can provide a doWithWebDescriptor property that is assigned a block of code that gets passed the web.xml as an XmlSlurper GPathResult.

Add servlet and servlet-mapping

Consider this example from the ControllersPlugin:

def doWithWebDescriptor = { webXml ->

def mappingElement = webXml.'servlet-mapping'

def lastMapping = mappingElement[mappingElement.size() - 1] lastMapping + { 'servlet-mapping' { 'servlet-name'("grails") 'url-pattern'("*.dispatch") } } }

Here the plugin gets a reference to the last <servlet-mapping> element and appends Grails' servlet after it using XmlSlurper's ability to programmatically modify XML using closures and blocks.

Add filter and filter-mapping

Adding a filter with its mapping works a little differently. The location of the <filter> element doesn't matter since order is not important, so it's simplest to insert your custom filter definition immediately after the last <context-param> element. Order is important for mappings, but the usual approach is to add it immediately after the last <filter> element like so:

def doWithWebDescriptor = { webXml ->

def contextParam = webXml.'context-param'

contextParam[contextParam.size() - 1] + { 'filter' { 'filter-name'('springSecurityFilterChain') 'filter-class'(DelegatingFilterProxy.name) } }

def filter = webXml.'filter' filter[filter.size() - 1] + { 'filter-mapping'{ 'filter-name'('springSecurityFilterChain') 'url-pattern'('/*') } } }

In some cases you need to ensure that your filter comes after one of the standard Grails filters, such as the Spring character encoding filter or the SiteMesh filter. Fortunately you can insert filter mappings immediately after the standard ones (more accurately, any that are in the template web.xml file) like so:

def doWithWebDescriptor = { webXml ->

// Insert the Spring Security filter after the Spring // character encoding filter. def filter = webXml.'filter-mapping'.find { it.'filter-name'.text() == "charEncodingFilter" }

filter + { 'filter-mapping'{ 'filter-name'('springSecurityFilterChain') 'url-pattern'('/*') } } }

Doing Post Initialisation Configuration

Sometimes it is useful to be able do some runtime configuration after the Spring ApplicationContext has been built. In this case you can define a doWithApplicationContext closure property.

class SimplePlugin {

def name = "simple" def version = "1.1"

def doWithApplicationContext = { appCtx -> def sessionFactory = appCtx.sessionFactory // do something here with session factory } }

12.8 起動時のダイナミックメソッド追加

The Basics

Grails plugins let you register dynamic methods with any Grails-managed or other class at runtime. This work is done in a doWithDynamicMethods closure.

For Grails-managed classes like controllers, tag libraries and so forth you can add methods, constructors etc. using the ExpandoMetaClass mechanism by accessing each controller's MetaClass:

class ExamplePlugin {
    def doWithDynamicMethods = { applicationContext ->
        for (controllerClass in application.controllerClasses) {
             controllerClass.metaClass.myNewMethod = {-> println "hello world" }

In this case we use the implicit application object to get a reference to all of the controller classes' MetaClass instances and add a new method called myNewMethod to each controller. If you know beforehand the class you wish the add a method to you can simply reference its metaClass property.

For example we can add a new method swapCase to java.lang.String:

class ExamplePlugin {

def doWithDynamicMethods = { applicationContext -> String.metaClass.swapCase = {-> def sb = new StringBuilder() delegate.each { sb << (Character.isUpperCase(it as char) ? Character.toLowerCase(it as char) : Character.toUpperCase(it as char)) } sb.toString() }

assert "UpAndDown" == "uPaNDdOWN".swapCase() } }

Interacting with the ApplicationContext

The doWithDynamicMethods closure gets passed the Spring ApplicationContext instance. This is useful as it lets you interact with objects within it. For example if you were implementing a method to interact with Hibernate you could use the SessionFactory instance in combination with a HibernateTemplate:

import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate

class ExampleHibernatePlugin {

def doWithDynamicMethods = { applicationContext ->

for (domainClass in application.domainClasses) {

domainClass.metaClass.static.load = { Long id-> def sf = applicationContext.sessionFactory def template = new HibernateTemplate(sf) template.load(delegate, id) } } } }

Also because of the autowiring and dependency injection capability of the Spring container you can implement more powerful dynamic constructors that use the application context to wire dependencies into your object at runtime:

class MyConstructorPlugin {

def doWithDynamicMethods = { applicationContext -> for (domainClass in application.domainClasses) { domainClass.metaClass.constructor = {-> return applicationContext.getBean(domainClass.name) } } } }

Here we actually replace the default constructor with one that looks up prototyped Spring beans instead!

12.9 自動リロードイベントへの参加

Monitoring Resources for Changes

Often it is valuable to monitor resources for changes and perform some action when they occur. This is how Grails implements advanced reloading of application state at runtime. For example, consider this simplified snippet from the Grails ServicesPlugin:

class ServicesGrailsPlugin {
    def watchedResources = "file:./grails-app/services/*Service.groovy"

… def onChange = { event -> if (event.source) { def serviceClass = application.addServiceClass(event.source) def serviceName = "${serviceClass.propertyName}" def beans = beans { "$serviceName"(serviceClass.getClazz()) { bean -> bean.autowire = true } } if (event.ctx) { event.ctx.registerBeanDefinition( serviceName, beans.getBeanDefinition(serviceName)) } } } }

First it defines watchedResources as either a String or a List of strings that contain either the references or patterns of the resources to watch. If the watched resources specify a Groovy file, when it is changed it will automatically be reloaded and passed into the onChange closure in the event object.

The event object defines a number of useful properties:

  • event.source - The source of the event, either the reloaded Class or a Spring Resource
  • event.ctx - The Spring ApplicationContext instance
  • event.plugin - The plugin object that manages the resource (usually this)
  • event.application - The GrailsApplication instance
  • event.manager - The GrailsPluginManager instance

These objects are available to help you apply the appropriate changes based on what changed. In the "Services" example above, a new service bean is re-registered with the ApplicationContext when one of the service classes changes.

Influencing Other Plugins

In addition to reacting to changes, sometimes a plugin needs to "influence" another.

Take for example the Services and Controllers plugins. When a service is reloaded, unless you reload the controllers too, problems will occur when you try to auto-wire the reloaded service into an older controller Class.

To get around this, you can specify which plugins another plugin "influences". This means that when one plugin detects a change, it will reload itself and then reload its influenced plugins. For example consider this snippet from the ServicesGrailsPlugin:

def influences = ['controllers']

Observing other plugins

If there is a particular plugin that you would like to observe for changes but not necessary watch the resources that it monitors you can use the "observe" property:

def observe = ["controllers"]

In this case when a controller is changed you will also receive the event chained from the controllers plugin.

It is also possible for a plugin to observe all loaded plugins by using a wildcard:

def observe = ["*"]

The Logging plugin does exactly this so that it can add the log property back to any artefact that changes while the application is running.

