(Quick Reference)



Finds all of domain class instances matching the specified query


// everything

// with a positional parameter Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.author=?", ['Dan Brown'])

// 10 books from Dan Brown staring from 5th book ordered by release date Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.author=? order by b.releaseDate", ['Dan Brown'], [max: 10, offset: 5])

// examples with max/offset usage def query = "from Book as b where b.author='Dan Brown' order by b.releaseDate"

// first 10 books Book.findAll(query, [max: 10])

// 10 books starting from 5th Book.findAll(query, [max: 10, offset: 5])

// examples with named parameters Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.author=:author", [author: 'Dan Brown']) Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.author=:author", [author: 'Dan Brown'], [max: 10, offset: 5]) Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.author in (:authors)", [authors: ['Dan Brown', 'Jack London']])

// examples with tables join Book.findAll("from Book as b where not exists " + "(from Borrow as br where br.book = b)")

// query by example def example = new Book(author: "Dan Brown") Book.findAll(example)


The findAll method allows querying with Hibernate's query language HQL and querying by example, returning all matching instances. Pagination can be controlled using the max and offset parameters:

Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.author=:author",
             [author: 'Dan Brown'], [max: 10, offset: 5])

The findAll method supports the 2nd level cache:

Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.author=:author",
             [author:'Dan Brown'], [max: 10, offset: 5, cache: true])

The basic syntax for the method is:

Book.findAll(String query)
Book.findAll(String query, Collection positionalParams)
Book.findAll(String query, Collection positionalParams, Map queryParams)
Book.findAll(String query, Map namedParams)
Book.findAll(String query, Map namedParams, Map queryParams)
Book.findAll(Book example)

If you have a join in your HQL, the method will return a List of Arrays containing domain class instances. You may wish to use executeQuery in this case so you have more flexibility in specifying what gets returned.


  • query - An HQL query
  • positionalParams - A List of parameters for a positional parametrized HQL query
  • namedParams - A Map of named parameters a HQL query
  • queryParams - A Map containing parameters 'max', and/or 'offset' and/or 'cache'
  • example - An instance of the domain class for query by example
  • readOnly - true if returned objects should not be automatically dirty-checked (simlar to read())
  • fetchSize - number of rows fetched by the underlying JDBC driver per round trip
  • flushMode - Hibernate FlushMode override, defaults to FlushMode.AUTO
  • timeout - query timeout in seconds