(Quick Reference)



Executes HQL queries


// simple query
Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a")

// using with list of parameters Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a " + "where a.branch = ? and a.created > ?", ['London', lastMonth])

// using with a single parameter and pagination params Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a " + "where a.branch = ?", ['London'], [max: 10, offset: 5])

// using with Map of named parameters Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a " + "where a.branch = :branch", [branch: 'London'])

// using with Map of named parameters and pagination params Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a " + "where a.branch = :branch", [branch: 'London', max: 10, offset: 5])

// same as previous Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a " + "where a.branch = :branch", [branch: 'London'], [max: 10, offset: 5])

// tell underlying Hibernate Query object to not attach newly retrieved // objects to the session, will only save with explicit save Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a", null, [readOnly: true])

// time request out after 18 seconds Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a", null, [timeout: 18])

// have Hibernate Query object return 30 rows at a time Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a", null, [fetchSize: 30])

// modify the FlushMode of the Query (default is FlushMode.AUTO) Account.executeQuery("select distinct a.number from Account a", null, [flushMode: FlushMode.MANUAL])


The executeQuery method allows the execution of arbitrary HQL queries. HQL queries can return domain class instances, or Arrays of specified data when the query selects individual fields or calculated values. The basic syntax is:

Book.executeQuery(String query)
Book.executeQuery(String query, Collection positionalParams)
Book.executeQuery(String query, Collection positionalParams, Map metaParams)
Book.executeQuery(String query, Map namedParams)
Book.executeQuery(String query, Map namedParams, Map metaParams)


  • query - An HQL query
  • positionalParams - A List of parameters for a positional parameterized query
  • namedParams - A Map of named parameters for a named parameterized query
  • metaParams - A Map of pagination parameters max or/and offset, as well as Hibernate query parameters readOnly, fetchSize, timeout, and flushMode