12.10 プラグインのロード順を理解する

Controlling Plugin Dependencies

Plugins often depend on the presence of other plugins and can adapt depending on the presence of others. This is implemented with two properties. The first is called dependsOn. For example, take a look at this snippet from the Hibernate plugin:

class HibernateGrailsPlugin {

def version = "1.0"

def dependsOn = [dataSource: "1.0", domainClass: "1.0", i18n: "1.0", core: "1.0"] }

The Hibernate plugin is dependent on the presence of four plugins: the dataSource, domainClass, i18n and core plugins.

The dependencies will be loaded before the Hibernate plugin and if all dependencies do not load, then the plugin will not load.

The dependsOn property also supports a mini expression language for specifying version ranges. A few examples of the syntax can be seen below:

def dependsOn = [foo: "* > 1.0"]
def dependsOn = [foo: "1.0 > 1.1"]
def dependsOn = [foo: "1.0 > *"]

When the wildcard * character is used it denotes "any" version. The expression syntax also excludes any suffixes such as -BETA, -ALPHA etc. so for example the expression "1.0 > 1.1" would match any of the following versions:

  • 1.1
  • 1.0
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
  • 1.1-BETA2

Controlling Load Order

Using dependsOn establishes a "hard" dependency in that if the dependency is not resolved, the plugin will give up and won't load. It is possible though to have a weaker dependency using the loadAfter and loadBefore properties:

def loadAfter = ['controllers']

Here the plugin will be loaded after the controllers plugin if it exists, otherwise it will just be loaded. The plugin can then adapt to the presence of the other plugin, for example the Hibernate plugin has this code in its doWithSpring closure:

if (manager?.hasGrailsPlugin("controllers")) {
    openSessionInViewInterceptor(OpenSessionInViewInterceptor) {
        flushMode = HibernateAccessor.FLUSH_MANUAL
        sessionFactory = sessionFactory
    grailsUrlHandlerMapping.interceptors << openSessionInViewInterceptor

Here the Hibernate plugin will only register an OpenSessionInViewInterceptor if the controllers plugin has been loaded. The manager variable is an instance of the GrailsPluginManager interface and it provides methods to interact with other plugins.

You can also use the loadBefore property to specify one or more plugins that your plugin should load before:

def loadBefore = ['rabbitmq']

Scopes and Environments

It's not only plugin load order that you can control. You can also specify which environments your plugin should be loaded in and which scopes (stages of a build). Simply declare one or both of these properties in your plugin descriptor:

def environments = ['development', 'test', 'myCustomEnv']
def scopes = [excludes:'war']

In this example, the plugin will only load in the 'development' and 'test' environments. Nor will it be packaged into the WAR file, because it's excluded from the 'war' phase. This allows development-only plugins to not be packaged for production use.

The full list of available scopes are defined by the enum BuildScope, but here's a summary:

  • test - when running tests
  • functional-test - when running functional tests
  • run - for run-app and run-war
  • war - when packaging the application as a WAR file
  • all - plugin applies to all scopes (default)

Both properties can be one of:

  • a string - a sole inclusion
  • a list - a list of environments or scopes to include
  • a map - for full control, with 'includes' and/or 'excludes' keys that can have string or list values

For example,

def environments = "test"

will only include the plugin in the test environment, whereas

def environments = ["development", "test"]

will include it in both the development and test environments. Finally,

def environments = [includes: ["development", "test"]]

will do the same thing.

12.11 アーテファクトAPI

You should by now understand that Grails has the concept of artefacts: special types of classes that it knows about and can treat differently from normal Groovy and Java classes, for example by enhancing them with extra properties and methods. Examples of artefacts include domain classes and controllers. What you may not be aware of is that Grails allows application and plugin developers access to the underlying infrastructure for artefacts, which means you can find out what artefacts are available and even enhance them yourself. You can even provide your own custom artefact types.

12.11.1 使用可能なアーテファクトを探す

As a plugin developer, it can be important for you to find out about what domain classes, controllers, or other types of artefact are available in an application. For example, the Searchable plugin needs to know what domain classes exist so it can check them for any searchable properties and index the appropriate ones. So how does it do it? The answer lies with the grailsApplication object, and instance of GrailsApplication that's available automatically in controllers and GSPs and can be injected everywhere else.

The grailsApplication object has several important properties and methods for querying artefacts. Probably the most common is the one that gives you all the classes of a particular artefact type:

for (cls in grailsApplication.<artefactType>Classes) {

In this case, artefactType is the property name form of the artefact type. With core Grails you have:

  • domain
  • controller
  • tagLib
  • service
  • codec
  • bootstrap
  • urlMappings

So for example, if you want to iterate over all the domain classes, you use:

for (cls in grailsApplication.domainClasses) {

and for URL mappings:

for (cls in grailsApplication.urlMappingsClasses) {

You need to be aware that the objects returned by these properties are not instances of Class. Instead, they are instances of GrailsClass that has some particularly useful properties and methods, including one for the underlying Class:

  • shortName - the class name of the artefact without the package (equivalent of Class.simpleName).
  • logicalPropertyName - the artefact name in property form without the 'type' suffix. So MyGreatController becomes 'myGreat'.
  • isAbstract() - a boolean indicating whether the artefact class is abstract or not.
  • getPropertyValue(name) - returns the value of the given property, whether it's a static or an instance one. This works best if the property is initialised on declaration, e.g. static transactional = true.

The artefact API also allows you to fetch classes by name and check whether a class is an artefact:

  • get<type>Class(String name)
  • is<type>Class(Class clazz)

The first method will retrieve the GrailsClass instance for the given name, e.g. 'MyGreatController'. The second will check whether a class is a particular type of artefact. For example, you can use grailsApplication.isControllerClass(org.example.MyGreatController) to check whether MyGreatController is in fact a controller.

12.11.2 アーテファクト型の追加

Plugins can easily provide their own artefacts so that they can easily find out what implementations are available and take part in reloading. All you need to do is create an ArtefactHandler implementation and register it in your main plugin class:

class MyGrailsPlugin {
    def artefacts = [ org.somewhere.MyArtefactHandler ]

The artefacts list can contain either handler classes (as above) or instances of handlers.

So, what does an artefact handler look like? Well, put simply it is an implementation of the ArtefactHandler interface. To make life a bit easier, there is a skeleton implementation that can readily be extended: ArtefactHandlerAdapter.

In addition to the handler itself, every new artefact needs a corresponding wrapper class that implements GrailsClass. Again, skeleton implementations are available such as AbstractInjectableGrailsClass, which is particularly useful as it turns your artefact into a Spring bean that is auto-wired, just like controllers and services.

The best way to understand how both the handler and wrapper classes work is to look at the Quartz plugin:

Another example is the Shiro plugin which adds a realm artefact.

12.12 バイナリープラグイン


Grails 2.0から、プラグインを通常のJARファイルとしてプリコンパイルパッケージした、バイナリプラグインを生成配布することが可能になります。バイナリプラグインにすることで以下の利点があります。

  • Mavenリポジトリで通常のJARファイルで配布可能。
  • バイナリプラグインは他のJARと同じように依存管理が行える。
  • ソースコードを公開しない商用プラグインが可能
  • 通常のJARになることによって、IDE等の環境で扱いやすくなる



grails package-plugin --binary


  • コントローラ、ドメイン等のGrailsのアーテファクトクラス
  • I18nメッセージファイル
  • GSPビュー、レイアウト、テンプレート


def packaging = "binary"



パッケージを実行するとJARファイルはプラグインプロジェクトのtargrtディレクトリに生成されます。例としてtarget/foo-plugin-0.1.jar 。 バイナリプラグインを使用するには2つの方法があります。


dependencies {
    compile "mycompany:myplugin:0.1"


13 Webサービス

WebサービスはWebアプリケーションにWeb APIを提供するものであり、通常はSOAPまたはRESTで実装されています。

13.1 REST





static mappings = {





"/product/$id"(controller: "product") {
    action = [GET: "show", PUT: "update", DELETE: "delete", POST: "save"]


"/product/$id"(controller: "product", parseRequest: true) {
    action = [GET: "show", PUT: "update", DELETE: "delete", POST: "save"]



import groovyx.net.http.*
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.JSON

def http = new HTTPBuilder("http://localhost:8080/amazon")

http.request(Method.GET, JSON) { url.path = '/book/list' response.success = { resp, json -> for (book in json.books) { println book.title } } }


<g:form controller="book" method="DELETE">


XMLマーシャリング - 読み取り


import grails.converters.XML

class ProductController { def show() { if (params.id && Product.exists(params.id)) { def p = Product.findByName(params.id) render p as XML } else { def all = Product.list() render all as XML } } .. }


XMLマーシャリング - 更新


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <vendor id="12">


def save() {
    def p = new Product(params.product)

if (p.save()) { render p as XML } else { render p.errors } }


def p = new Product(params.product)




   <message>The property 'title' of class 'Person' must be specified</message>


RESTful Webサービス用のJava APIをベースとしたRESTを、JAX-RSプラグイン構築することも可能です。 (JSR 311: JAX-RS)

13.2 SOAP

GrailsにはSOAPのサポートを追加するプラグインがいくつかあります。コントラクトファーストのSOAP向けにはSpring WSプラグインがあり、GrailsサービスからSOAP APIを生成したいのであれば以下のようなプラグインがあります。


class BookService {

static expose = ['cxf']

Book[] getBooks() { Book.list() as Book[] } }



13.3 RSSとAtom

RSSやAtomについては、Grailsへの直接的な機能は提供されていません。renderメソッドのXML機能を使用して、RSSやATOMのフィードを構築することができます。他に、ROME ライブラリを使用してRSSとAtomビルダを提供したFeedsプラグイン もあります。その使用例を以下に示します。

def feed() {
    render(feedType: "rss", feedVersion: "2.0") {
        title = "My test feed"
        link = "http://your.test.server/yourController/feed"

for (article in Article.list()) { entry(article.title) { link = "http://your.test.server/article/${article.id}" article.content // return the content } } } }

14 GrailsとSpring

This section is for advanced users and those who are interested in how Grails integrates with and builds on the Spring Framework It is also useful for plugin developers considering doing runtime configuration Grails.

14.1 Grailsの土台

Grails is actually a Spring MVC application in disguise. Spring MVC is the Spring framework's built-in MVC web application framework. Although Spring MVC suffers from some of the same difficulties as frameworks like Struts in terms of its ease of use, it is superbly designed and architected and was, for Grails, the perfect framework to build another framework on top of.

Grails leverages Spring MVC in the following areas:

  • Basic controller logic - Grails subclasses Spring's DispatcherServlet and uses it to delegate to Grails controllers
  • Data Binding and Validation - Grails' validation and data binding capabilities are built on those provided by Spring
  • Runtime configuration - Grails' entire runtime convention based system is wired together by a Spring ApplicationContext
  • Transactions - Grails uses Spring's transaction management in GORM

In other words Grails has Spring embedded running all the way through it.

The Grails ApplicationContext

Spring developers are often keen to understand how the Grails ApplicationContext instance is constructed. The basics of it are as follows.

  • Grails constructs a parent ApplicationContext from the web-app/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml file. This ApplicationContext configures the GrailsApplication instance and the GrailsPluginManager.
  • Using this ApplicationContext as a parent Grails' analyses the conventions with the GrailsApplication instance and constructs a child ApplicationContext that is used as the root ApplicationContext of the web application

Configured Spring Beans

Most of Grails' configuration happens at runtime. Each plugin may configure Spring beans that are registered in the ApplicationContext. For a reference as to which beans are configured, refer to the reference guide which describes each of the Grails plugins and which beans they configure.

14.2 追加ビーンを定義する

Using the Spring Bean DSL

You can easily register new (or override existing) beans by configuring them in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy which uses the Grails Spring DSL. Beans are defined inside a beans property (a Closure):

beans = {
    // beans here

As a simple example you can configure a bean with the following syntax:

import my.company.MyBeanImpl

beans = { myBean(MyBeanImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } }

Once configured, the bean can be auto-wired into Grails artifacts and other classes that support dependency injection (for example BootStrap.groovy and integration tests) by declaring a public field whose name is your bean's name (in this case myBean):

class ExampleController {

def myBean … }

Using the DSL has the advantage that you can mix bean declarations and logic, for example based on the environment:

import grails.util.Environment
import my.company.mock.MockImpl
import my.company.MyBeanImpl

beans = { switch(Environment.current) { case Environment.PRODUCTION: myBean(MyBeanImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } break

case Environment.DEVELOPMENT: myBean(MockImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } break } }

The GrailsApplication object can be accessed with the application variable and can be used to access the Grails configuration (amongst other things):

import grails.util.Environment
import my.company.mock.MockImpl
import my.company.MyBeanImpl

beans = { if (application.config.my.company.mockService) { myBean(MockImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } } else { myBean(MyBeanImpl) { someProperty = 42 otherProperty = "blue" } } }

If you define a bean in resources.groovy with the same name as one previously registered by Grails or an installed plugin, your bean will replace the previous registration. This is a convenient way to customize behavior without resorting to editing plugin code or other approaches that would affect maintainability.

Using XML

Beans can also be configured using a grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml. In earlier versions of Grails this file was automatically generated for you by the run-app script, but the DSL in resources.groovy is the preferred approach now so it isn't automatically generated now. But it is still supported - you just need to create it yourself.

This file is typical Spring XML file and the Spring documentation has an excellent reference on how to configure Spring beans.

The myBean bean that we configured using the DSL would be configured with this syntax in the XML file:

<bean id="myBean" class="my.company.MyBeanImpl">
    <property name="someProperty" value="42" />
    <property name="otherProperty" value="blue" />

Like the other bean it can be auto-wired into any class that supports dependency injection:

class ExampleController {

def myBean }

Referencing Existing Beans

Beans declared in resources.groovy or resources.xml can reference other beans by convention. For example if you had a BookService class its Spring bean name would be bookService, so your bean would reference it like this in the DSL:

beans = {
    myBean(MyBeanImpl) {
        someProperty = 42
        otherProperty = "blue"
        bookService = ref("bookService")

or like this in XML:

<bean id="myBean" class="my.company.MyBeanImpl">
    <property name="someProperty" value="42" />
    <property name="otherProperty" value="blue" />
    <property name="bookService" ref="bookService" />

The bean needs a public setter for the bean reference (and also the two simple properties), which in Groovy would be defined like this:

package my.company

class MyBeanImpl { Integer someProperty String otherProperty BookService bookService // or just "def bookService" }

or in Java like this:

package my.company;

class MyBeanImpl {

private BookService bookService; private Integer someProperty; private String otherProperty;

public void setBookService(BookService theBookService) { this.bookService = theBookService; }

public void setSomeProperty(Integer someProperty) { this.someProperty = someProperty; }

public void setOtherProperty(String otherProperty) { this.otherProperty = otherProperty; } }

Using ref (in XML or the DSL) is very powerful since it configures a runtime reference, so the referenced bean doesn't have to exist yet. As long as it's in place when the final application context configuration occurs, everything will be resolved correctly.

For a full reference of the available beans see the plugin reference in the reference guide.

14.3 ビーンDSLでSpringランタイム

This Bean builder in Grails aims to provide a simplified way of wiring together dependencies that uses Spring at its core.

In addition, Spring's regular way of configuration (via XML and annotations) is static and difficult to modify and configure at runtime, other than programmatic XML creation which is both error prone and verbose. Grails' BeanBuilder changes all that by making it possible to programmatically wire together components at runtime, allowing you to adapt the logic based on system properties or environment variables.

This enables the code to adapt to its environment and avoids unnecessary duplication of code (having different Spring configs for test, development and production environments)

The BeanBuilder class

Grails provides a grails.spring.BeanBuilder class that uses dynamic Groovy to construct bean definitions. The basics are as follows:

import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import grails.spring.BeanBuilder

def bb = new BeanBuilder()

bb.beans {

dataSource(BasicDataSource) { driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:grailsDB" username = "sa" password = "" }

sessionFactory(ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean) { dataSource = ref('dataSource') hibernateProperties = ["hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto": "create-drop", "hibernate.show_sql": "true"] } }

ApplicationContext appContext = bb.createApplicationContext()

Within plugins and the grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy file you don't need to create a new instance of BeanBuilder. Instead the DSL is implicitly available inside the doWithSpring and beans blocks respectively.

This example shows how you would configure Hibernate with a data source with the BeanBuilder class.

Each method call (in this case dataSource and sessionFactory calls) maps to the name of the bean in Spring. The first argument to the method is the bean's class, whilst the last argument is a block. Within the body of the block you can set properties on the bean using standard Groovy syntax.

Bean references are resolved automatically using the name of the bean. This can be seen in the example above with the way the sessionFactory bean resolves the dataSource reference.

Certain special properties related to bean management can also be set by the builder, as seen in the following code:

sessionFactory(ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean) { bean ->
    // Autowiring behaviour. The other option is 'byType'. [autowire]
    bean.autowire = 'byName'
    // Sets the initialisation method to 'init'. [init-method]
    bean.initMethod = 'init'
    // Sets the destruction method to 'destroy'. [destroy-method]
    bean.destroyMethod = 'destroy'
    // Sets the scope of the bean. [scope]
    bean.scope = 'request'
    dataSource = ref('dataSource')
    hibernateProperties = ["hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto": "create-drop",
                           "hibernate.show_sql":     "true"]

The strings in square brackets are the names of the equivalent bean attributes in Spring's XML definition.

Using BeanBuilder with Spring MVC

Include the grails-spring-<version>.jar file in your classpath to use BeanBuilder in a regular Spring MVC application. Then add the following <context-param> values to your /WEB-INF/web.xml file:


<context-param> <param-name>contextClass</param-name> <param-value> org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring.GrailsWebApplicationContext </param-value> </context-param>

Then create a /WEB-INF/applicationContext.groovy file that does the rest:

import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource

beans { dataSource(BasicDataSource) { driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:grailsDB" username = "sa" password = "" } }

Loading Bean Definitions from the File System

You can use the BeanBuilder class to load external Groovy scripts that define beans using the same path matching syntax defined here. For example:

def bb = new BeanBuilder()

def applicationContext = bb.createApplicationContext()

Here the BeanBuilder loads all Groovy files on the classpath ending with SpringBeans.groovy and parses them into bean definitions. An example script can be seen below:

import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean

beans {

dataSource(BasicDataSource) { driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:grailsDB" username = "sa" password = "" }

sessionFactory(ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean) { dataSource = dataSource hibernateProperties = ["hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto": "create-drop", "hibernate.show_sql": "true"] } }

Adding Variables to the Binding (Context)

If you're loading beans from a script you can set the binding to use by creating a Groovy Binding:

def binding = new Binding()
binding.maxSize = 10000
binding.productGroup = 'finance'

def bb = new BeanBuilder() bb.binding = binding bb.loadBeans("classpath:*SpringBeans.groovy")

def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext()

Then you can access the maxSize and productGroup properties in your DSL files.

14.4 ビーンビルダーDSLの解説

Using Constructor Arguments

Constructor arguments can be defined using parameters to each bean-defining method. Put them after the first argument (the Class):

bb.beans {
    exampleBean(MyExampleBean, "firstArgument", 2) {
        someProperty = [1, 2, 3]

This configuration corresponds to a MyExampleBean with a constructor that looks like this:

MyExampleBean(String foo, int bar) {

Configuring the BeanDefinition (Using factory methods)

The first argument to the closure is a reference to the bean configuration instance, which you can use to configure factory methods and invoke any method on the AbstractBeanDefinition class:

bb.beans {
    exampleBean(MyExampleBean) { bean ->
        bean.factoryMethod = "getInstance"
        bean.singleton = false
        someProperty = [1, 2, 3]

As an alternative you can also use the return value of the bean defining method to configure the bean:

bb.beans {
    def example = exampleBean(MyExampleBean) {
        someProperty = [1, 2, 3]
    example.factoryMethod = "getInstance"

Using Factory beans

Spring defines the concept of factory beans and often a bean is created not directly from a new instance of a Class, but from one of these factories. In this case the bean has no Class argument and instead you must pass the name of the factory bean to the bean defining method:

bb.beans {

myFactory(ExampleFactoryBean) { someProperty = [1, 2, 3] }

myBean(myFactory) { name = "blah" } }

Another common approach is provide the name of the factory method to call on the factory bean. This can be done using Groovy's named parameter syntax:

bb.beans {

myFactory(ExampleFactoryBean) { someProperty = [1, 2, 3] }

myBean(myFactory: "getInstance") { name = "blah" } }

Here the getInstance method on the ExampleFactoryBean bean will be called to create the myBean bean.

Creating Bean References at Runtime

Sometimes you don't know the name of the bean to be created until runtime. In this case you can use a string interpolation to invoke a bean defining method dynamically:

def beanName = "example"
bb.beans {
    "${beanName}Bean"(MyExampleBean) {
        someProperty = [1, 2, 3]

In this case the beanName variable defined earlier is used when invoking a bean defining method. The example has a hard-coded value but would work just as well with a name that is generated programmatically based on configuration, system properties, etc.

Furthermore, because sometimes bean names are not known until runtime you may need to reference them by name when wiring together other beans, in this case using the ref method:

def beanName = "example"
bb.beans {

"${beanName}Bean"(MyExampleBean) { someProperty = [1, 2, 3] }

anotherBean(AnotherBean) { example = ref("${beanName}Bean") } }

Here the example property of AnotherBean is set using a runtime reference to the exampleBean. The ref method can also be used to refer to beans from a parent ApplicationContext that is provided in the constructor of the BeanBuilder:

ApplicationContext parent = ...//
der bb = new BeanBuilder(parent)
bb.beans {
    anotherBean(AnotherBean) {
        example = ref("${beanName}Bean", true)

Here the second parameter true specifies that the reference will look for the bean in the parent context.

Using Anonymous (Inner) Beans

You can use anonymous inner beans by setting a property of the bean to a block that takes an argument that is the bean type:

bb.beans {

marge(Person) { name = "Marge" husband = { Person p -> name = "Homer" age = 45 props = [overweight: true, height: "1.8m"] } children = [bart, lisa] }

bart(Person) { name = "Bart" age = 11 }

lisa(Person) { name = "Lisa" age = 9 } }

In the above example we set the marge bean's husband property to a block that creates an inner bean reference. Alternatively if you have a factory bean you can omit the type and just use the specified bean definition instead to setup the factory:

bb.beans {


marge(Person) { name = "Marge" husband = { bean -> bean.factoryBean = "personFactory" bean.factoryMethod = "newInstance" name = "Homer" age = 45 props = [overweight: true, height: "1.8m"] } children = [bart, lisa] } }

Abstract Beans and Parent Bean Definitions

To create an abstract bean definition define a bean without a Class parameter:

class HolyGrailQuest {
    def start() { println "lets begin" }

class KnightOfTheRoundTable {

String name String leader HolyGrailQuest quest

KnightOfTheRoundTable(String name) { this.name = name }

def embarkOnQuest() { quest.start() } }

import grails.spring.BeanBuilder

def bb = new BeanBuilder() bb.beans { abstractBean { leader = "Lancelot" } … }

Here we define an abstract bean that has a leader property with the value of "Lancelot". To use the abstract bean set it as the parent of the child bean:

bb.beans {

knights(KnightOfTheRoundTable, "Camelot") { bean -> bean.parent = abstractBean quest = ref('quest') } }

When using a parent bean you must set the parent property of the bean before setting any other properties on the bean!

If you want an abstract bean that has a Class specified you can do it this way:

import grails.spring.BeanBuilder

def bb = new BeanBuilder() bb.beans {

abstractBean(KnightOfTheRoundTable) { bean -> bean.'abstract' = true leader = "Lancelot" }


knights("Camelot") { bean -> bean.parent = abstractBean quest = quest } }

In this example we create an abstract bean of type KnightOfTheRoundTable and use the bean argument to set it to abstract. Later we define a knights bean that has no Class defined, but inherits the Class from the parent bean.

Using Spring Namespaces

Since Spring 2.0, users of Spring have had easier access to key features via XML namespaces. You can use a Spring namespace in BeanBuilder by declaring it with this syntax:

xmlns context:"http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"

and then invoking a method that matches the names of the Spring namespace tag and its associated attributes:

context.'component-scan'('base-package': "my.company.domain")

You can do some useful things with Spring namespaces, such as looking up a JNDI resource:

xmlns jee:"http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee"

jee.'jndi-lookup'(id: "dataSource", 'jndi-name': "java:comp/env/myDataSource")

This example will create a Spring bean with the identifier dataSource by performing a JNDI lookup on the given JNDI name. With Spring namespaces you also get full access to all of the powerful AOP support in Spring from BeanBuilder. For example given these two classes:

class Person {

int age String name

void birthday() { ++age; } }

class BirthdayCardSender {

List peopleSentCards = []

void onBirthday(Person person) { peopleSentCards << person } }

You can define an aspect that uses a pointcut to detect whenever the birthday() method is called:

xmlns aop:"http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop"

fred(Person) { name = "Fred" age = 45 }


aop { config("proxy-target-class": true) { aspect(id: "sendBirthdayCard", ref: "birthdayCardSenderAspect") { after method: "onBirthday", pointcut: "execution(void ..Person.birthday()) and this(person)" } } }

14.5 プロパティプレースフォルダー設定

Grails supports the notion of property placeholder configuration through an extended version of Spring's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, which is typically useful in combination with externalized configuration.

Settings defined in either ConfigSlurper scripts or Java properties files can be used as placeholder values for Spring configuration in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml. For example given the following entries in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy (or an externalized config):


You can then specify placeholders in resources.xml as follows using the familiar ${..} syntax:

<bean id="dataSource"
    <property name="driverClassName">
    <property name="url">

14.6 プロパティオーバーライド設定

Grails supports setting of bean properties via configuration. This is often useful when used in combination with externalized configuration.

You define a beans block with the names of beans and their values:

beans {
    bookService {
        webServiceURL = "http://www.amazon.com"

The general format is:

[bean name].[property name] = [value]

The same configuration in a Java properties file would be:


15 GrailsとHibernate

If GORM (Grails Object Relational Mapping) is not flexible enough for your liking you can alternatively map your domain classes using Hibernate, either with XML mapping files or JPA annotations. You will be able to map Grails domain classes onto a wider range of legacy systems and have more flexibility in the creation of your database schema. Best of all, you will still be able to call all of the dynamic persistent and query methods provided by GORM!

15.1 Hibernate XMLマッピングの使用

Mapping your domain classes with XML is pretty straightforward. Simply create a hibernate.cfg.xml file in your project's grails-app/conf/hibernate directory, either manually or with the create-hibernate-cfg-xml command, that contains the following:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
        <!-- Example mapping file inclusion -->
        <mapping resource="org.example.Book.hbm.xml"/></session-factory>

The individual mapping files, like 'org.example.Book.hbm.xml' in the above example, also go into the grails-app/conf/hibernate directory. To find out how to map domain classes with XML, check out the Hibernate manual.

If the default location of the hibernate.cfg.xml file doesn't suit you, you can change it by specifying an alternative location in grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy:

hibernate {
    config.location = "file:/path/to/my/hibernate.cfg.xml"

or even a list of locations:

hibernate {
    config.location = ["file:/path/to/one/hibernate.cfg.xml",

Grails also lets you write your domain model in Java or reuse an existing one that already has Hibernate mapping files. Simply place the mapping files into grails-app/conf/hibernate and either put the Java files in src/java or the classes in the project's lib directory if the domain model is packaged as a JAR. You still need the hibernate.cfg.xml though!

15.2 Hibernateアノテーションでのマッピング

To map a domain class with annotations, create a new class in src/java and use the annotations defined as part of the EJB 3.0 spec (for more info on this see the Hibernate Annotations Docs):

package com.books;

import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id;

@Entity public class Book { private Long id; private String title; private String description; private Date date;

@Id @GeneratedValue public Long getId() { return id; }

public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; }

public String getTitle() { return title; }

public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; }

public String getDescription() { return description; }

public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } }

Then register the class with the Hibernate sessionFactory by adding relevant entries to the grails-app/conf/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml file as follows:

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration SYSTEM
        <mapping package="com.books" />
        <mapping class="com.books.Book" />
See the previous section for more information on the hibernate.cfg.xml file.

When Grails loads it will register the necessary dynamic methods with the class. To see what else you can do with a Hibernate domain class see the section on Scaffolding.

15.3 制約の追加

You can still use GORM validation even if you use a Java domain model. Grails lets you define constraints through separate scripts in the src/java directory. The script must be in a directory that matches the package of the corresponding domain class and its name must have a Constraints suffix. For example, if you had a domain class org.example.Book, then you would create the script src/java/org/example/BookConstraints.groovy.

Add a standard GORM constraints block to the script:

constraints = {
    title blank: false
    author blank: false

Once this is in place you can validate instances of your domain class!

16 スカッフォルド

Scaffolding lets you auto-generate a whole application for a given domain class including:
  • The necessary views
  • Controller actions for create/read/update/delete (CRUD) operations

Dynamic Scaffolding

The simplest way to get started with scaffolding is to enable it with the scaffold property. Set the scaffold property in the controller to true for the Book domain class:

class BookController {
    static scaffold = true

This works because the BookController follows the same naming convention as the Book domain class. To scaffold a specific domain class we could reference the class directly in the scaffold property:

class SomeController {
    static scaffold = Author

With this configured, when you start your application the actions and views will be auto-generated at runtime. The following actions are dynamically implemented by default by the runtime scaffolding mechanism:

  • list
  • show
  • edit
  • delete
  • create
  • save
  • update

A CRUD interface will also be generated. To access this open http://localhost:8080/app/book in a browser.

If you prefer to keep your domain model in Java and mapped with Hibernate you can still use scaffolding, simply import the domain class and set its name as the scaffold argument.

You can add new actions to a scaffolded controller, for example:

class BookController {

static scaffold = Book

def changeAuthor() { def b = Book.get(params.id) b.author = Author.get(params["author.id"]) b.save()

// redirect to a scaffolded action redirect(action:show) } }

You can also override the scaffolded actions:

class BookController {

static scaffold = Book

// overrides scaffolded action to return both authors and books def list() { [bookInstanceList: Book.list(), bookInstanceTotal: Book.count(), authorInstanceList: Author.list()] }

def show() { def book = Book.get(params.id) log.error(book) [bookInstance : book] } }

All of this is what is known as "dynamic scaffolding" where the CRUD interface is generated dynamically at runtime.

By default, the size of text areas in scaffolded views is defined in the CSS, so adding 'rows' and 'cols' attributes will have no effect.

Also, the standard scaffold views expect model variables of the form <propertyName>InstanceList for collections and <propertyName>Instance for single instances. It's tempting to use properties like 'books' and 'book', but those won't work.

Customizing the Generated Views

The views adapt to Validation constraints. For example you can change the order that fields appear in the views simply by re-ordering the constraints in the builder:

def constraints = {

You can also get the generator to generate lists instead of text inputs if you use the inList constraint:

def constraints = {
    category(inList: ["Fiction", "Non-fiction", "Biography"])

Or if you use the range constraint on a number:

def constraints = {

Restricting the size with a constraint also effects how many characters can be entered in the generated view:

def constraints = {

Static Scaffolding

Grails also supports "static" scaffolding.

The above scaffolding features are useful but in real world situations it's likely that you will want to customize the logic and views. Grails lets you generate a controller and the views used to create the above interface from the command line. To generate a controller type:

grails generate-controller Book

or to generate the views:

grails generate-views Book

or to generate everything:

grails generate-all Book

If you have a domain class in a package or are generating from a Hibernate mapped class remember to include the fully qualified package name:

grails generate-all com.bookstore.Book

Customizing the Scaffolding templates

The templates used by Grails to generate the controller and views can be customized by installing the templates with the install-templates command.

17 デプロイ

Grails applications can be deployed in a number of ways, each of which has its pros and cons.

"grails run-app"

You should be very familiar with this approach by now, since it is the most common method of running an application during the development phase. An embedded Tomcat server is launched that loads the web application from the development sources, thus allowing it to pick up an changes to application files.

This approach is not recommended at all for production deployment because the performance is poor. Checking for and loading changes places a sizable overhead on the server. Having said that, grails prod run-app removes the per-request overhead and lets you fine tune how frequently the regular check takes place.

Setting the system property "disable.auto.recompile" to true disables this regular check completely, while the property "recompile.frequency" controls the frequency. This latter property should be set to the number of seconds you want between each check. The default is currently 3.

"grails run-war"

This is very similar to the previous option, but Tomcat runs against the packaged WAR file rather than the development sources. Hot-reloading is disabled, so you get good performance without the hassle of having to deploy the WAR file elsewhere.

WAR file

When it comes down to it, current java infrastructures almost mandate that web applications are deployed as WAR files, so this is by far the most common approach to Grails application deployment in production. Creating a WAR file is as simple as executing the war command:

grails war

There are also many ways in which you can customise the WAR file that is created. For example, you can specify a path (either absolute or relative) to the command that instructs it where to place the file and what name to give it:

grails war /opt/java/tomcat-5.5.24/foobar.war

Alternatively, you can add a line to grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy that changes the default location and filename:

grails.project.war.file = "foobar-prod.war"

Any command line argument that you provide overrides this setting.

It is also possible to control what libraries are included in the WAR file, for example to avoid conflicts with libraries in a shared directory. The default behavior is to include in the WAR file all libraries required by Grails, plus any libraries contained in plugin "lib" directories, plus any libraries contained in the application's "lib" directory. As an alternative to the default behavior you can explicitly specify the complete list of libraries to include in the WAR file by setting the property grails.war.dependencies in BuildConfig.groovy to either lists of Ant include patterns or closures containing AntBuilder syntax. Closures are invoked from within an Ant "copy" step, so only elements like "fileset" can be included, whereas each item in a pattern list is included. Any closure or pattern assigned to the latter property will be included in addition to grails.war.dependencies.

Be careful with these properties: if any of the libraries Grails depends on are missing, the application will almost certainly fail. Here is an example that includes a small subset of the standard Grails dependencies:

def deps = [
    "xpp3_min-" ]

grails.war.dependencies = { fileset(dir: "libs") { for (pattern in deps) { include(name: pattern) } } }

This example only exists to demonstrate the syntax for the properties. If you attempt to use it as is in your own application, the application will probably not work. You can find a list of dependencies required by Grails in the "dependencies.txt" file in the root directory of the unpacked distribution. You can also find a list of the default dependencies included in WAR generation in the "War.groovy" script - see the DEFAULT_DEPS and DEFAULT_J5_DEPS variables.

The remaining two configuration options available to you are grails.war.copyToWebApp and grails.war.resources. The first of these lets you customise what files are included in the WAR file from the "web-app" directory. The second lets you do any extra processing you want before the WAR file is finally created.

// This closure is passed the command line arguments used to start the
// war process.
grails.war.copyToWebApp = { args ->
    fileset(dir:"web-app") {
        include(name: "js/**")
        include(name: "css/**")
        include(name: "WEB-INF/**")

// This closure is passed the location of the staging directory that // is zipped up to make the WAR file, and the command line arguments. // Here we override the standard web.xml with our own. grails.war.resources = { stagingDir, args -> copy(file: "grails-app/conf/custom-web.xml", tofile: "${stagingDir}/WEB-INF/web.xml") }

Application servers

Ideally you should be able to simply drop a WAR file created by Grails into any application server and it should work straight away. However, things are rarely ever this simple. The Grails website contains an up-to-date list of application servers that Grails has been tested with, along with any additional steps required to get a Grails WAR file working.

18 Grailsに貢献する

Grails is an open source project with an active community and we rely heavily on that community to help make Grails better. As such, there are various ways in which people can contribute to Grails. One of these is by writing useful plugins and making them publicly available. In this chapter, we'll look at some fo the other options.

18.1 JIRAに課題をリポート(バグ報告)

Grails uses JIRA to track issues in both the core framework, its documentation, its website, and in many of the public plugins. If you’ve found a bug or wish to see a particular feature added, this is the place to start. You’ll need to create a (free) JIRA account in order to either submit an issue or comment on an existing one.

When submitting issues, please provide as much information as possible and in the case of bugs, make sure you explain which versions of Grails and various plugins you are using. Also, an issue is much more likely to be dealt with if you attach a reproducible sample application (which can be packaged up using the grails bug-report command).

18.2 ソースからビルドしてテストを走らせる

If you're interested in contributing fixes and features to the core framework, you will have to learn how to get hold of the project's source, build it and test it with your own applications. Before you start, make sure you have:
  • A JDK (1.6 or above)
  • A git client

Once you have all the pre-requisite packages installed, the next step is to download the Grails source code, which is hosted at GitHub in several repositories owned by the "grails" GitHub user. This is a simple case of cloning the repository you're interested in. For example, to getthe core framework run:

git clone http://github.com/grails/grails-core.git

This will create a "grails-core" directory in your current working directory containing all the project source files. The next step is to get a Grails installation from the source.

Creating a Grails installation

If you look at the project structure, you'll see that it doesn't look much like a standard GRAILS_HOME installation. But, it's very simple to turn it into one. Just run this from the root directory of the project:

./gradlew install

This will fetch all the standard dependencies required by Grails and then build a GRAILS_HOME installation. Note that this target skips the extensive collection of Grails test classes, which can take some time to complete.

Once the above command has finished, simply set the GRAILS_HOME environment variable to the checkout directory and add the "bin" directory to your path. When you next type run the grails command, you'll be using the version you just built.

Running the test suite

All you have to do to run the full suite of tests is:

./gradlew test

These will take a while (15-30 mins), so consider running individual tests using the command line. For example, to run the test case MappingDslTests simply execute the following command:

./gradlew -Dtest.single=MappingDslTest :grails-test-suite-persistence:test

Note that you need to specify the sub-project that the test case resides in, because the top-level "test" target won't work....

Developing in IntelliJ IDEA

You need to run the following gradle task:

./gradlew idea

Then open the project file which is generated in IDEA. Simple!

Developing in STS / Eclipse

You need to run the following gradle task:

./gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse

Before importing projects to STS do the following action:

  • Edit grails-scripts/.classpath and remove the line "<classpathentry kind="src" path="../scripts"/>".

Use "Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace" to import all projects to STS. There will be a few build errors. To fix them do the following:

  • Add "~/.gradle/cache/com.springsource.springloaded/springloaded-core/jars/springloaded-core-XXXX.jar" to grails-core's classpath.
  • Remove "src/test/groovy" from grails-plugin-testing's source path GRECLIPSE-1067
  • Add "~/.gradle/cache/javax.servlet.jsp/jsp-api/jars/jsp-api-2.1.jar" to the classpath of grails-web
  • Fix the source path of grails-scripts. Add linked source folder linking to "../scripts". If you get build errors in grails-scripts, do "../gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse" in that directory and edit the .classpath file again (remove the line "<classpathentry kind="src" path="../scripts"/>"). Remove possible empty "scripts" directory under grails-scripts if you are not able to add the linked folder.
  • Do a clean build for the whole workspace.
  • To use Eclipse GIT scm team provider: Select all projects (except "Servers") in the navigation and right click -> Team -> Share project (not "Share projects"). Choose "Git". Then check "Use or create repository in parent folder of project" and click "Finish".
  • Get the recommended code style settings from the mailing list thread (final style not decided yet, currently profile.xml). Import the code style xml file to STS in Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Import . Grails code uses spaces instead of tabs for indenting.

Debugging Grails or a Grails application

To enable debugging, run:

grails-debug <command>

and then connect to the JVM remotely via the IDE ("remote debugging") using the port 5005. Of course, if you have modified the grails-debug script to use a different port number, connect using that one.

If you need to debug stuff that happens during application startup, then you should modify the "grails-debug" script and change the "suspend" option from 'n' to 'y'. You can read more about the JPDA connection settings TODO here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/conninv.html#Invocation.

It's also possible to get Eclipse to wait for incoming debugger connections and instead of using "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" you could use this "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=n,address=8000" (which assumes the Eclipse default port for remote java applications) Inside eclipse you create a new "Remote Java Application" launch configuration and change the connection type to "Standard (Socket Listen)" and click debug. This allows you to start a debugger session in eclipse and just leave it running and you're free to debug anything without having to keep remembering to relaunch a "Socket Attach" launch configuration. You might find it handy to have 2 scripts, one called "grails-debug", and another called "grails-debug-attach"

18.3 Grailsコアにパッチを送る

If you want to submit patches to the project, you simply need to fork the repository on GitHub rather than clone it directly. Then you will commit your changes to your fork and send a pull request for a core team member to review.

Forking and Pull Requests

One of the benefits of GitHub is the way that you can easily contribute to a project by forking the repository and sending pull requests with your changes.

What follows are some guidelines to help ensure that your pull requests are speedily dealt with and provide the information we need. They will also make your life easier!

Create a local branch for your changes

Your life will be greatly simplified if you create a local branch to make your changes on. For example, as soon as you fork a repository and clone the fork locally, execute

git checkout -b mine

This will create a new local branch called "mine" based off the "master" branch. Of course, you can name the branch whatever you like - you don't have to use "mine".

Create JIRAs for non-trivial changes

For any non-trivial changes, raise a JIRA issue if one doesn't already exist. That helps us keep track of what changes go into each new version of Grails.

Include JIRA issue ID in commit messages

This may not seem particularly important, but having a JIRA issue ID in a commit message means that we can find out at a later date why a change was made. Include the ID in any and all commits that relate to that issue. If a commit isn't related to an issue, then there's no need to include an issue ID.

Make sure your fork is up to date

Since the core developers must merge your commits into the main repository, it makes life much easier if your fork on GitHub is up to date before you send a pull request.

Let's say you have the main repository set up as a remote called "upstream" and you want to submit a pull request. Also, all your changes are currently on the local "mine" branch but not on "master". The first step involves pulling any changes from the main repository that have been added since you last fetched and merged:

git checkout master
git pull upstream

This should complete without any problems or conflicts. Next, rebase your local branch against the now up-to-date master:

git checkout mine
git rebase master

What this does is rearrange the commits such that all of your changes come after the most recent one in master. Think adding some cards to the top of a deck rather than shuffling them into the pack.

You'll now be able to do a clean merge from your local branch to master:

git checkout master
git merge mine

Finally, you must push your changes to your remote repository on GitHub, otherwise the core developers won't be able to pick them up:

git push

You're now ready to send the pull request from the GitHub user interface.

Say what your pull request is for

A pull request can contain any number of commits and it may be related to any number of issues. In the pull request message, please specify the IDs of all issues that the request relates to. Also give a brief description of the work you have done, such as: "I refactored the data binder and added support for custom number editors (GRAILS-xxxx)".

18.4 Grailsドキュメントにパッチを送る

Contributing to the documentation is simpler for the core framework because there is a public fork of the http://github.com/grails/grails-doc project that anyone can request commit access to. So, if you want to submit patches to the documentation, simply request commit access to the following repository http://github.com/pledbrook/grails-doc by sending a GitHub message to 'pledbrook' and then commit your patches just as you would to any other GitHub repository.

Building the Guide

To build the documentation, simply type:

./gradlew docs

Be warned: this command can take a while to complete and you should probably increase your Gradle memory settings by giving the GRADLE_OPTS environment variable a value like

export GRADLE_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m"

Fortunately, you can reduce the overall build time with a couple of useful options. The first allows you to specify the location of the Grails source to use:

./gradlew -Dgrails.home=/home/user/projects/grails-core docs

The Grails source is required because the guide links to its API documentation and the build needs to ensure it's generated. If you don't specify a grails.home property, then the build will fetch the Grails source - a download of 10s of megabytes. It must then compile the Grails source which can take a while too.

Additionally you can create a local.properties file with this variable set:


The other useful option allows you to disable the generation of the API documentation, since you only need to do it once:

./gradlew -Ddisable.groovydocs=true docs

Again, this can save a significant amount of time and memory.

The main English user guide is generated in the build/docs directory, with the guide sub-directory containing the user guide part and the ref folder containing the reference material. To view the user guide, simply open build/docs/index.html.


The publishing system for the user guide is the same as the one for Grails projects. You write your chapters and sections in the gdoc wiki format which is then converted to HTML for the final guide. Each chapter is a top-level gdoc file in the src/<lang>/guide directory. Sections and sub-sections then go into directories with the same name as the chapter gdoc but without the suffix.

The structure of the user guide is defined in the src/<lang>/guide/toc.yml file, which is a YAML file. This file also defines the (language-specific) section titles. If you add or remove a gdoc file, you must update the TOC as well!

The src/<lang>/ref directory contains the source for the reference sidebar. Each directory is the name of a category, which also appears in the docs. Hence the directories need different names for the different languages. Inside the directories go the gdoc files, whose names match the names of the methods, commands, properties or whatever that the files describe.


This project can host multiple translations of the user guide, with src/en being the main one. To add another one, simply create a new language directory under src and copy into it all the files under src/en. The build will take care of the rest.

Once you have a copy of the original guide, you can use the {hidden} macro to wrap the English text that you have replaced, rather than remove it. This makes it easier to compare changes to the English guide against your translation. For example:

When you create a Grails application with the [create-app|commandLine] command,
Grails doesn't automatically create an Ant build.xml file but you can generate
one with the [integrate-with|commandLine] command:

Quando crias uma aplicação Grails com o comando [create-app|commandLine], Grails não cria automaticamente um ficheiro de construção Ant build.xml mas podes gerar um com o comando [integrate-with|commandLine]:

Because the English text remains in your gdoc files, diff will show differences on the English lines. You can then use the output of diff to see which bits of your translation need updating. On top of that, the {hidden} macro ensures that the text inside it is not displayed in the browser, although you can display it by adding this URL as a bookmark: javascript:toggleHidden(); (requires you to build the user guide with Grails 2.0 M2 or later).

Even better, you can use the left_to_do.groovy script in the root of the project to see what still needs translating. You run it like so:

./left_to_do.groovy es

This will then print out a recursive diff of the given translation against the reference English user guide. Anything in {hidden} blocks that hasn't changed since being translated will not appear in the diff output. In other words, all you will see is content that hasn't been translated yet and content that has changed since it was translated. Note that {code} blocks are ignored, so you don't need to include them inside {hidden} macros.

To provide translations for the headers, such as the user guide title and subtitle, just add language specific entries in the 'resources/doc.properties' file like so:

es.title=El Grails Framework

For each language translation, properties beginning <lang>. will override the standard ones. In the above example, the user guide title will be El Grails Framework for the Spanish translation. Also, translators can be credited by adding a '<lang>.translators' property:

fr.translators=Stéphane Maldini

This should be a comma-separated list of names (or the native language equivalent) and it will be displayed as a "Translated by" header in the user guide itself.

You can build specific translations very easily using the publishGuide_* and publishPdf_* tasks. For example, to build both the French HTML and PDF user guides, simply execute

./gradlew publishPdf_fr

Each translation is generated in its own directory, so for example the French guide will end up in build/docs/fr. You can then view the translated guide by opening build/docs/<lang>/index.html.

All translations are created as part of the Hudson CI build for the grails-doc project, so you can easily see what the current state is without having to build the docs yourself.

19 翻訳レポート

Document Translation Report.

  • File Count - 257
  • Done - 127
  • TODO - 128
  • Not found or new - 2

Original document updated after translation.:


102: // write some markup
111: // render a specific view
116: // render a template for each item in a collection
121: // render some text with encoding and content type


18 : Method     | Action


5  : … draw the navbar here…
9  : … draw the header here…
13 : … draw the footer here…
17 : … draw the body here...


76 :         // Add HSQLDB as a runtime dependency


6  : // action as a method
10 : // action as a closure


4  : grails [command name]

Not done.

  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/defaultSortOrder.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/eventsAutoTimestamping.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/caching.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/compositePrimaryKeys.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/customCascadeBehaviour.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/customHibernateTypes.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/customNamingStrategy.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/databaseIndices.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/derivedProperties.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/fetchingDSL.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/identity.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/inheritanceStrategies.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/optimisticLockingAndVersioning.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/advancedGORMFeatures/ormdsl/tableAndColumnNames.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/domainClasses.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/domainClasses/gormAssociation.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/domainClasses/gormAssociation/basicCollectionTypes.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/domainClasses/gormAssociation/manyToMany.gdoc
  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/GORM/domainClasses/gormAssociation/manyToOneAndOneToOne.gdoc
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  • ./grails-doc/src/en/guide/theWebLayer.gdoc